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Objective: Using a risk and resistance model (J. L. Wallander, J. W. Varni, L. Babani, H. T. Banis, & K. T. Wilcox, 1989) to determine the effects of coping style and family functioning on children's adjustment to sickle cell disease (SCD). Participants: A sample of 73 caregivers and 23 children (ages birth to 18 years) admitted to a hematology acute care unit for pain or fever associated with SCD. Setting: A children's hospital on the East Coast of the United States. Outcome Measures: Disability stress, disease severity, child and parent coping, family functioning, and child adjustment were assessed with standard paper-and-pencil measures. Results: Results provide partial support for J. L. Wallander et al.'s (1989) risk-resistance model. Disability stress did not mediate the relation between disease severity and child adjustment, and severity of medical condition and medical stress did not predict adjustment. Child gender and child age predicted family functioning and child adjustment to SCD. Child or parent coping strategies did not moderate the association of disability stress and child adjustment. Conclusions: Individuals working with patients should be aware of other factors that may affect child outcome above disease severity; specifically, concerns of boys and girls with SCD and their caregivers should be assessed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies assessed whether coping strategies mediate the relations among 2 forms of perceived control (past and present control) and postassault distress among female sexual assault survivors. In Study 1, longitudinal data were gathered from 2 weeks to 1 year postassault (N=171). Past control (behavioral self-blame) was associated with more distress partly because it was associated with greater social withdrawal. Present control (control over the recovery process) was associated with less distress partly because it was associated with less social withdrawal and more cognitive restructuring. In Study 2, cross-sectional data were gathered from a community sample of nonrecent survivors of sexual assault (N=131). Coping strategies again mediated the relations among the measures of past and present control and distress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the associations of dispositional optimism and pessimism with athletes' coping, goal attainment, and affective states during a sport competition. Results of path analyses showed that dispositional optimism and pessimism correlated differently with coping and affective variables. Mediating analyses indicated that task-oriented coping partially mediated the relationship of optimism with postcompetition positive affective state, whereas disengagement-oriented coping fully mediated the relationship of pessimism with postcompetition anger/dejection. Ancillary hierarchical regressions also indicated that distraction-oriented coping may lead to positive outcomes when used in concordance with task-oriented coping. Overall, these results lent credence to the utility of a bidimensional model of optimism and pessimism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seven studies examined the validity and usefulness of central constructs in Kohut's self psychology: selfobject needs for mirroring, idealization, and twinship and avoidance of acknowledging these needs. These constructs were assessed with a new self-report measure that was found to be reliable, valid, and empirically linked with a variety of constructs in contemporary personality and social psychology. The findings supported and refined Kohut's ideas about the independence of the 3 selfobject needs, the orthogonality between these needs and defensive attempts to avoid acknowledging them, the motivational bases of narcissism, and the contribution of selfobject needs to problems in interpersonal functioning, mental health, self-cohesion, and affect regulation. The findings reveal mutually beneficial conceptual links between Kohut's self psychology and attachment theory and suggest ways in which Kohut's theory can be studied empirically. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 100(4) of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (see record 2011-05716-005). There is an error on page 758. In the sentence “Present control predicted later event-specific distress in Sample 1( β = .17, p  相似文献   

Suppressing and faking emotional expressions depletes personal resources and predicts job strain for customer-contact employees. The authors argue that personal control over behavior, in the job and within the national culture, provides compensatory resources that reduce this strain. With a survey study of 196 employees from the United States and France, the authors supported that high job autonomy buffered the relationship of emotion regulation with emotional exhaustion and, to a lesser extent, job dissatisfaction. The relationship of emotion regulation with job dissatisfaction also depended on the emotional culture; the relationship was weaker for French customer-contact employees who were proposed to have more personal control over expressions than U.S. employees. Theoretical and research implications for the emotion regulation literature and practical suggestions for minimizing job strain are proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study asked: What types of support (emotional, informational, appraisal, and instrumental) do students perceive from the sources of support (parents, teachers, classmates, and close friends)? and Are types of social support more related to students' social, behavioral, and academic outcomes? Gender differences in perceptions of support were also investigated. Data were collected from 263 5th-8th graders using the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale, the Social Skills Rating System, and the Behavior Assessment System for Children. Although early adolescent boys and girls perceive similar levels of all types of support from their parents and teachers, girls perceive more support of most types from classmates and friends. Emotional and informational support were the most highly reported type of support from parents, informational support was most highly reported from teachers, and emotional and instrumental support scores were highest from classmates and close friends. Supportive behaviors from parents contributed to students' adjustment. Emotional support perceived from teachers was a significant and sole individual predictor of students' social skills and academic competence. Supportive behaviors from teachers also predicted students' school maladjustment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Processes of coping with performance deficits in different domains of functioning were investigated in a 4-year longitudinal study involving a core sample of 762 participants (initial age range: 58-81 years). Compensatory efforts to counteract functional impairments were found to increase up to the age of 70 years. Above that age, a decrease in compensatory efforts was observed that was linked to a decrease in the availability and efficiency of action resources. Contentment with actual performance levels remained stable across the entire age range of the study. Stability of self-evaluations was found to depend on adjustment of personal standards: Scarce action resources were accompanied by a lowering of personal comparison standards and by a downgrading of the importance of the respective domains. Accepting more lenient standards of comparison was found to buffer negative effects of performance deficits on contentment with performance among the older participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To examine whether benefit finding was associated with better adjustment among adolescents with diabetes by buffering negative affective reactions to diabetes stress and by promoting positive affective reactions. Design: Early adolescents aged 10–14 with Type 1 diabetes (n = 252) described recent diabetes stressors, affective reactions, and perceived coping effectiveness. They also completed measures of benefit finding, depressive symptoms, and adherence. Metabolic control (i.e., HbA1c) was obtained from medical records. Main Outcome Measures: The main outcome measures were perceived coping effectiveness, depressive symptoms, adherence, and HbA1c. Results: Benefit finding was associated with lower depressive symptoms, higher perceived coping effectiveness and better adherence, and with higher positive as well as negative affective reactions to diabetes stress. Benefit finding interacted with negative affective reactions to predict depressive symptoms and HbA1c. Negative affective reactions to stress were associated with poorer adjustment among those with low benefit finding, but were unrelated or more weakly related to poor adjustment among those with high benefit finding. Positive affective reactions did not mediate associations between benefit finding and any outcome. Conclusions: Consistent with a stress-buffering process, benefit finding may be a resource that buffers the disruptive aspects of negative affective reactions to stress for adolescents' diabetes management. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cognitive and emotional processing is seen as critical to successful adjustment to traumatic experiences, such as breast cancer. Cognitive and emotional processing can be facilitated by dispositional and social environmental factors. Emotional intelligence is a dispositional characteristic defined as the ability to understand, accurately perceive, express, and regulate emotions (J. D. Mayer & P. Salovey. 1997). This study investigated psychological adjustment as a function of emotional intelligence, social support, and social constraints in 210 patients recruited via postings to Internet-based breast cancer support groups. Regression analyses indicated high social constraints and low emotional intelligence were associated with greater distress. Evidence suggested high emotional intelligence could buffer against the negative impact of a toxic social environment. Results support a social-cognitive processing model of adaptation to traumatic events and suggest consideration of emotional intelligence may broaden this model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared with the large literature on subordinate employees, there are few studies of emotional exhaustion and turnover intention for organizational leaders. There is little research that has extended the job demands-resources (JD-R) model of emotional exhaustion to leaders. In this study, the authors adapted the JD-R framework to analyze data collected from a sample of 410 leaders of addiction treatment organizations. The authors considered whether two job demands (performance demands and centralization) and two job resources (innovation in decision making and long-range strategic planning) were associated with emotional exhaustion and turnover intention. The authors also examined whether emotional exhaustion fully or partially mediated the associations between the job-related measures and turnover intention. The results supported the partially mediated model. Both job demands were positively associated with emotional exhaustion, and the association for long-range strategic planning was negative. Emotional exhaustion was positively associated with turnover intention. Centralization and innovation in decision making were also directly associated with turnover intention. Future research should continue to examine this theoretical framework among leaders of other types of organizations using more refined measures of demands and resources. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Learning of physiological responses: I. Habituation, sensitization, and classical conditioning" by Barry R. Dworkin and Susan Dworkin (Behavioral Neuroscience, 1990[Apr], Vol 104[2], 298-319). In the article, on page 310, the denotations for paired (CS+) and unpaired (CS-) stimuli within Table 2 were missing. The corrected table is included in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1990-27779-001.) Rats with chronic neuromuscular block (NMB) maintained by continuous infusion of α-bungarotoxin were classically conditioned. All rats showed reliable discriminative-conditioned tibial nerve firing, hind limb vasoconstriction, hypertension, bradycardia, and electroencephalographic (EEG) desynchronization. A regression analysis indicated that the conditioned vasoconstriction was neither centrally mediated by, nor inextricably linked to, skeletal (tibial) nerve firing. Throughout the experiment there were normal blood gases, pH, Na, serum protein, hematocrit, blood pressure, heart rate, vasomotor tone, and tibial nerve activity. The vital signs, EEG spectra, and cortical evoked potentials reflected regular sleep–wakefulness cycles and responsiveness to mild stimuli. The NMB rat preparation with its stable physiological state and fully intact central nervous system (CNS) may be a useful model for a variety of physiological, medical, and neurobehavioral studies. [An erratum concerning missing data in Table 2 of this article will appear in Behavioral Neuroscience 1990, Vol 104(4)]. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relations of children's internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors to their concurrent regulation, impulsivity (reactive undercontrol), anger, sadness, and fearfulness and these aspects of functioning 2 years prior were examined. Parents and teachers completed measures of children's (N = 185; ages 6 through 9 years) adjustment, negative emotionality, regulation, and behavior control; behavioral measures of regulation also were obtained. In general, both internalizing and externalizing problems were associated with negative emotionality. Externalizers were low in effortful regulation and high in impulsivity, whereas internalizers, compared with nondisordered children, were low in impulsivity but not effortful control. Moreover, indices of negative emotionality, regulation, and impulsivity with the level of the same variables 2 years before controlled predicted stability versus change in problem behavior status. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Dissociating Local and Global Levels of Perceptuo-Motor Control in Masked Priming" by Friederike Schlaghecken, Howard Bowman and Martin Eimer (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2006[Jun], Vol 32[3], 618-632). Figure 5 was inadvertently duplicated in the production process and was incorrectly substituted in place of the original Figure 6 submitted by the authors. The correct figure and caption that should have appeared for Figure 6 are listed in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2006-08586-008.) Masked prime stimuli presented near the threshold of conscious awareness affect responses to subsequent targets. The direction of these priming effects depends on the interval between masked prime and target. With short intervals, benefits for compatible trials (primes and targets mapped to the same response) and costs for incompatible trials are observed. This pattern reverses with longer intervals. We argue (a) that these effects reflect the initial activation and subsequent self-inhibition of the primed response, and the corresponding inhibition and subsequent disinhibition of the nonprimed response, and (b) that they are generated at dissociable local (within response channels) and global (between channels) levels of motor control. In two experiments, global-level priming effects were modulated by changing the number of response alternatives, whereas local-level effects remained unaffected. These experiments suggest that low-level motor control mechanisms can be successfully decomposed into separable subcomponents, operating at different levels within the motor system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Perceived social support among college students: Three studies of the psychometric characteristics and counseling uses of the Social Support Inventory" by Steven D. Brown, Theresa Brady, Robert W. Lent, Jenny Wolfert and Sheila Hall (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1987[Jul], Vol 34[3], 337-354). In Table 5, the reliable change (RC) values for Clients 1-7 on the UCLA Loneliness Scale and the College Student Satisfaction Scale were incorrect. The corrected values are presented in the erratum. In addition, a note should be added to Table 5 that reads: "Posttreatment scores used in the calculation of RC are means obtained from the sum of posttreatment and follow-up scores." (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1987-32914-001.) Perceived social support has been shown to relate to psychological distress and well-being. However, measurement of the construct has been limited by a failure to embed perceived support in a body of psychological theory that would suggest how perceived support is produced and modified. In three studies we assessed the psychometric characteristics and counseling uses of a theory-derived measure of perceived social support, the Social Support Inventory (SSI). Results of the first study indicated that the SSI possessed excellent internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity, and it performed in theoretically predicted ways in a series of construct validity analyses. Results of the second study suggested that the SSI may not be influenced by mood state or demand characteristics. The third study concerned a counseling intervention developed from the SSI's theoretical base. Reported outcomes are from the first 7 consecutive college student clients exposed to the intervention for difficulties in their social transition to college. We also describe the person-environment fit theory from which the SSI was derived and discuss future conceptual and research needs on the theory, instrument, and intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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