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Comparative analysis of the fatty acid and sterol profiles of widely consumed Mediterranean crustacean species 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Comparative analysis of FA, NL and sterol profiles in the Nephropsnorvegicus (langoustine), Palinurusvulgaris (lobster) and Penaeuskerathurus (shrimp) muscle and cephalothorax showed that C16:0, C16:1ω-7, C18:0, C18:1ω-9, C20:4ω-6, EPA and DHA were found to be their major FA. Highest EPA occurred in langoustine muscle TL, DHA in both shrimp tissues TL while C20:4ω-6 in lobster muscle and cephalothorax TL. Muscle and cephalothorax NL consisted mainly of sterols (42.5–54.4% and 13.7–43.1%) and triacylglycerols (35.4–45.8% and 44.6–59.4%). Cholesterol was the major sterol (70.90–98.58% and 97.10–98.31% of total sterols in muscle and cephalothorax respectively) followed by avenasterol (0.18–20.32% and 0.07–0.70%) and β-sitosterol (0.29–7.30% and 0.23–0.75%). Lower concentrations of brassicasterol, stigmasterol, Δ7-stigmasterol, campesterol and campestanol were also found. The examined crustaceans muscle (edible part) was found to be a good ω-3 PUFA source for the consumers, while the cephalothorax (which is usually discarded) could be used effectively as a source for ω-3 PUFA production. 相似文献
Stephen L. Pahl David M. Lewis Feng Chen Keith D. King 《Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering》2010,109(3):235-239
To investigate the nutritional value of the diatom Cyclotella cryptica (Reimann, Lewin, and Guillard) as an alternative feed for use in the aquaculture industry, the heterotrophic growth characteristics and resultant fatty acid profile of the microalga were studied when cultivated under a variety of controlled salinity and temperature conditions. In addition, the effects of pH on the growth characteristics were also studied. The maximum specific growth rate was affected by initial pH and cultivation temperature, but not by salinity. The optimal pH and temperature ranges for growth were 7.2 to 8.1 and 22.5 to 25.0 °C, respectively. Lipid accumulation and the fatty acid composition were also affected by cultivation temperature and salinity. The optimal temperature range and salinity level for lipid accumulation were 18.0 to 25.0 °C and 11.2 psu, respectively. In all cases the fatty acid distribution was similar, with the most abundant fatty acids being palmitic acid (16:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1 n-7), stearidonic acid (18:4 n-3, SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 n-3, EPA), and decosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3, DHA). 相似文献
Structure-dependent membrane interaction of flavonoids associated with their bioactivity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Plant foods contain various flavonoids with nutraceutical and health benefits. Structurally different flavonoids were compared by the potency to interact with liposomal membranes in the context of their mode of action. A series of fluorescence polarisation measurements showed that flavonoids (1–10 μM) structure-dependently acted on the deeper regions of lipid bilayers to decrease membrane fluidity. Their comparative effects on cell-mimetic membranes, consisting of unsaturated phospholipids and cholesterol, characterised the structure–membrane interactivity relationship: 3-hydroxylation of the C ring, non-modification of the B ring and 5,7-dihydroxylation of the A ring led to the greatest membrane interactivity, followed by 3′,4′-dihydroxylation of the B ring. Galangin and quercetin, meeting such a structural requirement, inhibited the proliferation of tumour cells at 10–100 μM, together with rigidifying cell membranes, but not membrane-inactive flavonoids. The structure-dependent membrane interaction, which modifies the fluidity, is mechanistically associated with flavonoid bioactivity in a membranous lipid phase. 相似文献
The effect of chain length, number of double bonds, the location and geometry of double bonds, the reaction conditions, and reactivity of different lipases on the incorporation of selected long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) into triacylglcerols, such as trilinolein (tri C18:2) and trilinolenin (tri C18:3) is examined. This study also discusses reasons behind different degrees of incorporation of selected LCFA into tri C18:2 or tri C18:3 on a molecular basis. Five lipases, namely Candida antarctica (Novozyme-435), Mucor miehei (Lipozyme-1M), Pseudomonas sp. (PS-30), Aspergillus niger (AP-12), and Candida rugosa (AY-30) were screened for their effect on catalyzing the acidolysis of trilinolein (tri C18:2) or trilinolenin (tri C18:3) with selected C18, C20 and C22 fatty acids (FA). Incorporation of a mixture of C18 FA into trilinolein, using Pseudomonas sp., the most effective lipase, was in the order of SA > OA > GLA > ALA > CLA. Meanwhile, the degree of n-6 FA incorporation into tri C18:2 with Pseudomonas sp. was in the order of GLA > AA > CLA. The order of incorporation of n-3 FA into trilinolein using lipases from C. antarctica and M. miehei was ALA > EPA > DPA > DHA. 相似文献
Nutritional quality of pork is a significant factor for consumers' health. Feeding n-3 PUFA to pigs, using linseed, improves pork nutritional quality. A meta-analysis involving 1006 pigs reported in 24 publications was carried out to assess the effects of dietary linseed on alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content in muscle and adipose tissue. Data showed positive effects of n-3 PUFA on muscle fatty acid composition: ALA + 137%, EPA + 188%, DPA + 51% and DHA + 12%. Same results were observed in adipose tissue: ALA + 297%, EPA + 149%, DPA + 88% and DHA + 18%. A positive correlation between dietary treatment and ALA and EPA content in muscle (P < 0.001) and adipose tissue (P = 0.036) was observed. A significant association between DPA (P = 0.04) and DHA (P = 0.011) and live weight in muscle was observed. Feeding linseed to pig improves the nutritional pork quality, raising the n-3 PUFA content in muscle and adipose tissue. 相似文献
Turchini GM Nichols PD Barrow C Sinclair AJ 《Critical reviews in food science and nutrition》2012,52(9):795-803
Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA) are almost unanimously recognized for their health benefits, while only limited evidence of any health benefit is currently available specifically for the main precursor of these fatty acids, namely α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3). However, both the n-3 LC-PUFA and the short-chain C(18) PUFA (i.e., ALA) are commonly referred to as \"omega-3\" fatty acids, and it is difficult for consumers to recognize this difference. A current gap of many food labelling legislations worldwide allow products containing only ALA and without n-3 LC-PUFA to be marketed as \"omega-3 source\" and this misleading information can negatively impact the ability of consumers to choose more healthy diets. Within the context of the documented nutritional and health promoting roles of omega-3 fatty acids, we briefly review the different metabolic fates of dietary ALA and n-3 LC-PUFA. We also review food sources rich in n-3 LC-PUFA, some characteristics of LC-PUFA and current industry and regulatory trends. A further objective is to present a case for regulatory bodies to clearly distinguish food products containing only ALA from foods containing n-3 LC-PUFA. Such information, when available, would then avoid misleading information and empower consumers to make a more informed choice in their food purchasing behavior. 相似文献
Charles K Njoroge Eduardo L Kerbel Donald P Briskin 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》1998,76(2):209-214
The aim of this work was to elucidate the mode of action of calcium in calcium-inhibited ethylene biosynthesis. In one experiment, mature green tomatoes were treated with 1·5% (w/v) CaCl2+60 μM N-6(aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulphonamide (W5). 1·5% (w/v) CaCl2+60 μM N-6(aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulphonamide (W7), 1·5% (w/v) CaCl2 alone or distilled water (control). The control and the W7 treatment had much higher ethylene production than either the CaCl2 treatment alone or the CaCl2+W5 treatment. In another experiment, similar tomatoes were treated with 1·5% (w/v) CaCl2+15 μM trifluoperazine (TFP). 1·5% (w/v) CaCl2 only, or distilled water (control). The treatment with 1·5% CaCl2+15 μM TFP gave higher ethylene production than 1·5% (w/v) CaCl2 without TFP, and nearly the same level as the control towards the end of the experimental period. For enzyme and intermediate metabolite assays, mature green tomatoes were treated with 1·5% (w/v) CaCl2 plus either W5 or W7. W5 treatment had a lower ethylene forming enzyme (EFE) activity, higher 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) concentration, similar levels of ACC synthase activity and 1-(malonylamino)-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid concentration, compared to the control and W7 treatment. As W7 is a more potent calmodulin antagonist than W5, these results suggest a calcium-calmodulin inactivation of EFE activity. © 1998 SCI. 相似文献
A. Catarina Guedes Helena M. Amaro Catarina R. Barbosa Ricardo D. Pereira F. Xavier Malcata 《Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)》2011,44(9):2721-2729
A total of 13 species of microalgae and 14 strains of cyanobacteria, collected directly in the Portuguese coast and lagoons, were characterized for their fatty acid contents, focusing on two with a market potential — i.e. eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA); and another already with alternative (yet somehow more expensive) natural sources — i.e. α-linolenic (ALA) acid. The purpose of this work was their eventual inclusion as additives in food or feed. ALA was the most abundant PUFA in Nannochloropsis sp. (0.616 ± 0.081 mgFA.Lculture− 1.d− 1), and EPA in Phaeodactylum tricornutum (0.148 ± 0.013 mgFA.Lculture− 1.d− 1); Pavlova lutheri was particularly rich in EPA (0.290 ± 0.005 mgFA.Lculture− 1.d− 1) and DHA (0.140 ± 0.037 mgFA.Lculture− 1.d− 1). Despite several previous reports on similar topics and encompassing some of our microalgal species, the wild nature of our strains accounts for the novelty of this work — in addition to the characterization of a few wild cyanobacteria. Eustigmatophyceae class was the best producer of ALA, while Prymnesiophyceae was the best for EPA and ALA. Nodularia harveyana exhibited the highest ALA level (0.611 ± 0.022 mgFA.Lculture− 1.d− 1) and Gloeothece sp. was highest in EPA (0.030 ± 0.004 mgFA.Lculture− 1.d− 1). 相似文献
Inhibition of fish oil oxidation and the radical scavenging activity of New Zealand seaweed extracts
This study describes the potential use of New Zealand seaweed extracts as antioxidants in fish oils. The extracts from two brown seaweeds (Ecklonia radiata, Macrocystis pyrifera) and two red species (Champia sp. and Porphyra sp.), were added to hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) oil and assessed by production of oxidation products in an elevated temperature (60 °C) storage trial. Antioxidant assays ORAC and DPPH were conducted to elucidate the radical scavenging activity of the seaweed extracts. The results showed that all the lipid-soluble seaweed extracts had some antioxidative capacity, with brown algae generally outperforming red algae species. Extracts from E. radiata performed best with significantly lower primary, secondary and total oxidation products, and higher DPPH radical scavenging ability than the commercial antioxidant, BHT. This study demonstrated the potential of brown algae seaweed extracts, in particular E. radiata, for use as antioxidants in fish oil products. 相似文献
Forty male Ile-de-France lambs (10 blocks of 4 homologous lambs) were used to study the effects of four feeding systems on muscle fatty acids (FA): raising and finishing on cool-season grasses (G), raising on the same grasses and stall-finishing, indoors, on concentrates and hay, respectively, for 22 (GSS) or 41 days (GSL), and stall-feeding indoors on concentrates and hay during both growing and finishing periods (S). Twenty-four lambs only (6 blocks) were retained for comparison of growth performances, lipid content in the longissimus thoracis muscle (LT) and their FA composition according to treatment. The 16 other lambs (4 blocks) were removed from the comparison, due to a large spread in the growth of the lambs towards the end of the trial. No significant effects of treatment were seen on the rate of growth (221, 228, 243 and 245±SE 8.0g/d, respectively, for G, GSS, GSL and S groups), and the lipid contents of the LT (2.22, 2.16, 2.17 and 2.52±SE 0.11g/100g fresh tissue). Grazing, lowered n-6 PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids), and increased n-3 PUFA and C18:2 c9t11 (conjugated linoleic acid cis9, trans11) compared to concentrate feeding. The main effects of grazing were not removed by a short period of finish indoors on concentrate (GSS group), but C20:4 n-6 and C22:6 n-3 contents achieved the lowest contents in this group, with significant differences from the values observed for GSL and S groups (C20:4 n-6) or from the three other groups (C22:6 n-3). After a longer period of finish on concentrate (GSL group), C18:3 n-3 (linolenic acid), C18:2 c9t11 and long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA were brought to the levels observed in the S group. In terms of adequacy for human health, the C18:2 n-6/C18:3 n-3 ratios were favourably low in the four groups (2.6, 3.6, 4.9 and 5.2±SE 0.7, respectively, for G, GSS, GSL and S groups), the level observed in the case of G group being significantly lower than for the three other groups and the level observed for GSS group being significantly lower than for the GSL and S groups. 相似文献
Shuling Xu Fang Wei Ya Xie Bangfu Wu Xin Lv Zuojian Qin Hong Chen 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2020,55(7):2883-2892
In this study, a strategy based on photochemical derivatisation and stable isotope labelling coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) for rapid and accurate identification and quantification of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) in vegetable oils was developed. Acetone was employed to label double bond(s) of UFAs via Paternò–Büchi (PB) reaction. The acetone-labelled UFAs could produce diagnostic ions specific to the locations of carbon–carbon double bond (C=C) in collision-induced dissociation (CID), which enabled confident assignment of C=C locations in UFAs. Furthermore, absolute quantification was achieved by using d6-acetone-labelled UFAs as internal standard to minimise the quantitation deviation due to nonuniformity response and ion suppression effects. By exploiting this method, precise identification and quantification of UFAs in nine kinds of vegetable oils including three kinds of Chinese special vegetable oils were achieved. This method exhibits a powerful potential use for the localisation of C=C bond(s) and quantitative analysis of UFAs, which is valuable for discovery of unusual UFAs in special oils and crops, and quality control of edible oils. 相似文献
Production of conjugated fatty acids by lactic acid bacteria 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Ogawa J Kishino S Ando A Sugimoto S Mihara K Shimizu S 《Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering》2005,100(4):355-364
Conjugated fatty acids have attracted much attention as a novel type of biologically beneficial functional lipid. Some isomers of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) reduce carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis, and body fat. Considering the use of CLA for medicinal and nutraceutical purposes, a safe isomer-selective process is required. The introduction of biological reactions for CLA production could be an answer. We screened microbial reactions useful for CLA production, and found several unique reactions in lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria produced CLA from linoleic acid. The produced CLA comprised a mixture of cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid (18:2) and trans-9,trans-11-18:2. Lactobacillus plantarum AKU 1009a was selected as a potential CLA producer. Using washed cells of L. plantarum AKU 1009a as a catalyst, CLA production from linoleic acid reached 40 mg/ml under the optimized conditions. The CLA-producing reaction was found to consist of two successive reactions, i.e., hydration of linoleic acid to 10-hydroxy-12-octadecenoic acid and dehydrating isomerization of the hydroxy fatty acid to CLA. On the basis of these results, the transformation of hydroxy fatty acids by lactic acid bacteria was investigated. Lactic acid bacteria transformed ricinoleic acid (12-hydroxy-cis-9-octadecenoic acid) to CLA (a mixture of cis-9,trans-11-18:2 and trans-9,trans-11-18:2). Castor oil, which is rich in the triacylglycerol form of ricinoleic acid, was also found to act as a substrate for CLA production by lactic acid bacteria with the aid of lipase-catalyzed triacylglycerol hydrolysis. L. plantarum AKU 1009a produced conjugated trienoic fatty acids from alpha- and gamma-linolenic acid. The trienoic fatty acids produced from alpha-linolenic acid were identified as cis-9,trans-11,cis-15-octadecatrienoic acid (18:3) and trans-9,trans-11,cis-15-18:3. Those produced from gamma-linolenic were cis-6,cis-9,trans-11-18:3 and cis-6,trans-9,trans-11-18:3. The conjugated trienoic fatty acids produced from alpha- and gamma-linolenic acid were further saturated by L. plantarum AKU 1009a to trans-10,cis-15-18:2 and cis-6,trans-10-18:2, respectively. 相似文献
Effects of feeding flaxseed or sunflower-seed in high-forage diets on beef production,quality and fatty acid composition 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
C. Mapiye J.L. Aalhus T.D. Turner D.C. Rolland J.A. Basarab V.S. Baron T.A. McAllister H.C. Block B. Uttaro O. Lopez-Campos S.D. Proctor M.E.R. Dugan 《Meat science》2013
Yearling steers were fed 70:30 forage:concentrate diets for 205 d, with either grass hay (GH) or red clover silage (RC) as the forage source, and concentrates containing either sunflower-seed (SS) or flaxseed (FS), each providing 5.4% oil to diets. Feeding diets containing SS versus FS significantly improved growth and carcass attributes (P < 0.05), significantly reduced meat off-flavor intensity (P < 0.05), and significantly increased intramuscular proportions of vaccenic (t11-18:1), rumenic (c9,t11-CLA) and n − 6 fatty acids (FA, P < 0.05). Feeding diets containing FS versus SS produced significantly darker and redder meat with greater proportions of atypical dienes (P < 0.05). A significant forage × oilseed type interaction (P < 0.05) was found for n − 3 FA, α-linolenic acid, and conjugated linolenic acid, with their greatest intramuscular proportions found when feeding the RC-FS diet. Feeding GH versus RC also significantly improved growth and carcass attributes, sensory tenderness (P < 0.05) and significantly influenced intramuscular FA composition (P < 0.05), but overall, forage effects on FA profiles were limited compared to effects of oilseed. 相似文献
The effect of oil-based marinades containing grape seed extract (Vitis vinifera L.; 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 g/100 g) formulated in a water/oil emulsion or rosemary extract (Rosmarinus officinalis; 0.12, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0 and 1.5 g/100 g) in oil on the formation of heterocyclic amines (HAs) in fried beef patties was examined. After application of marinades and frying, four HAs MeIQx (2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline), PhIP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5b]pyridine), Norharman, and Harman were found at low levels in all fried patties, MeIQx (0.3–1.0 ng/g), and PhIP (0.02–0.3 ng/g). The content of MeIQx and PhIP were significantly reduced by approx. 57% and 90% (p < 0.05), respectively, after use of marinades containing the highest extract concentration. The antioxidant capacity of grape seed was about two-times greater than that of rosemary extract. A correlation between inhibition of HAs and Trolox-equivalents (MeIQx, R2 = 0.85, p < 0.001; PhIP, R2 = 0.83, p < 0.001) was found. Sensory tests showed a high acceptance of flavour and colour for controls and samples. 相似文献
Crude polyphenol extracts (15 or 100 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/kg meat) from canola meal reduced the formation of 2-thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in pre-cooked beef (66–92%), pork (43–75%) and chicken (36–70%). The canola extract contained sinapic (99.7%), ferulic (0.28%) and p-hydroxybenzoic acids (0.07%). 相似文献
The present study determined the chemical composition, fatty acid (FA) content and antioxidant capacity of meat from goats supplemented with Moringa oleifera leaves (MOL) or sunflower cake (SC) or grass hay (GH). The meat from goat supplemented with MOL had higher concentrations of total phenolic content (10.62 ± 0.27 mg tannic acid equivalent E/g). The MOL significantly scavenged 2,2′-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic-acid (ABTS) radical to 93.51 ± 0.19% (93.51 ± 0.19%) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical to 58.95 ± 0.3% than other supplements. The antioxidative effect of MOL supplemented meat on catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lipid oxidation (LO) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than other meat from goat feed on grass hay or those supplemented with sunflower seed cake. The present study indicated that the anti-oxidative potential of MOL may play a role in improving meat quality (chemical composition, colour and lipid stability). 相似文献
The cruciferous sprouts, including cabbage (Brassicaoleracea), broccoli (Brassicacapitata) and radish (Raphanussativus), were cultivated with supplementation of sulphur salts. With supplementation of sulphur at 60 kg/ha, a 2–5-fold increases in total glucosinolates contents in the sprouts were observed. The individual glucosinolates whose concentration increased most significantly, included progoitrin, glucoerucin, glucobrassicin, glucohirsutin and 4-methoxybrassicin. The antioxidant properties of these sulphur supplemented sprouts were also higher than that of the normal sprouts due to the increases of phenolic compounds. Consequently, the glucosinolates fortified sprouts had higher anti-proliferative activity against HepG2 human hepatocarcinoma cells than the normal sprouts, as the cell viability decreased by 22–35%. Also in CT26 mouse colorectal cancer cells, the cell viability decrease by 34–59%. 相似文献
Fruit of eight Actinidia genotypes were evaluated for antioxidant potential by several assays (DPPH, ABTS, ORAC, FRAP, SASR and MCC) and tested for their polyphenol composition and vitamin C contents. The significance analysis demonstrated that the antioxidant capacity of Actinidia eriantha and Actinidia latifolia fruits were significantly higher than that of other genotypes, which was about 3.3–8.7-fold higher than the Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward assayed in ABTS, DPPH, ORAC and FRAP methods. The total polyphenols and vitamin C contents showed a great variety amongst Actinidia genotypes and highly correlation with the total antioxidant capacity. It is concluded that significant genotypic difference exists in the total antioxidant capacity of Actinidia fruits. The wild A. eriantha and A. latifolia species have significantly higher antioxidant capacity than the cultivars of A. chinensis and A. deliciosa. Both total polyphenols and vitamin C are major contributors to the total antioxidant capacity in Actinidia fruit. 相似文献