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A variety of anatomic and functional neuroimaging findings are associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). One of the strongest imaging associations identified is between AD and hippocampal atrophy. The epsilon4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene increases the risk of developing AD and lowers the mean age of onset of the disease. The purpose of this study was to assess the association between hippocampal volume and ApoE polymorphisms in elderly control subjects and in patients with probable AD. We performed magnetic resonance imaging-based volume measurements of the hippocampus in 125 cognitively normal elderly controls and 62 patients with probable AD. ApoE genotyping was performed by using standard methods. Hippocampal volumes were significantly smaller in AD cases than in control subjects. Hippocampal volumes did not differ significantly within either clinical group on the basis of ApoE genotype. Both the epsilon4 allele of ApoE and hippocampal atrophy were significantly but independently associated with AD.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding and refolding of bovine beta-lactoglobulin, a predominantly beta-sheet protein in the native state, have been studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism and absorption measurements at pH 3.2 and 4.5 degrees C. The refolding reaction was a complex process composed of different kinetic phases, while the unfolding was a single-phase reaction. Most notably, a burst-phase intermediate of refolding, which was formed during the dead time of stopped-flow measurements (approximately 18 ms), showed more intense ellipticity signals in the peptide region below 240 nm than the native state, yielding overshoot behavior in the refolding curves. We have investigated the spectral properties and structural stability of the burst-phase intermediate and also the structural properties in the unfolded state in 4.0 M guanidine hydrochloride of the protein and its disulfide-cleaved derivative. The main conclusions are: (1) the more intense ellipticity of the intermediate in the peptide region arises from formation of non-native alpha-helical structure in the intermediate, apparently suggesting that the folding of beta-lactoglobulin is not represented by a simple sequential mechanism. (2) The burst-phase intermediate has, however, a number of properties in common with the folding intermediates or with the molten globule states of other globular proteins whose folding reactions are known to be represented by the sequential model. These properties include: the presence of the secondary structure without the specific tertiary structure; formation of a hydrophobic core; broad unfolding transition of the intermediate; and rapidity of formation of the intermediate. The burst-phase intermediate of beta-lactoglobulin is thus classified as the same species as the molten globule state. (3) The circular dichroism spectra of beta-lactoglobulin and its disulfide-cleaved derivative in 4.0 M guanidine hydrochloride suggests the presence of the residual beta-structure in the unfolded state and the stabilization of the beta-structure by disulfide bonds. Thus; if this residual beta-structure is part of the native beta-structure and forms a folding initiation site, the folding reaction of beta-lactoglobulin may not necessarily be inconsistent with the sequential model. The non-native alpha-helices in the burst-phase intermediate may be formed in an immature part of the protein molecule because of the local alpha-helical propensity in this part.  相似文献   

Hemoglobinopathies, such as beta-thalassemias and sickle cell anemia (SCA), are among the most common inherited gene defects. Novel models of human erythropoiesis that result in terminally differentiated red blood cells (RBCs) would be able to address the pathophysiological abnormalities in erythrocytes in congenital RBC disorders and to test the potential of reversing these problems by gene therapy. We have developed an in vitro model of production of human RBCs from normal CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitor cells, using recombinant growth factors to promote terminal RBC differentiation. Enucleated RBCs were then isolated to a pure population by flow cytometry in sufficient numbers for physiological studies. Morphologically, the RBCs derived in vitro ranged from early polylobulated forms, resembling normal reticulocytes to smooth biconcave discocytes. The hemoglobin pattern in the in vitro-derived RBCs mimicked the in vivo adult or postnatal pattern of beta-globin production, with negligible gamma-globin synthesis. To test the gene therapy potential using this model, CD34(+) cells were genetically marked with a retroviral vector carrying a cell-surface reporter. Gene transfer into CD34(+) cells followed by erythroid differentiation resulted in expression of the marker gene on the surface of the enucleated RBC progeny. This model of human erythropoiesis will allow studies on pathophysiology of congenital RBC disorders and test effective therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The pressures in the radial and brachial artery in the same extremity were measured before and after cardiopulmonary bypass (CBP) in 18 patients. Brachial pressures were measured in two different ways, with and without forearm compression. The forearm compression was achieved by a swelled blood pressure cuff. There were no significant differences in these pressures before CBP. But the brachial pressures with the forearm compression were the highest among three kinds of pressures after CBP and there were significant differences between them. The aortic pressures during weaning from CBP were measured and compared with these pressures in 4 patients. The brachial pressures with the forearm compression were closest to aortic pressures. Therefore brachial pressure with forearm compression was recommended as a good pressure monitor when CPB was about to be finished. The patients were them divided into two groups. The patient is in the first group had less than 10 mmHg pressure difference between brachial pressure and radial pressure just after CPB. The patients in the second group had higher pressure in brachial than those in radial for over 10 mmHg just after CPB. There were no significant differences in duration in CPB, lowest rectal temperature, hematocrit and doses of catecholamines between the two groups.  相似文献   

We set out to ascertain the numbers of fetal cells that enter the maternal blood stream during pregnancy. Samples of 15-16 ml of whole blood were collected from 225 women--mostly 10-18 weeks pregnant--and then processed by charge flow separation, a novel method based on free flow electrophoresis in a buffer counterflow gradient. After their recovery in four different separation instruments, nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) were enumerated histologically. In some cases fetal NRBC were identified and enumerated by fluorescence in situ hybridization with probes for the X and Y chromosomes and fetal haemoglobin mRNA. Recoveries were consistent among the four separation instruments: the median numbers of NRBC obtained were 4190, 1590, 2805 and 3860. Our data show that approximately 30 per cent of those cells were fetal. Thus, recent reports on the separation of fetal NRBC by other methods, give underestimates of their frequency in maternal blood.  相似文献   

A facilitated diffusion for glycerol is present in human erythrocytes. Glycerol transporters identified to date belong to the Major Intrinsic Protein (MIP) family of integral membrane proteins, and one of them, aquaporin-3 (AQP3), has been characterized in mammals. Using an antibody raised against a peptide corresponding to the rat AQP3 carboxyl terminus, we examined the presence of AQP3 in normal and Colton-null (aquaporin-1 (AQP1)-deficient) human erythrocytes. Three immunoreactive bands were detected on immunoblots of both normal and Colton-null red cells, very similar to the bands revealed in rat kidney, a material in which AQP3 has been extensively studied. By immunofluorescence, anti-AQP3 antibodies stained the plasma membranes of both normal and Colton-null erythrocytes. Glycerol transport was measured on intact erythrocytes by stopped-flow light scattering and on one-step pink ghosts by a rapid filtration technique. Glycerol permeability values, similar in both cell types, suggest that AQP1 does not represent the major path for glycerol movement across red blood cell membranes. Furthermore, pharmacological studies showed that Colton-null red cells remain sensitive to water and glycerol flux inhibitors, supporting the idea that another proteinaceous path, probably AQP3, mediates most of the glycerol movements across red cell membranes and represents part of the residual water transport activity found in AQP1-deficient red cells.  相似文献   

Cytochemical staining for acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) activity is widely used for identifying monocytes in mixed cell populations; esterase staining is usually performed on slide prepartions of whole blood, buffy coat or Ficoll-Paque separated mononuclear cells (MC). In this paper we propose a method for staining MC while they are in suspension, which utilizes, with slight modifications, the same reagents used in the procedure for esterase staining on smears. Suspension method is rapid and costless; furthermore, it overcomes the loss of esterase stainability observed in slide preparations of Ficoll-Paque separated MC.U  相似文献   

The human red and green cone pigments differ at either 15 or 16 amino acids, depending upon which polymorphic variants are compared. Seven of these amino acid differences involve the introduction or removal of a hydroxyl group. One of these differences, a substitution of alanine for serine at position 180, was found previously to produce a 5 nm blue shift. To determine the role of the remaining six hydroxyl group differences in tuning the absorption spectra of the human red and green pigments, we have studied six site-directed mutants in which single amino acids from the green pigment have been substituted for the corresponding residues in the red pigment. Blue shifts of 7 and 14 nm were observed upon substitution of phenylalanine for tyrosine at position 277 and alanine for threonine at position 285, respectively. Single substitutions at positions 65, 230, 233, and 309 produced spectral shifts of 1 nm or less. These data are in good agreement with a model based upon sequence comparisons among primate pigments and with the properties of site-directed mutants of bovine rhodopsin. Nonadditive effects observed in comparing the absorption spectra of red-green hybrid pigments remain to be explained.  相似文献   

A single intact red blood cell (erythrocyte) was injected into a capillary electrophoresis column, and following in-capillary lysing the alpha- and beta-chains of the hemoglobin (approximately 450 amol) were separated and detected using capillary electrophoresis/electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The mass specta of the electropherogram peaks of the alpha and beta chains showed identifiable peaks corresponding to multiply protonated and sodiated alpha- and beta-chains of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Cytophotometry of rat blood erythroid cells during anaemia, induced by phenylhydrazin (4-8 days from the beginning of injections), revealed that all forms of bone marrow containing haemoglobin were thrown into the blood. On its peak (4th day), the greatest contribution in blood haemoglobinization (50%) is made by microcytes. From the 5th day and up to the end of the restoration period the important role in this process is played by macrocytes. From the 6th day the role of normocytes increases, whose contribution by 8th day reaches 70% of the whole haemoglobin amount in blood. In contrary to anaemizated birds, whose erythroid cells ripen in blood, in rats all the transformations of erythron during anaemia are accomplished in bone marrow.  相似文献   

The transport of [51Cr]chromate into human erythrocytes and isolated rat hepatocytes has been investigated. It was found that uptake in both cell types could be inhibited by the established anion carrier inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid. The uptake was very fast, and in kinetic studies a very low Km was found for both cell types, indicating either a high affinity of chromate for the carrier, and/or, more probably, an efficient intracellular reduction and trapping of 51Cr. The transport capacity, however, was of the same magnitude as for physiological substrates, such as lactate and sulfate. The uptake was temperature dependent and the activation energy was of the same magnitude as that for the physiological substrates. The uptake could be partly inhibited by high levels (mmol l-1) of lactate, pyruvate or sulfate. The uptake rate was greatly increased at lower pH (6.0 versus 7.4) which could indicate transport of the HCrO4- form or an increased intracellular rate of CrVI reduction. The results showed efficient uptake of 51CrO4(2-) by erythrocytes and hepatocytes. They were consistent with a mechanism of uptake which involved the cell membrane anion-exchange carrier in the transport and trapping of 51Cr within the cell.  相似文献   

Reduction of white cells (WBCs) in blood components may reduce the risk of virus transmission and HLA alloimmunization. Filtration provides a means by which to achieve high-efficiency WBC reduction. A method has been developed using flow cytometry to quantitate the number of WBCs in WBC-reduced packed red cells or platelet concentrates. This method uses a detergent and propidium iodide (PI) solution to label the WBC nuclei and incorporates a known amount of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled chicken red cells (cRBCs) into the mixture as an indicator of the volume examined. The number of observed WBCs per mL is calculated as follows: Number of PI WBC nuclei events/Number of FITC cRBC events x Number of FITC cRBCs added to mixture/Volume of blood in mixture. The method may allow the detection of WBCs at a concentration as low as 0.01 per microliters (10/mL) in a blood sample. It is an efficient method of collecting data, as it requires less than 10 minutes per sample. This flow cytometric technique is suitable for research purposes and for quality control of WBC-reduced blood components, because it is precise and can be used to quantitate WBCs in large or small numbers in a sample.  相似文献   

There were no significant differences in packed cell volume (PCV) and red cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) levels in Australian Aborigines and Caucasians. A highly significant negative correlation was found between PCV and 2,3-DPG in both Aborigines (r = 0.251; n = 231) and Caucasians (r = 0.435; n = 227). Levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) in the red blood cells of Aborigines were significantly lower (P < 0.001) compared to those of Caucasians. There was a significant negative correlation between PCV and GSH in both the groups; (Aborigines r = -0.637, n = 115; Caucasians r = 0.388, n = 111).  相似文献   

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