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本文介绍了西德IRT进行3DTV研究的进展情况并讨论了制作3 DTV节目的某些特殊方法及欧广联内部对3 DTV的评价。作者还在文中提出对我国开展3 DTV研究的意见。这篇文章可作为我国影视界技术交流的参考资料。  相似文献   

唐伯伦 《电视技术》2000,(10):55-55
立体电视的成像方法与立体电影相似,基本上是利用人眼的视差原理,曾经有人提出,能否像立体照片那样,利用一块转换镜,将平面电视转换为立体电视。笔者现将自己的实验结果公布于此,以飨广大的立体电视爱好者。1 立体图像的转换原理 笔者几年前曾经有几个立体电视的专利方案,但因方案仍沿用以前人们的习惯方法(即视差原理),所以在实用中有一定难度。如要改变图像的传播方式,需同时摄取和显示两幅(帧)图像,并戴一副检偏眼镜等。笔者偶然翻阅物理教科书时,看到光的光栅衍射实验,实发奇想欲利用光栅衍射原理,将平面电视图像转…  相似文献   

<正> 电视技术由黑白电视发展到彩色电视,进而又发展到高清晰度电视,使电视图像达到相当逼真的程度。为了使电视图像更加自然,并有丰富的立体感和临场感,立体电视作为电视技术的未来发展方向之一,受到人们的重视。  相似文献   

立体电视技术的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人的视觉能有立体感,是因为两眼在稍稍分开的两个位置看到的景物、方向和投影各有区别,再经过大脑的视觉合成的结果。立体电视技术的关键是要设法在平面的彩色电视屏幕上模拟出分别供人的右、左眼观看的图象,使人的视觉产生立体感。立体电视是80年代兴起的新技术,发展迄今主要有以下几种实行方案。  相似文献   

一、前言新设想遵循双眼视差产生立体感的原理,即两眼分别观看到从同一物体有一定角度差得到的两幅图象,我们感觉为一个立体图象。根据这一原理,并且从以下的要求出发,我提出这种新的研究立体电视的设想。(1)观看立体电视时不用眼镜,(2)最大限度地利用现有的广播电视设备,(3)使整个系统最经济。  相似文献   

立体电视的发展动向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综合评述了立体电视的发展历史,阐明了立体视觉的基本原理,对各种立体电视方式的性能进行了比较,并展望立体电视的发展动向。  相似文献   

通常我们所看到的电视都是平面电视,它的图像和一般的照片一样,不论我们用两只眼晴怎么看,也不会有空间立体感,使画面的艺术感染力大大降低。而立体电视则不同,它比之平面电视更加形象逼真,不仅增加了人们对画面的艺术感,使电视观众产生身临其境的感觉外,还可在科研,生产等部门发挥特殊的效能。例如在原子能反应堆中,借助于立体摄像机来操作机械手,易于辨别物体的远近距离和体积大小,工作起来非常方便。在轧钢工业方面,轧钢工人操纵轧钢机时,通过普通工业电视就无法辨别放轧制的钢材移动的距离和体积。  相似文献   

3DTV over IP     
In this paper, technologies for distribution of a variety of three-dimensional (3-D) video and 3-D TV services over IP networks are described. The approaches for encoding stereoscopic and MW have been standardized in the form of MPEG "video-plus-depth" and the JVT MVC standards. It has been shown that both approaches can encode stereoscopic video at about 1.2 times the bit rate of monoscopic video (when using unequal inter-view bit allocation in the case of MVC). Also this kind of interactive system increases the bandwidth requirement significantly. A multitude of strategies have been considered for streaming such encoded MW using RTP/UDP/IP or RTP/DCCP/IP. Video streaming architectures can be classified as 1) server unicasting to one or more clients, 2) server multicasting to several clients, 3) P2P unicast distribution, where each peer forwards packets to another peer, and 4) P2P multicasting, where each peer forwards packets to several other peers.  相似文献   

Multiview Imaging and 3DTV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The eight articles in this special section are devoted to multi-view imaging and three dimensional television displays.  相似文献   

本文通过主观评价试验,研究了立体电视节目的垂直误差、旋转误差、尺寸误差、整体亮度误差、白切割电平误差、黑切割电平误差、色调误差7种误差的容限范围.根据试验结果,确定了立体电视节目在拍摄制作过程中的误差容限,垂直误差不应超过5像素,旋转误差不应超过0.4°,尺寸误差不应超过0.8%,整体亮度误差不应超过8%,白切割电平误差不应超过6%,黑切割电平误差不应超过10%,色调误差不应超过16°.  相似文献   

用于3DTV的图像绘制技术   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
针对3DTV的应用,对深度图像绘制技术(DIBR)、光线空间表示法和光场绘制法这3类绘制方法分别提出了改进算法,实验结果表明新生成视图质量良好,可以用于3DTV系统的交互式场景渲染。  相似文献   

In stereoscopic television, there is a trade‐off between visual comfort and 3‐dimensional (3D) impact with respect to the baseline‐stretch of a 3DTV camera. It is necessary to adjust the baseline‐stretch at an appropriate distance depending on the contents of a scene if we want to obtain a subjectively optimal quality of an image. However, it is very hard to obtain a small baseline‐stretch using commercially available cameras of broadcasting quality where the sizes of the lens and CCD module are large. In order to overcome this limitation, we attempt to freely control the baseline‐stretch of a stereoscopic camera by synthesizing the virtual views at the desired location of interval between two cameras. This proposed technique is based on the stereo matching and view synthesis techniques. We first obtain a dense disparity map using a hierarchical stereo matching with the edge‐adaptive multiple shifted windows. Then, we synthesize the virtual views using the disparity map. Simulation results with various stereoscopic images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

在带宽有限的条件下,如何提高编码效率是当前3D电视的重要研究方向.介绍了目前应用于3D电视技术的不同编码方法,并提出了进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

Image capture and image display will most likely be decoupled in future 3DTV systems. Due to the need to convert abstract representations of 3D images to display driver signals, and to explicitly consider optical diffraction and propagation effects, it is expected that signal processing issues will be of fundamental importance in 3DTV systems. Since diffraction between two parallel planes can be represented as a 2D linear shift-invariant system, various signal processing techniques naturally play an important role. Diffraction between tilted planes can also be modeled as a relatively simple system, leading to efficient discrete computations. Two fundamental problems are digital computation of the optical field arising from a 3D object, and finding the driver signals for a given optical display device which will then generate a desired optical field in space. The discretization of optical signals leads to several interesting issues; for example, it is possible to violate the Nyquist rate while sampling, but still achieve full reconstruction. The fractional Fourier transform is another signal processing tool which finds applications in optical wave propagation.  相似文献   

1前言2010年,在3D数字电影兴起的推动下,国外电视广播界的3D立体电视热也有飞腾升空之势。目前,国外3D电视机仍是沿用3D电影的双眼式,即利用特殊眼镜观看的制式,虽然它还存在左右画面串扰和亮度的缺欠问题,但市场仍旧看好。目前,日本3D业界正在开展着以开拓市场为目的的高画质化竞争。为供国内同行  相似文献   

董芳菲  黄心渊 《电视技术》2011,35(22):32-37
随着数字电视技术的革新和立体显示技术的发展,以裸眼立体电视为载体的体视动画成为动画产业探讨的新热点。对近年来面向裸眼立体电视的体视动画技术进行了广泛研究。首先阐述了裸眼体视动画技术的意义及研究现状,介绍了裸眼体视动画技术的技术原理,重点从体视图像获取、体视图像采样合成、裸眼立体电视显示3个方面进行阐述,详细叙述了不同方面所用到的基本思想和主要方法,最后指出了裸眼体视动画技术的不足和研究方向。  相似文献   

主要介绍了3D电视系统的现状与发展,按照由双视点向未来多视点3D电视系统发展的技术路线,依次介绍了各阶段系统的架构.同时,对关键技术的基本原理也做了详细说明,包括过度阶段的帧兼容、多视点视频编码、混合分辨率视频编码、视频与相应深度信息联合编码等解决方案.最后对3D电视系统中有待解决的问题和未来的研究方向进行了总结.  相似文献   

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