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Saudek V.; Pastore A.; Morelli M. A. Castiglione; Frank R.; Gausepohl H.; Gibson T. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1991,4(5):519-529
We report the complete structure determination of a 34 residuesynthetic peptide with the amino acid sequence of the dimerizationdomain (leucine zipper) of GCN4. A high resolution structurein solution was obtained by 1H-NMR studies and distance geometrycalculations followed by restrained energy minimization. A setof 20 final structures was obtained with an average root meansquare deviation of 1.3 A for the backbone atoms (excludingthe first and the last two residues). The structure containsan uninterrupted helix. A comparison with a structure previouslydetermined for a larger peptide containing both the DNA-bindingregion (basic region) and the leucine-zipper motif shows thestructural independence of the leucine-zipper domain from thecontiguous DNA binding region. 相似文献
Determination of the structure of symmetric coiled-coil proteins from NMR data: application of the leucine zipper proteins Jun and GCN4 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
O'Donoghue S I.; Junius F. Keith; King Glenn F. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1993,6(6):557-564
Previous attempts to determine the solution structures of homodimeric'leucine zippers' using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopyhave been impeded by the complete symmetry of these coiled-coilmolecules, which makes it impossible a priori to distinguishbetween intra- and intermonomer dipolar connectivities. Consequently,a number of ad hoc approaches have been used in an attempt toderive tertiary solution structures of these molecules fromthe NMR data. In this paper we present a more rigorous approachfor analysing the NMR spectra of symmetric coiled-coil proteins.This analysis is based on calculations of intra- and intermonomerinterproton distances in the recently determined crystal structureof the GCN4 leucine zipper [O'Shea.E.K., KlemmJ.D., Kim.P.S.and Alber.T. (1991) Science, ISA, 539543] and in symmetriccoiled-coil models of the leucine zippers of GCN4 and the humanoncoprotein Jun which we constructed using a dynamic simulatedannealing approach. This analysis has enabled the formulationof a set of rules for interpreting the NMR spectra of symmetriccoiled-coil proteins and has also led to the prediction of noveldipolar connectivities which we demonstrate in a 2-D NMR spectrumof the homodimeric Jun leucine zipper 相似文献
Synthesis and properties of the peptide corresponding to the mutant form of the leucine zipper of the transcriptional activator GCN4 from yeast 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Potekhin Sergei A.; Medvedkin Vyacheslav N.; Kashparov Ivan A.; Venyaminov Sergei Yu. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1994,7(9):1097-1101
Hennecke F Müller A Meister R Strelow A Behrens S 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》2005,18(10):477-486
Coiled-coil molecular recognition: directed solution assembly of receptor ectodomains 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wu Zining; Eaton Steven F.; Laue Thomas M.; Johnson Kirk W.; Sana Theodore R.; Ciardelli Thomas L. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1994,7(9):1137-1144
The high affinity interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor is composedof at least three cell surface proteins (, ß and subunits), each of which is independently capable of ligandbinding. Physiologically, these subunits cooperate to form dimericand trimeric complexes that efficiently capture IL-2 and transmitthe signal across the membrane. The knowledge of how each subunitfunctions with respect to ligand capture, signal transmissionand internalization is essential for the development of ligand-basedIL-2 agonists and antagonists, as well as receptor-related therapeuticand diagnostic reagents. Only one of the subunits (p55 or chain)is capable of interacting with ligand in solution in a mannerthat resembles cell surface binding. To generate soluble multhnerkcomplexes of the IL-2 receptor subunits that may bind ligandin solution in a fashion that mimics the same receptor complexeson the cell surface, we have added recognition sequences (coiled-coilheptad repeats) to the ectodomains of the individual receptors.Here we describe the expression and characterization of a prototypeIL-2ß receptor ectodomain-coiled-coil fusion proteinand demonstrate that this is a feasible approach to the preparationof cytokine receptor solution complexes. 相似文献
The 144 amino acid gene 5 protein of bacteriophage Pf1 bindstightly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA during replicationof the phage genome. It has been suggested that aromatic aminoacid side chains are important for this interaction, probablythrough base stacking with the DNA. We have analysed the accessibilityof tyrosine residues in the DNAprotein complex, and theirimportance to the DNA-binding activity of the protein, by chemicalmodification and protection experiments using tetranitromethane.Tyrosines 21, 30 and 55 are surface accessible in the free proteinbut are protected from modification in the complex with phageDNA. Moreover, modification of these residues in the free proteinabolishes the ability to bind to DNA or oligonucleotides, asjudged by fluorescence spectroscopy and gel retardation analysis.Modification of the protein also results in the formation ofan intersubunit covalent cross-link between Tyr55 and Phe76,suggesting that Phe76 is located within the DNA-binding cleftof the protein. It is proposed that residues 1734 ofthe Pf1 gene 5 protein form a beta-hairpin analogous to theDNA-binding wing of the fd and Ike gene 5 proteins.We suggest the existence of a single-stranded DNA binding motif,in which Tyr30 of the Pf1 protein is equivalent to the functionallyimportant Tyr26 of the fd gene 5 protein. 相似文献
Tripet Brian; Yu Lei; Bautista Daisy L.; Wong Wah Y.; Irvin Randall T.; Hodges Robert S. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1996,9(11):1029-1042
Using the techniques of genetic engineering and the principlesof protein de novo design, we have developed a unique affinitymatrix protein tag system as a rapid, convenient and sensitivemethod to detect, purify and characterize newly expressed recombinantpeptides or proteins from cell extracts. The method utilizestwo de novo-designed linear peptide sequences that can selectivelydimerize to form the stable protein motif, the two-stranded-helical coiled-coil. In this method, a recombinant bacterialexpression vector pRLDE has been engineered so that one of thedimerization strands (E-coil) is expressed as a C-terminal fusiontag on newly expressed peptides or proteins, while the other(K-coil) is either biotin-labeled for detection in a Westernblot-type format or immobilized on an insoluble silica supportfor selective dimerization affinity chromatography. Recombinantlyexpressed peptides from Escherichia coli containing the dimerizationtag have been produced, detected and purified using this method.The recombinant peptides were easily and clearly identifiedusing the biotin-labeled coil, while the single-step affinitypurification results indicated the purity of the affinity purifiedexpressed peptides to be >95%, as assessed by reversed-phasechromatography. The stability of the dimerization domain alsoallows for the purified peptide to be left attached to the matrix,thus creating a new peptide-bound column that can be used tostudy peptideprotein or peptideligand interactions.Therefore this system offers a new alternative to existing peptideor protein fusion tags and demonstrates the utility of a denovo-designed system. 相似文献
Two quantities, herein defined as the displacement and the uniqueness,describe quantitatively the total structural difference betweentwo proteins. All possible pairs of protein chains in the Brookhavendatabase are characterized in terms of these quantities. Pairsof proteins with small values of both displacement and uniqueness,in secondary and super-secondary configuration spaces, havesimilar total structure. Proteins related in this fashion aregrouped into 158 families of similar total structure. The radialdisplacement function is herein defined to characterize therelative displacement of a residue from the center of the massof its protein. In addition, the residue backbone structurefunction is also defined to characterize the local configurationof the protein main chain in the vicinity of the residue. Thevalues of polynomial convolutions of these two functions arecharacteristic of a particular tertiary structure type. Thesepolynomial convolutions, together with other structural parameters,are used to verify the structural similarity of proteins belongingto the families indicated above. Variations in these polynomialconvolutions illustrate the amount and sequence location ofstructural deviations between proteins of the same family. 相似文献
Family of G protein {alpha} chains: amphipathic analysis and predicted structure of functional domains 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Masters Susan B.; Stroud Robert M.; Bourne Henry R. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1986,1(1):47-54
The G proteins transduce hormonal and other signals into regulationof enzymes such as adenylyl cyclase and retinal cGMP phosphodiesterase.Each G protein contains an subunit that binds and hydrolyzesguanine nucleotides and interacts with ß subunitsand specific receptor and effector proteins. Amphipathic andsecondary structure analysis of the primary sequences of fivedifferent chains (bovine s, t1 and t2, mouse i, and rat o)predicted the secondary structure of a composite chain (avg).The chains contain four short regions of sequence homologousto regions in the GDP binding domain of bacterial elongationfactor Tu (EF-Tu). Similarities between the predicted secondarystructures of these regions in avg and the known secondary structureof EF-Tu allowed us to construct a three-dimensional model ofthe GDP binding domain of avg. Identification of the GDP bindingdomain of avg defined three additional domains in the compositepolypeptide. The first includes the amino terminal 41 residuesof avg, with a predicted am phipathic helical structure; thisdomain may control binding of the chains to the ßcomplex. The second domain, containing predicted ßstrands and helices, several of which are strongly amphipathic,probably contains sequences responsible for interaction of chains with effector enzymes. The predicted structure of thethird domain, containing the carhoxy terminal 100 amino acids,is predominantly ß sheet with an amphipathic helixat the carboxy terminus. We propose that this domain is reponsiblefor receptor binding. Our model should help direct further experimentsinto the structure and function of the G protein chain. 相似文献
Hernandez Alvarez B Hartmann MD Albrecht R Lupas AN Zeth K Linke D 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》2008,21(1):11-18
We repeatedly experienced difficulties in obtaining pure protein of a defined oligomeric state when expressing domains that consist partially or entirely of coiled coils. We therefore modified an established expression vector, pASK-IBA, to generate N- and C-terminal fusions of the cloned domain in heptad register with the GCN4 leucine zipper. GCN4 is a well-characterized coiled coil, for which stable dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric forms exist. To test this expression system, we produced a series of constructs derived from the trimeric autotransporter adhesin STM3691 of Salmonella (SadA), which has a highly repetitive structure punctuated by coiled-coil regions. The constructs begin and end with predicted coiled-coil segments of SadA, each fused in the correct heptad register to the trimeric form of GCN4, GCN4pII. All constructs were expressed at high levels, trimerized either natively or after refolding from inclusion bodies, and yielded crystals that diffracted to high resolution. Thus, fusion to GCN4pII allows for the efficient expression and crystallization of proteins containing trimeric coiled coils. The structure of short constructs can be solved conveniently by molecular replacement using the known GCN4 structure as a search model. The system can be adapted for constructs with dimeric or tetrameric coiled coils, using the corresponding GCN4 variants. 相似文献
Relatively little has been known about the structure of alpha-helical membrane proteins, since until recently few structures had been crystallized. These limited data have restricted structural analyses to the prediction of secondary structure, rather than tertiary folds. In order to address this, this paper describes an analysis of the 23 available membrane protein structures. A number of findings are made that are of particular relevance to transmembrane helix packing: (1) on average lipid-tail-accessible transmembrane residues are significantly more hydrophobic, less conserved and contain different residue types to buried residues; (2) charged residues are not always buried and, when accessible to membrane lipid tails, few are paired with another charge and instead they often interact with phospholipid head-groups or with other residue types; (3) a significant proportion of lipid-tail-accessible charged and polar residues form hydrogen bonds only with residues one turn away in the same helix (intra-helix); (4) pore-lining residues are usually hydrophobic and it is difficult to distinguish them from buried residues in terms of either residue type or conservation; and (5) information was gained about the proportion of helices that tend to contribute to lining a pore and the resulting pore diameter. These findings are discussed with relevance to the prediction of membrane protein 3D structure. 相似文献
Multimer formation as a consequence of separate homodimerization domains: the human c-Jun leucine zipper is a transplantable dimerization module 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Riley L.G.; Ralston G.B.; Weiss A.S. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1996,9(2):223-230
Human c-Jun and c-Fos leucine zipper domains were examined fortheir ability to serve as autonomous dimerization domains aspart of a heterologous protein construct. Schistosoma japonicumglutathione S-transferase (GST) was fused to recombinant Junleucine zipper (rJunLZ) and Fos leucine zipper (rFosLZ) domains.SDSPAGE snapshot analyses based on disulphidelinkage of monomers demonstrated the ability of rJunLZ to functionas a dimerization motif in a foreign protein environment. Sterichindrance prevented formation of rJunLZGST::rFosLZGSTheterodimers whereas rJunLZGST::rFosLZ and rJunLZ::rFosLZGSTformed readily. Furthermore, rJunLZGST generated homodimerssuggesting fusion protein heterodimers interact differentlyto homodimers. Gel filtration chromatography confirmed thatGST is a dimer in solution and that attachment of a leucinezipper domain allows further interactions to take place. Sedimentationequilibrium analyses showed that GST is a stable dimer (Ka >106 M-1) with no higher multimeric forms. rFosLZGST weaklyassociates beyond a dimer (Ka {small tilde}4x105 M-1) and rJunLZGSTassociates indefinitely (Ka {small tilde}4x106 M-1), consistentwith an isodesmic model of association. The interaction of theseleucine zippers independently of GST association demonstratestheir utility in the modification of proteins when multimerformation is desired. 相似文献
Uegaki Koichi; Shirakawa Masahiro; Fujita Takashi; Taniguchi Tadatsugu; Kyogoku Yoshimasa 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1993,6(2):195-200
The DNA binding domain of the interferon regulatory factor-2protein (IRF-2) has been produced and characterized, -chymotrypsindigestion of the purified IRF-2 protein bound to a syntheticbinding site yields a peptide fragment of 14 K in molecularweight. N-terminal analysis of this peptide fragment showedthat its sequence is the same as that of the intact IRF-2. Apeptide fragment of {small tilde} 14 K, IRF-2(113), which correspondsto the N-terminal 113 amino acids of the intact IRF-2 protein,has been expressed in a functional form in Escherichia coli.The first methionine was processed during the expression andthe purified IRF-2(113) thus contains 112 amino acids. DNaseI footprinting and gel retardation assaying showed that IRF-2(113)binds to a synthetic DNA having the consensus binding site andto the upstream regulatory sequence of the IFN-ß geneas intact IRF-2 does. These results showed that this peptidefragment, IRF-2(113), may be a good material for investigationof the DNA binding domain of IRF-2 and of the DNAproteininteraction. 相似文献
Gronenborn Angela M.; Clore G.Marius 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1991,4(3):263-269
A model of the three-dimensional structure of the monocyte chemo-attractantand activating protein MCAF/MCP-1 is presented. The model ispredicted based on the previously determined solution structureof interleukin-8 (IL-8/NAP-1) [Clore, G.M., Appella, E., Yamada,M., Matsushima, K. and Gronenborn, A.M. (1990) Biochemistry29, 16891696]. Both proteins belong to a superfamilyof cytokine proteins involved in cell-specific chemotaxis, hostdefense and the inflammatory response. The amino acid sequenceidentity between the two proteins is 24%. It is shown that theregular secondary structure elements of the parent structurecan be retained in the modeled structure, such that the backbonehydrogen bonding pattern is very similar in the two structures.The polypeptide backbone is superimposable with an atomic r.m.s.difference of 0.9 Å and all side chains can be modeledby transferring the parent side chain conformation to the newstructure. Thus, the deduced structure, like the parent one,is a dimer and consists of a six-stranded antiparallel /3-sheet,formed by two three-stranded Greek keys, one from each monomer,upon which lie two symmetry-related antiparallel a-helices,24 Å long and separated by 14 Å. All amino acidsequence changes can be accommodated within the parent polypeptideframework without major rearrangements. This is borne out bythe fact that the IL-8/NAP-1 and modeled MCAF/MCP-1 structureshave similar non-bonding energies. These results strongly suggestthat both proteins and all other members of the superfamilymost likely have the same tertiary structure. Analysis of thedistribution of the solvent-exposed residues can be interpretedin the context of the different receptors involved in mediatingthe specific responses to both proteins and suggests that thedifferent activities of the two proteins, namely neutrophil(IL-8) versus monocyte (MCAF/MCP-1) activation and chemotaxis,reside in the specific arrangements of amino acid side chainspointing outwards from and lying in the cleft between the twoexposed long a-helices. 相似文献
Assouline Z.; Shen H.; Kilburn D.G.; Warren R.A.J. 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1993,6(7):787-792
A fusion protein, FXCBDCex, which comprises factor Xwith a cellulose-binding domain (CBDCex) fused to its C-terminus,was produced in BHK cells. It was purified from the culturemedium by affinity chromatography on cellulose. FXCBDCexcould be activated to FXaCBDCex with Russell viper venom.FXaCBDCex was as active as FXa against a chromogenicsubstrate and against proteins containing the IleGluGlyArgsequence hydrolysed by FXa. FXaCBDCex retained its activitywhen adsorbed to cellulose. 相似文献
Gent Manda E.; G?rtner Silvia; Gronenborn Angela M.; Sandulache Rodica; Clore G.Marius 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》1987,1(3):201-203
Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was employed to generatemutants of the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) of Escherichia coli.The mutant proteins were purified to homogeneity and testedfor stability and DNA binding. It is shown that mutations atthe position of Arg180 abolish specific DNA binding, whereasthose at the position Arg185 have very little effect. Both positionshave previously been implicated as crucial for the specificinteraction between CRP and DNA. The Ser128 Ala mutant showsa slight reduction in DNA binding affinity relative to wild-type.All mutants investigated show similar stability profiles towild-type CRP with respect to thermolysin proteolysis as a functionof temperature. 相似文献