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分布式无线网络中的自适应控制协议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
刘凯  李建东 《电子学报》2001,29(7):877-880
本文提出了一种新颖的移动分群算法和分群保持策略,它可以用较少的控制开销快速获得网络的分群控制结构并能适应拓扑结构的变化.采用重叠群方案简单可靠地实现了分群大小的优化,将节点密度高的区域灵活地划分成多个节点数较少的群,增大了每个节点的通信容量.提出了网关智能控制协议,该协议缓解了网关成为多信道分群间通信的瓶颈.  相似文献   

无线特定网络--Ad Hoc网络   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ad Hoc网络是一种没有固定结构的无线移动网络。介绍了移动Ad Hoc网络(MANETs)的主特点和与传统有线分组交换网相比的特性,讨论了应用于Ad Hoc网络的路由机制和所需面临的问题。  相似文献   

Channel Adaptive Shortest Path Routing for Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
1 IntroductionAdhocnetworksareformedwithoutrequiringthepreexistinginfrastructureorcentralizedadminis tration ,incontrasttocellularnetworks.Asidefromtheoriginalmilitaryapplication ,ithasapplicationinpublicsafetyandcommercialareas,butadaptiveprotocolsarerequiredinorderforthemtodoso .Twoimportantcharacteristicsofacommunicationlinkinadhocnetworksareitsunreliabilityanditsvariability .Thelinksinsuchanetworkareunreli ablebecauseoffading ,interference,noise,andper hapsthefailureofthetransmittingorrec…  相似文献   

A Cross-layer Approach to Channel Assignment in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To improve the capacity of wireless ad hoc networks by exploiting multiple available channels, we propose a distributed channel assignment protocol that is based on a cross-layer approach. By combining channel assignment with routing protocols, the proposed channel assignment protocol is shown to require fewer channels and exhibit lower communication, computation, and storage complexity than existing channel assignment schemes. A multi-channel MAC (MC-MAC) protocol that works with the proposed channel assignment protocol is also presented. We prove the correctness of the proposed channel assignment protocol. In addition, through a performance study, we show that the proposed protocol can substantially increase throughput and reduce delay in wireless ad hoc networks, compared to the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol and an existing multi-channel scheme.
Shiwen MaoEmail:

针对Ad Hoc网络良好的灵活性和健壮性在介绍其基本结构和特点的基础上,说明了Ad Hoc网络的技术难点、解决方法并展望了发展前景。  相似文献   

针对Ad Hoc网络良好的灵活性和健壮性在介绍其基本结构和特点的基础上,说明了Ad Hoc网络的技术难点、解决方法并展望了发展前景。  相似文献   

移动终端多媒体业务的发展目前已经成为终端发展的必然趋势.如何在移动终端构成Ad hoc网络时有效地进行视频传输是无线网络研究的热点之一.提出了一种基于负载状况的跨层优化方案,其基本思想是结合应用层视频编码的特点和接入层的网络负载和资源的情况联合进行优化.在特定的资源下通过概率接入的方法对重要性更高的数据包进行更优先的接入.仿真结果显示,在网络处于高负载、多跳传输等场景下,提出的方案视频传输质量PSNR值提升3 dB以上.相对于传统调度算法,系统时延也可以大幅度降低.  相似文献   

Wireless ad hoc networks are temporary formed, infrastructureless networks. Due to the unstable channel conditions and network connectivity, their characteristics impose serious challenges in front of network designers. The layering approach to network design does not fit the ad hoc environment well. Therefore, various cross-layering approaches, where protocol layers actively interact, exchange inherent layer information and fine tune their parameters according to the network status are becoming increasingly popular. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the latest cross-layering approaches for wireless ad hoc networks supported by several examples. A special emphasis is put on the link and network layer related cross-layer designs. Several link adaptation and efficient service discovery schemes are elaborated through analytical and simulation studies. Their performance shows the potentials of the cross-layering for boosting system characteristics in wireless ad hoc networks. Liljana Gavrilovska currently holds a position of full professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University “St. Cyril and Metodij” – Skopje, Macedonia. She is chief of Telecommunications Laboratory and teaches undergraduate courses in telecommunication networks, data transmission and switching and traffic theory, and graduate courses in wireless, mobile and personal networks, teletraffic engineering and planning, and broadband multiservices networks. In 2000 she joined the Center for PersonKommunikation, Aalborg University, Denmark, as a visiting professor and during 2001--2002 she held a position of associate research professor at the same university. Currently she holds a part-time position of associated research professor with Center for Teleinfrastructur (CTIF). Prof. Gavrilovska was involved in several EU (ACTS ASAP, IST PACWOMAN, MAGNET, TEMPUS) and national/international projects. She published numerous conference and journal papers and participated in several workshops. At the moment she is working on the book “Ad Hoc Networking Towards Seamless Communications” together with prof. R. Prasad. Her research interests include wireless and personal area networks, ad hoc networking, networking protocols, traffic analysis, QoS, and optimization techniques. She is a senior member of IEEE and serves as a Chair of Macedonian Communication Chapter.  相似文献   

Ad hoc networks formed without the aid of any established infrastructure are typically multi-hop networks. Location dependent contention and hidden terminal problem make priority scheduling in multi-hop networks significantly different from that in wireless LANs. Most of the prior work related to priority scheduling addresses issues in wireless LANs. In this paper, priority scheduling in multi-hop networks is discussed. We propose a scheme using two narrow-band busy tone signals to ensure medium access for high priority source stations. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Xue Yang received the B.E. degree and the M.S. degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). She is awarded Vodafone-U.S. Foundation Graduate Fellowship from 2003 to 2005. Her current research is in the areas of wireless networking and mobile computing, with the focus on medium access control, quality of service and topology control. Her research advisor is Prof. Nitin Vaidya at UIUC. For more information, please visit Nitin H. Vaidya received the PhD degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is presently an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He has held visiting positions at Microsoft Research, Sun Microsystems and the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay. His current research is in the areas of wireless networking and mobile computing. His research has been funded by various agencies, including the National Science Foundation, DARPA, BBN Technologies, Microsoft Research, and Sun Microsystems. Nitin Vaidya is a recipient of a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation. Nitin has served on the program committees of several conferences and workshops, and served as program co-chair for the 2003 ACM MobiCom. He has served as editor for several journals, and presently serves as Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and as editor-in-chief of ACM SIGMOBILE periodical MC2R. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of the ACM. For more information, please visit  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and when route reservation-based (RB) communication can yield better delay performance than non-reservation-based (NRB) communication in ad hoc wireless networks. In addition to posing this fundamental question, the requirements (in terms of route discovery, medium access control (MAC) protocol, and pipelining, etc.) for making RB switching superior to NRB switching are also identified. A novel analytical framework is developed and the network performance under both RB and NRB schemes is quantified. It is shown that if the aforementioned requirements are met, then RB schemes can indeed yield better delay performance than NRB schemes. This advantage, however, comes at the expense of lower throughput and goodput compared to NRB schemes  相似文献   

In this paper, a utility-based joint power and rate adaptive algorithm (UPRA) is proposed to alleviate the influence of channel variation by using softened signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) requirements. The transmission power and rate of each user will be adjusted to maximize its own net-utility according to the states of channel, which results in a balance between the effective transmission rate and power consumption. Although the UPRA works based on a non-cooperative game, cooperation among users can be achieved so that the throughput of the whole network will be improved. The convergence of the algorithm has also been studied in both feasible and infeasible cases.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and evaluates strategies to build reliable and secure wireless ad hoc networks. Our contribution is based on the notion of inner-circle consistency, where local node interaction is used to neutralize errors/attacks at the source, both preventing errors/attacks from propagating in the network and improving the fidelity of the propagated information. We achieve this goal by combining statistical (a proposed fault-tolerant duster algorithm) and security (threshold cryptography) techniques with application-aware checks to exploit the data/computation that is partially and naturally replicated in wireless applications. We have prototyped an inner-circle framework and used it to demonstrate the idea of inner-circle consistency in two significant wireless scenarios: 1) the neutralization of black hole attacks in AODV networks and 2) the neutralization of sensor errors in a target detection/ localization application executed over a wireless sensor network  相似文献   

文章着重分析入网控制流程,对普通的和广域的格状网(Mesh)模式分析了自组织网络的入网冲突问题;进一步文章提出了一种分布式入网管理方法,阐述了该方法中的退避机制和算法,描述了算法的流程,并且分析了算法性能;文章还指出了入网管理的一些关键问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Assume that n wireless nodes are uniformly randomly deployed in a square region with side-length a and all nodes have the uniform transmission range r and uniform interference range R > r. We further assume that each wireless node can transmit (or receive) at W bits/second over a common wireless channel. For each node vi , we randomly and independently pick k-1 points pi,j (1 les j les k-1) from the square, and then multicast data to the nearest node for each pi,j. We derive matching asymptotic upper bounds and lower bounds on multicast capacity of random wireless networks. Under protocol interference model, when a 2/r 2=O(n/log(n)), we show that the total multicast capacity is Theta(radic{n/log n}middot(W/radick)) when k=O(n/log n); the total multicast capacity is Theta(W) when k=Omega(n/log n). We also study the capacity of group-multicast for wireless networks where for each source node, we randomly select k-1 groups of nodes as receivers and the nodes in each group are within a constant hops from the group leader. The same asymptotic upper bounds and lower bounds still hold. We also extend our capacity bounds to d -dimensional networks.  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网络路由技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线自组织网络(Adhoc)是一个复杂的系统,其中路由协议是该领域中的研究热点。通过采用合理的路由技术,可使无线自组网具有更为灵活的组网方式,从而达到提升网络性能、减少网络开销等目的。通过与认知无线电(CR)技术、协同通信(CC)技术以及多输入多输出(MIMO)天线技术等物理层新技术的有效结合,可以大大改善Adhoc路由协议的性能。  相似文献   

基于网络编码的无线自组织网数据分发机制   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄辰  王芙蓉  戴彬  杨军  张波 《电子学报》2010,38(8):1852-1857
 无线自组织网络中,移动台能量有限,为了延长生存期,需要减少中间节点之间的数据包交换次数,本文提出一种基于网络编码的数据分发机制CRNC,同基于泛洪的传统数据分发机制相比,CRNC在大幅度减少传输次数的同时,只增加了少量时延.理论分析及仿真试验,证明了采用网络编码的CRNC可以在传输时延和能量消耗上取得更好的均衡.  相似文献   

无线Ad Hoc网络的应用环境以及与Internet的互连都要求其必须提供一定的服务质量(QoS)保证,QoS路由技术是在无线Ad Hoc网络中实现QoS的重要方法。本文对近年来国内外在无线Ad Hoc网络中的QoS路由技术方面取得的研究成果进行了全面的概括总结和分类,对资源预留路由、多径路由和跨层优化路由3类QoS路由协议进行比较分析,并且提出了QoS路由技术亟待解决的问题和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

Routing in Sparse Vehicular Ad Hoc Wireless Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) may exhibit a bipolar behavior, i.e., the network can either be fully connected or sparsely connected depending on the time of day or on the market penetration rate of the wireless communication devices. In this paper, we use empirical vehicle traffic data measured on 1-80 freeway in California to develop a comprehensive analytical framework to study the disconnected network phenomenon and its network characteristics. These characteristics shed light on the key routing performance metrics of interest in disconnected VANETs, such as the average time taken to propagate a packet to disconnected nodes (i.e., the re-healing time). Our results show that, depending on the sparsity of vehicles or the market penetration rate of cars using Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) technology, the network re-healing time can vary from a few seconds to several minutes. This suggests that, for vehicular safety applications, a new ad hoc routing protocol will be needed as the conventional ad hoc routing protocols such as Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) will not work with such long re-healing times. In addition, the developed analytical framework and its predictions provide valuable insights into the VANET routing performance in the disconnected network regime.  相似文献   

董建平 《世界电信》2001,14(5):38-40,48
即时无线网络需要设置固定的路由设备,网络中的每一个移动终端都可以充当路由器,即时无线网络的路由协议包括路由表驱动型路由协议和源节点发起型路由协议。本文分别以无线路由协议和即时指令型距离向量路由协议对上述两类协议进行了详细讨论。  相似文献   

In wireless ad hoc networks, there is no infrastructure to enforce cooperation between nodes. As a result, nodes may act selfishly when running network protocols to conserve their energy resources as much as possible. In this paper, we consider the “neighbor selection” game in which each individual node tries to selfishly choose its neighborhood such that its own energy consumption is optimized. We first focus on a simplified version of this game where nodes know their transmission power before participating in the game. After analyzing the problem, we propose a couple of distributed algorithms to find stable topologies using two kinds of global and local connectivity information. We then take into account the general case where the transmission powers are unknown variables and should be determined during the game. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms through simulations.  相似文献   

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