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The crystal structure of recombinant wild-type green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been solved to a resolution of 1.9 A by multiwavelength anomalous dispersion phasing methods. The protein is in the shape of a cylinder, comprising 11 strands of beta-sheet with an alpha-helix inside and short helical segments on the ends of the cylinder. This motif, with beta-structure on the outside and alpha-helix on the inside, represents a new protein fold, which we have named the beta-can. Two protomers pack closely together to form a dimer in the crystal. The fluorophores are protected inside the cylinders, and their structures are consistent with the formation of aromatic systems made up of Tyr66 with reduction of its C alpha-C beta bond coupled with cyclization of the neighboring glycine and serine residues. The environment inside the cylinder explains the effects of many existing mutants of GFP and suggests specific side chains that could be modified to change the spectral properties of GFP. Furthermore, the identification of the dimer contacts may allow mutagenic control of the state of assembly of the protein.  相似文献   

Nano sized La0.4F3:Ce0.45,Tb0.15(core), La0.4F3:Ce0.45,Tb0.15(Ti O2)(core) shell, La0.55F:Ce0.45, and La0.85F3:Tb0.15 particles were synthesized by adopting co-precipitation technique in acidic environment and coated with Ti O2 to form a core-shell structure by adopting a mechanical dispersion method at room temperature. The synthesized materials were characterized using X-ray diffraction(XRD), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR), ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy(UV-Vis) absorption, photoluminescence and lifetime spectroscopy. The crystal structure of La0.4F3:Ce0.45,Tb0.15 remained the same as La F3 after being doped with Ce and Tb ions but with a slight decrease in the lattice parameter. TEM image confirmed the formation of a core-shell structure. The La0.4F3:Ce0.45,Tb0.15/Ti O2 exhibited Tb3+ fluorescence enhancement by a factor of 1.76. Scintillation from the synthesized materials was also observed under X-ray excitation.  相似文献   

The introduction of several mutations resulted in the generation of improved mutants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). A strong green (GFPsg25) and blue (BFPsg50) fluorescent protein, gave 50-fold-100-fold brighter fluorescence compared to wild-type GFP and BFP (Tyr66His), respectively, upon expression in mammalian cells. GFPsg25 and BFPsg50 have different excitation and emission maxima. This allows their use as an efficient dual-color tagging system and their independent detection in living cells.  相似文献   

Tyrosine 34 is a prominent and conserved residue in the active site of the manganese superoxide dismutases in organisms from bacteria to man. We have prepared the mutant containing the replacement Tyr 34 --> Phe (Y34F) in human manganese superoxide dismutase (hMnSOD) and crystallized it in two different crystal forms, orthorhombic and hexagonal. Crystal structures of hMnSOD Y34F have been solved to 1.9 A resolution in a hexagonal crystal form, denoted as Y34Fhex, and to 2.2 A resolution in an orthorhombic crystal form, denoted as Y34Fortho. Both crystal forms give structures that are closely superimposable with that of wild-type hMnSOD, with the phenyl rings of Tyr 34 in the wild type and Phe 34 in the mutant very similar in orientation. Therefore, in Y34F, a hydrogen-bonded relay that links the metal-bound hydroxyl to ordered solvent (Mn-OH to Gln 143 to Tyr 34 to H2O to His 30) is broken. Surprisingly, the loss of the Tyr 34 hydrogen bonds resulted in large increases in stability (measured by Tm), suggesting that the Tyr 34 hydroxyl does not play a role in stabilizing active-site architecture. The functional role of the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr 34 can be evaluated by comparison of the Y34F mutant with the wild-type hMnSOD. Both wild-type and Y34F had kcat/Km near 10(9) M-1 s-1, close to diffusion-controlled; however, Y34F showed kcat for maximal catalysis smaller by 10-fold than the wild type. In addition, the mutant Y34F was more susceptible to product inhibition by peroxide than the wild-type enzyme. This activity profile and the breaking of the hydrogen-bonding chain at the active site caused by the replacement Tyr 34 --> Phe suggest that Tyr 34 is a proton donor for O2* - reduction to H2O2 or is involved indirectly by orienting solvent or other residues for proton transfer. Up to 100 mM buffers in solution failed to enhance catalysis by either Y34F or the wild-type hMnSOD, suggesting that protonation from solution cannot enhance the release of the inhibiting bound peroxide ion, likely reflecting the enclosure of the active site by conserved residues as shown by the X-ray structures. The increased thermostability of the mutant Y34F and equal diffusion-controlled activity of Y34F and wild-type enzymes with normal superoxide levels suggest that evolutionary conservation of active-site residues in metalloenzymes reflects constraints from extreme rather than average cellular conditions. This new hypothesis that extreme rather than normal substrate concentrations are a powerful constraint on residue conservation may apply most strongly to enzyme defenses where the ability to meet extreme conditions directly affects cell survival.  相似文献   

Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is a bioluminescence protein from the jelly fish Aequorea victoria. It can exist in at least two spectroscopically distinct states: GFP395 and GFP480, with peak absorption at 395 and 480 nm, respectively, presumably resulting from a change in the protonation state of the phenolic ring of its chromophore. When GFP is formed upon heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, its chromophore is mainly present as the neutral species. UV and visible light convert (the chromophore of) GFP quantitatively from this neutral- into the anionic form. On the basis of X-ray diffraction, it was recently proposed (Brejc, K. et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 2306-2311; Palm, G. J. et al. (1997) Nat. Struct. Biol. 4, 361-365) that the carboxylic group of Glu222 functions as the proton acceptor of the chromophore of GFP, during the transition from the neutral form (i.e., GFP395) to the ionized form (GFP480). However, X-ray crystallography cannot detect protons directly. The results of FTIR difference spectroscopy, in contrast, are highly sensitive to changes in the protonation state between two conformations of a protein. Here we report the first characterization of GFP, and its photoconversion, with FTIR spectroscopy. Our results clearly show the change in protonation state of the chromophore upon photoconversion. However, they do not provide indications for a change of the protonation state of a glutamate side chain between the states GFP395 and GFP480, nor for an isomerization of the double bond that forms part of the link between the two rings of the chromophore.  相似文献   

Expression of the cDNA for Aequorea green fluorescent protein in E. coli yielded a fused protein with fluorescence excitation and emission spectra virtually identical to those of the native green fluorescent protein. Further, a solution of the protein, when mixed with aequorin and calcium ion, emitted a greenish luminescence characteristic of the in vivo luminescence of the animal, indicating a radiationless energy transfer to the protein.  相似文献   

The jellyfish Aequorea victoria possesses in the margin of its umbrella a green fluorescent protein (GFP, 27 kDa) that serves as the ultimate light emitter in the bioluminescence reaction of the animal. The protein is made up of 238 amino acid residues in a single polypeptide chain and produces a greenish fluorescence (lambda max = 508 nm) when irradiated with long ultraviolet light. The fluorescence is due to the presence of a chromophore consisting of an imidazolone ring, formed by a post-translational modification of the tripeptide -Ser65-Tyr66-Gly67-. GFP has been used extensively as a reporter protein for monitoring gene expression in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, but relatively little is known about the chemical mechanism by which fluorescence is produced. To obtain a better understanding of this problem, we studied a peptide fragment of GFP bearing the chromophore and a synthetic model compound of the chromophore. The results indicate that the GFP chromophore consists of an imidazolone ring structure and that the light emitter is the singlet excited state of the phenolate anion of the chromophore. Further, the light emission is highly dependent on the microenvironment around the chromophore and that inhibition of isomerization of the exo-methylene double bond of the chromophore accounts for its efficient light emission.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activation is followed rapidly by adaptive changes that serve to diminish the responsiveness of a cell to further stimulation. This process, termed desensitization, is the consequence of receptor phosphorylation, arrestin binding, sequestration and down-regulation. GPCR phosphorylation is initiated within seconds to minutes of receptor activation and is mediated by both second messenger-dependent protein kinases and receptor-specific G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). Desensitization in response to GRK-mediated phosphorylation involves the binding of arrestin proteins that serve to sterically uncouple the receptor from its G protein. GPCR sequestration, the endocytosis of receptors to endosomes, not only contributes to the temporal desensitization of GPCRs, but plays a critical role in GPCR resensitization. GPCR down-regulation, a loss of the total cellular complement of receptors, is the consequence of both increased lysosomal degradation and decreased mRNA synthesis of GPCRs. While each of these agonist-mediated desensitization processes are initiated within a temporally dissociable time frame, recent data suggest that they are intimately related to one another. The use of green fluorescent protein from the jellyfish Aqueora victoria as an epitope tag with intrinsic fluorescence has facilitated our understanding of the relative relationship between GRK phosphorylation, arrestin binding, receptor sequestration and down-regulation.  相似文献   

5-Lipoxygenase catalyzes the first two steps in the biosynthesis of leukotrienes, potent extracellular mediators of inflammation and allergic disorders. The unanticipated observation of 5-lipoxygenase in the nucleus of some cell types including bone marrow-derived mast cells (Chen, X. S., Naumann, T. A., Kurre, U., Jenkins, N. A., Copeland, N. G., and Funk, C. D. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 17993-17999) has raised speculation about intranuclear actions of leukotrienes or the enzyme itself. To explore the entry of 5-lipoxygenase into the nucleus we have transfected various cell types with expression vectors encoding native 5-lipoxygenase and green fluorescent protein/5-lipoxygenase (GFP-5LO) fusion proteins. 5-Lipoxygenase and green fluorescent protein/5-lipoxygenase co-localized with the nuclear DNA stain Hoechst 33258 in each cell type. The three main basic regions of 5-lipoxygenase were incapable of acting as "classical" nuclear localization signal sequences. Mutations that abolished enzyme activity/non-heme iron resulted in proteins that would no longer enter the nucleus. An NH2-terminal 5-lipoxygenase fragment of 80 residues was sufficient for directing nuclear localization of green fluorescent protein but not cytosolic pyruvate kinase. The combined data suggest that 5-lipoxygenase enters the nucleus not by a classical nuclear localization signal but by a non-conventional signal located in the predicted beta-barrel domain that may be masked by structural alterations.  相似文献   

To investigate the cellular dynamics of ZAP-70, we have studied the distribution and regulation of its intracellular location using a ZAP-70 green fluorescent protein chimera. Initial experiments in epithelial cells indicated that ZAP-70 is diffusely located throughout the quiescent cell, and accumulates at the plasma membrane upon cellular activation, a phenotype enhanced by the coexpression of Lck and the initiation of ZAP-70 kinase activity. Subsequent studies in T cells confirmed this phenotype. Intriguingly, a large amount of ZAP-70, both chimeric and endogenous, resides in the nucleus of quiescent and activated cells. Nuclear ZAP-70 becomes tyrosine phosphorylated upon stimulation via the T cell receptor, indicating that it may have an important biologic function.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria is a versatile reporter protein for monitoring gene expression and protein localization in a variety of cells and organisms. Despite many early successes using this reporter, wild type GFP is suboptimal for most applications due to low fluorescence intensity when excited by blue light (488 nm), a significant lag in the development of fluorescence after protein synthesis, complex photoisomerization of the GFP chromophore and poor expression in many higher eukaryotes. To improve upon these qualities, we have combined a mutant of GFP with a significantly larger extinction coefficient for excitation at 488 nm with a re-engineered GFP gene sequence containing codons preferentially found in highly expressed human proteins. The combination of improved fluorescence intensity and higher expression levels yield an enhanced GFP which provides greater sensitivity in most systems.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL35 open reading frame (ORF) encodes a 12-kDa capsid protein designated VP26. VP26 is located on the outer surface of the capsid specifically on the tips of the hexons that constitute the capsid shell. The bioluminescent jellyfish (Aequorea victoria) green fluorescent protein (GFP) was fused in frame with the UL35 ORF to generate a VP26-GFP fusion protein. This fusion protein was fluorescent and localized to distinct regions within the nuclei of transfected cells following infection with wild-type virus. The VP26-GFP marker was introduced into the HSV-1 (KOS) genome resulting in recombinant plaques that were fluorescent. A virus, designated K26GFP, was isolated and purified and was shown to grow as well as the wild-type virus in cell culture. An analysis of the intranuclear capsids formed in K26GFP-infected cells revealed that the fusion protein was incorporated into A, B, and C capsids. Furthermore, the fusion protein incorporated into the virion particle was fluorescent as judged by fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis of infected cells in the absence of de novo protein synthesis. Cells infected with K26GFP exhibited a punctate nuclear fluorescence at early times in the replication cycle. At later times during infection a generalized cytoplasmic and nuclear fluorescence, including fluorescence at the cell membranes, was observed, confirming visually that the fusion protein was incorporated into intranuclear capsids and mature virions.  相似文献   

Tertiary butyl alcohol and trichloroacetic acid are known to be contaminants in drinking water. In order to evaluate the interactive toxicity of t-butyl alcohol with trichloroacetic acid, young male Wistar rats were dosed through water at a dose level of t-butyl alcohol (TBA)-0.5% (v/v), trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-25 ppm and a combined dose of TBA + TCA (0.5% v/v TBA-25 ppm TCA) for a period of 10 weeks ad libitum and were maintained on normal diet. The control animals received plain water and normal diet. The liver and kidney histology was undertaken to see whether subtoxic administration of TBA and TCA individually as well as combined administration for a period of 10 weeks would bring about any histological alterations. It was observed that TBA, TCA and TBA + TCA caused histological alterations in the liver such as centrilobular necrosis, vacuolation in hepatocytes and loss of hepatic architecture. TBA and TBA + TCA caused periportal proliferation and lymphocytic infiltration. Hypertrophy of hepatocytes in the periportal area was a characteristic feature in the liver of TCA treated rats. Moreover, in the histology of the kidney, in the three treated groups, degeneration of renal tubules, with syncitial arrangements of the nucleus of renal tubular epithelial cells was evident. In addition to this, degeneration of the basement membrane of the Bowmans capsule, diffused glomeruli and vacuolation of glomeruli was also evident in the three treated rat kidneys. Renal tubular proliferation in certain areas was also evident in certain areas of the kidney in TCA treated rats. The results indicate that, TBA and TCA do bring about alterations in histology of liver and kidney, but on combined administration, do not show enhanced toxicity in the form of increased hepatic and renal injury.  相似文献   

Potato virus X (PVX) is a filamentous plant virus infecting many members of the family Solanaceae. A modified form of PVX, PVX.GFP-CP which expressed a chimeric gene encoding a fusion between the 27-kDa Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein and the amino terminus of the 25-kDa PVX coat protein, assembled into virions and moved both locally and systemically. The PVX.GFP-CP virions were over twice the diameter of wild-type PVX virions. Assembly of PVX.GFP-CP virions required the presence of free coat protein subunits in addition to the fusion protein subunits. PVX.GFP-CP virions accumulated as paracrystalline arrays in infected cells similar to those seen in cells infected with wild-type PVX The formation of virions carrying large superficial fusions illustrates a novel approach for production of high levels of foreign proteins in plants. Aggregates of PVX.GFP-CP particles were fluorescent, emitting green light when excited with ultraviolet light and could be imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The detection of virus particles in infected tissue demonstrates the potential of fusions between the green fluorescent protein and virus coat protein for the non-invasive study of virus multiplication and spread.  相似文献   

We have engineered a mutant version of the green fluorescent protein GFP (Cormack et al. Selected for bright fluorescence in E. coli. Gene 1996;173:33-38) for expression in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Although intact GFP was not expressed at any detectable level, GFP fusion proteins could be detected by fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry (FACS), and immunoblotting. Both extracellular tachyzoites and T. gondii-infected host cells could readily be sorted by FACS, which should facilitate a variety of selection strategies. Several selectable markers were tested for their ability to produce stable green transgenic parasites. Fluorescence intensity was directly correlated with gene copy number and protein expression level. Weak selectable markers such as chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) driven by the SAG1 promoter, which yield multicopy insertions, are therefore most effective for selecting green fluorescent parasites-particularly when coupled to constructs which employ a strong promoter to drive GFP expression. Transformation vectors developed in the course of this work should be of general utility for the overexpression of heterologous transgenes in Toxoplasma. CAT-GFP fusion proteins were expressed in the parasite cytoplasm. GFP fusions to the P30 major surface antigen (linked on the same plasmid to a CAT selectable marker under control of various promoters) could be detected in dense granules within living cells, and were efficiently secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole. GFP fusions to the rhoptry protein ROP1 were targeted to rhoptries (specialized secretory organelles at the apical end of the parasite).  相似文献   

The nano-crystalline La_(0.1)Bi_(0.9)FeO_3 compound was successfully synthesized by starch-based combustion method. The crystal structure and magnetic behavior were studied by temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and magnetic measurements. The La_(0.1)Bi_(0.9)FeO_3 compounds crystallized in a rhombohedrally distorted perovskite structure with space group R3 c. The substitution of La for Bi reduced the rhombohedral distortion. The structural phase transitions in La_(0.1)Bi_(0.9)FeO_3 driven by temperature showed that the extraordinary two-phase coexistence state of BiF eO 3 and LaF eO 3 was observed in a narrow temperature range of 630–700 oC. The magnetization of the La_(0.1)Bi_(0.9)FeO_3 sample was improved by heat treatment in the temperature range. When the heat treatment temperatures rose from 25 to 600 oC, the remanence(Mr) and coercivity(Hc) of the La_(0.1)Bi_(0.9)FeO_3 compound almost remained the same, and increased rapidly to 0.134 emu/g and 7.1 KOe on further increasing the heat treatment temperature to 650 oC.  相似文献   

Two broad-host-range vectors previously constructed for use in soil bacteria (A. G. Matthysse, S. Stretton, C. Dandie, N. C. McClure, and A. E. Goodman, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 145:87-94, 1996) were assessed by epifluorescence microscopy for use in tagging three marine bacterial species. Expression of gfp could be visualized in Vibrio sp. strain S141 cells at uniform levels of intensity from either the lac or the npt-2 promoter, whereas expression of gfp could be visualized in Psychrobacter sp. strain SW5H cells at various levels of intensity only from the npt-2 promoter. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence was not detected in the third species, Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain S91, when the gfp gene was expressed from either promoter. A new mini-Tn10-kan-gfp transposon was constructed to investigate further the possibilities of fluorescence tagging of marine bacteria. Insertion of mini-Tn10-kan-gfp generated random stable mutants at high frequencies with all three marine species. With this transposon, strongly and weakly expressed S91 promoters were isolated. Visualization of GFP by epifluorescence microscopy was markedly reduced when S91 (mini-Tn10-kan-gfp) cells were grown in rich medium compared to that when cells were grown in minimal medium. Mini-Tn10-kan-gfp was used to create an S91 chitinase-negative, GFP-positive mutant. Expression of the chi-gfp fusion was induced in cells exposed to N'-acetylglucosamine or attached to chitin particles. By laser scanning confocal microscopy, biofilms consisting of microcolonies of chi-negative, GFP+ S91 cells were found to be localized several microns from a natural chitin substratum. Tagging bacterial strains with GFP enables visualization of, as well as monitoring of gene expression in, living single cells in situ and in real time.  相似文献   

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