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<正> 一、概 况 近年来,国际上用聚酯、铝箔、聚烯烃等材料的复合薄膜制成袋状或盘状容器,充填食品后经密封和高温杀菌制成包装食品,这种包装食品与传统的金属罐、玻璃罐等罐头食品相似,但其材料性能比较柔软,故称软罐头食品(flexible canned food),此种食品大多制成袋状,经过高温高压蒸汽杀菌,故又有蒸煮袋食品(retort pouch food)或可杀菌袋食品(retortable pouch food)之称。软罐头与刚性罐头相比,具有重量  相似文献   

建 国以来我国罐头食品容器包装一直采用卷封式玻璃罐(即CKO胜利瓶)。这种玻璃罐封口形式密封性能好 ,采用机械封口速度快 ,罐头食品的保质期长 ,但最大的缺点是开启困难 ,对此消费者的意见很大。现在虽然大部分玻璃罐形式已改为爪式旋开盖 ,但由于不少制盖厂生产的爪式旋开盖、玻璃瓶厂生产的爪式旋开瓶质量都很差 ,互相又不配套 ,达不到密封要求 ,有的不容易开启 ,消费者仍有不少意见。“罐头好吃 ,口难开”这个老大难的问题 ,没有得到彻底解决。随着食品工业的发展 ,包装食品品种日益丰富 ,国内外市场对玻璃瓶包装的食品需求不断扩…  相似文献   

按照包装形式的不同,常见的乳粉包装可分为铝塑复合膜、镀铝复合膜等塑料软包装及金属罐两种;按照包装内气体成分的不同,常见的乳粉包装又可分为充氮包装、气调包装与普通包装三种。充氮包装即向包装内充入一定量的氮气置换原有空气成分,气调包装即向包装内充入氮气与二氧化碳的混合气体,而普通包装即包装内主要是空气,并未做任何抽真空或充气处理。  相似文献   

<正>金属罐饮料是日常生活中非常常见的一种饮料,金属罐饮料便于携带且保质期长的特点使得其成为很多饮料爱好者的必备品。但金属罐包装的饮料也有一些食品安全问题,会危害人体的健康,而本文则基于此对金属罐包装的饮料的食品安全问题进行了分析。金属包装食品的技术最早可追溯到19世纪,当时为了解决困扰军队的食品储存问题,英国人发明了采用锡  相似文献   

<正> 封罐和检测系统给传统的罐头生产线提供了高速度、高效率和完整的产品。但目前,金属罐头生产线正受到包装设计方面的一种新势力——塑料罐的冲击。罐装食品和制罐工业历史悠久,以致于人们通常认为它们的存在是理所当然的。在1810年,一个名叫尼科尔斯·艾波特(Nicholas Appert)的法国人出版了第一部关于罐装方法的书并且介绍了一种新的食品储存方法。因此,罐装食品在当时或许是第一方便的食品。而塑料和塑料罐的出现展开了一场新的竞争,但在食品工业中,尤其是在饮料包装领域,金属罐仍然继续保持着强大的优势。实际上,近来的趋势表明金属罐制造厂商已经预料到在下一个十年内金属罐将  相似文献   

<正>利乐公司预测中国市场留给罐藏食品的成长空间无限广阔。中国消费者人均年消费液态奶30包、方便面20包, 但只消费2罐/瓶罐头食品,罐藏食品将在中国食品市场获得更大的份额。在中国的罐头包装市场,国内玻璃瓶和金属罐仍占主导地位。近年来,随着软包装材料及工艺发展,软包装罐头也开始零星出现,但市场份额较少。罐头保质期一般要达到一年,因此要求外包装有很强的阻隔性。对于一些要进行高温杀菌处理的食品,还要有良好的耐高温性能。国内产品目前虽有少量使用袋装,但普遍存在保质期短、韧性差、易爆袋等问题。因此安全、方  相似文献   

我国生产的玻璃食品罐头,长期来大量沿用500mL 卷封式胜利瓶,开盖困难,消费者普遍反映“罐头好吃,盖难开”,影响市场销售。为此,决定改革玻璃瓶封盖形式,采用国外普遍使用的旋开式玻璃罐,逐步淘汰胜利瓶。国家机械委下达了国家科委星火计划  相似文献   

<正>软包装因其用途广泛、成本低,具有创新潜力而逐渐受品牌商的重视。调查显示,到2016年软包装消费量有望达到2250万吨,产值将达到713亿美元,随着金属罐、玻璃和塑料瓶等传统包装形式逐渐被市场所淘汰,软包装市场将迎来全新的增长机遇。另外,根据德国市场调研集团  相似文献   

<正>绪 言 在硬包装工艺中,清洗是必不可少的工序之一。随着人民生活水平的不断提高和食品罐头行业蓬勃发展的需要,玻璃罐容器由手工清洗迅速朝着半自动机械化、自动机械化方向发展。 GT7D6型玻璃罐清洗机投放市场前,国内玻璃罐头生产流水线工艺流程: 手工和半自动机械清洗玻璃罐→杀菌→人工装罐→机械封口→高温杀菌→人工贴签→人工装箱。  相似文献   

<正>图6所示的油漆金属罐不同于常见的金属罐,其既不需要专用开启环,也不需要使用任何多余的材料,同时实现了包装容量的最大化—内部空间几乎完全利用。该金属罐顶盖和底盖采用了局部缩小化工艺处理,大大增强了金属罐的强度。与同标准的750ml金属罐相比,该金属罐的材料用量减少了20%之多,同时倾倒内装油漆时也十分方便,且可完全倒出,不会造成任何浪费。该包装获得了法国"包装之星"奖(家庭用品类)。  相似文献   

<正> 山雨欲来风满楼。这是记者近日采访中国罐头工业协会梁仲康理事长之后,对目前我国罐头工业发展态势的感受。 尽管是创汇大户,但一个缺少龙头企业,基本上没有品牌,只靠定向加工卖原料的行业,如何面对21世纪经济全球化的国际、国内两个市场?外企进入国内罐头市场是大势所趋,中国罐头难道不正面临着“既走不出国门,又丢失国内市场”的危机?靠别人吃饭,不行。靠别人吃饭,还自得其乐,更是糊涂观念。百分之二十的年增长速度确实娇人,但这  相似文献   

<正> 据海外媒体报道,欧委会在2003年11月10日欧盟的《官方公报》上颁布了一项法规,决定对原产于中国等国家的橘子罐头采取关税配额的方式,中方在154天临保措施期间的配额为11397吨(按年配额约27000吨计算得出),该配额在传统进口商和其他进口商之间按85%和15%的比率分配,超过此配额的橘子罐头将被征收155欧元/吨的从量税。  相似文献   

欣闻 《中国食品工业》2004,(12):14-14,16
<正>"我们还不是十分成熟的协会,不是好协会,与真正的协会相比较,仍有较大的差距"。中国罐头工业协会梁仲康理事长在中国罐头工业2004青岛会议上,首先把自己摆进去,再以这样的忧患意识,深刻地剖析我国罐头工业的现状。  相似文献   

<正> 经常食用罐头安全吗?罐头食品中加防腐剂了吗?中国罐头工业协会顾问、高级工程师杨邦英先生对此指出:“在国际上,罐头食品一直被认为是一种很卫生、很营养、很方便的食品,因为罐头食品内国际卫生法规不允许、也没有必要添加任何防腐剂。封口和杀菌足以达到商业无菌,保证了罐头的质量,罐头企业要想在市场上咸鱼翻身,则必须全面达到标准化。”  相似文献   

Storage of canned foods may enrich the concentration of some metals. Because their toxic and other properties the presence of which in foods over certain limits is undesirable. Therefore we have determined the contents of Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Al, Cd and Ni over a 2 years' time of bovine, pork and veal meat. The results show a gradual increase in the concentration of Fe, Cu, Sn and Zn with time in the order pork greater than bovine greater than veal.  相似文献   

Survey of bisphenol A and bisphenol F in canned foods.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol F (BPF) have been determined in a range of canned foods. Sixty-two different canned foods were purchased from retail outlets in the UK from January to November 2000 and the contents extracted and analysed by GC-MS for BPA and BPF isomers. The following canned products were analysed: fish in aqueous media, 10 samples; vegetables, 10; beverages, 11; soup, 10; desserts, five; fruit, two; infant formula, four; pasta, five; and meat products, five. BPF isomers were not detected in any of the canned foods with detection limits of 0.005 mg kg(-1) for the 2,2' and 2,4' isomers and 0.01 mg kg(-1) for the 4,4' isomer. BPA was detected in 38 samples with a detection limit of 0.002 mg kg(-1). Of these, BPA was quantified in 37 canned foods at levels from 0.007 mg kg(-1), with one sample of meat containing a mean level of 0.38 mg kg(-1). All other samples contained <0.07 mg kg(-1) BPA.  相似文献   

<正> 日前,国家人力资源和社会保障部批准山东泰祥集团设立博士后科研工作站,开展博士后科研工作。这是"中国海洋大学学士后流动站"和"山东省海洋食品营养研究院"落户泰祥集团,泰祥集团科研工作取得的又一突出成就。  相似文献   

Some technological methods employed in the production of new canned foods prepared with chicken meat and intended for 5-7 month old infants were investigated. Biological experiments established the limits for the thermal optimum of sterilization within the range of 125-130 degrees for the new canned goods of the type "Kroshka". Furthermore, the most marked loss of the proteinic value of the canned goods with the use of modified starches--the jellyfying potato and the corn phosphatethan by employing native starches as a structural stabilizer, was ascertained. The need for hygienic evaluation of the technological methods in developing new baby and dietic foods is stressed.  相似文献   

2,2-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane bis(2,3-epoxypropyl) ether (BADGE) is used in the manufacture of lacquers for coating the inside of food and beverage cans. In June 1996 the EC Scientific Committee for Food temporarily increased the specific migration limit applying to BADGE to 1 mg/kg pending consideration of additional toxicological data. In order to find out if there is migration of BADGE from can coatings into foods, a 'worst case' sampling exercise has been conducted to survey those canned foods where the propensity for migration of BADGE was judged to be highest. The foods surveyed include canned fish in oil, meat and milk and, altogether, BADGE was determined in 181 retail samples. Analysis for BADGE was conducted, in duplicate, by HPLC with fluorescence detection with confirmation of BADGE identity by GC/MS analysis using selected ion monitoring. BADGE was found at levels exceeding 1 mg/kg in seven of the 15 canned anchovy samples and five of the 22 sardine samples purchased during the period September 1995-July 1996. Infrared analysis of the can coatings provided strong evidence that the higher BADGE levels found were associated with use of PVC organosol lacquers, although in some cases cans coated with organosols gave low BADGE results. For canned sardine samples found to contain greater than 0.5 mg/kg BADGE in the total contents, a replicate can was opened and separate analyses performed on the drained fish and the oil. The results clearly showed that BADGE concentrations in the oil were about 20 times higher than in the drained fish. Further samples of canned sardines and anchovies were purchased in June/July 1997 and, in all cases, BADGE levels were found to be below 1 mg/kg. In the other retail canned foods, BADGE was not detectable (DL = 0.02 mg/kg) or detected at concentrations well below the temporary SML of 1 mg/kg.  相似文献   

A total of 155 fatty food composites from five major Canadian cities were analysed for 36 selected polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners. Total PCB congener levels of more than 1 ng/g (wet weight) were found in fresh water fish, canned fish, butter, marine fish and cheese, with fresh water fish (18.7 ng/g) containing 5 to 10 times more total PCBs than the other four food commodities. Milk (2%), cooking oils/salads and canned meat soup contained less than 0.1 ng/g (wet weight). The observed total PCB residue levels in fatty foods were well within the Canadian guidelines for fish, dairy products, poultry, eggs and beef. The most predominant congeners found in fish, butter, cheese, meat and poultry were the 2,2',4,4',5-, 2,3',4,4', 5-pentachloro-, 2,2',3,4,4',5'-, 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachloro- and 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-heptachlorobiphenyls. The predominant congener pattern was not always evident in other dairy products (e.g. ice cream) and processed foods (e.g. canned meat soup). An attempt was made to relate the intake of PCB congeners from fatty foods with congener levels found in adipose tissue of Canadians. The estimated daily intake of some specific PCB congeners from fatty foods, in most cases accounted for more than half the total deposit of these congeners in adipose tissue of Canadians.  相似文献   

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