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Through key examples and constructs, exact and approximate, complexity, computability, and solution of linear programming systems are reexamined in the light of Khachian's new notion of (approximate) solution. Algorithms, basic theorems, and alternate representations are reviewed. It is shown that the Klee-Minty example hasnever been exponential for (exact) adjacent extreme point algorithms and that the Balinski-Gomory (exact) algorithm continues to be polynomial in cases where (approximate) ellipsoidal centered-cutoff algorithms (Levin, Shor, Khachian, Gacs-Lovasz) are exponential. By model approximation, both the Klee-Minty and the new J. Clausen examples are shown to be trivial (explicitly solvable) interval programming problems. A new notion of computable (approximate) solution is proposed together with ana priori regularization for linear programming systems. New polyhedral constraint contraction algorithms are proposed for approximate solution and the relevance of interval programming for good starts or exact solution is brought forth. It is concluded from all this that the imposed problem ignorance of past complexity research is deleterious to research progress on computability or efficiency of computation.This research was partly supported by Project NR047-071, ONR Contract N00014-80-C-0242, and Project NR047-021, ONR Contract N00014-75-C-0569, with the Center for Cybernetic Studies, The University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

The design of the database is crucial to the process of designing almost any Information System (IS) and involves two clearly identifiable key concepts: schema and data model, the latter allowing us to define the former. Nevertheless, the term model is commonly applied indistinctly to both, the confusion arising from the fact that in Software Engineering (SE), unlike in formal or empirical sciences, the notion of model has a double meaning of which we are not always aware. If we take our idea of model directly from empirical sciences, then the schema of a database would actually be a model, whereas the data model would be a set of tools allowing us to define such a schema.The present paper discusses the meaning of model in the area of Software Engineering from a philosophical point of view, an important topic for the confusion arising directly affects other debates where model is a key concept. We would also suggest that the need for a philosophical discussion on the concept of data model is a further argument in favour of institutionalizing a new area of knowledge, which could be called: Philosophy of Engineering.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define what we call a unitary immersion of a nonlinear system. We observe that, for classical Hamiltonian systems, this notion contains, in some sense, the concept of quantization. We restrict our attention to degree-zero unitary immersions, where all observation functions must be represented by operators of the type multiplication by a function. We show that the problem of classifying such degree-zero unitary immersions of a given nonlinear system is not obvious. In some cases, we solve this problem.Chargé de Recherche au CNRS.Maître de Conférences.  相似文献   

This paper presents aut, a modern Automath checker. It is a straightforward re-implementation of the Zandleven Automath checker from the seventies. It was implemented about five years ago, in the programming language C. It accepts both the AUT-68 and AUT-QE dialects of Automath. This program was written to restore a damaged version of Jutting's translation of Landau's Grundlagen. Some notable features: It is fast. On a 1 GHz machine it will check the full Jutting formalization (736 K of nonwhitespace Automath source) in 0.6 seconds. Its implementation of -terms does not use named variables or de Bruijn indices (the two common approaches) but instead uses a graph representation. In this representation variables are represented by pointers to a binder. The program can compile an Automath text into one big Automath single line-style -term. It outputs such a term using de Bruijn indices. (These -terms cannot be checked by modern systems like Coq or Agda, because the -typed -calculi of de Bruijn are different from the -typed -calculi of modern type theory.)The source of aut is freely available on the Web at the address .  相似文献   

Mutual convertibility of bound entangled states under local quantum operations and classical communication (LOCC) is studied. We focus on states associated with unextendible product bases (UPB) in a system of three qubits. A complete classification of such UPBs is suggested. We prove that for any pair of UPBs S and T the associated bound entangled states S and T cannot be converted to each other by LOCC, unless S and T coincide up to local unitaries. More specifically, there exists a finite precision (S,T) > 0 such that for any LOCC protocol mapping S into a probabilistic ensemble (p, ), the fidelity between T and any possible final state satisfies F(T, ) = 1 - (S,T).PACS: 03.65.Bz; 03.67.-a; 89.70+c.  相似文献   

The ongoing integration of LANs and WANs to support global communications and businesses and the emergence of integrated broadband communication services has created an increased demand for cooperation between customers, network and service providers to achieve end-to-end service management. Such a cooperation between autonomous authorities, each defining their own administrative management domains, requires the application of an open standardized framework to facilitate and regulate interworking. Such a framework is given by the ITU-T recommendations on TMN, where the so-called X interface is of particular importance for inter-domain management. In this paper, we explain the role of the TMN X interface within an inter-domain TMN architecture supporting end-to-end communications management. We identify the important issues that need to be addressed for the definition and realization of TMN X interfaces and report about our practical experiences with the implementation of TMN X interfaces in the PREPARE project.  相似文献   

Our starting point is a definition of conditional event EH which differs from many seemingly similar ones adopted in the relevant literature since 1935, starting with de Finetti. In fact, if we do not assign the same third value u (undetermined) to all conditional events, but make it depend on EH, it turns out that this function t(EH) can be taken as a general conditional uncertainty measure, and we get (through a suitable – in a sense, compulsory – choice of the relevant operations among conditional events) the natural axioms for many different (besides probability) conditional measures.  相似文献   

Unification algorithms have been constructed for semigroups and commutative semigroups. This paper considers the intermediate case of partially commutative semigroups. We introduce classesN and of such semigroups and justify their use. We present an equation-solving algorithm for any member of the classN. This algorithm is relative to having an algorithm to determine all non-negative solutions of a certain class of diophantine equations of degree 2 which we call -equations. The difficulties arising when attempting to solve equations in members of the class are discussed, and we present arguments that strongly suggest that unification in these semigroups is undecidable.  相似文献   

Personalization and adaptation techniques are an interesting opportunity to design new services on-board vehicles. In this context, in fact, the need of an individual user to receive the right service at the right time and in the right way is more critical than in other cases, where personalization and adaptation already showed interesting advantages. At the same time, this context of application can provide new interesting insights for user modeling and adaptation. In the paper we present an architecture for providing personalized services on-board vehicles and we discuss an application to the case of tourist information. We focus on the choices we made to design an on-board system which was as less intrusive and distracting as possible and that could adapt its recommendations, the way it presents them and its own behavior to the user's preferences/interests and to the context of interaction (especially the driving conditions).  相似文献   

We show that every finite entropy ergodic transformation can be represented as a Lebesgue measure-preserving homeomorphism of the twodimensional torus. Whether this is possible with diffeomorphisms is still unknown. Our proof suggests a notion of universality for homeomorphisms, about which we formulate several natural but unanswered questions.Both authors were supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant MCS 76-09159.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide the exact analytical truss solutions for some benchmark problems, which are often used as test examples in both discretized layout optimization of trusses and variable topology (or generalized) shape optimization of perforated plates under plane stress.  相似文献   

The notion of obvious inference in predicate logic is discussed from the viewpoint of proof-checker applications in logic and mathematics education. A class of inferences in predicate logic is defined and it is proposed to identify it with the class of obvious logical inferences. The definition is compared with other approaches. The algorithm for implementing the obviousness decision procedure follows directly from the definition.  相似文献   

The termF-cardinality of (=F-card()) is introduced whereF: n n is a partial function and is a set of partial functionsf: n n . TheF-cardinality yields a lower bound for the worst-case complexity of computingF if only functionsf can be evaluated by the underlying abstract automaton without conditional jumps. This complexity bound isindependent from the oracles available for the abstract machine. Thus it is shown that any automaton which can only apply the four basic arithmetic operations needs (n logn) worst-case time to sortn numbers; this result is even true if conditional jumps witharbitrary conditions are possible. The main result of this paper is the following: Given a total functionF: n n and a natural numberk, it is almost always possible to construct a set such that itsF-cardinality has the valuek; in addition, can be required to be closed under composition of functionsf,g . Moreover, ifF is continuous, then consists of continuous functions.  相似文献   

Let (X, #) be an orthogonality space such that the lattice C(X, #) of closed subsets of (X, #) is orthomodular and let (, ) denote the free orthogonality monoid over (X, #). Let C0(, ) be the subset of C(, ), consisting of all closures of bounded orthogonal sets. We show that C0(, ) is a suborthomodular lattice of C(, ) and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for C0(, ) to carry a full set of dispersion free states.The work of the second author on this paper was supported by National Science Foundation Grant GP-9005.  相似文献   

Schedulers for larger classes of pinwheel instances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pinwheel is a hard-real-time scheduling problem for scheduling satellite ground stations to service a number of satellites without data loss. Given a multiset of positive integers (instance)A={a1,..., an}, the problem is to find an infinite sequence (schedule) of symbols from {1,2,...,n} such that there is at least one symboli within any interval of ai symbols (slots). Not all instancesA can be scheduled; for example, no successful schedule exists for instances whose density,(A)= i i (l/ai), is larger than 1. It has been shown that all instances whose densities are less than a 0.5 density threshold can always be scheduled. If a schedule exists, another concern is the design of a fast on-line scheduler (FOLS) which can generate each symbol of the schedule in constant time. Based on the idea of integer reduction, two new FOLSs which can schedule different classes of pinwheel instances, are proposed in this paper. One uses single-integer reduction and the other uses double-integer reduction. They both improve the previous 0.5 result and have density thresholds of 13/20 and2/3, respectively. In particular, if the elements inA are large, the density thresholds will asymptotically approach In 2 and 1/R2, respectively.This research was supported in part by ONR Grant N00014-87-K-0833, and was done while Francis Chin was visiting the Computer Science Program, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083, USA.  相似文献   

Games such as CHESS, GO and OTHELLO can be represented by minimax game trees. Among various search procedures to solve such game trees,- and SSS* are perhaps most well known. Although it is proved that SSS* explores only a subset of the nodes explored by-, - is commonly believed to be faster in real applications, since it requires very little memory space and hence its storage management cost is low. Contrary to this folklore, however, this paper reports, using the OTHELLO game as an example, that SSS* is much faster than-. It is also demonstrated that SSS* can be modified to make the required memory space controllable to some extent, while retaining the high efficiency of the original SSS*.This research was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, under a Scientific Grant-in-Aid.  相似文献   

Infinitestimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA) estimators are based on particular couplings of parameteric families of discrete event systems where small changes in the parameter value, typically, cause small changes in the timing of events and, for finite horizons, the sequence of states visisted remains the same. We consider another coupling approach based on the uniformization procedure and a simple generalization of it. In our case any small change in the parameter value causes a change in the state of the system; our parameterization of trajectories keeps them highly synchronized, hence the effect of such changes can be estimated, sometimes efficiently. In this framework, we define three tupes of performance sensitivity estimators for a broad class of performance measures and with respect to a range of parameter values. Performance measures on finite deterministic horizons are considered and it is shown that they are unbiased under mild conditions. We show that for some systems the derivative estimators can be calculated from a nominal sample path of the system.  相似文献   

This paper describes a unified variational theory for design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear dynamic response of structural and mechanical systems for shape, nonshape, material and mechanical properties selection, as well as control problems. The concept of an adjoint system, the principle of virtual work and a Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation to describe the deformations and the design variations are used to develop a unified view point. A general formula for design sensitivity analysis is derived and interpreted for usual performance functionals. Analytical examples are utilized to demonstrate the use of the theory and give insights for application to more complex problems that must be treated numerically.Derivatives The comma notation for partial derivatives is used, i.e. G,u = G/u. An upper dot represents material time derivative, i.e. ü = 2u/t2. A prime implies derivative with respect to the time measured in the reference time-domain, i.e. u = du/d.  相似文献   

A functional model for constructive solid geometry   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
A system of constructive solid geometry (CSG) enables an engineering desiger to compose three dimensional (3D) shapes by combining simpler ones. Most existing systems, however, actually represent solid shapes as boundaries of surface patches. At the Kunii Laboratory, University of Tokyo, we have produced an experimental system in which solids are modelled functionally by procedures which describe their properties. These primitive objects are combined with the aid of a new octree structure. Careful study of the data structures in this system reveals some interesting aspects of program efficiency.  相似文献   

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