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Dystonia and particularly spasmodic torticollis are neuromuscular disorders that are extremely resistant to most therapies (physical, medical, or surgical). Torticollis is a unilateral spasm of the neck muscles, particularly of the sternocleidomastoid, that produces violent, tonic turning of the head to one side. The etiology remains uncertain, although the role of psychogenic factors has been emphasized. This article reviews the literature and reports four cases of spasmodic torticollis treated successfully with hypnosis. In all four cases, psychogenic causes were involved. Postural hypnosis (i.e., hypnosis in the standing position) was employed to counteract and minimize muscle spasms due to postural reflexes. A hypnobehavioral approach was adopted along with hypnotic strategies that included hierarchical desensitization, sensory-imaging conditioning, ego-boosting suggestions, and hypnosis-facilitated differential muscle retraining. In two cases, a combined hypnosis and electromyographic-biofeedback approach was used to equilibrate and retrain affected neck muscles. Although the hypnotherapeutic process took several months to induce and stabilize significant changes, outcome results were good to excellent in all cases, with marked reduction of the torticollis and the hypertrophy of the neck muscles as well as a reduced interference of symptoms in daily living.  相似文献   

Certain Bacillus licheniformis strains isolated from oil wells have been shown to produce a very effective biosurfactant, lichenysin A, which is structurally similar to another less active lipopeptide, surfactin. Surfactin, like many small peptides in prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes, is synthesized non-ribosomally by multi-enzyme peptide synthetase complex. Analysis of several peptide synthetases of bacterial and fungal origin has revealed a high degree of sequence conservation. Two 35-mer oligonucleotides derived from highly conserved motifs ('core I' and 'core II') of surfactin synthetase were used to identify the cloned putative operon of lichenysin A synthetase lchA from B. licheniformis BNP29, a strain not amenable to genetic manipulation in a BAC system (F-plasmid-based bacterial artificial chromosome) based on Escherichia coli and its single-copy plasmid F-factor. A 32.4 kb fragment containing lichenysin A biosynthesis locus was sequenced and analysed. The structural architecture of putative lichenysin A synthetase protein containing seven amino acid (aa) activation-thiolation, two epimerization and one thioesterase domains is discussed in terms of its similarity to surfactin and other peptide synthetases. The 100 aa peptide chain situated between the highly conserved signature sequences FDXX and NXYGPTE(IV)X within amino acid binding domains of peptide synthetases is proposed to be a minimal block dictating the substrate specificity of the enzymes. A new operon-type structure has been localized directly upstream from the lichenysin A synthetase genes which, on the basis of sequence determination, potentially encode a four-member ABC-type transport system involved in product secretion.  相似文献   

Lung cancer risk among occupational groups of women was reviewed. A previous suggestion of a sixfold risk of developing lung cancer among beauticians was not confirmed; however, an approximately twofold risk was found.  相似文献   

Cigarette-smoke condensate (CSC) is a complex mixture containing over 3800 identified chemicals including nicotine, water, mutagens, antimutagens, cytotoxins and inert chemicals. Although CSC is mutagenic in the Ames test, its effect on the activity of other mutagens has not been characterized. Using the Ames Salmonella bacterial mutagenesis assay, we found CSC exerts a significant inhibitory effect on mutagens requiring bioactivation. Those studied included heterocyclic amines (Glu-P-1, Glu-P-2, IQ, MeIQ, Trp-P-1 and Trp-P-2), benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and aflatoxin B1. However, CSC had no effect on the activity of direct-acting mutagens (2-nitrofluorene, sodium azide, 4-nitro-1,2-phenylenediamine, 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide and methyl methanesulfonate). With indirect-acting mutagens, the reduced number of revertants observed in the presence of CSC was not attributable to cytotoxicity. CSC exhibited a potent inhibitory effect on the cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenases, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase and B[a]P hydroxylase. This suggests inhibition of the cytochrome P-450 isozymes as one possible mechanism for the antimutagenicity of CSC. Fractionation studies of CSC revealed that the neutral, weakly acidic (phenolic) and basic fractions are all effective as antimutagens against Glu-P-1, a representative heterocyclic amine. This indicates that several classes of chemicals contribute to the inhibitory effect of CSC on the mutagenicity of the heterocyclic amines.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Recent studies indicate that people can learn to control the amplitude of mu or beta rhythms in the EEG recorded from the scalp over sensorimotor cortex and can use that control to move a cursor to targets on the computer screen. While subjects do not move during performance, it is possible that inapparent or unconscious muscle contractions contribute to the changes in the mu and beta rhythm activity responsible for cursor movement. We evaluated this possibility. METHODS: EMG was recorded from 10 distal limb muscle groups while five trained subjects used mu or beta rhythms to move a cursor to targets at the bottom or top edge of a computer screen. RESULTS: EMG activity was very low during performance, averaging 4.0+/-4.4% (SD) of maximum voluntary contraction. Most important, the correlation, measured as r2, between target position and EMG activity averaged only 0.01+/-0.02, much lower than the correlation between target position and the EEG activity that controlled cursor movement, which averaged 0.39+/-0.18. CONCLUSIONS: These results strongly support the conclusion that EEG-based cursor control does no depend on concurrent muscle activity. EEG-based communication and control might provide a new augmentative communication option for those with severe motor disabilities.  相似文献   

Eight quinolones were examined for their bacterial mutagenicity in the Ames Salmonella TA102 assay and for their effects in other bacterial genotoxicity assays. In the quantitative Ames plate incorporation assay, all eight quinolones induced His+ deletion reversion in Salmonella tester strain TA102, with maximum reversion observed at about two to eight times the MIC. The quinolones also induced the SOS response. At quinolone concentrations close to the MIC, SOS cell filamentation gene sulA was induced in sulA::lacZ fusion strain Escherichia coli PQ37. RecA-mediated cleavage of lambda repressor in lambda::lacZ fusion strain E. coli BR513 was measurable at about 10 times the MIC, though no induction occurred at 20 micrograms of nalidixic or oxolinic acid per ml. Genotoxicity of quinolones also was observed in the Bacillus subtilis DNA repair assay, in which the mutant strain M45 (recA) was more susceptible to quinolones than its parent strain, H17 (rec+). The results from these analyses indicate that quinolones induce SOS functions and are mutagenic in bacteria; these properties correspond to their antimicrobial activities.  相似文献   

Hypothesized that social skills training could improve communications between adolescents and parents while enhancing improvement in perceived communication and problem-solving behaviors. 25 parent–adolescent dyads (all members of the Church of the Latter Day Saints) participated in a pre- and posttest experimental and control group design. The 18 experimental dyads completed a social skills program. Analyses revealed significant training effects on all social skills in the program, but perceived improvement was slightly higher for parents than for adolescents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking among college students is prevalent and correlated with other unhealthy behaviors. Reinforced abstinence (e.g., contingency management) has been demonstrated to be an effective method for reducing substance use in a variety of populations and across a variety of drugs, including cigarettes. Reinforced abstinence has seldom been used specifically targeting a college student population. A Brief Abstinence Test (BAT) has been used to effectively reduce cocaine use among methadone maintenance patients (Robles, Silverman, Preston, Cone, Katz, Bigelow, & Stitzer, 2000). However, no published studies have investigated the use of a BAT to reduce the use of cigarettes. The current study implemented a 3-week intervention (Baseline 1, BAT, and Baseline 2 weeks) for smoking abstinence among college students. Forty-two percent of the sample met abstention criteria during the BAT. Carbon monoxide and urinalysis scores decreased significantly from Baseline 1 to the BAT phase but did not differ significantly from BAT to Baseline 2. These results suggest that the BAT may have utility initiating abstinence in both clinical and research contexts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prevention of intraoperative blood loss during liver resection is of prime concern. Intraoperative blood loss has indeed repeatedly been shown to adversely influence the short-term prognosis of patients undergoing liver resection. There is in addition evidence that it could be associated with an increased risk; of recurrence in patients operated for an hepato-biliary malignancy through impairment of the patient's immune response. The prime concern of the hepato-biliary surgeon is to minimize blood loss through the control of the major vascular structures this may be achieved in several ways that range from segmental portal control to total hepatic vascular occlusion. The type of vascular occlusion should be selected according to the indication and in particular location of the tumour and presence of an associated underlying liver disease, the patient's cardiovascular status and the experience of the operator. Aim of the authors is to describe the various types of vascular control as well as their benefits and drawbacks so as to use the most appropriate technique according, to each patient' requirements.  相似文献   

To evaluate the usefulness of the micronucleus test as a short-term assay for the detection of carcinogens, the correlation between micronucleus test data for 143 chemicals and corresponding cancer data, has been analyzed. For comparison, analogous data from Ames's test have also been collected for the same chemicals. In a comparison of the micronucleus test and Ames's test it was found that they had about the same specificity (around 80%) and predictive value (around 90%), while there was a significant difference in sensitivity in favor of Ames's test. The difference in sensitivity could be partly explained by differences in metabolizing capacities of these two test systems. It is concluded that a more elaborate test procedure for the micronucleus test would increase that sensitivity of this test. The principal value of the micronucleus test lies in the fact that it is an in vivo method, which may pick up effects at the chromosomal level not covered by bacterial assays. This is emphasized by the finding that the combination of Ames's test and the micronucleus test did increase the sensitivity of the screening procedure for the prediction of carcinogenic effects.  相似文献   

The removal of N-terminally located clusters of basic amino acids (N-tail) or C-terminally located clusters of basic amino acids (C-tail) from the midkine (MK) molecule severely reduced its neurite-promoting activity. However, experiments involving chemically synthesized MK derivatives revealed that the roles of the N-tail and C-tail were mostly indirect ones, i.e. they probably maintain the steric arrangements of the N-terminal and C-terminal halves. In particular, the C-domain, which is the C-terminal half devoid of the C-tail, retained considerable neurite-promoting activity when it was uniformly coated on a dish. The removal of the N-tail or C-tail also reduced the enhancing activity of plasminogen activator (PA) in aortic endothelial cells, although the effect was lower. There are two heparin-binding sites in the C-domain, Clusters I and II. A mutation in Cluster I [R78-->Q] affected the PA-enhancing activity only slightly, and a mutation in Cluster II [K83K84-->QQ] abolished the activity, while both mutations are known to reduce the neurite-promoting activity moderately. Therefore, the two heparin-binding sites in the C-domain play different roles in these two activities. Indeed, heparin exhibited different effects on these two activities. We also observed that intact MK was required for ordered neurite-promotion along the path of MK; one possible interpretation of this is that the N-terminal half is necessary for the stability of the molecule. Furthermore, K76 and K99 were found to be required for the secretion of MK; i.e. mutants in which one of these K residues was changed to Q were produced in the host cells, but not found in the medium.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of 4 voucher incentive conditions of a brief abstinence test on continuous cocaine abstinence. In 3 conditions, cocaine-abusing methadone patients could earn $100 for 2 days of cocaine abstinence; 2 of these conditions offered, on either a continuous or interrupted schedule, an additional $300 for evidence of sustained abstinence over the next 9 days. In the 4th condition, no incentives were available. In incentive conditions, 70-80% of patients initiated abstinence, compared with 48% in the no-incentive condition. Both continuing reinforcement conditions produced higher rates of sustained abstinence than the single and no-voucher conditions. The study confirmed the utility of quantitative urine-testing methods combined with high valued incentives to promote cocaine abstinence initiation in methadone maintenance patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of phenols, quinones and reactive oxygen species in the mutagenicity of white grape juice in the Ames mutagenicity test. Mutagenicity was markedly suppressed by reduced glutathione but was not influenced by superoxide dismutase or catalase. In the presence of grape polyphenol oxidase, the mutagenicity of grape juice was markedly increased. When hepatic cytosol from Aroclor 1254-induced rats, supplemented with a reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-generating system. served as an activation system, an increase in the mutagenicity of grape juice was observed. The cytosol-induced mutagenicity of grape juice was attenuated in the presence of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione. It is concluded that polyphenol oxidase-catalysed oxidation of phenolic compounds generates genotoxic species that are, at least partly, responsible for the mutagenicity of grape juice. In the presence of hepatic cytosol, one-electron reduction of grape juice quinones leads to the production of reactive oxygen species resulting in an increase in the mutagenic response.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) on postprandial coagulation factor VII activity. Fifteen healthy male volunteers consumed three meals containing equal amounts (40 g) of fat, but providing different proportions of MUFA (12, 17 and 24% energy) in random order. Fasting and postprandial blood samples were drawn every hour for 9 h. The magnitude of the postprandial triacylglycerolaemic response and the postprandial plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations were not significantly different following the three meals. Coagulation factor VII was activated during postprandial triacylglycerolaemia but the area under the curve of postprandial coagulation factor VII activity was not significantly different following the three meals. Regression analysis showed that fasting factor VII activity was the single most important factor affecting postprandial factor VII activity, irrespective of plasma lipid concentrations and meal fat composition. Peak postprandial factor VII activity was attained significantly earlier following the high-MUFA meal compared with the low-MUFA meal (6.33 (SD 2.16)h, 3.60 (SD 1.81)h respectively; P = 0.016). Regression analysis showed that meal MUFA content was the primary determinant of time to peak postprandial factor VII activity. Although the magnitude of postprandial coagulation factor VII activity was not affected by meal MUFA content, peak postprandial factor VII activity occurred earlier and fasting activity levels were quickly restored following the high-MUFA meal. A short-lived increase in factor VII activity may be more beneficial than a prolonged thrombotic response.  相似文献   

Populations in Western countries consume an excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), even during pregnancy. Since (n-6) PUFA is critical for brain development, we studied whether a high maternal consumption of this fatty acid alters offsprings' affective-like behaviors and (n-6) PUFA-induced protein kinase C (PKC) activity in the brain. Three different strains of pregnant mice were fed isocaloric diets containing either 16% (control) or 43% (high) energy derived from fat high in (n-6) PUFA (corn oil: Balb/c and CD-1 mice, or soybean oil: C3H mice) throughout gestation. From birth onward dams and offspring were fed a nonpurified diet containing 12% energy from a variety of fats. Two- to 12-month-old female and male offspring of dams exposed to a high (n-6) PUFA diet during pregnancy were significantly more active in an open field, more aggressive in the resident-intruder test and spent less time immobile in the swim test than offspring of dams exposed to a control (n-6) PUFA diet. Significantly greater PKC activity in the hypothalamus and moderately less PKC activity in the whole brain (P = 0.10) were seen in the 2-month-old female and male high (n-6) PUFA offspring compared to controls. Our findings indicate that in utero exposure to a high (n-6) PUFA diet subsequently increases locomotor activity and aggression, and reduces immobility in the swim test. The mechanism mediating these effects may be linked to an increased PKC activity in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Selenium is an important trace element that was considered toxic for humans and animals for a long time. The best known biochemical role of selenium is, as a selenocysteine residue, to be a part of the active site of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). The highest values of selenium have been found in protein foods (meat and fish); although selenium from vegetables sources are more available than from the other foods. Nowadays are not known exactly the recommended dietary allowances for humans, mainly for children. The selenium intake in Spain is 221 micrograms/person/day and the plasmatic values of Spanish people (87 +/- 14 micrograms/L) are within the European average (85 micrograms/L).  相似文献   

Contents of bile acids and lipids, as well as rates of triglyceride synthesis, were determined in isolated hepatocytes from control or cholestyramine-fed rats (denoted below as "control" or "treated" hepatocytes, respectively). During a 3-hr incubation period, total bile acid production was markedly higher in "treated" cells than in "control" cells. With both kinds of cells a marked fall in production rate occurred after the first hour of incubation. Newly produced bile acids appeared in the conjugated form with both kinds of hepatocytes. "Control" cells produced only taurine-conjugated, while "treated" cells made both taurine-conjugated and glycine-conjugated bile acids. However, with exogenous taurine (0.5 mM), the latter cells also produced taurine-conjugated bile acids only. With both kinds of cells, cholic and beta-muricholic acids, but not dihydroxylated bile acids, appeared as newly formed species during the incubation. Addition of dialyzed rat serum to the incubation did not result in a stimulation of bile acid production, with either kind of hepatocytes. "Treated" cells had a slightly higher content of free cholesterol than control cells; contents of other lipids were not different. Fractional release of bile acids and lipids into the medium did not differ between the two kinds of cells. Triglyceride synthesis from added [14C]palmitate (0.5 mM) was 1.8-fold higher in "treated" than in "control" hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Using an automated gustometer, licking behavior in rats was evaluated for a range of concentrations of appetitive and aversive stimuli in rats following electrolytic lesions in the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). Lesions of the NST flattened the concentration-response function for all gustatory stimuli. They attenuated the concentration-response function for MgCl?, QHCl, and NH?Cl by shifting it to the right by 0.5 log unit, attenuated the function for citric acid and Polycose by shifting it to the right by 1.5 log units, and fully eliminated the function for sucrose and NaCl. This failure to respond appropriately, however, was specific to gustatory stimuli because all rats reduced ingestive responding when presented with increasing concentrations of capsaicin, a trigeminal stimulus. Together, the data show that the NST is critical for responding appropriately to changes in intensity of a gustatory, but not a trigeminal, stimulus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In contrast to current methods of bile acid analysis that require the separation of bile acids into different groups prior to their analysis, the HPLC method using a reverse phase column and gradient elution that we developed permits the separation and detection of nonconjugated, glycine-conjugated, and esterified bile acids as their fluorescent dimethoxycoumarin esters. The mild conditions for ester formation make possible the identification of allylic bile acids characteristic of metabolic errors in bile acid synthesis. Quantification is obtained using 7 alpha,12 alpha-dihydroxy-5 beta-cholanoic acid as an internal standard. In addition to identification based on retention time, peak-shift strategy is used by treatment of aliquots with cholyglycine hydrolase and/or solvolysis. Loss of the parent peak and appearance of the derivative provide further assurance of the identity of each bile acid in biologic fluids that contain other organic acids.  相似文献   

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