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Recent work in interactive global illumination addresses diffuse and moderately glossy indirect lighting effects, but high‐frequency effects such as multi‐bounce reflections on highly glossy surfaces are often ignored. Accurately simulating such effects is important to convey the realistic appearance of materials such as chrome and shiny metal. In this paper, we present an efficient method for visualizing multi‐bounce glossy reflections at interactive rates under environment lighting. Our main contribution is a pre‐computation–based method which efficiently gathers subsequent highly glossy reflection passes modelled with a non‐linear transfer function representation based on the von Mises–Fisher distribution. We show that our gathering method is superior to scattered sampling. To exploit the sparsity of the pre‐computed data, we apply perfect spatial hashing. As a result, we are able to visualize multi‐bounce glossy reflections at interactive rates at a low pre‐computation cost.  相似文献   

Computing global illumination in complex scenes is even with todays computational power a demanding task. In this work we propose a novel irradiance caching scheme that combines the advantages of two state-of-the-art algorithms for high-quality global illumination rendering: lightcuts , an adaptive and hierarchical instant-radiosity based algorithm and the widely used (ir)radiance caching algorithm for sparse sampling and interpolation of (ir)radiance in object space. Our adaptive radiance caching algorithm is based on anisotropic cache splatting, which adapts the cache footprints not only to the magnitude of the illumination gradient computed with light-cuts but also to its orientation allowing larger interpolation errors along the direction of coherent illumination while reducing the error along the illumination gradient. Since lightcuts computes the direct and indirect lighting seamlessly, we use a two-layer radiance cache, to store and control the interpolation of direct and indirect lighting individually with different error criteria. In multiple iterations our method detects cache interpolation errors above the visibility threshold of a pixel and reduces the anisotropic cache footprints accordingly. We achieve significantly better image quality while also speeding up the computation costs by one to two orders of magnitude with respect to the well-known photon mapping with (ir)radiance caching procedure.  相似文献   

Glossy to glossy reflections are lights bounced between glossy surfaces. Such directional light transports are important for humans to perceive glossy materials, but difficult to simulate. This paper proposes a new method for rendering screen‐space glossy to glossy reflections in realtime. We use spherical von Mises‐Fisher (vMF) distributions to model glossy BRDFs at surfaces, and employ screen space directional occlusion (SSDO) rendering framework to trace indirect light transports bounced in the screen space. As our main contributions, we derive a new parameterization of vMF distribution so as to convert the non‐linear fit of multiple vMF distributions into a linear sum in the new space. Then, we present a new linear filtering technique to build MIP‐maps on glossy BRDFs, which allows us to create filtered radiance transfer functions at runtime, and efficiently estimate indirect glossy to glossy reflections. We demonstrate our method in a realtime application for rendering scenes with dynamic glossy objects. Compared with screen space directional occlusion, our approach only requires one extra texture and has a negligible overhead, 3% ~ 6% loss at frame rate, but enables glossy to glossy reflections.  相似文献   

We introduce image-space radiosity and a hierarchical variant as a method for interactively approximating diffuse indirect illumination in fully dynamic scenes. As oft observed, diffuse indirect illumination contains mainly low-frequency details that do not require independent computations at every pixel. Prior work leverages this to reduce computation costs by clustering and caching samples in world or object space. This often involves scene preprocessing, complex data structures for caching, or wasted computations outside the view frustum. We instead propose clustering computations in image space, allowing the use of cheap hardware mipmapping and implicit quadtrees to allow coarser illumination computations. We build on a recently introduced multiresolution splatting technique combined with an image-space lightcut algorithm to intelligently choose virtual point lights for an interactive, one-bounce instant radiosity solution. Intelligently selecting point lights from our reflective shadow map enables temporally coherent illumination similar to results using more than 4096 regularly-sampled VPLs.  相似文献   

We describe a global illumination method combining two well known techniques: photon mapping and irradiance caching. The photon mapping method has the advantage of being view independent but requires a costly additional rendering pass, called final gathering. As for irradiance caching, it is view‐dependent, irradiance is only computed and cached on surfaces of the scene as viewed by a single camera. To compute records covering the entire scene, the irradiance caching method has to be run for many cameras, which takes a long time and is a tedious task since the user has to place the needed cameras manually. Our method exploits the advantages of these two methods and avoids any intervention of the user. It computes a refined, view‐independent irradiance cache from a photon map. The global illumination solution is then rendered interactively using radiance cache splatting.  相似文献   

We present a photon splatting technique which reduces noise and blur in the rendering of caustics. Blurring of illumination edges is an inherent problem in photon splatting, as each photon is unaware of its neighbours when being splatted. This means that the splat size is usually based on heuristics rather than knowledge of the local flux density. We use photon differentials to determine the size and shape of the splats such that we achieve adaptive anisotropic flux density estimation in photon splatting. As compared to previous work that uses photon differentials, we present the first method where no photons or beams or differentials need to be stored in a map. We also present improvements in the theory of photon differentials, which give more accurate results and a faster implementation. Our technique has good potential for GPU acceleration, and we limit the number of parameters requiring user adjustment to an overall smoothing parameter and the number of photons to be traced.  相似文献   

Indirect illumination is an important element for realistic image synthesis, but its computation is expensive and highly dependent on the complexity of the scene and of the BRDF of the involved surfaces. While off‐line computation and pre‐baking can be acceptable for some cases, many applications (games, simulators, etc.) require real‐time or interactive approaches to evaluate indirect illumination. We present a novel algorithm to compute indirect lighting in real‐time that avoids costly precomputation steps and is not restricted to low‐frequency illumination. It is based on a hierarchical voxel octree representation generated and updated on the fly from a regular scene mesh coupled with an approximate voxel cone tracing that allows for a fast estimation of the visibility and incoming energy. Our approach can manage two light bounces for both Lambertian and glossy materials at interactive framerates (25–70FPS). It exhibits an almost scene‐independent performance and can handle complex scenes with dynamic content thanks to an interactive octree‐voxelization scheme. In addition, we demonstrate that our voxel cone tracing can be used to efficiently estimate Ambient Occlusion.  相似文献   

Image space photon mapping has the advantage of simple implementation on GPU without pre‐computation of complex acceleration structures. However, existing approaches use only a single image for tracing caustic photons, so they are limited to computing only a part of the global illumination effects for very simple scenes. In this paper we fully extend the image space approach by using multiple environment maps for photon mapping computation to achieve interactive global illumination of dynamic complex scenes. The two key problems due to the introduction of multiple images are 1) selecting the images to ensure adequate scene coverage; and 2) reliably computing ray‐geometry intersections with multiple images. We present effective solutions to these problems and show that, with multiple environment maps, the image‐space photon mapping approach can achieve interactive global illumination of dynamic complex scenes. The advantages of the method are demonstrated by comparison with other existing interactive global illumination methods.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for accelerated global illumination computation in scenes with glossy surfaces. Our algorithm combines sparse illumination computation used in the radiance caching algorithm with BRDF importance sampling. To make this approach feasible, we extend the idea of lazy illumination evaluation, used in the caching approaches, from the spatial to the directional domain. Using importance sampling allows us to apply caching not only on low-gloss but also on shiny materials with high-frequency BRDFs, for which the radiance caching algorithm breaks down.  相似文献   

Thanks to an increase in rendering efficiency, indirect illumination has recently begun to be integrated in cinematic lighting design, an application where physical accuracy is less important than careful control of scene appearance. This paper presents a comprehensive, efficient, and intuitive representation for artistic control of indirect illumination. We encode user's adjustments to indirect lighting as scale and offset coefficients of the transfer operator. We take advantage of the nature of indirect illumination and of the edits themselves to efficiently sample and compress them. A major benefit of this sampled representation, compared to encoding adjustments as procedural shaders, is the renderer‐independence. This allowed us to easily implement several tools to produce our final images: an interactive relighting engine to view adjustments, a painting interface to define them, and a final renderer to render high quality results. We demonstrate edits to scenes with diffuse and glossy surfaces and animation.  相似文献   

Backward polygon beam tracing methods, that is beam tracing from the light source (L), are well suited to gather path coherency from specular (S) scattering surfaces. These methods are useful for modelling and efficiently simulating caustics on diffuse (D) surfaces; an effect due to LS+D transport paths. This paper generalizes backward polygon beam tracing to include a glossy (G) scattering surface. To this end the details of a beam tracing lumped model and implementation of L(S | G)D transport paths are presented. Although we limit the discussion to short transport paths, we show that backward beam tracing is faster than photon mapping by an order of magnitude for rendering caustics from glossy and specular surfaces.  相似文献   

We present a photon mapping technique capable of computing high quality global illumination at interactive frame rates. By extending the concept of photon differentials to efficiently handle diffuse reflections, we generate footprints at all photon hit points. These enable illumination reconstruction by density estimation with variable kernel bandwidths without having to locate the k nearest photon hits first. Adapting an efficient BVH construction process for ray tracing acceleration, we build photon maps that enable the fast retrieval of all hits relevant to a shading point. We present a heuristic that automatically tunes the BVH build's termination criterion to the scene and illumination conditions. As all stages of the algorithm are highly parallelizable, we demonstrate an implementation using NVidia's CUDA manycore architecture running at interactive rates on a single GPU. Both light source and camera may be freely moved with global illumination fully recalculated in each frame.  相似文献   

A recent technique that forms virtual ray lights (VRLs) from path segments in media, reduces the artifacts common to VPL approaches in participating media, however, distracting singularities still remain. We present Virtual Beam Lights (VBLs), a progressive many‐lights algorithm for rendering complex indirect transport paths in, from, and to media. VBLs are efficient and can handle heterogeneous media, anisotropic scattering, and moderately glossy surfaces, while provably converging to ground truth. We inflate ray lights into beam lights with finite thicknesses to eliminate the remaining singularities. Furthermore, we devise several practical schemes for importance sampling the various transport contributions between camera rays, light rays, and surface points. VBLs produce artifact‐free images faster than VRLs, especially when glossy surfaces and/or anisotropic phase functions are present. Lastly, we employ a progressive thickness reduction scheme for VBLs in order to render results that converge to ground truth.  相似文献   

Density estimation employed in multi‐pass global illumination algorithms give cause to a trade‐off problem between bias and noise. The problem is seen most evident as blurring of strong illumination features. In particular, this blurring erodes fine structures and sharp lines prominent in caustics. To address this problem, we introduce a photon mapping algorithm based on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion. Our algorithm adapts according to the structure of the photon map such that smoothing occurs along edges and structures and not across. In this way, we preserve important illumination features, while eliminating noise. We demonstrate the applicability of our algorithm through a series of tests. In the tests, we evaluate the visual and computational performance of our algorithm comparing it to existing popular algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new representation – radiance transfer fields (RTF) – for rendering interreflections in dynamic scenes under low frequency illumination. The RTF describes the radiance transferred by an individual object to its surrounding space as a function of the incident radiance. An important property of RTF is its independence of the scene configuration, enabling interreflection computation in dynamic scenes. Secondly, RTFs naturally fit in with the rendering framework of precomputed shadow fields, incurring negligible cost to add interreflection effects. In addition, RTFs can be used to compute interreflections for both diffuse and glossy objects. We also show that RTF data can be highly compressed by clustered principal component analysis (CPCA), which not only reduces the memory cost but also accelerates rendering. Finally, we present some experimental results demonstrating our techniques.  相似文献   

State‐of‐the‐art density estimation methods for rendering participating media rely on a dense photon representation of the radiance distribution within a scene. A critical bottleneck of such kernel‐based approaches is the excessive number of photons that are required in practice to resolve fine illumination details, while controlling the amount of noise. In this paper, we propose a parametric density estimation technique that represents radiance using a hierarchical Gaussian mixture. We efficiently obtain the coefficients of this mixture using a progressive and accelerated form of the Expectation‐Maximization algorithm. After this step, we are able to create noise‐free renderings of high‐frequency illumination using only a few thousand Gaussian terms, where millions of photons are traditionally required. Temporal coherence is trivially supported within this framework, and the compact footprint is also useful in the context of real‐time visualization. We demonstrate a hierarchical ray tracing‐based implementation, as well as a fast splatting approach that can interactively render animated volume caustics.  相似文献   

Luan  Fu-Jun  Wu  Li-Fan  Xu  Kun 《计算可视媒体(英文)》2015,1(3):221-228
Computational Visual Media - Photon mapping is a widely used technique for global illumination rendering. In the density estimation step of photon mapping, the indirect radiance at a shading point...  相似文献   

Many‐light methods approximate the light transport in a scene by computing the direct illumination from many virtual point light sources (VPLs), and render low‐noise images covering a wide range of performance and quality goals. However, they are very inefficient at representing glossy light transport. This is because a VPL on a glossy surface illuminates a small fraction of the scene only, and a tremendous number of VPLs might be necessary to render acceptable images. In this paper, we introduce Rich‐VPLs which, in contrast to standard VPLs, represent a multitude of light paths and thus have a more widespread emission profile on glossy surfaces and in scenes with multiple primary light sources. By this, a single Rich‐VPL contributes to larger portions of a scene with negligible additional shading cost. Our second contribution is a placement strategy for (Rich‐)VPLs proportional to sensor importance times radiance. Although both Rich‐VPLs and improved placement can be used individually, they complement each other ideally and share interim computation. Furthermore, both complement existing many‐light methods, e.g. Lightcuts or the Virtual Spherical Lights method, and can improve their efficiency as well as their application for scenes with glossy materials and many primary light sources.  相似文献   

Despite great efforts in recent years to accelerate global illumination computation, the real-time ray tracing of fully dynamic scenes to support photorealistic indirect illumination effects has yet to be achieved in computer graphics. In this paper, we propose an extended ray tracing model that can be readily implemented on a GPU to facilitate the interactive generation of diffuse indirect illumination, the quality of which is comparable to that generated by the traditional, time-consuming photon mapping method and final gathering. Our method employs three types of (multilevel) grids to represent the indirect light in a scene using a form that facilitates the efficient estimation of the reflected radiance caused by diffuse interreflection. This method includes the mathematical tool of spherical harmonics and a rendering scheme that performs the final gathering step with a minimal cost during ray tracing, which guarantees the interactive frame rates. We evaluated our technique using several dynamic scenes with nontrivial complexity, which demonstrated its effectiveness.  相似文献   

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