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本文用透射电镜研究分析了激光处理对铸态Cr Mn Ni大轧辊钢的影响。激光主要是利用它高能密度脉冲与材料表面以极快速的作用 ,快速的表面溶化 ,快速的冷却方式使材料表面重熔再结晶 ,让材料表面有着高硬度、高耐磨、耐腐蚀的硬化层。经激光处理后的轧辊使用寿命比未处理的轧辊寿命提高1~ 2倍。同时在操作工艺上时间短 ,周期快 ,变形小 ,在材料加工后不需其它工序任何处理。1 材料与处理材料为Cr Mn Ni铸钢 ,其成分为 :C :1.36 ,Si:0 0 15 ,P :0 0 19,Cr :0 79,Mn :0 97,Ni :0 79,Mo :0 17。处理状态均为 86…  相似文献   

本文利用扫描电子显微镜电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术研究了一种Al-Zn-Mg合金焊接区微观组织结构不均匀性对裂纹萌生和扩展的影响。实验显示裂纹在粗晶区和细晶区的界面处萌生,沿着晶界扩展。小角度晶界对沿晶裂纹的扩展有阻碍作用,产生"闭合效应"。穿晶裂纹在遇到大角度晶界时,扩展路径会发生偏转。在部分再结晶区域,裂纹更倾向避开变形晶粒,沿着再结晶晶粒之间的晶界扩展。如果在外力作用下,迫使裂纹穿过形变晶粒,将导致解理断裂的断口形貌。  相似文献   

旷云峰  黄灿  叶宏  喻文新  胡植 《激光杂志》2014,(10):124-126
采用激光合金化工艺在6061铝合金表面制备Al-Fe-Mn-Zn-Si合金化层,以期望提高铝合金表面性能。用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、电子显微硬度计、HSR-2M磨损试验机等材料表征手段分析了合金化层的组织结构与性能,研究结果表明:合金化层的晶相组织由结合区附近的柱状晶向表面的等轴晶过渡,且晶粒大小较基体明显细化,含有金属间化合物AlFe4Si、Al9Si、Mn5Si2以及面心立方的α-Al;激光合金化使铝合金表面硬度由104HV左右提高到了390HV左右;磨损试验结果表明,合金化层提高了铝合金表面的耐磨性。  相似文献   

为减少6061铝合金搭接叠焊接头激光焊接缺陷,采用激光摆动焊接方法,研究光束摆动对焊缝成形质量、显微组织和显微硬度的影响.结果 表明:无摆动焊搭接接头焊缝成形粗糙不均匀,焊缝中心存在大量气孑孔;激光摆动焊接可明显改善焊缝成形,降低焊缝内部气孔率.当扫描幅值为1.0~1.5 mm,扫描频率为100~300 Hz时,激光摆...  相似文献   

激光焊接技术具有单位热输入量少、热变形小、焊缝深宽比大、焊接速度高、可焊接复杂结构件、易于实现远程焊接和自动化等明显优势,在汽车制造中得到广泛应用。本文分析了预置填充稀土粉末对1mm厚6061铝合金激光焊接组织和性能的影响。试验表明,直接焊接的焊缝平均显微硬度为44.5 HV,填充稀土粉末的焊缝平均显微硬度为50.1 HV,达到母材硬度的83.1%;但稀土含量过高容易促进焊缝氢气孔的产生,使得焊缝硬度分布不均匀;降低焊缝的抗拉强度,未填充稀土粉末的焊缝平均抗拉强度为111.04MPa,达到母材的89.5%,而填充稀土粉末的焊缝平均抗拉强度为89.06MPa,仅为母材的71.8%。  相似文献   

幅相误差对均匀圆阵列系统性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幅相误差是制约天线阵系统性能的一个重要因素。本文通过建立存在随机幅相误差时的均匀圆阵列模型,分析了此时均匀圆阵列场方向图函数和功率方向图函数的统计特性;围绕方向性系数、旁瓣电平和半功率波瓣宽度三个系统指标,计算了随机幅相误差对均匀圆阵列系统性能的影响;最后在数值分析的基础上进行了计算机仿真和验证。  相似文献   

光学积分器是实现太阳模拟器辐照面均匀 性的关键元件, 构成光学积分器的元素透镜的数量和形状直接影响太阳模拟器的均匀性。本文采用仿真分析 的方法研究了 6种不同数量的元素透镜对辐照面均匀性的影响,并得出了5个重要结论;同时研究了采用两 种不同形状 的元素透镜对辐照面均匀性的影响,指出当要求辐照面为圆形时,正六边形元素透镜较正方 形元素透镜的 结构更佳。本文研究结论可为太阳模拟器中光学积分器的设计和选型提供重要参考。  相似文献   

采用显微硬度测试仪、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察及能谱分析,研究了Al-0.5Mg-1.0Si-0.8Cu(wt.%)合金的晶界析出规律和晶内析出相的粗化机制。结果表明:180℃时效处理的Al-0.5Mg-1.0Si-0.8Cu(wt.%)合金晶界处存在富Si相和Q相两类不连续分布的析出相,它们的尺寸分别约为1 mm和几十纳米;时效0.5 h时晶界处有少量富Si相,时效5 h时晶界富Si相明显增多,时效36 h时富Si相开始粗化且间距变大,再进一步时效其形貌和分布变化不大;晶界Q相与相邻晶粒铝基体的界面取向关系是:[510]Al//[1120]Q;时效36 h晶内开始出现粗化析出相,且随时效继续进行合金晶内析出大量粗化相,存在明显的晶界无析出带现象。晶内粗化析出相主要含有Si元素,呈片状、球状和棒状3种形貌。其中,棒状Si析出相是沿〈001〉Al方向生长的,且〈112〉Si//〈001〉Al,{111}Si//{010}Al。  相似文献   

Ni-Mn-Ga合金是一种新型的智能材料,兼具铁磁性和形状记忆效应的双重优点,以对磁场的快速响应和大的宏观可恢复应变的特点有望成为传感器和驱动器的候选材料.通过掺入金属元素可以弥补该合金马氏体相变温度低,脆性大的不足.综述了掺杂元素对合金结构、相变温度、力学性能、形状记忆效应的影响,并提出了需要深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

几种自润滑镍基合金显微组织的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于自润滑镍基合金提供的转移膜润滑,明显改善了镍基合金/陶瓷配副的高温摩擦学性能,因此镍基合金/陶瓷摩擦副在热动力机械系统中显示了良好的应用前景。自润滑镍基合金必须在高温下制备,固体润滑剂可能与基体发生固相反应,从而引起润滑剂的失效以及材料显微组织的改变,但是目前关于自润滑镍基合金显微组织的研究还有待于进一步深入。  相似文献   

The influence of the Bi content on the fillet-lifting phenomenon in Sn-3Ag-Bi alloys was investigated. The peculiar composition dependence on the fillet-lifting exists in Sn-3Ag-xBi alloys. With fillet-lifting, they are 3–20%Bi. Without fillet-lifting, they are 0–1%Bi, 30%Bi, and above. This is related to the alloy solidification characteristics, in particular, the amount of latent heat release near the final solidification temperature (solidus temperature) during solidification. Fillet-lifting is likely to occur in the alloy with a latent heat released which is insufficient for alleviation of the temperature gradient in the solder joint. A new predictable index for the occurrence of fillet-lifting is proposed as the fillet-lifting resistant index (FRI) that correlates well with the fillet-lifting occurrence rate. The fillet-lifting does not occur when a solder alloy has a FRI of 0.75 and above. The magnitude of the solidification temperature range (T) does not necessarily correlate with the fillet-lifting, because there are some alloys without fillet-lifting in spite of their having a wide T. There is also little correlation between the fillet-lifting and the formation of a Bi concentration at the solder/Cu land interface, previously thought to cause fillet-lifting. The Bi concentration at the solder/Cu land interface may occur as a consequence of the Sn consumption by the intermetallic compound formation with the Cu dissolving into the molten solder and existing at the interface rather than the solidification segregation.  相似文献   

The influence of alloy composition on the fillet-lifting phenomenon was investigated for Sn−Bi, Sn−Pb, and Sn−In binary alloys. Fillet-lifting occurs in Sn-(1–30%)Bi, Sn-(1–5%)Pb, Sn-(2–15%)In, but does not occur in pure Sn, Sn-(40–62%)Bi, Sn-(10–45%)Pb, and Sn-43 In. Fillet-lifting does not correlate with the formation of a Bi-concentrated layer at the solder/Cu land interface, previously thought to cause fillet-lifting. The solidification temperature range also does not necessarily correlate with fillet-lifting. Fillet-lifting was found to be related to the retention time (tr) for which solidus temperature (the final solidification temperature) remains by latent heat released during eutectic solidification in the cooling curve. The released latent heat contributes to the alleviation of the temperature gradient causing fillet-fifting in the solder joint. A fillet-fifting resistant index (FRI) is proposed as a new index for fillet-lifting, and correlates well with fillet-lifting occurrence rate in each of the studied tin binary alloys.  相似文献   

TiAl渗硅层结构分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
TiAl基合金具有密度低、高温强度和刚度好等优点 ,经过近十多年的研究 ,其塑性和韧性得到了较大改善 ,可望成为理想的航空、航天及未来汽车工业用高温结构材料。然而 ,该类合金的高温抗氧化性能目前还不足以满足在 80 0℃以上温度下的应用。研究表明 ,即使只在 75 0℃附近 ,抗氧化性能仍显不足 ,已阻碍TiAl合金的工业应用 ,其原因是高温氧化对TiAl合金的塑性和断裂抗力造成不利影响。已有报道的改善TiAl基合金高温抗氧化性能的方法主要有 :涂层、离子注入、预氧化等。作者曾发现将TiAl基合金渗硅可有效改善其高温抗氧化…  相似文献   

为了明晰光丝距离对激光填丝焊接过程影响规律, 采用高速摄像、外观检查、宏观金相等方法, 对3种光束模式下不同光丝距离与激光堆焊关系进行了理论分析和实验验证, 得到了光丝距离对焊丝熔化、熔滴过渡、熔池波动和焊缝凝固的稳定性影响数据。结果表明, 光丝位置由相交(-5mm)向相离(+5mm)变化时, 熔滴过渡经历"液滴→液滴+液桥→液桥→液滴+液桥"阶段; 相同光丝距离时, 单光束激光模式、双光束激光串行模式和双光束并行模式的焊缝熔深依次降低, 甚至出现焊缝偏移和无熔深现象; 单光束模式和双光束串行模式对焊丝熔化和熔池的影响规律近似, 但双光束并行模式下具有特殊性; 单光束激光焊接时, 随着离焦量的增加, 焊缝的熔深由最大值409.8μm迅速减小到282.6μm; 双光束激光串行模式时, 焊缝的最大熔深仅为328.4μm, 随着离焦量降低而减小, 但正离焦量为焊缝截面呈现不对称状态; 双光束激光并行焊接模式时, 焊丝偏向小功率激光束时, 焊缝无熔深; 随着焊丝向大功率激光束移动, 形成仅有226.5μm小熔深焊缝。该研究为铝合金激光增材和焊接提供了参考。  相似文献   

Recent years, the SnAgCu family of alloys has been found a widely application as a replacement for the conventional SnPb solders in electronic industry. In order to further enhance the properties of SnAgCu solder alloys, alloying elements such as rare earth, Bi, Sb, Fe, Co, Mn, Ti, In, Ni, Ge and nano-particles were selected by lots of researchers as alloys addition into these alloys. Rare earth (RE) elements have been called the ‘‘vitamin” of metals, which means that a small amount of RE elements can greatly enhance the properties of metals, such as microstructure refinement, alloying and purification of materials and metamorphosis of inclusions. In addition, a small amount of Zn addition has the ability to reduce undercooling efficiently and suppress the formation of massive primary Ag3Sn plates, and Bi/Ga has the ability to enhance the wettability of SnAgCu alloys as well as Ni. Moreover, adding Co/Fe/Ge can effectively refine microstructure, modify interfacial Cu-Sn compounds and increase the shear strength of joints with Cu. This paper summarizes the effects of alloying elements on the wettability, mechanical properties, creep behavior and microstructures of SnAgCu lead-free solder alloys.  相似文献   

The conventional method used for aluminum (Al) and aluminum alloy (Al + Si, Al + Si + Cu) delineation in integrated circuits is mainly by wet chemical etching. Because of its isotropic characteristic, wet chemical etching becomes inadequate for patterning Al metal lines with linewidths narrower than about 4 Μm. In this work, Al and Al alloys (Al + 2% Si; Al + 1% Si + 1% Cu) were reactively etched in SiCl4 plasma using patterned photoresist as the etch-mask. Resist patterns were generated either by conventional processing methods or by tri-level resist techniques which included hard-baking (200°C, ≤ 30 min), and two consecutive reactive ion etchings in CF4 and 02 plasmas. Masking resists prepared by the tri-level resist technique retained their integrity during exposure to a SiCl4 plasma, and significantly improved resolution and fidelity of pattern transfer from resist to underlying Al or Al alloy film. The substrate surface of the reactively etched Al + Si + Cu sample was considerably rougher than that of the Al or Al + Si sample due to the high concentration of Cu accumulated at the metal/substrate region during RIE process.  相似文献   

The microstructures and mechanical properties of Sn-8.55Zn-xAg-0.45 Al-0.5Ga (wt.%) lead-free solders were investigated. The x content of the solders investigated were 0.5–3.0 wt.%. The results indicate that Ag plays an important role not only in the structure but also in the mechanically properties. The mechanical properties and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) behavior has been compared with that of 63Sn-37Pb solder. Small additions of Ag decreased the melting point of the Sn-8.55Zn-xAg-0.45Al-0.5Ga solders while maintaining the same strength and ductility as the 63Sn-37Pb solder.  相似文献   

模拟研究离焦量对7050铝合金Al/Ti熔覆过程的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
针对7050铝合金表面激光熔覆Al/Ti复合粉体,建立了三维瞬态温度场有限元模型,模拟了不同离焦量条件下的熔池大小、温度梯度、冷却速度及形状控制因子.结果表明,熔池宽度与深度尺寸随着离焦量数值的增大先增大后减小,在离焦量为20 mm时熔池宽度与深度都出现了最大值.沿熔池深度方向(即Z向)的温度梯度数值最大,散热条件最好,表明熔覆凝固过程中的晶粒生长方向主要集中在Z向.离焦量为40 mm时的冷却速度最大、晶粒细小,离焦量为80 mm时的冷却速度最小、晶粒粗大,且得到实验验证.离焦量为60 mm时的形状控制因子最大,金相组织出现柱状晶;离焦量为80 mm时的形状控制因子最小,金相组织主要为胞状晶,并有相应的实验验证.  相似文献   

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