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Mutschke  Peter  Haase  Anabel Quan 《Scientometrics》2001,52(3):487-502
Bibliographic information systems have to address the needs of users by providing “value-added-components.” For instance, users would benefit from knowing the social and cognitive structures of research fields. Research suggests that a relationship exists between actors' position in scientific networks and the innovativeness of themes they examine. The present study confirms and expands these results through a technique that relates the cognitive and social structures of a research field (socio-cognitive analysis). The results from two social science fields suggest that well-integrated actors are engaged in the consolidation of the mainstream, whereas new ideas are most likely to be introduced and pursued by social climbers, i.e., actors who are starting to form a social network of collaboration. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mary Jo Nye 《NTM》2016,24(2):169-194
Kollaboration und Konkurrenz gibt es in der Wissenschaft zwischen Individuen oder verschiedenen Gruppen, größeren Organisationen, Schauplätzen und Nationalstaaten. Die Spannung zwischen individuellem Ansehen und Gruppenmeriten oder individuellem Ehrgeiz und Gruppenleistung ist der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit inhärent und trägt zu ihrem Erfolg bei. Die Autorin vergleicht zwei soziale Modelle der Wissenschaft, die entwickelt wurden, als Wissenschaftler im 20. Jahrhundert zunehmend begannen kollaborativ zu forschen: Michael Polanyis individualistische Freie-Markt-Republik der Wissenschaft und Ludwik Flecks Denkkollektiv. Diese beiden Modelle sollten Praktiken beschreiben und Ideale für die Wissenschaft im allgemeinen auf der Grundlage der Erfahrungen spezialisierter Forschungsgruppen vorschreiben. Die Arbeitsgruppen von Linus Pauling und Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin dienen hier der Erläuterung der beiden Modelle. Die Autorin untersucht verschiedene Auswirkungen von Paulings und Hodgkins Praktiken auf das persönliche Ansehen des Direktors und der Mitarbeiter, und schließt mit der Frage, ob eine kollektive Wissenschaft möglich ist.  相似文献   

We study electron transport through single and double quantumdots with large level spacing and charging energy. Motivatedby recent experiments we focus on linear and nonlinearresponse of two model systems: a single dot with two levelsand a capacitively coupled double dot. At low temperature andstrong coupling to the leads, quantum fluctuations and Kondo-like many-body effects become important and show up, e.g., asresonances in the current-voltage characteristics. Inparticular, we propose a way to observe the splitting of theKondo peak as a function of the applied bias voltage.  相似文献   

Havemann  Frank 《Scientometrics》2001,52(3):435-443
Coming together to get publishable research results is not always a simple task. There can be geographical, cultural, disciplinary and political barriers, which have to be overcome. The Berlin Wall was such a barrier. After its fall in November 1989 Berlin scientists changed their collaboration behaviour. Research groups in East Berlin went West to look for partners and vice versa. The numbers of papers in life science journals with co-authors working in Berlin and co-authors in other places are discussed against the background of the international trend to more and more collaboration in science. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Age Structures of Scientific Collaboration in Chinese Computer Science   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Scientometrics - This paper is a scientometric study of the age structure of scientific collaboration in Chinese computer science. Analysis reveals some special age structures in scientific...  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence for the persistence of small polaron like entities in colossal magnetoresistance oxides, which are dense electronic systems with electron density n1 per site. This has brought up again the question of whether and how small (narrow band) polaronic states survive in a dense electronic system. We investigate this question in a simple one band Holstein polaron model, in which spinless electrons on a tight binding lattice cause an on-site lattice distortion x 0 . In the small polaron limit, each electron is localized, and the electron hopping tij is neglected. We develop a systematic approach in powers of tij, identify classical t 0 , quantum mean field t 1 , and quantum fluctuation t 2 terms, and show that the last two terms are relatively small, even for dense systems, so long as the narrowed polaron bandwidth t*=t exp(–u) is much smaller than the Einstein phonon energy 0 . (Here u=(x 2 0 /2x 2 zp) with xzp being the zero point phonon displacement.) The relevance of these results for CMR oxides is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

On the 43rd WSD,witnessed by the leadership from AQSIQ and SAC,CNIS and 14 provincial-level standardization institutions signed the Cooperation Regulations on National Standardization Science and Technology Collaboration Platform. The platform was officially launched to make integrated use of resources like technology projects,funds,talents,equipment and information,etc.,smooth the channel of technological needs,commonly make technology plans,plan the overall technology projects,jointly  相似文献   

Basu  Aparna  Aggarwal  Ritu 《Scientometrics》2001,52(3):379-394
In this paper, our objective is to delineate some of the problems that could arise in using research output for performance evaluation. Research performance in terms of the Impact Factor (IF) of papers, say of scientific institutions in a country, could depend critically on coauthored papers in a situation where internationally co-authored papers are known to have significantly different (higher) impact factors as compared to purely indigenous papers. Thus, international collaboration not only serves to increase the overall output of research papers of an institution, the contribution of such papers to the average Impact Factor of the institutional output could also be disproportionately high. To quantify this effect, an index of gain in impact through foreign collaboration (GIFCOL) is defined such that it ensures comparability between institutions with differing proportions of collaborative output. A case study of major Indian institutions is undertaken, where Cluster Analysis is used to distinguish between intrinsically high performance institutions and those that gain disproportionately in terms of perceived quality of their output as a result of international collaboration. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

外援型自修复体系及其在环氧基复合材料中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聚合物基自修复材料是近年来国内外的研究热点。根据自修复过程是否需要外加修复剂,聚合物基复合材料自修复方法主要分为外援型自修复和本征型自修复。外援型自修复体系主要包括双环戊二烯修复体系、环氧基修复体系、硫醇基修复体系、甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯修复体系、马来酰亚胺修复体系等。着重介绍了这几种自修复体系及其在环氧基复合材料中的应用,并展望了外援型自修复体系在聚合物基复合材料的应用前景及发展方向。  相似文献   

简要介绍了金属材料强度国家重点实验室(西安交通大学)近年内根据国家重点实验室主干研究方向和学科发展的需求,相继通过海外高端人才引进与实质性国际合作,在优秀人才培养与团队建设,学科发展和成果效益等方面取得的一些进展。基于上述工作,已初步形成一个国际合作、开放性的开展国际学科前沿性研究的学科创新引智基地,同时产生了一批具有国际学术影响的高水平科研成果,对于西安交大材料学科的可持续发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

Wenzel  Vera 《Scientometrics》2001,52(3):525-529
In this paper specifics of the research subject within the natural sciences and humanities are supposed to be well-known. These specifics set limits to communication between scholars and natural scientists. In particular this leads to critical situations in cases if both participants have to collaborate within a common interdisciplinary research work. The modern conception of complex system as subject of investigation for both natural sciences and humanities have in this context an integrating function. The term ‘complex system’ is now recognized as a transdisciplinary matter of research. Despite of the well-known differences between two fields of modern science one can find on this condition a number of mechanisms which are generating also common properties of them. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study the crossover to small polarons in the Holstein model for finitedensities in presence of strong electronic correlations. The small polaronformation condition >1, which holds for a single particle in theadiabatic regime 0/t1 is generalized to the many particle case bymeans of simple physical arguments. It is shown that a general criterion canbe formulated for polaron formation, provided that incoherent 1/corrections are taken into account.  相似文献   

综述了近10年来专家系统在材料科学中的发展和应用现状,包括发展历史、涉及领域和应用类型,重点讨论了目前应用最广泛的材料设计专家系统以及基于人工神经网络的材料专家系统的应用现状、存在问题及改进办法,最后展望了专家系统在材料科学中的发展趋势.  相似文献   

With this introduction we aim to illuminate Western Europe's place on the map of Cold War science and, specifically, to draw attention to the differences in and the diversity of Western European Cold War science in comparison to the United States. By discussing narratives of Cold War science in small states and asking how they fit into the European condition, we suggest that the fact of being a small state affects the conditions for and the scope of Cold War science. As a whole, this special issue also emphasizes the importance of the spatial dimension; that is, the significant dependence of Cold War science on geographical relations and geopolitical interests.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of economy in China,India and some developing countries,the rapid increase of electricity demand will strengthen the power grid construction in special operation environments constantly,among which,the more typical special operation environment is high altitude operating condition.  相似文献   

协同是企业集群、网络化制造和企业集群的网络制造的重要条件和内容.本文以台州汽车零部件业企业集群为研究背景,在对企业集群的网络化制造内容分析的基础上,对企业集群网络化制造中的协同领域、协同体系及协同控制进行了一些探讨.  相似文献   

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