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Allred D.J. Heejong Yoo Krishnan V. Huang W. Anderson D.V. 《IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers》2005,52(7):1327-1337
We present a new hardware adaptive filter architecture for very high throughput LMS adaptive filters using distributed arithmetic (DA). DA uses bit-serial operations and look-up tables (LUTs) to implement high throughput filters that use only about one cycle per bit of resolution regardless of filter length. However, building adaptive DA filters requires recalculating the LUTs for each adaptation which can negate any performance advantages of DA filtering. By using an auxiliary LUT with special addressing, the efficiency and throughput of DA adaptive filters can be of the same order as fixed DA filters. In this paper, we discuss a new hardware adaptive filter structure for very high throughput LMS adaptive filters. We describe the development of DA adaptive filters and show that practical implementations of DA adaptive filters have very high throughput relative to multiply and accumulate architectures. We also show that DA adaptive filters have a potential area and power consumption advantage over digital signal processing microprocessor architectures. 相似文献
Performance analysis of LMS adaptive prediction filters 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Zeidler J.R. 《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1990,78(12):1781-1806
The conditions required to implement real-time adaptive prediction filters that provide nearly optimal performance in realistic input conditions are delineated. The effects of signal bandwidth, input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise correlation, and noise nonstationarity are explicitly considered. Analytical modeling, Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results obtained using a hardware implementation are utilized to provide performance bounds for specified input conditions. It is shown that there is a nonlinear degradation in the signal processing gain as a function of the input SNR that results from the statistical properties of the adaptive filter weights. The stochastic properties of the filter weights ensure that the performance of the adaptive filter is bounded by that of the optimal matched filter for known stationary input conditions 相似文献
Chin-Liang Wang 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》1994,42(8):2169-2175
The delayed least-mean-square (DLMS) algorithm is useful for adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) filtering applications where high throughput rates are required. In the paper, a bit-serial bit-level systolic array based on new schemes for multiplication and inner-product computation is presented to implement DLMS adaptive N-tap FIR filters. The architecture is highly regular, modular, and thus well-suited to VLSI implementation. It has an efficiency of 100% and a throughput rate of one filter output per 2B cycles, where B is the word length of input data. In addition, the proposed array uses a small delay of [(4B+N/2+4)/2B] in the filter coefficient adaptation, where [x] is the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. This ensures that the DLMS algorithm can have good performance under proper selection of the step size. Based on a conservative design technique of static complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) logic, it is shown that the proposed system can be realized in a single chip for most practical applications 相似文献
基于LMS的自适应去噪滤波器设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
讨论了自适应滤波去噪原理,采用LMS算法设计了自适应去噪滤波器,分析了MAT-LAB/SIMULINK中DSP Builder模块库在FPGA中的设计优点,最后应用DSP Builder模块库对自适应滤波器进行仿真。为自适应滤波器硬件实现提供了实验依据。 相似文献
This paper has two contributions. First, the concept of the generalized sliding fast Fourier transform (GSFFT) as an efficient implementation of the hopping FFT is introduced. Application of the GSFFT is broad and not limited to what has been considered in this paper. The frequency domain block LMS (FBLMS) adaptive filters are then revised, and their implementations for block lengths less than the length of the adaptive filter are studied. The GSFFT and the available pruned FFTs are used to give an efficient implementation of these filters. In the particular case of the block length equal to one, where the FBLMS algorithm reduces to the frequency domain LMS (FLMS) algorithm, it is shown that the latter can be implemented with the order of M complexity, where M is the length of the adaptive filter 相似文献
The application of the stochastic gradient (least mean square) algorithm, the design of linear phase finite impulse response (FIR) filters, is discussed. Analytical results are presented and supported by simulation experiments to demonstrate the superior performance of the LMS algorithm equipped with the linear phase constraint as compared to the standard LMS algorithm 相似文献
This paper describes a new algorithm that improves the convergence performance of the transform-domain least mean-square (TRLMS) algorithm. The algorithm exploits the sparse structure of the correlation matrix of the transformed input process to derive a data dependent Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization type transform of the process. We show its faster convergence compared with the time-domain least mean-square (LMS) algorithm and the DCT or the DWT-based TRLMS algorithm. The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is realized using a modified adaptive escalator algorithm. The modification significantly reduces the computational complexity of the adaptive escalator algorithm and determines the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm 相似文献
We analyze the steady-state mean square error (MSE) convergence of the LMS algorithm when deterministic functions are used as reference inputs. A particular adaptive linear combiner is presented where the reference inputs are any set of orthogonal basis functions-the adaptive orthogonal linear combiner (AOLC). Several authors have applied this structure always considering in the analysis a time-average behavior over one signal occurrence. We make a more precise analysis using the deterministic nature of the reference inputs and their time-variant correlation matrix. Two different situations are considered in the analysis: orthogonal complete expansions and incomplete expansions. The steady-state misadjustment is calculated using two different procedures with equivalent results: the classical one (analyzing the transient behavior of the MSE) and as the residual noise at the output of the equivalent time-variant transfer function of the system. The latter procedure allows a very simple formalism being valid for colored noise as well. The derived expressions for steady-state misadjustment are contrasted with experimental results in electrocardiographic (ECG) signals, giving exact concordance for any value of the step size 相似文献
The affine combination of two adaptive filters that simultaneously adapt on the same inputs has been actively investigated. In these structures, the filter outputs are linearly combined to yield a performance that is better than that of either filter. Various decision rules can be used to determine the time-varying parameter for combining the filter outputs. A recently proposed scheme based on the ratio of error powers of the two filters has been shown by simulation to achieve nearly optimum performance. The purpose of this paper is to present a first analysis of the statistical behavior of this error power scheme for white Gaussian inputs. Expressions are derived for the mean behavior of the combination parameter and for the adaptive weight mean-square deviation. Monte Carlo simulations show good to excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions. 相似文献
Lim A.G.K.C. Sreeram V. Guo-Qing Wang 《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》2004,53(6):1809-1817
This paper discusses digital compensation for frequency-dependent transfer characteristics and implementation errors in digital PAM/continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) quadrature modulators. Recently, several methods have been proposed to digitally compensate for the shortcomings of the analog reconstruction filters in IQ modulators. While these methods have shown to be effective, they result in filters with long coefficients that are computationally demanding to implement on the DSP. Furthermore, the modulator needs to be taken offline while the precompensation filters are updated to reflect the changes in the I and Q channel characteristics. In this paper, a digital compensation method is proposed here using two adaptive finite-impulse response filters to compensate for the magnitude and phase characteristics of the analog reconstruction filters in the IQ modulator. The experimental results show that this technique is effective and lead to substantial improvement of the output envelope ripples. 相似文献
A composite scheme combining lattice and transform techniques for implementation of adaptive filters is discussed. Results of the eigenvalue spreads and convergence time for simple correlation cancelers in combination with Walsh-Hadamard Transform (WHT) are reported. 相似文献
In this paper, adaptive filters using the normalized signed regressor LMS algorithm (NSRA) with Gaussian reference inputs are proposed and analyzed to yield difference equations for theoretically calculating expected convergence of the filters. A simple difference equation for mean squared error (MSE) is derived when the filter input is a white and Gaussian process, whereas approximate difference equations for colored Gaussian inputs are proposed and tested. Stability conditions and residual MSE after convergence are also obtained. Agreement of theoretical results with those of simulation in the experiment with some examples of filter convergence shows sufficient accuracy of the theory and assures the usefulness of the difference equations in estimating filter performances, thus facilitating the design of adaptive filters using the NSRA 相似文献
H.J. Butterweck 《Signal processing》2011,91(4):690-701
For the well-known LMS adaptive algorithm no general analytic solutions are available for the steady-state weight-error statistics under stationary stochastic excitation. Only approximate tools have been developed using certain assumptions (like the “independence assumption”) and producing more or less reliable results in practical situations. It is only for the case of a vanishingly small stepsize that such assumptions are not required. There a closed-form solution can be determined for any colouring of the input signal and the additive noise.Here another particular problem is analyzed: the long filter, i.e. a tapped-delay line structure with a large number of taps. For the limiting case of an infinitely long filter, exact closed-form solutions are derived for the steady-state weight-error correlations and the associated “misadjustment”, again valid for any colouring of the input signal and the additive noise, and now also for any stepsize guaranteeing stability.The analysis is based upon a feedback approach, with a forward branch generating the above-mentioned solution for vanishing stepsize and a peculiar feedback branch responsible for higher-order corrections. As in any feedback structure, instability can occur beyond a critical value of the feedback parameter. In our case an experimentally supported maximum stepsize is found, beyond which spontaneous oscillations might occur. 相似文献
Quantization effects in the complexlms adaptive algorithm are studied for two cases. For frequency domain adaptation, the complex scalarlms algorithm is analyzed by modeling the accumulator input quantizer as a memoryless nonlinearity. For time domainlms adaptation, weight vector adaptation is studied by adding of dither. The dither linearizes the rounding quantizer at each accumulator input. The effects of both the dither and quantization noise on algorithm performance are studied. Results are also presented for an arbitrary nonlinear operation on the data input to the weight update for the real lms algorithm with a gaussian data model. Difference equations are derived and solved for the weight first and second moments. The solutions are used to minimize the mean square error over the choice of nonlinearity for a fixed transient behaviour. 相似文献
Performance characteristics of the median LMS adaptive filter 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Williamson G.A. Clarkson P.M. Sethares W.A. 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》1993,41(2):667-680
The median least-mean-square (MLMS) adaptive filter alleviates the problem of degradation of performance when inputs are corrupted by impulsive noise by protecting the filter coefficients from the impact of the impulses. MLMS is obtained from the least mean square (LMS) by applying a median operation to the raw gradient estimates of the mean-squared-error performance surface. The algorithm is analyzed for the class of independent and identically distributed inputs, establishing exponential convergence. The rate of convergence is shown to depend on order statistics of the input but shows little dependence on characteristics of the impulsive interference. Analysis of the steady-state performance indicates a significantly improved performance for MLMS compared to LMS. Analytic predictions for both convergence and steady-state behavior are supported by simulations 相似文献
In almost all analyses of the least mean square (LMS) adaptive filter, it is assumed that the filter coefficients are statistically independent of the input data currently in filter memory, an assumption that is incorrect for shift-input data. We present a method for deriving a set of linear update equations that can be used to predict the exact statistical behavior of a finite-impulse-response (FIR) LMS adaptive filter operating upon finite-time correlated input data. Using our method, we can derive exact bounds upon the LMS step size to guarantee mean and mean-square convergence. Our equation-deriving procedure is recursive and algorithmic, and we describe a program written in the MAPLE symbolic-manipulation software package that automates the derivation for arbitrarily-long adaptive filters operating on input data with stationary statistics. Using our analysis, we present a search algorithm that determines the exact step size mean-square stability bound for a given filter length and input correlation statistics. Extensive computer simulations indicate that the exact analysis is more accurate than previous analyses in predicting adaptation behavior. Our results also indicate that the exact step size bound is much more stringent than the bound predicted by the independence assumption analysis for correlated input data 相似文献
Sequential tuning of microwave filters using adaptive models and parameter extraction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper describes a sequential procedure for computer-aided tuning and diagnosis of multiple-coupled resonator filters. The method is based on a sequential parameter estimation and a systematic tuning procedure and employs three different filter models. A detuned model represents the initial status of the filter after a well-defined detuning procedure. The target filter is described by an ideal model, whereas the actual state of the filter at each tuning step is represented by a coarse adaptive model. The goal of the procedure is the convergence of the coarse model to the ideal model and will be obtained by systematically centering resonant frequencies and coupling coefficients. Practical examples comprising low- and high-degree filters confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach in both tuning and fault diagnosis. 相似文献
《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1976,64(8):1151-1162
This paper describes the performance characteristics of the LMS adaptive filter, a digital filter composed of a tapped delay line and adjustable weights, whose impulse response is controlled by an adaptive algorithm. For stationary stochastic inputs, the mean-square error, the difference between the filter output and an externally supplied input called the "desired response," is a quadratic function of the weights, a paraboloid with a single fixed minimum point that can be sought by gradient techniques. The gradient estimation process is shown to introduce noise into the weight vector that is proportional to the speed of adaptation and number of weights. The effect of this noise is expressed in terms of a dimensionless quantity "misadjustment" that is a measure of the deviation from optimal Wiener performance. Analysis of a simple nonstationary case, in which the minimum point of the error surface is moving according to an assumed first-order Markov process, shows that an additional contribution to misadjustment arises from "lag" of the adaptive process in tracking the moving minimum point. This contribution, which is additive, is proportional to the number of weights but inversely proportional to the speed of adaptation. The sum of the misadjustments can be minimized by choosing the speed of adaptation to make equal the two contributions. It is further shown, in Appendix A, that for stationary inputs the LMS adaptive algorithm, based on the method of steepest descent, approaches the theoretical limit of efficiency in terms of misadjustment and speed of adaptation when the eigenvalues of the input correlation matrix are equal or close in value. When the eigenvalues are highly disparate (λmax /λmin > 10), an algorithm similar to LMS but based on Newton's method would approach this theoretical limit very closely. 相似文献
Efficient RFI suppression in SAR using LMS adaptive filterintegrated with range/Doppler algorithm 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Radio frequency interference (RFI) suppression in SAR images often requires a great amount of computation. The authors describe how significant computational savings can be achieved by integrating the RFI suppression stage, implemented with a least-mean-squared (LMS) adaptive filter, with the range compression stage of the range/Doppler SAR processing algorithm 相似文献
Analysis of constrained LMS algorithm with application to adaptive beamforming using perturbation sequences 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Adaptive antenna array processing employing a constrained least mean square (LMS) algorithm requires an unbiased estimate of the gradient of the output power with respect to the array weights. There are a number of schemes for obtaining an unbiased estimate of this gradient. Though in each case the estimated gradient is unbiased, the covariance of the estimated gradient with each method is different and thus the transient and the steady state behavior of the constrained algorithm is different in each case. The transient and the steady state behavior of the weight covariancc matrix is analyzed, exact expressions for the misadjustment are derived, and a comparison of the performance of the algorithm is presented when the required gradient is estimated by different schemes. The schemes considered include gradient estimation when all the array signals are accessible as well as gradient estimation using perturbation sequences for eases when the array signals are inaccessible. The necessary and the sufficient condition for the diagonlization of the weight covarience matrix is also derived. 相似文献