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BACKGROUND: A growing number of dependent elderly people is cared for at home by family members. However, long-term caregiving may become an intolerable strain for some families and lead to failure of family care. The aim of the study was to examine if level of physical and mental disability of the patient influences the extent of perceived caregiver burden representing risk factor for negative outcome. METHODS AND RESULTS: 128 elderly patients with disability and dependency (37 men, 91 women, average age 79.9 +/- 6.9 yrs) and 128 their primary caregivers, mostly family members (28.9% men, 71.1% women) were evaluated. Functional status of care recipient was assessed by means of Barthel ADL Index (mean = 70.9 +/- 26.5), IADL Test (mean = 31.4 +/- 23.5) and Mini-Mental State Exam, MMSE (mean = 20.4 +/- 6.5). Average score of Caregiver Burden Interview (CBI) was 34.7 +/- 18.8. According to CBI, 40.6% of caregivers were found under high or even extremely hig level of stress. Level of perceived burden correlated significantly with physical and mental disability level, in decreasing order for IADL, ADL and MMSE (rs = 0.582-0.708, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Caregiver burden of family caregivers is significantly related to the level of functioning and cognitive impairment of care recipient, particularly to his/her ability to perform instrumental activities. Functional decline of elderly patient represents a risk factor which contributes to negative caregiving outcome and institutional placement.  相似文献   

Both Tc-99m pertechnetate and radioactive iodine (I-123 NaI or I-131 NaI) are useful in thyroid scintigraphy. These radiopharmaceuticals yield similar functional information in most patients. Occasionally, however, discordant results have been reported in the literature (warm or hot on the pertechnetate image and cold on the radioiodide image). Most of these reports have concerned the solitary thyroid nodule. A case is presented here with diffusely decreased Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake and normal I-131 NaI uptake in a patient with a diffuse goiter and subclinical hyperthyroidism, so-called reverse discordant behavior.  相似文献   

Solitary toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter are very common forms of thyrotoxicosis around the world. Advances in molecular biology and genetics have led to new insights into the pathogenesis of these disorders. Current theories on autonomy in the thyroid are discussed in this article. The therapeutic roles of surgery, radioiodine ablation, and percutaneous ethanol administration also are reviewed.  相似文献   

Traditional treatment modalities of diffuse nontoxic goitre are thyroid hormone suppression or surgery. When treating nodular nontoxic goitre with 131I treatment, a reduction in thyroid volume to about 50% is seen. In the present study we evaluated the effect of 131I treatment in 21 patients treated for a diffuse nontoxic goitre and followed by evaluation of thyroid volume measured by ultrasound. Thyroid volume declined in all patients from median of 66 ml (range 27-160 ml) to 21 ml (9-108 ml) over a year, a reduction of 62%. Three patients developed hypothyroidism in the follow-up period (14%), one of these had a temporary hyperthyroid fase. In conclusion, 131I treatment of diffuse nontoxic goitre reduces thyroid volume by approximately 60% within 12 months. Hypothyroidism developed in 14% during a limited follow-up period.  相似文献   

Thyroid pathology is among autoimmune diseases the incidence of which is now on the increase. Endocrine ophthalmology (EO) often accompanying thyroid disorders may cause deterioration or loss of vision. EO can be corrected by several methods. The most pronounced effect is achieved by x-ray therapy on the orbit and intermittent glucocorticosteroid (GCS) large-dose therapy. GCS, however, affect carbohydrate metabolism. In physiological levels, GCS effects on regulation of carbohydrate metabolism are not significant, but high GCS concentrations may provoke hyperglycemia and even steroid diabetes.  相似文献   

Recovery from viral infection is a result of very complex interactions between specific and nonspecific immune reactions and the infectious agent. A variety of immune mechanisms are undoubtedly important factors in this event and operate together in overcoming the infectious process. However, despite much available information about these viral defense mechanisms, it has proved remarkably difficult to assign a determinative role in vivo to any single antiviral immunological mechanism in recovery from a single viral disease, particularly since the immune response to the virus itself may frequently contribute to the pathology of the disease. Furthermore, if virus-induced immune responses are also directed against normal host components, this may set the stage for an autoimmune disease. In this context acute measles encephalomyelitis is of interest since in this disease autoimmune reactions against brain antigens have been observed and considered of pathogenetic importance. In this short review, virological and immunological findings of measles virus infections in a rat model in relation to autoimmune reactions will be presented and the mechanisms by which measles virus may alter host reactivity against self-antigens discussed.  相似文献   

Celiac disease has been associated with autoimmune disorders, but its frequency in autoimmune hepatitis is unknown. Sera from 157 patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis, 24 patients with type 2 autoimmune hepatitis, 62 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, 30 patients with chronic hepatitis B, and 80 patients with chronic hepatitis C were tested for immunoglobulin A anti-endomysial antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoglobulin A and G antibodies to gliadin by enzyme immunoassay. Duodenal biopsy evaluation was recommended in patients seropositive for immunoglobulin A anti-endomysial antibodies. Immunoglobulin A anti-endomysial antibodies were present in eight of the 181 patients with autoimmune hepatitis (4%), including six with type 1 disease (4%) and two with type 2 disease (8%). Immunoglobulin A antibodies to gliadin were found in six of these eight patients, but they were also present in two others, including one patient with chronic hepatitis C. Five of the eight patients with immunoglobulin A antiendomysial antibodies, including three patients with no gastrointestinal symptoms, had duodenal biopsies and subtotal villous atrophy was present in all of them. No patient with primary biliary cirrhosis or chronic viral hepatitis had antiendomysial antibodies. The presence of celiac disease in autoimmune hepatitis is high (at least one in 36 patients) and it is predominantly asymptomatic. Screening with anti-endomysial and anti-gliadin antibodies should be performed and results confirmed with intestinal biopsy.  相似文献   

Antibodies to actin have been proposed as diagnostic markers for type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. Our aims were to determine 1) if testing for antibodies to actin is superior to testing for smooth muscle antibodies (SMA); 2) if these antibodies identify patients with distinctive clinical features; and 3) if the production of antibodies to actin is associated with genetic risk factors for autoimmune hepatitis. Sera from 99 patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis were tested. The frequencies of HLA B8, DR3, DR4, and A1-B8-DR3 in patient subsets were compared with those in 80 normal subjects. Seventy-three patients (74%) had antibodies to actin. Antibodies to actin were found more commonly in patients with SMA than in patients without them (86% vs. 7%, P < .0001). Screening only for antibodies to actin and antinuclear antibodies (ANA) failed to establish the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis in 5 patients. Patients with antibodies to actin were younger than seronegative patients. They were also more commonly DR3-positive than normal subjects and more frequently B8-positive than patients with non-actin-associated SMA (49% vs. 0%, P = .004). Only patients with antibodies to actin died of liver failure (6% vs. 0%), and 10 of 11 patients requiring liver transplantation were seropositive for these antibodies. Indeed, death and liver transplantation occurred more frequently in these patients than in actin-negative patients with ANA (19% vs. 0%, P = .03). We conclude that routine screening for antibodies to actin may miss patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. Antibodies to actin are associated with HLA B8 and DR3, and they identify patients with a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

To evaluate the frequency and significance of alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency in type 1 autoimmune hepatitis, 181 Caucasian patients were assessed for variant phenotypes. Three hundred three Caucasian patients with various other chronic liver diseases were similarly evaluated. Twenty-one of the 181 patients (12%) had heterozygous deficiencies, including the MS (6%) and MZ (6%) phenotypes. These patients were indistinguishable from those with normal phenotypes. Immediate outcomes after corticosteroid therapy were also similar in both groups. Variant phenotypes were present in 34 of the 303 patients with other chronic liver diseases (11%). Patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis had a significantly greater frequency of deficiency phenotypes than patients with chronic hepatitis C (20% vs 7%, P = 0.03). In conclusion, deficiency phenotypes are common in type 1 autoimmune hepatitis and they have no clinical or prognostic importance. In certain liver diseases, such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, variant phenotypes may be comorbid factors.  相似文献   

While research on spinal cord injury (SCI) is abundant, few studies focus on women. This population-based study investigates differences in the prevalence of secondary conditions between 128 women and 522 men. Case managers retrospectively interviewed 650 persons regarding medical and psychological conditions secondary to SCI, as well as other life issues. Overall, males and females show more similarities than differences in the ways in which they manage life with SCI. Differences were found, though, regarding etiology of initial injury, insurance coverage, caregiver use, transportation use, medication use, and in other medical and behavioral areas. Females are significantly involved in more automobile crashes than males, while males are involved in more galls than females. Females are more reliant on Medicaid, while males report more Medicare and Worker's Compensation coverage. Females are more likely to have a paid attendant as a caregiver while males are more likely to have their spouse or parents assist. Males report more independence in their use of transportation than females. Males and females also report significant differences in the use of medication. Females are more likely to use medication any time it is a treatment option. Males are more active, use tobacco more and have more arm fractures postinjury than females.  相似文献   

'Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls' or DNIC is the inhibition of multireceptive neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord that results when a noxious stimulus is applied to a region of the body remote from the neuron's excitatory receptive field. Although this phenomenon is well-documented, the behavioral consequences of DNIC are not clear. The present study was undertaken to determine how nocifensor withdrawal reflexes evoked by a noxious stimulus are altered by application of a second noxious stimulus to a distant part of the body. The tail flick or hindpaw withdrawal reflex of lightly anesthetized (0.6-1.0% halothane) rats was measured before, during and after another appendage was placed in water ranging in temperature from 45 to 54 degrees C. When the forepaw or hindpaw was placed in water exceeding 49 degrees C the tail flick reflex to acute noxious radiant heat was inhibited. In contrast, noxious conditioning stimuli, regardless of temperature or location, had no effect on the latency for hindpaw withdrawal evoked by an acute noxious stimulus, but did produce a change in reflex topography from flexion to extension. These results, along with previous research on DNIC, suggest that intense noxious stimuli: (1) inhibit the tail flick reflex via inhibition of multireceptive neurons in the dorsal horn; (2) disinhibit hindpaw extensor motoneurons by inhibiting the activity of multireceptive neurons involved in hindlimb flexion; and (3) reduce pain sensation by inhibiting multireceptive neurons projecting to the brain (see Model in Discussion).  相似文献   

Roentgeno-endovascular functional thyroidectomy was used to suppress the pathological activity of the thyroid in postoperative recurrent goiter. The method consists in vascular isolation of hyperplastic stump of the thyroid by catheterization of the left and right thyroid arteries, followed by their material occlusion. For embolization, a wide spectrum of nonlysed synthetic, organic, and inorganic materials were used. The results of roentgeno-endovascular functional thyroidectomy in 14 patients with postoperative recurrent goiter are analyzed. The advantages of roentgeno-endovascular occlusion of the thyroid arteries before subtotal thyroidectomy are emphasized. A stabile clinical and hormonal remission and reduction of the thyroid in size to stage 1 were observed during three years following roentgeno-endovascular intervention.  相似文献   

Thyroid nodules are among the most common clinical problems in endocrinology. Among several factors responsible for the development of goiter, circulating TSH plays a major role because of its direct growth-promoting effects on the thyroid cells; moreover TSH may enhance the effects of other local growth factors which act in a paracrine mode in the thyroid gland. In addition, autoimmune thyroiditis can clinically appear as thyroid nodules frequently with the functional aspect of a subclinical hypothyroidism. For these reasons a therapeutical approach based on the thyroxine suppression of TSH secretion has become largely used by 1970s and is correctly employed in 75% of the patients with thyroid nodules whose biopsies result benign.  相似文献   

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