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5月19日,工信部下发文件,要求从今年7月1日起,凡在境内生产、销售的电脑都要预装“绿坝-花季护航”绿色上网过滤软件的最新适用版,其目的是阻止电脑访问部分不良网站,以保护我国青少年不受其害。同时,将付出4000万元的年度使用费给郑州金惠和北京大正——两家没有名气的小公司。  相似文献   

经历了2008年奥运盛火的洗礼,政府、企业以及IT管理者均已认识到信息安全对于企业自身发展的重要意义,尽管下半年陷入全球性的经济衰退周期,信息安全领域仍受到企业管理者和政府决策部门的关注和重点投资。北京海泰方圆技术有限公司(以下简称海泰方圆)保持了高增长态势,2008年公司年营业额成长率达到了110%。海泰方圆董事长姜海舟更向记者表示,“2009年,海泰方圆的目标是达到销售额同比增长150%。”  相似文献   

The "applications" theme of this Issue is a reflection of the rapid progress in the surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) field since its beginnings in the late 1960's. Twelve years have elapsed since the first Special Issue on microwave acoustics including SAW's was published jointly by the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and the Sonics and Ultrasonics Group. In November 1969, the SAW field was quite new, and a large fraction of the SAW papers published during 1969 were contained in that one Special Issue. Much of the Issue was devoted to speculations on the configuration and operation of future devices. By the time of the second joint Special Issue in April 1973, several types of SAW devices had been developed to the point of achieving very attractive levels of performance, and a few papers outlining the potential impact of these devices on systems applications were included the Issue. Increasingly sophisticated and high-performance SAW devices were the major theme of the May 1976 Special Issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE. By the end of the 1970's, SAW devices found increased acceptance as practical, high-performance components for signal generation and processing in electronic systems. Accordingly, the goal of this Special Issue is to emphasize the fact that SAW devices "have arrived" by providing a number of specific examples of how the devices are being effectively and profitably used in many different systems. Engineers and systems designers will find interest in the variety of complex signal-processing functions that can be performed with SAW devices in compact and simple configurations.  相似文献   

接入网连接本地交换局和用户,是用户连入电信网的第一步.通常是通过双绞线实现,双绞线对于传输话音数据是足够的,但是对于像Internet这种网络的高带宽要求就显得力不从心了.光纤骨干网接近无限的带宽,PC也以吉赫兹的速率运行,而它们之间却只通过56 kbit/s或512 kbit/s的速率连接,这就形成了接入网瓶颈.描述了如何通过光网络技术来解决接入网瓶颈问题.  相似文献   

移动立方体是从三维数据场中抽取等值面的一种面绘制方法.文章提出的基于体素生长的移动体素算法可以对原算法进行改进,借用体素的生长只处理与等值面相交的那些立方体.并将这些体素以栈的数据结构形式进行保存,加快绘制速度;在三角面片形成处理中,使用移动体素的方法生成三角面片,消除了二义性。  相似文献   


互联网从诞生之日起,就以其打破时域、地域界限,多媒体传播,双向交互性等一系列优势,显示出21世纪新媒体的特点。广播必须正来自互联网的挑战,抓住机遇,把互联网作为广播各方面的延伸在求得更大的发展空间,此文是笔者在1999年第4季度上网调研所得成果。由于互联网发展迅速,本文与读者见面时,或许有些观点需要修正了。  相似文献   

近年来,“走出去”成了中国企业界的一个热门话题,联想、海尔等众多中国高科技知名企业纷纷在用自己的方式争先实现“走出去”之梦。2005年.中兴通讯这家有着20年历史的通信制造业上市公司,将以璀璨夺目的经营业绩和稳健高速的海外市场发展步伐,向世人展示了具有代表性的中国高科技企业的风采。  相似文献   

基于GPU的高度并行Marching Cubes改进算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种完全基于GPU(graphics processing unit)的高度并行Marching Cubes改进算法.针对Marching Cubes算法流程中数据处理阶段进行优化.首先并行遍历每个体元,以序列形式得到每体元的非空状态,再利用高效流式缩减操作获得非空体元序列以便仅针对非空体元高度并行地生成等值面三角形.实验表明,与同市场价格CPU实现相比,该算法效率最高提高到了前者的9倍以上.  相似文献   

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