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Obesity increased in recent years at different rates among socioeconomic levels (SEL). The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between SEL and nutritional status in schoolchildren attending elementary schools in the six counties that show the highest prevalence of obesity in Santiago, Chile. Within the counties schools were stratified according to obesity and children were randomly selected from each school. Anthropometric assessment was performed in children whilst a socio-demographic survey and a 24 hour recall of food intake were applied to their mothers. We classified the sample according to SEL in two categories (higher and a lower vulnerability). The prevalence of excess weight was 51.1% (24.7% overweight and 26,4% obese) without significant differences among SEL. The most vulnerable group had lower values of body mass index, skinfold thickness, arm circumference and food intake however, these differences were not statistically significant. At the same time, these children were physically more active, showing higher use of community places to play [OR 1.91; 95% CI 1.05-3.48] and walked larger distances from houses to schools OR 6.6; CI 2.5-16.7). Thus, albeit non significant association was detected between SEL and anthropometric indicators nor with food intake, the highest vulnerable group showed a tendency to have lower values and more physical activity.  相似文献   



There is substantial evidence that low consumption of fruit and vegetables (FV) is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to assess FV consumption and the variables that influence it among elderly individuals in Iran aged 60 and over.  相似文献   



During the last few decades, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) experienced rapid socio-cultural changes caused by the accelerating economy in the Arabian Gulf region. That was associated with major changes in the food choices and eating habits which, progressively, became more and more "Westernized". Such "a nutritional transition" has been claimed for the rising rates of overweight and obesity which were recently observed among Saudi population. Therefore, the objectives of the current work were to 1) determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in a sample of male college students in KSA and 2) determine the relationship between the students' body weight status and composition and their eating habits.  相似文献   



Dietary supplement use in the United States is prevalent and represents an important source of nutrition. However, little is known about individuals who routinely consume multiple dietary supplements. This study describes the dietary supplement usage patterns, health, and nutritional status of long-term multiple dietary supplement users, and where possible makes comparisons to non-users and multivitamin/mineral supplement users.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The food group intake patterns of low income Hispanic and African American preschool children are not well documented. The aim of this study was to perform a food group intake analysis of low income minority preschool children and evaluate how macronutrient and micronutrient intake compares to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI). METHODS: A cross sectional study design using three-day food diaries analyzed by dietary analysis software (Nutrient Database System for Research) was used. Children were recruited from well-child clinics at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Hughes Spalding and North Dekalb Grady Satellite Clinic, Atlanta, GA. Low-income, African American and Hispanic preschool age children (n = 291) were enrolled. A total of 105 completed the 3-day food diaries were returned and analyzed. Chi-squared tests were used to assess demographic variables. The mean percentage of intake per day of specific food groups and sub-groups were obtained (servings of given food group/total daily servings). Food intake data and proportion of children meeting DRIs for macro- and micronutrients were stratified by race/ethnicity, nutritional status, and caloric intake, and were compared using t-tests. Regression models controlling for age, BMI and sex were obtained to assess the effect of total caloric intake upon the proportional intake of each studied food group. RESULTS: The mean age of African American children was 2.24 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 1.07 years and Hispanic children 2.84 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 1.12 years. African Americans consumed more kcal/kg/day than Hispanics (124.7 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 51 vs. 96.9 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 33, p < 0.05). Hispanics consumed more fruits (22.0 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 10.7% vs. 14.7 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 13.7%, p < 0.05), while African Americans consumed more grains (25.7 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 7.8% vs. 18.1 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 6.4%, p < 0.05), meats (20.7 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 9.0% vs. 15.4 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 6.1%, p < 0.05), fats (9.8 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 5.4% vs. 7.0 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 5.8%, p < 0.05), sweet drinks (58.7 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 17.1% vs. 41.3 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 14.8%, p < 0.05) and low-fat dairy products (39.5 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 19.3% vs. 28.9 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 12.6%, p < 0.05). Among Hispanics, the proportional intake of fruits, fats and grains varied by total caloric intake, while no difference by total caloric intake was found for the dietary patterns of African Americans. Micronutrient intake also differed significantly between African American and Hispanic children. CONCLUSIONS: Food group intake patterns among low-income children differ by ethnic group. There is a need for more research to guide program design and target nutritional interventions for this population.  相似文献   

Mean age of mortality as an indicator of economic development and nutritional state. After a short discussion of nutritional indicators the mean age of mortality of the population of a country is proposed. This is defined as the age as 50% mortality is observed. It is an indicator for social-economic development. There exists a correlation between the proposed indicator and others used in the evaluation of nutritional conditions.  相似文献   

Comminuted meat products such as luncheon meats, sausages, paté, etc, and whole meat cuts such as ham, corned beef, steaks, and roast are two principal forms in which meat is consumed. Soy protein products have been used in comminuted meat products for several years. New developments have made it possible to incorporate isolated soy protein into large pieces of muscle tissue. A brine containing isolated soy protein is injected or massaged into the muscle using cured meat technology. Alternately, the intact muscle pieces can be injected first with brine and then the protein incorporated by massaging or tumbling. This process can be used to increase yield 20–40% over the green weight. Product quality attributes include normal appearance, improved firmness and slicing characteristics over brine-cured hams, combined with less weepage under vacuum packaging.  相似文献   



Compared with other common plant foods, walnuts (Juglans regia) are consistently ranked among the highest in antioxidant capacity. In vitro, walnut polyphenols inhibit plasma and LDL oxidation, while in animal models they lower biomarkers of oxidative stress and raise antioxidant capacity. A limited number of human feeding trials indicate that walnuts improve some measures of antioxidant status, but not others.  相似文献   

Fish consumption and intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fish are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. However, a prospective study from northern Sweden showed that high consumption of fish is associated with an increased risk of stroke in men, but not in women. The current study aimed to determine if fish consumption is differently related to lifestyle in men compared with women in northern Sweden. Lifestyle information on 32,782 men and 34,866 women (aged 30–60 years) was collected between 1992 and 2006 within the Västerbotten Intervention Programme (a health intervention in northern Sweden). Spearman correlations coefficients (Rs) were calculated between self-reported consumption of fish and other food items. Lifestyle variables were compared between fish consumption categories. Fish consumption was positively associated with other foods considered healthy (e.g., root vegetables, lettuce/cabbage/spinach/broccoli, chicken, and berries; Rs = 0.21-0.30), as well as with other healthy lifestyle factors (e.g., exercise and not smoking) and a higher educational level, in both men and women. The only gender difference found, concerned the association between fish consumption and alcohol consumption. Men who were high consumers of fish had a higher intake of all types of alcohol compared with low to moderate fish consumers. For women, this was true only for wine. Except for alcohol, the association between fish consumption and healthy lifestyle did not differ between men and women in northern Sweden. It is important to adjust for other lifestyle variables and socioeconomic variables in studies concerning the effect of fish consumption on disease outcome.  相似文献   

The relationship between calcium and creatinine in basal urine for evaluating its usefulness as an indicator of calcium nutritional status was evaluated. Samples of basal urine were collected form a group of 5 to 12-year-old school children who followed a three-month program of dietary complementation. The calcium to creatinine ratio showed no correlation with daily total calcium intake. However, a correlation was found when intake was expressed in mg per kg of body weight (r = 0.67) and increased significantly when data were grouped according to growth rate (r = 0.85). On this basis, the Ca/Creat. ratio was analyzed as a function of weight gain (g/kg) for calcium intake: higher and lower than 10 mg/kg/day (4 = 0.82 and 0.89, respectively), the intercept of each line with the Y axis (null weight gain) being 0.096 and 0.068, respectively. These findings indicate the possibility of using the Ca/Creat. ratio in field studies as an indicator of nutritional status of the population in regard to calcium.  相似文献   



children affected by refractory epilepsy could be at risk of malnutrition because of feeding difficulties (anorexia, chewing, swallowing difficulties or vomiting) and chronic use of anticonvulsants, which may affect food intake and energy metabolism. Moreover, their energy requirement may be changed as their disabilities would impede normal daily activities. The aim of the present study was to evaluate nutritional status, energy metabolism and food intake in children with refractory epilepsy.  相似文献   

Studies on human lactation were examined in order to gather some answers about questions concerning the effect of maternal food intake, size, fatness and economic status on milk production. Up to date, evidence in the literature is insufficient to permit definitive answers, but a general conclusion can be drawn: milk volume varies little among mothers with largely variable energy intakes, sizes and economic status. There is a great need for more controlled studies focusing on the relationship between maternal energy balance and milk output. Although many studies have separately addressed the nutritional changes in mothers throughout lactation (1-8) and milk consumption by infants (9-17), very few have correlated maternal nutritional conditions and the volume of milk consumed. This report will consider investigations published from 1975 and on, combining data on maternal nutritional status and milk production in the same individual. The rationale is that around 1975 more accurate and standardized methodology began to be used in related studies. Milk output is estimated by the summary of the differences of body weights of infants obtained before and after each milking episode during 24 hours. Before 1975 the balances used for such a purpose had very poor precision, and this interfered seriously on the inter and intra-personal variability of the measurements. Electronic scales made available after that year gave enough reliability to the procedure. This report is comprised of studies from birth to four months postpartum, when energy supplementation is less common, and quantitatively less important. Nutritional status of the mothers will be analyzed on the basis of four categorizing variables: social and economic status, anthropometry, food intake and body composition.  相似文献   



A nutritional assessment method that is quick and easy to conduct would be extremely useful in a complex emergency, where currently there is no agreed practical and acceptable method. Hair pluckability has been suggested to be a useful method of assessing protein nutritional status. The aim was to investigate the reliability of the trichotillometer and to explore the effects of patient characteristics on hair epilation force.  相似文献   

Food habits in regard to the nutritional status of preschool children and their socioeconomic situation were analyzed in this research. The study was carried out in Cuetzalan, State of Puebla; all families were studied and, besides the presence of a preschool child in the home, both father and mother should also be living in the same house. Forty children considered as well nourished and 40 malnourished in the opposite case, were selected, taking the limits of the Gómez classification. In order to define socioeconomic differences between the two groups, the sample population was divided into different levels, with the following results. The socioeconomic level of the well-nourished children did correlate with a good living standard of their families; in the other case, families with a low socioeconomic status, presented more nutritional problems. A questionnaire was applied to every mother selected. This included two items: a) In the first case, we tried to assess the mother's attitude towards food habits and children's illnesses. b) In the second case, the mother's knowledge concerning pregnancy, breast feeding, feeding of the child during the first year of life, taboos, beliefs and other aspects which could be related to nutrition. On the whole, the main objective of this study was attained, because significant differences were found between these two groups. Firstly, a good relationship between food habits and good nutritional status of the children was found. Secondly, mother with well-nourished children had better food habits and better socioeconomic status than mothers having children with poor health status, and therefore, of a lower socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Arm circumference has been recommended as a useful indicator for malnutrition screening, particularly in rural areas. The great advantages of the arm circumference over other anthropometric indicators are that the measure is easily obtained in rural areas and that the method for assessing arm circumference is simple, inexpensive and rapid. In this paper the validity (specificity and sensitivity) of arm circumference is analyzed as compared to more valid indicators of nutritional status in preschool children. We conclude that arm circumference is relatively valid for detecting global malnutrition (as indicated by weight-for-age), but of limited validity when used for detecting acute or chronic protein-calorie malnutrition. Furthermore, when compared to weight-for-age in detecting populations or individuals at high risk of acute or chronic protein-calorie malnutrition, it was found that weight-for-age has a higher level of specificity and sensitivity than arm circumference. Finally, it was found that sensitivity and specificity of arm circumference vary with age, suggesting that arm circumference cannot be considered an age-independent indicator of nutritional status. It is therefore recommended that these possible limitations of arm circumference be kept in mind when used in public health programs.  相似文献   



Hormones, which influence satiety and hunger, play a significant role in body energy balance regulation. Ghrelin is a peptide that plays an important role in short-term appetite regulation, whereas leptin is a factor that controls long-term energy balance and is considered as a satiety hormone. The aim of this study was to evaluate the leptin/ghrelin ratio in a fasting state and after the intake of meals with varying macronutrient contents and to assess the possible differences between normal body weight and overweight/obese men.


We examined 46 healthy adult men (23 with normal body weight and 23 overweight/obese) aged 21–58, who were divided into two groups. In the crossover study, participants received isocaloric (450?kcal) meals with different macronutrient contents: men from the first group received high-carbohydrate (HC) and normo-carbohydrate (NC) meals, and in the second group, participants received high-carbohydrate and high-fat (HF) meals. The ratio of leptin/ghrelin levels was calculated from leptin and total ghrelin serum concentrations in a fasting state and 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240?min after meal intake. One-way ANOVA and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were carried out. The normality of the variable distribution was checked with the Shapiro–Wilk test, the homogeneity of variances was verified with the Levene test, and the false discovery rate p-value adjustment method was used.


The leptin/ghrelin ratio was significantly higher in overweight/obese men than individuals with normal body weight in a fasting state, as well as postprandially. We observed trends towards a higher leptin/ghrelin ratio values from the 60?min after HC-meal intake compared to the NC- and HF-meals in normal body weight participants, while in overweight/obese men, we did not note any significant differences dependent on the meal type.


We have observed a significantly different postprandial leptin/ghrelin ratio in normal body weight and overweight/obese men, and our results suggest that in men with normal body weight, a greater feeling of satiety may occur after high-carbohydrate meal intake, which was not noted in the overweight/obese individuals.

Physical activity is affected by nutritional modifications and, in turn, influences growth, cognition, social behavior, work performance and other functions. Studies in preschool children showed that: 1. A decrease in energy intake during four to seven days reduced the time allocated to energy-demanding activities and increased sedentary activities. 2. Children with mild weight deficit were more sedentary than well-nourished counterparts. 3. Children became more active when nutritional status improved. 4. A 10% reduction in energy intake reduced total energy expenditure by 15% without affecting weight gain nor basal metabolism. Studies of men working in non-mechanized agriculture showed that: 1. Dietary improvements led to faster salaried work, reduction of napping time and greater physical activity after work. 2. An increase in energy intake increased total daily energy expenditure, tending to maintain energy balance and relatively stable body weight within the cyclic variations of the agricultural year. 3. Food supplementation did not necessarily improve productivity. Other labor incentives without dietary improvements increased energy expenditure during working hours, which resulted in weight loss. In conclusion, good health and nutrition provide the biological basis for adequate physical activity that may improve cognitive development, social interactions, economic productivity and the quality of life of an individual or a population, but other incentives are required for the optimal expression of that biologic potential.  相似文献   

The effect of mode of sparging gas on the mixing parameters of an internal loop airlift bioreactor was investigated. Two bioreactors of identical volume of 14×103 cm3 and the optimum riser to downcomer cross sectional area ratio of 0.6 were studied. In one bioreactor a gas sparger was located in the draft tube and in the annulus in another. Liquid mixing characteristics, i.e., mixing time and circulation time, were employed to describe the performance of the bioreactors. The tracer injection method was used to determine the mixing parameters. A mathematical modeling based on the tanks-in-series model was employed to characterize the hydrodynamics behavior of the bioreactors. Matlab 7.1 software was used to solve the model equations in the Laplace domain and determine the model parameter, the number of stages. A comparison between the simulation results and experimental data showed that the applied model can accurately describe the behavior of the bioreactors. The results showed that when the gas sparger was located in the draft tube, the liquid mixing time, circulation time, and the number of stage were less than while the gas sparger was located in annulus. This is due to more wall effects, more energy losses and pressure drop in the case of gas injection in the annulus.  相似文献   

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