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智能手机、平板电脑、数码相机等电子产品的广泛应用为移动电源产品增加了市场机遇,特别是智能手机对移动电源的需求性最高。因此,移动电源的质量安全与消费者的日常生活密切相关。本文介绍了2016-2020年移动电源国家及省市监督抽查中的具体情况,重点分析了2020年移动电源产品在国家监督和地方监督抽查中常见的安全问题以及各种安全隐患,从生产、监管以及消费者方面提出了相应的建议和解决方案。  相似文献   

杨勤  刘大帅  王卫星  石勐  王建伟 《包装工程》2020,41(16):170-175
目的为解决现有家庭蔬菜种植箱产品功能单一、操作繁琐且耗时费力和无法智能控制的问题;通过用户需求分析发现目标产品的机会缺口,实现产品创新设计。方法首先,通过对现有产品的现状及目标用户进行市场调研,分析其SET因素以发现目标产品机会缺口;其次,采用熵权法对调研所得的用户需求进行权重计算,将重要的用户需求进行SET产品机会缺口深度分析,找到产品创新机会缺口和矛盾问题,以保证产品符合用户的实际需求;然后,运用TRIZ分析产品机会缺口中出现的的矛盾问题,将其描述成相应的物理矛盾或技术矛盾,再利用发明原理解决矛盾;最后,结合相关技术并利用Rhino三维软件完成产品概念设计方案。结论将SET分析法与TRIZ相结合对家庭智能蔬菜种植箱进行设计实践,验证了该方法为产品创新设计构想提供新思路的可行性,并为家庭智能产品的创新开发提供了思路和参考。  相似文献   

移动电源车就是填补电力供应缺口,并且面对多种灾害供电专门设计的车载式移动电站,主要特点就是灵活、机动。移动电源车市场对于移动电源车产品的要求是多层次、全方位的,移动电源车系列产品在开发过程中要基于市场需求。移动电源小车通过机组间和工作间构成,机组间横向具有2台低温启动系统电缆、机组和电缆盘,工作间具备工作台、控制柜、工具柜和输出板。该文基于移动电源车市场,分析了移动电源小车设计的结构,以此实现移动电源小车的开发。  相似文献   

许世虎  逯新辉 《包装工程》2012,33(8):64-67,95
以消费类医疗产品为例,论述产品界面设计的特点。对消费类医疗产品SET系列因素展开分析找到其相应的市场机会缺口,以此作为切入点,并始终围绕以用户为中心,探讨产品界面设计中建立用户模型和任务模型的意义,结合生产方案设计将前期概念转化为实质性的产品,通过评估设计保持最终产品与最初概念的一致性,从而构建基于用户为中心的产品界面设计流程。  相似文献   

刘胡炜 《认证技术》2014,(12):30-31
为了解我国市场上销售的移动电源产品的质量安全状况,深圳市计量质量检测研究院联合上海市质量监督检验技术研究院与国家通讯终端产品质量监督检验中心,共同承担了国家质检总局2014年重点工业产品质量安全风险监测中关于移动电源产品的风险监测任务。  相似文献   

黄劲松  张阿杰  张学敏 《包装工程》2023,44(12):180-188
目的 针对目前国内市场幼儿园洗手产品缺乏一定互动性和引导性的问题,设计研究一款幼儿园智能洗手机,帮助引导幼儿养成良好的洗手习惯,更好地呵护幼儿身体健康。方法 首先通过分析SET因素,明确产品机遇;其次进行用户调研,获取用户需求点,采用熵权法对层次分析法(AHP)所得到的数据进行修正得到综合权重值,并进行用户需求重要度排序,明确产品价值机会;再次根据产品价值机会,形成产品概念,绘制设计概念矩阵;最后将概念转化成设计方案,并制作产品样机模型,检验设计方案的有效性。结论 INPD与熵权法指导下的幼儿园智能洗手机设计具有可行性。INPD法提高了产品开发的效率和市场成功率,层次分析法(AHP)和熵权法组合赋权完善了用户重要需求提取过程,使幼儿园智能洗手机的整个设计流程更具科学性、系统性和合理性。  相似文献   

移动电源爆炸起火事件屡见报端,引起社会高度关注。本文基于行业和市场调查,对移动电源产品质量安全问题根源进行深入分析,指出假冒伪劣产品猖獗是移动电源产品质量安全的症结所在。为此,提出开展风险排查和市场整顿活动,完善标准,开展消费者质量安全教育等措施建议。  相似文献   

<正>日前,深圳市消委会对2014年第4季度电商平台热卖的20个品牌的20款移动电源产品进行了比较试验。结果显示,国产品牌不输洋品牌,深圳本土品牌表现则更为抢眼。同时,为全面规范移动电源市场,深圳将会出台该行业的社会团体标准,以保护消费者切身利益。2014年全年,深圳市消委会共接到关于移动电源的消费投诉100宗,主要集中在质量、性能及售后等方面。为指引消费,深圳市消委会针对2014年第4季度电商平台热卖的20个品牌的20款移动电源产品进行了比较试验,包括飞毛腿、飞利浦、台电、羽博、小米等国内外  相似文献   

<正>选购指南目前充电宝市场鱼龙混杂、缺少国家标准的,不合格的移动电源其实就是一个潜在危险的"小炸弹"。业内专家提示,在选购移动电源时,尽量选购正规厂家的移动电源产品,避免在使用过程中发生意外。购买前应该仔细检查外包装上是否有厂家生产地址、电话、防伪码、条形码等信息,不要被低廉的价格和侥  相似文献   

近日,中国化学与物理电源行业协会公布首次抽检的国内USB接口类移动电源测试性能结果。据检测结果显示,抽检的20个品牌移动电源有效放电仅60%,最低仅40%。移动电源市场骤增,各种问题也是频频发生。此前针对移动电源产品,人们的关注焦点大多是集中在其安全性上,这一检测结果使得移动电源的又一个品质问题被推到公众面前。  相似文献   

郭蔚  邓霞  曹阳 《包装工程》2018,39(2):166-169
目的从产品设计角度研究解决独居老年人问题的相关应用。方法以独居老年人群体的主客观需求为主线,运用SET分析做出产品设计定位,设计出符合独居老年人群的应用型产品。结论独居老年人的产品设计应整合环境、人文、社会、文化、技术、市场等因素进行系统化考虑。  相似文献   

胡康  邱杰  艾险峰 《包装工程》2019,40(24):179-186
目的我国老龄化现象显著,老年人问题日益增多,由于未来保姆和护工人员的短缺,为老年人用户群体设计出满足多种需求的陪护产品势在必行。方法运用iNPD与AHP方法指导老年人陪护产品设计,用SET因素分析,寻找产品机会缺口;通过对老年人、子女和医护人员进行问卷调查,明确老年人用户对陪护产品的多种需求;利用层次分析法和解释结构模型法对用户需求进行整理和排序;对设计概念进行权衡筛选,得出设计概念;制作产品模型,检查外观和结构合理性,优化设计。结论针对老年人用户需求分析的复杂性和陪护产品创新设计的科学性,得出结合iNPD和AHP的创新设计模型及一项概念产品设计。以案例实证方式验证iNPD与AHP方法相结合的可行性与合理性,为老年人多功能陪护产品创新设计研究完善思路与方向。  相似文献   

Nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS)-gate metal- oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and single- electron transistor (SET) structures are investigated by combining 3-D design and SPICE simulation. First, the metal gate is simulated by using a 3-D simulator, which enables to design realistic 3-D device structures, and its movement is studied for different design parameters. It is demonstrated that a low stiffness design of the structure is essential for a low-voltage actuation. Results are compared with theoretical numerical simulation and a tunable capacitor model is then embedded in a SPICE simulator and coupled either with a transistor model for MOS-NEMS or with a newly developed SET analytical model for SET-NEMS. It is shown that the use of NEMS membrane can add new functionalities to conventional MOSFET and SET, such as very abrupt switching of the current, which can break theoretical limits of MOSFET, or modulation of Coulomb oscillations governing SET characteristics  相似文献   

强威 《包装工程》2022,43(18):262-270
目的 后疫情时代下人们对健康越来越重视,明确家庭空气健康的重要性,探索守护家庭空气健康的新产品设计及方法。方法 首先从经济、社会、技术(SET)等因子入手,分析后疫情时代下产品存在的机会点;再通过市场调研收集用户对消毒产品的需求,将需求进行分层和排序,结合设计事理学理论,分析产品系统内各要素间的关系,明确产品功能使用模型,借助感性工学的理论研究内容制作样本;最后得出设计概念及模型,对设计结果进行合理性评价。结论 结合设计事理学理论与感性工学研究方法,得出后疫情时代家用空气消毒产品概念模型,其过程具有科学性和可行性。进一步完善了后疫情时代健康类产品设计的研究方法,为后续相关类产品的创新设计提供了新思路。  相似文献   

With the development and evolution of consumer culture, product meaning becomes a more and more important factor for consumers to choose what to buy in similar products. In view of the existing research for opportunity identification confined to user needs or technology development or both of the two factors, combined with the designer's guiding effect for product design innovation, the process of product design innovation front end opportunity identification was established, which was based on three factors like the product meaning, technology development and customer needs. The process of opportunity identification was as follows, the first step was to divide the user group by some standards, and then studying the user group needs respectively, choosing the key product technologies and analyzing their status, and analyzing product meaning influencing factors, according to the factors metioned above to identify the target user group and the product design objective for the group, the second step was to classify and arrange the target group needs, the key product technologies' status and product meaning expressions as the clues of product design innovation opportunity, the third step was to transform the opportunity clues which were classified and arranged in the previous step into innovation opportunities by using a variety of innovative tools and innovative thinking integration, and at last according to the constrains of the innovation opportunities which were obtained by the group needs, the key product technologies' status and product meaning clues, incorporating with the corporate philosophy, fund allocation and transfer and other factors, to choose couple of opportunities to be the opportunity program, which might be more suitable for the enterprise development. Finally, the opportunity identification for product design innovation front end process is verified by the example of the nail gun. The process has achieved the design-driven, the market-driven and technology-driven opportunity recognition, and it meets customer demand, adapts to the technology development and expresses the meaning of product at the same time, which provides solution for evolutionary and upgrade of products.  相似文献   

A practical model for a single-electron transistor (SET) was developed based on the physical phenomena in realistic Si SETs, and implemented into a conventional circuit simulator. In the proposed model, the SET current calculated by the analytic model is combined with the parasitic MOSFET characteristics, which have been observed in many recently reported SETs formed on Si nanostructures. The SPICE simulation results were compared with the measured characteristics of the Si SETs. In terms of the bias, temperature, and size dependence of the realistic SET characteristics, an extensive comparison leads to good agreement within a reasonable level of accuracy. This result is noticeable in that a single set of model parameters was used, while considering divergent physical phenomena such as the parasitic MOSFET, the Coulomb oscillation phase shift, and the tunneling resistance modulated by the gate bias. When compared to the measured data, the accuracy of the voltage transfer characteristics of a single-electron inverter obtained from the SPICE simulation was within 15%. This new SPICE model can be applied to estimating the realistic performance of a CMOS/SET hybrid circuit or various SET logic architectures.  相似文献   

目的 为了减少突发公共安全事件造成的人员伤亡,设计一款能就地提供医疗救治环境的折叠式隔离设备,并解决应急隔离设备在平时面临闲置的问题,高效满足日常医疗和应急公共安全救治。方法构建集成INPD/AHP/TRIZ的方法进行设计研究以获得解决方案,整个设计流程以INPD方法为基础,首先通过SET分析法,寻找折叠式隔离设备设计机会点;进而建立层次结构模型,使用AHP对设备需求进行权重值计算和优先级排序;再应用TRIZ理论工具解决需求间的冲突,结合设计概念矩阵筛选出较好的设计概念,形成设计方案;最后建立设备模型,设计中控界面,并再次用户调研,验证设计方案是否达到用户预期。结果 设计出的折叠式隔离设备,可以快速提供一定规模的高标准医疗空间。结论INPD/AHP/TRIZ设计流程,可对用户的模糊多元诉求进行洞察,利用不同的原理解决产品设计中的矛盾,同时为相关临时隔离设备创新设计研究完善思路与方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of energy quantization on different single-electron transistor (SET) circuits (logic inverter, current-biased circuits, and hybrid MOS-SET circuits) are analyzed through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that energy quantization mainly increases the Coulomb blockade area and Coulomb blockade oscillation periodicity, and thus, affects the SET circuit performance. A new model for the noise margin of the SET inverter is proposed, which includes the energy quantization effects. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of the SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. An analytical expression is developed, which explicitly defines the maximum energy quantization (termed as “ quantization threshold”) that an SET inverter can withstand before its noise margin falls below a specified tolerance level. The effects of energy quantization are further studied for the current-biased negative differential resistance (NDR) circuit and hybrid SETMOS circuit. A new model for the conductance of NDR characteristics is also formulated that explains the energy quantization effects.   相似文献   

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