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Storage effects on nutritional quality of commonly consumed cereals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Storage effects on nutritional quality of commonly consumed cereal grains are studied. Freshly harvested wheat, maize and rice grains were stored at 10, 25 and 45 °C for six months. A significant decrease in pH and an increase in titratable acidity was observed during storage of these three cereal grains at 25 and 45 °C. A gradual decline in moisture, total available lysine and thiamine contents was observed during storage. Total available lysine contents decreased by 6.50% and 18.5% in wheat, 14.3% and 20.7% in maize and 23.7% and 34.2% in rice during six months of storage at 25 and 45 °C, respectively. Six month’s storage of rice, maize and wheat grains at 25 and 45 °C resulted in reduction of thiamine contents by 16.7% and 29.2%, 17.2% and 24.1% and 21.4% and 29.5%, respectively. About 36.4–44.4% decrease in total soluble sugars at 45 °C and 9.30–31.8% increase in total soluble sugars were observed at 10 and 25 °C during six months storage of these cereal grains. Protein and starch digestibilities of cereal grains also deceased during six months of storage at 25 and 45 °C. No significant change in nutritional quality was observed during storage of cereal grains at 10 °C.  相似文献   

In the framework of a wide monitoring programme on the presence of heavy metals in marine organisms caught in the South Adriatic Sea, cadmium and total mercury concentrations were determined in flesh and hepatopancreas of 512 specimens of two species of cephalopods. The aim of the study was to establish the quality of the marine food with respect to the health of consumers and to investigate cadmium and mercury distribution in organisms representing different habitats. For both elements, higher levels were found in spider octopus (Octopus salutii) than in broadtail squid (Illex coindeti). Between the two different tissues analysed, higher concentrations were observed in hepatopancreas than flesh. According to the rules in force, no flesh sample showed cadmium and total mercury concentrations exceeding the peak permitted values of 2mg/kgwetwt and 0.5mg/kgwetwt respectively.  相似文献   

分析了5个八倍体小偃麦中1、中2、中3、中4和中5和新育成的高蛋白优质小麦晋麦67的营养品质与几个主要的品质特性。结果表明,八倍体小偃麦的蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物元素均显著高于对照晋麦67,并且它们的加工品种较好,例如中2面团稳定时间达到17.2 mim,面包评分达90.5分,可制作优质面包,克服了营养品质提高,加工品质下降的矛盾。中1和中2具有1,7 8,5 10高分子量谷蛋白亚基,中3、中4、中5具有2*,7 9,5 10高分子量谷蛋白亚基。总之,八倍体小偃麦是小麦营养品质育种的新的优质资源。  相似文献   

采用理化分析方法分析了黄颡鱼肌肉中的营养成分、系水力和质构特性。结果表明,黄颡鱼的含肉率为 ( 68.57±1.38) %,肌肉 (鲜样 ) 中水分、 粗蛋白、 粗脂肪和粗灰分的含量分别为 (76.84±2.11)%、(15.52±0.64)%、(5.87±0.43)%和(1.19±0.12)% 。肌肉贮存损失率(1.35±0.29)%、冷冻渗出率(2.87±0.94)、蒸煮失重率(15.12±1.56)%。质构特性中硬度(2946.38±571.84)、弹性(0.67±0.06)、凝聚性(0.46±0.05)、胶黏性(1043.54±313.89)、咀嚼性(457.63±193.46)、回复性(0.30±0.07)。肌肉中含钙(586.41mg/Kg)、锌(14.73mg/Kg)、铁(21.40mg/Kg)、铜(81.59mg/Kg),有合理的Cu、Zn、Fe比值;含有 18种氨基酸,干基中氨基酸的总量(78.40±0.74) %, 其中人体必需氨基酸8 种含量 ( 34.03 ±0.26) %,占总氨基酸总量的 43.41%;4种鲜味氨基酸含量 (30.7±0.39) % ,占氨基酸总量的 39.16%,必需氨基酸指数为 69.02。EPA与 DHA在脂肪酸中的含量较高,分别为 (2.18±0.11) %、 ( 3.87±0.18) %。表明黄颡鱼具有较高的食用价值与保健作用。  相似文献   

目的 考察硒营养强化剂添加量与香菇营养品质之间的关系。方法 以‘向阳二号’和‘9608’品种香菇为研究对象,向栽培基质添加不同浓度硒营养强化剂,考查所得富硒香菇中总硒及铜、锌、铁、锰、钾、钠、钙、镁等元素含量和16种氨基酸、蛋白质、粗多糖、脂肪、粗纤维、灰分等含量。结果 两个品种香菇总硒含量均随硒添加量的增加而增加;硒营养强化对香菇营养品质的影响与香菇的品种也有着很大关联,硒添加量在0~40 mg/kg范围内,‘向阳二号’大多数指标均呈先升高后降低的趋势,天冬氨酸、甘氨酸、酪氨酸等含量在硒添加量2 mg/kg时达到最大值,蛋白质、粗多糖、苏氨酸、缬氨酸等大部分氨基酸含量在硒添加量6 mg/kg时达到最大值;‘9608’的天冬氨酸、苏氨酸、缬氨酸、蛋白质等大部分指标均在硒添加量40 mg/kg时达到最大值,但大多都与未添加硒时差异性不显著。结论 对于不同品种的香菇,‘向阳二号’添加2或6 mg/kg,‘9608’添加40 mg/kg的硒营养强化剂时,不仅可以提高香菇的富硒功效性,还能在一定程度上对香菇品质起到提升作用,本研究为富硒香菇品种的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Essential and contaminant elements concentrations were determined in the muscle tissue of octopus (Octopus vulgaris), squid (Loligo vulgaris) and cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), caught off the Portuguese coast in 2004–2005. As expected, the largest concentrations found correspond to Cl, S, K, Na, P and Mg (average values between 629 mg (100 g)−1, for Cl, and 435 mg kg−1, for Mg, in octopus and squid, respectively). Above average concentrations of Zn, Cu, Fe and Sr were also found. The highest total Hg concentration was found in cuttlefish (0.36 mg kg−1); however, this value did not exceed the recommended limit proposed by EU (0.5 mg kg−1). Lead levels observed in all samples were always significantly lower than the EU limit (1.0 mg kg−1). Regarding Cd, the 1.0 mg kg−1 limit was only exceeded in two octopus samples. It may be concluded that the cephalopods studied do not constitute cause for concern, in terms of toxic elements, and could be safely used for daily intake of essential elements. Nevertheless, the squid contribution for elemental DI is minor in comparison to the other two species.  相似文献   

Meat has exerted a crucial role in human evolution and is an important component of a healthy and well balanced diet due to its nutritional richness. The aim of the present review was to shed light on the nutritional composition of horsemeat and their benefits for human health. One of the reasons for such interest was the occurrence, in Europe several years ago, of dioxin, Bovine Encephalopathy and foot-and-mouth disease problems in farm animals. Therefore, consumers began to look for alternative red meats from other non-traditional species. There is no carcass classification system on horses designated to meat consumption. It would be advisable to standardize the equine meat market to reduce variations that may reflect differences in meat quality. The nutritional composition of horsemeat by comparison with pork, beef or poultry is characterized by low levels of fat and cholesterol (about 20% less), relatively high concentrations of n− 3 fatty acids and heme iron indicating that its consumption may be beneficial for health. Therefore, horsemeat may supplement the meat market with good quality products, although as in other dietary components moderation is advisable.  相似文献   

Green tea extracts (GTEs) were prepared with tap water (TW), activated carbon adsorbed water (AC), deionized water (DI), distilled water (DW), reverse osmosis water (RO) and ultra-pure water (UP). Their nutritional components were determined by chemical methods. Deoxyribose assay and the xanthine oxidase method were applied to test the antioxidant activities of GTE in vitro. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) in the yield rate, the contents of polyphenols, catechins, caffeine, copper, lead and fluorine. Among them, DI gave the greatest yield rate and polyphenols, with low caffeine, DW increased the contents of non-ester catechins and AC enhanced the concentrations of ester catechins. The contents of copper and lead in GTEs were highly correlated with those of the tested water (r = 0.767 and 0.871, respectively). Fluorine contents in all GTEs were above 6.0 g kg−1. GTEs prepared with RO displayed the highest antioxidant activities among the six GTEs.  相似文献   

目的 探究不同采收期不同品种莲藕的营养成分和活性成分的变化规律。方法 选取5个采收期的4个品种莲藕,测定蛋白质、淀粉等指标。采用主成分分析和聚类分析进行综合评价,并建立莲藕品质评价模型。结果 在采收期内,莲藕淀粉含量呈现先上升后下降再上升的趋势,可溶性糖的变化趋势与其相反;总酚含量整体呈现先上升后下降的趋势;蛋白质、膳食纤维等指标呈现不同的变化规律。主成分分析法提取出PC1、PC2、PC3 3个主成分因子,特征值依次为2.274、1.933、1.023,累积方差贡献率达87.170%。不溶性膳食纤维、可溶性膳食纤维、可溶性总糖、淀粉、总酚和总黄酮6个指标可以用来综合评价莲藕营养品质。综合评价发现, 9月采收的八月粉,10月的鄂莲6号,2月的鄂莲10号和鄂莲11号,营养品质较好,优于其他采收期。3月采收的4个品种莲藕的综合营养品质较低。结论 在采收期内, 4个品种莲藕的营养物质动态规律存在一定差异。基于主成分分析和聚类分析的分析方法能够科学评价不同采收期莲藕的综合营养品质,为莲藕育种、加工等提供支撑。  相似文献   

紫五加的营养成分分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的以云南墨江特色野生蔬菜紫五加为研究材料,分析评价紫五加嫩茎叶及其超微粉的主要营养成分。方法根据食品安全国家标准的要求,通过氨基酸自动分析仪分析、凯氏定氮法、化学滴定法等方法检测紫五加嫩茎叶及其超微粉的一般营养成分、矿物质及氨基酸含量,并与白菜、芹菜、菠菜、蕨菜、鱼腥草、香椿等蔬菜进行比较分析,评价紫五加的营养价值及开发前景。结果紫五加的水分含量为87.9%,粗蛋白含量为2.74%,灰分含量为1.2%,粗纤维含量为2.21%,维生素C含量为16 mg/100 g,说明紫五加富含蛋白质、粗纤维和维生素C。紫五加的氨基酸组成均衡,必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的41.0%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值为0.69,鲜味氨基酸占总氨基酸含量的28.96%,天冬氨酸、谷氨酸这类鲜味氨基酸的含量相对较高。紫五加富含各种矿物质,如钾、钙、镁、铁、锌、铜、锰,尤其是钾、钙和镁,含量均高于大白菜、芹菜等一般蔬菜和蕨菜、鱼腥草。结论紫五加是一种口感鲜美、高蛋白、高纤维,富含维生素C和各种矿物质的野生蔬菜,具有较高的营养价值和良好的开发前景。  相似文献   

The present study compared the effects of four different forms of foliar iron (Fe) fertilizers on Fe concentration, bioavailability and nutritional quality of polished rice. The results showed that foliar fertilisation at the anthesis stage was an effective way to promote Fe concentration and bioavailability of polished rice, especially in case of DTPA-Fe. Compared to the control, foliar application of DTPA-Fe increased sulphur concentration and the nutrition promoter cysteine content, whereas decreased phosphorus concentration and the antinutrient phytic acid content of polished rice, as a result increased 67.2% ferrtin formation in Caco-2 cell. Moreover, foliar DTPA-Fe application could maintain amylase, protein and minerals quality of polished rice. According to the current study, DTPA-Fe is recommended as an excellent foliar Fe form for Fe biofortification program.  相似文献   

Sensory and nutritional attributes of fibre-enriched pasta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mariela Cecilia Bustos 《LWT》2011,44(6):1429-1434
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact that the incorporation of resistant starch type II (RSII), resistant starch type IV (RSIV) and oat bran (OB) have on sensory and nutritional quality of pasta. RSII, RSIV and OB were incorporated into recipes in four proportions (w/w): 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 g/100 g. Resistant, digestible and total starch were measured in cooked pasta. An in vitro digestion and sensory analysis of pasta were performed in order to estimate glycemic index. Results showed that both, the type and amount of added fibre influence nutritional quality of pasta. Incorporation of RSII into pasta formulation generates an additional quantity of resistant starch content in cooked pasta. Differences in in vitro digestibility of pasta can be appreciated. RSIV presented the greatest effect on total starch hydrolysis. The lower glycemic index was obtained with addition of RSIV and RSII at 7.5 g/100 g and 10.0 g/100 g. Sensory analysis showed high scores for overall acceptability for Control, RSII and RSIV samples. Results suggest that by using insoluble fibre it is possible to enhance the nutritional quality of pasta, without affecting its sensory properties negatively.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study are to assess the impact of a pleasure-oriented intervention on the nutritional quality of midafternoon snacks chosen by mother-child dyads and to evaluate the evolution of the relationship between the liking and perceived healthiness of the food items offered for the snack choices. Data were collected at two laboratory sessions (T1 and T2), during which children and mothers were separately asked to choose two food items (among 10) for a midafternoon snack, first for themselves and then for the other dyad member. Participants also rated their liking and perceived healthiness of the 10 food items. After T1, dyads were randomly assigned to an experimental group (N = 94) with an in-home pleasure-oriented intervention to stimulate the pleasure of consuming healthy foods or to a control group (N = 93). Our study shows the lack of a significant effect of the intervention on the nutritional quality of snacks chosen at T2. However, for the children in the experimental group, the relationship between liking and perceived healthiness which was not significant at T1 (τmedian = −0.05, P = 0.56) became significant and positive at T2 (τmedian = 0.13, P = 0.002). Moreover, this increase of the relationship in T2 was significantly higher for the experimental group compared to the control group (P = 0.05). For mothers, the existing relationship between liking and perceived healthiness at T1 (τmedian = 0.27, P < 0.001) increased significantly between T1 and T2 (P = 0.006) only in the experimental group, even if this increase was not significantly higher compared to the control group (P = 0.21). Since the relationship between food liking and perceived healthiness in mother-child dyads increased after the intervention, one could argue that this higher positive attitude towards healthy foods could constitute the first step in a behavioural change in favour of healthier choices.  相似文献   

E.H. Tou  C. Mouquet-Rivier  C. Picq  S. Trèche 《LWT》2007,40(9):1561-1569
To improve the nutritional value of ben-saalga, a traditional gruel from Burkina Faso, co-fermentation of millet and groundnut (MG) was monitored using either the traditional processing method (MG-T) or a modified processing method including precooking, addition of malt and inoculation by backslopping (MG-CMI). Fermentation kinetics and microbial composition in the two processing methods were characterized and compared to that of ben-saalga process used as control. The fermented pastes from control, MG-T and MG-CMI experiments had a low pH of around 3.9. Their microbiota were dominated by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with amylolytic LAB:LAB ratios of respectively 12%, 4% and 15%. In MG-T paste, glucose and fructose were the main substrates for lactic acid fermentation and their concentration decreased during settling, whereas in MG-CMI paste, the main substrate was maltose and its concentration increased transiently. At a suitable consistency, the dry matter content of MG-CMI gruel was almost twice as high as that of ben-saalga. During the three processing methods, phytate content decreased of about 75%, 50% and 66%, respectively. Thanks to the incorporation of groundnut, the macronutrient balance of MG-T and MG-CMI met the requirements for complementary foods but only the MG-CMI gruel had sufficient energy density.  相似文献   

The effects of solid state fermentation (SSF) on physicochemical and nutritional properties of chickpea flour were studied. Fermented (tempeh) flour showed higher particle size index, gelatinization temperature, dispersability and resistant starch content, and lower gelatinization enthalpy and water solubility than unfermented flour. SSF increased the content of the essential amino acids (EAA) Ile, total sulphur (Met + Cys), total aromatic (Phe + Tyr), and Thr in 37, 41, 107, and 39 g kg−1 protein, respectively; Trp content decreased 8 g kg−1 protein. Total sulphur (EAA score = 0.87) was limiting in unfermented flour and Trp (0.93) in tempeh flour. SSP improved the in vitro and true protein digestibility (72.2–83.2% and 83.7–88.8%, respectively), protein efficiency ratio (PER, 1.59–2.31), cPER (1.54–2.21), and corrected protein digestibility (0.73–0.89). Chickpea tempeh flour may be considered for the fortification of widely consumed legume-based food products.  相似文献   

The nutritional value of fruit has been widely studied and is demanded by consumers, especially for protection against cardiovascular disorder, cancer and other diseases, as well as for general health benefits. These benefits can also be ascribed to the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of fruit.Fruit nutritional quality can be described by a standard quality parameter and the analyses of nutritional parameters, such as antioxidant capacity (and specific related compounds). In this study, firmness, colour, soluble solids content and titratable acidity were considered as quality parameters and TAC and total phenolic content as nutritional parameters. All these attributes were screened in 20 strawberry genotypes (cultivars and selections) for the selection of new improved genetic material (offspring) originating from different cross combinations, including an F1 Fragaria virginiana spp. glauca among parents.Results indicate that the effect of the genotype on strawberry nutritional quality is stronger than that of the cultivation conditions. However, commercial cultivation did not show a high range of variation of fruit nutritional quality, particularly for the nutritional parameters.The study of offspring originating from different cross combinations showed that fruit nutritional quality can be considered an inheritable trait and that the variability of fruit nutritional quality among commercial cultivars can be improved by breeding.Finally, results demonstrate the role of F. virginiana spp. glauca as an important genetic source of the fruit nutritional quality.  相似文献   

Application to proteomics to understand and modify meat quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of proteomics in the field of meat science has gained in robustness and accuracy. This is consistent with the genomic and bioinformatic tools. Its application to sensorial and technological meat quality traits is discussed as well as the emergence of sanitary and nutritional issue which will grow in a next future.  相似文献   

研究红烧肉加工过程中原料肉、料酒浸泡、油炸、炖煮、红烧等加工关键节点处其主要营养品质和食用品质的变化,为较全面的了解其品质形成规律提供理论依据。对红烧肉加工过程中主要营养品质指标及颜色、质构、风味进行测定。结果表明,红烧肉加工过程中水分含量呈下降趋势;蛋白质变化规律不明显;脂肪含量先下降后上升,炖煮之后又有所下降;总糖含量在最终产品阶段显著提高。加工过程中红烧肉的瘦肉、肥肉和皮三部分颜色均发生变化,L*值显著降低(p<0.05);a*值先下降后显著上升(p<0.05);瘦肉和肥肉b*值显著增加(p<0.05),皮部分b*值在前六个加工点处变化不显著(p>0.05)成品时显著上升(p<0.05)。剪切力和质构分析表明,加工中红烧肉的弹性显著增加(p<0.05),剪切力、硬度显著降低(p<0.05);瘦肉部分的粘聚性显著上升,肥肉部分显著下降(p<0.05),皮整体变化不显著(p>0.05);瘦肉和肥肉部分的咀嚼性显著下降(p<0.05),而皮部分的咀嚼性显著上升(p<0.05)。对电子鼻传感器信号数据进行主成分分析发现,前三个加工节点除了第二和三、三和四存在差异但不显著外(p>0.05),与其他加工节点的差异性都显著(p<0.05)。第四个加工节点与第三、五、六个加工节点的差异不显著(p>0.05),而与其他三个加工节点差异显著(p<0.05),后3个加工节点处香气特征相似。   相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Vegetables are an important part of the human diet and a major source of biologically active substances such as vitamins, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and cholesterol-lowering compounds. Despite a large amount of information on this topic, the nutritional quality of vegetables has not been defined. Historically, the value of many plant nutrients and health-promoting compounds was discovered by trial and error. By the turn of the century, the application of chromatography, mass spectrometry, infrared spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance allowed quantitative and qualitative measurements of a large number of plant metabolites. Approximately 50000 metabolites have been elucidated in plants, and it is predicted that the final number will exceed 200000. Most of them have unknown function. Metabolites such as carbohydrates, organic and amino acids, vitamins, hormones, flavonoids, phenolics, and glucosinolates are essential for plant growth, development, stress adaptation, and defense. Besides the importance for the plant itself, such metabolites determine the nutritional quality of food, color, taste, smell, antioxidative, anticarcinogenic, antihypertension, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulating, and cholesterol-lowering properties. This review is focused on major plant metabolites that characterize the nutritional quality of vegetables, and methods of their analysis.  相似文献   

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