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通过销-盘摩擦磨损试验,研究了碳/铜摩擦副在有无电流条件下的摩擦学性能。结果表明:试验过程中摩擦副温度不断地升高,且有电流时摩擦副温度比无电流时高,滑板材料的磨损量随着温度的升高而增大;当无电流通过时,摩擦因数随温度的升高先增大后减小,当有电流通过时,摩擦因数随温度的升高而减小。观察碳滑板磨损前后表面形貌发现:磨损表面随摩擦副温度的升高变得越来越光滑;当无电流通过时,磨粒磨损和黏着磨损是主要磨损类型,当有电流通过时,磨损类型以氧化磨损和电弧烧蚀为主。碳滑板材料磨损表面EDS分析发现,元素转移和氧化现象在磨损过程中时有发生。  相似文献   

通过ANSYS有限元软件建立钢铝复合轨(不锈钢)/受电靴(浸金属碳材料)在接触电阻热和摩擦热耦合作用下的温度场模型,模拟摩擦副的载流摩擦磨损温度场分布,研究模型在不同法向压力条件下的耦合温度变化特性。结果表明:对于浸金属碳材料/不锈钢摩擦副,在位移、电流和相对滑动速度一定的条件下,随着法向压力的升高,耦合最高温度呈现出先降低再升高的特性,存在一个使得耦合温度最低的法向压力;为降低摩擦副由于温升而导致的磨损,可选此法向压力作为实际工作压力。  相似文献   

在销-盘摩擦磨损试验机上研究浸金属碳/纯铜、纯碳/不锈钢、浸金属碳/不锈钢、纯碳/纯铜4种受电弓滑板/接触线的载流摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:浸金属碳/纯铜的摩擦因数比其他3对配副的摩擦因数都大,且其配副的碳滑板材料磨损量比其他3对配副的磨损量都高;4对配副的主要磨损机制是电弧烧蚀、磨粒磨损和氧化磨损,而浸金属碳/纯铜还出现黏着磨损。浸金属碳/纯铜因磨损严重,且电滑动中发出异常噪声,应避免作为受电弓滑板/接触线材料。  相似文献   

选取地铁刚性接触网中现役的浸金属碳滑板与铜银合金接触线为接触副,模拟地铁弓网的实际运行状况,在环-块式试验机上研究直流电流为200~400 A、法向载荷为15~40 N、滑动速度为40~120 km/h工况下浸金属碳滑板载流摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:摩擦因数随电流和滑动速度的增大而减小,随法向载荷的增大而增大;磨损量随电流和滑动速度的增大而增大,当电流较小时(如200 A),磨损量和法向载荷之间存在一个阈值,当电流较大时(如400 A),磨损量随法向载荷的增大而减小;滑板温度随电流的增大而增大,随法向载荷增大而减小,当电流较小时(如200 A),滑板温度随速度的增大而增大,当电流较大时(如400 A),滑板温度随速度的增大而减小;当电流为200~300 A时,其磨损机制主要为机械磨损,当电流为300~400 A时,其磨损机制主要为氧化磨损和电弧烧蚀。  相似文献   

根据列车受电弓系统的实际工况条件,在自制的销-盘式载流摩擦磨损试验机上研究了Al2O3弥散强化铜合金销试样和黄铜(H62)盘试样摩擦副在载流条件下的滑动摩擦磨损性能,试验条件为速度20m/s、载荷0.63MPa、电流25-75A。试验结果表明,电流对黄铜/Al2O3弥散强化铜合金摩擦副的滑动干摩擦行为具有显著影响。随电流的增加,销试样的磨损率增加,摩擦因数增大,试样表层发生了磨粒磨损和粘着磨损。  相似文献   

Observations have been made of the wear from an SAE 1113 steel pin specimen rubbing on a SAE 113 steel disk in a normal laboratory atmosphere in relation to normal load (0.5–10.4 lbf), slidinq speed (21–188 ft/sec), sliding distance and track history. As a function of sliding distance, three regions are observed; (i) initial severe wear, (ii) mild wear resultinq from the formation of oxide layers on both the pin specimen and transferred particles adhering to the track, (iii) a milder wear, due to the attainment of a uniform track condition. The wear rate measured in (ii) is observed to be proportional to normal load for constant (normal load)1/2 × (sliding speed) provided that the magnitude of this parameter is insufficient to cause periodic removal of the surface film. This conclusion is shown to be compatible with earlier theoretical predictions when the presence of an oxide layer was pre-supposed. Unlike the coefficient of friction which is primarily determined by the pin surface condition only, the pin wear rate depends on the conditions of both the pin and track surface.  相似文献   

在销-盘摩擦磨损试验机上试验了氮气和空气环境对带电摩擦磨损的影响.试验结果表明:氮气环境中的1Cr18Ni9Ti/浸金属碳的摩擦因数比空气环境中的高.在电流为100 A时,2种环境对摩擦因数的影响差别较小.在氮气环境中,浸金属碳材料接正极时的摩擦因数比接负极时的低,而在空气环境中结果恰恰相反.在空气环境中,浸金属碳材料的电弧烧蚀严重些.  相似文献   

钢芯铝绞线绞线间接触与磨损分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据架空输电导线的受力特点,建立了钢芯铝绞线局部接触模型.利用有限元分析了不同张力下铝绞线间的接触应力,从微观形貌分析了导线表面的黏着区与滑移区的分布特点,并通过两者的对比,获得了导线层间线股的磨损机制.结果表明,黏着区主要位于接触应力较大的接触区域中部,滑移区分布于接触应力较小的接触区域边缘.在黏着区,导线表层铝组织在高接触压力作用下破裂、塌陷,而滑移区的表层铝组织呈片状滑移、剥落.  相似文献   

为探究水润滑条件下转速对车轮钢滚动接触疲劳和磨损性能的影响,利用滚动接触摩擦磨损试验测试不同转速下车轮试样的剥离寿命、摩擦因数和磨损率,并结合磨损形貌和裂纹扩展形貌观察,对比分析不同转速下摩擦磨损和剥离寿命的影响因素。结果表明:随转速提高,车轮材料氧化程度加剧,导致摩擦因数逐渐增加;当转速由250 r/min增至500 r/min时,摩擦因数增幅较小,应变速率增加导致磨损率下降,当转速由500 r/min增至1000 r/min时,摩擦因数急剧增加,导致材料磨损率增加;随转速提高,剖面塑性流动层厚度、裂纹扩展角度、裂纹分叉深度和最大扩展深度均呈现减小趋势。转速增加带来的摩擦因数的增加,一方面缩短裂纹萌生寿命,另一方面减小了裂纹发生向上转折的深度,最终导致滚动接触疲劳寿命随转速的增加而减小。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that insight into the tribological reactions taking place in mixed and boundary lubrication can be provided by combining microsample four-ball wear tests with chemical analysis using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) as the principal analytical tool. At the end of the microsample four-ball wear test the lubricant turns into a grease-like mixture preventing the liquid lubricant from recirculating into the wear track and thus causing failure. Analyses of the various lubricant samples after their failure in the microsample test all show a relatively small amount of insoluble deposits and a large quantity of unreacted fresh lubricant. Virtually no intermediate reaction products were found. Combining this information with lubricant stability and the fact that a large quantity of lubricant flowed through the sliding junction while only a small portion was oxidized suggests that two very different thermal environments exist in the concentrated contact. The insoluble deposits are typical of thermal oxidative reactions that require temperatures of400°C or above. The unreacted lubricant found at failure indicates that this portion of the lubricant sample was maintained at temperatures of 150°C or below. The formation of grease-like mixture with as little as four percent reacted material indicates the remaining liquid lubricant and its insoluble reaction deposits were well mixed throughout the test. These findings suggest that the hot zones causing severe lubricant degradation are in the immediate vicinity of the asperity-asperity contacts while the low temperature zone - the valleys between asperities which are in the majority - are much cooler.  相似文献   

载流摩擦磨损系统研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于摩擦学的三公理,对载流摩擦磨损的机制进行研究,建立了载流摩擦磨损的系统构成图、功能平面图、微观接触的电接触状态图和载流摩擦磨损电传导电路模型,分析了火花和电弧产生的原因,得到了载流磨损量与法向载荷之间的关系模型,较好地解释了电因素对摩擦磨损的作用,为载流摩擦磨损的研究建立了理论分析基础.  相似文献   

Many tribosystems are subjected to different conditions with respect to temperature and humidity. Reciprocating sliding tests with steel/steel couples were performed using a laboratory test rig in air with varying relative humidity and temperature. During each test the friction force, the total linear wear, the electrical contact resistance, and the acoustic emission were recorded. Tests with self‐mated couples of bearing steel (100r6) and of stainless steel (X10CrNiMoNb18‐10/X5CrNi18‐9) in a ball‐on‐disc arrangement revealed small effects of temperature and humidity on friction, but a strong effect of the water vapour content on the wear rate of the system. Attempts were made to correlate changes of wear behaviour with different wear mechanisms.  相似文献   

控制电流为250 A,滑动速度为160 km/h,在接触压力50,70,90,110,130 N下,在环-块式载流摩擦磨损试验设备上进行接触压力对碳滑板/铜接触线载流摩擦磨损性能的影响试验,用光学显微镜对滑块的磨损形貌进行观察.结果表明:随着接触压力的减小,滑块的磨损形貌由以较光滑磨损面为主过渡到以受电弧飞溅影响磨损面和多麻坑磨损面为主,主要磨损形式由磨粒磨损过渡到电弧烧蚀磨损,摩擦因数的过渡阶段逐渐明显,稳定阶段的摩擦因数逐渐增大;碳滑板的磨损率随着试验的进行进入稳定期,稳定期磨损率随着接触压力的增加先减小后增加,呈“U”形分布;接触压力的增加可以降低电弧功率和离线率;从碳滑板的磨损率和载流稳定性综合考虑,90 N为最佳接触压力.  相似文献   

The design and life prediction of fretting wear-sensitive mechanical components remain a challenge. In the present work, the role of wear particle movements under conditions of axisymmetric loading of an annular flat-on-flat contact were investigated using self-mated quenched and tempered steel specimens. Total fretting wear significantly increased when loose wear particles were periodically removed from the interface, and this effect increased as a function of the sliding amplitude. Additionally, increased wear was measured when grooves perpendicular to the sliding direction were added to the interface. Increasing the rate of wear debris ejection leads to increased wear rate because naturally occurring entrapped third-body particles significantly reduce the wear. The shape of fretting loops and values of the average and maximum coefficient of friction remained unaffected by the removal of entrapped wear debris and by the introduction of the grooves.  相似文献   

大气条件下,研究了低强度直流稳恒弱磁场对45#钢干滑动磨损性能的影响.结果表明:与无磁场条件下相比,直流稳恒弱磁场使45#钢磨损量明显减少;随着磁场强度的增加,磨损量逐渐减少.3-D表面形貌分析表明,施加一定强度磁场的试样磨损后,表面光滑平整.  相似文献   

Interferometric examination and taper sectioning were used to elucidate the microtopography of the contacting surfaces of a finely ground disk and a conically ended rider. The question of the real area of contact when these surfaces are put together under high pressure is considered. Inspection of the wear track on the disk after a short interval of rubbing, with either white oil or a compounded oil, revealed that visible evidence of true metal-to-metal contact was quite sparse in comparison to the potential real area of contact deduced from microtopographical considerations. The scar on the end of the rider, on the other hand, showed evidence of extensive rubbing, as a consequence of the high ratio of the area of the disk track to the area on the end of the rider. The two rubbing surfaces were in a relatively smooth condition; therefore the wear particles must have been small and sparse. When the rubbing path was reiterated many times, the alteration of the contacting surfaces by previous rubbing affected the course of wear on subsequent rubbing. The effect of the lubricant became apparent at this stage of the wear process.  相似文献   

表面粗糙度对滑动电接触磨损率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电气化铁路弓网系统中,磨损率是衡量列车运行状态与接触导线使用状态的重要指标。为了充分模拟弓网系统中磨损率情况,利用自行搭建的滑动电接触摩擦磨损试验机对滑板和接触导线进行摩擦磨损试验,分析滑板表面粗糙度、法向压力、接触电流与运行速度对磨损率的影响。得出结论:滑板磨损率随滑板初始表面粗糙度、接触电流、法向压力、运行速度的增加而增加,而高载荷下粗糙度对于磨损率的影响降低;滑板摩擦从磨合期进入稳定摩擦期存在一个临界表面粗糙度,当滑板初始表面粗糙度值等于临界粗糙度值时,其磨损率最低;不同初始表面粗糙度的滑板在跑合期内磨损过程不同,在稳定摩擦期内磨损过程趋于一致,且摩擦试验后滑板表面粗糙度也接近。  相似文献   

在高速/强电流作用下,弓网接触界面摩擦磨损程度的量化是衡量弓网系统电能传输稳定性的重要技术指标。分析影响弓网接触界面磨损量的电流、速度、接触压力等定量因素,在COMSOL Multiphysics软件环境下,对这三个因素造成的弓网接触界面温度变化进行量化,间接反映滑动接触界面的摩擦磨损程度。运用该方法所得的数值模拟结果与试验分析的结果是一致的。  相似文献   

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