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中国传统陶瓷艺术,尤见装饰匠心。中国传统陶瓷装饰形式,大体上有刻镂、堆贴、模印、釉色、化妆土、彩绘六大类型。图案纹样装饰于陶器早在新石器时代的仰韶文化中的彩陶上就已出现。先民们感受生活的自然现象创造出波折纹、圆形纹、编织纹等图案,以二方连装饰形式呈现在陶瓷器物上,在西安半坡遗址出土一件绘有精美的人面和鱼纹的彩陶盆是新石器时代彩陶中的精品。陶器上的纹饰体现了先辈们对于自然和人自身观察的结果,陶工们对于点、线、  相似文献   

从原始彩陶的造型特征以及纹样装饰特征,按区域归类整理出不同地区出土的原始彩陶各自的造型特征的同时,又从彩陶的器型,口唇、耳和把手、腹和底以及容积大小等方面论述了原始彩陶的造型特征.彩陶的装饰纹样主要分为纺织纹、几何形纹以及具象纹三大类,它们取材于与当时当地人们的社会生产与生活密切相关的各种事物,从不同侧面反映了原始人的物质文化生活.最后则阐述了原始彩陶的装饰纹样与彩陶造型之间的关系.  相似文献   

长江流域彩陶文化有系统的发展序列,内涵丰富.大溪文化的筒形彩陶瓶、屈家岭文化的蛋壳彩陶杯工艺精良,屈家岭文化彩陶纺轮上的太极图是深含哲理的太极图祖型,崧泽文化的刻划与彩绘结合,良诸文化的彩陶背壶等都集造型、装饰、色彩美于一身,它们与黄河流域彩陶文化一道开创了中国陶瓷乃至整个工艺美术的先河。  相似文献   

孔六庆 《陶瓷研究》1996,11(2):59-64
论彩陶艺术中的花鸟装饰孔六庆(中国南京艺术学院·南京·210013)中国陶瓷肇始之初的新石器时代彩陶艺术,由于其造型的朴拙凝重、装饰的粗放绚丽,而总的感觉是造型与装饰的自然圆融、充满生命的活力留给人们至深的印象。在这整体生命中的花鸟装饰,之所以引起我...  相似文献   

北首岭遗址分为前仰韶文化、半坡类型、庙底沟类型三期,半坡类型是其主要部分。从出土情况看,北首岭的彩陶制作具有一定的代表性,当时人们对包括颜料制作、彩绘等彩陶制作工艺的掌握已较为成熟。北首岭彩陶的绘彩部位和纹饰图案有一定的规律,鱼纹是其主要母题,彩绘符号则是文字的雏形。彩陶制作者有男、有女,分属各自的氏族。  相似文献   

中国素有“瓷国”之称,汝窑在中国和世界陶瓷文化史上占有极其重要的地位。艺术史家谈起艺术的起源,大都是从原始彩陶开始,从汝州出土的鹳鱼石斧图彩陶缸,被称为中国花鸟画绘画史上的鼻祖。中国瓷早他国一千多年,意大利开设的第一家瓷厂比中国晚二千多年,宋代时汝窑已技艺高超,因定瓷有芒不堪用,遂命汝州烧造汝瓷。汝窑器物成为了御用珍品,影响了全国青瓷系统,亚洲各国纷纷仿效,从而出现了高丽青瓷等知名瓷器,对世界陶瓷史产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

中国素有“瓷国”之称,汝窑在中国和世界陶瓷文化史上占有极其重要的地位。艺术史家谈起艺术的起源,大都是从原始彩陶开始,从汝州出土的鹳鱼石斧图彩陶缸,被称为中国花鸟画绘画史上的鼻祖。中国瓷早他国一千多年,意大利开设的第一家瓷厂比中国晚二千多年,宋代时汝窑已技艺高超,因定瓷有芒不堪用,遂命汝州烧造汝瓷。汝窑器物成为了御用珍品,影响了全国青瓷系统,亚洲各国纷纷仿效,从而出现了高丽青瓷等知名瓷器,对世界陶瓷史产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

庄会秀 《陶瓷》2022,(7):53-56
彩陶蛙人纹是中国马家窑文化半山、马厂类型彩陶的常见纹饰之一,又被称作蛙纹、神人纹、人蛙纹、人形纹等。甘肃兰州下海石遗址是目前出土彩陶蛙人纹最集中的一处,共出土绘有蛙人纹的陶器65件。这65件彩陶所绘蛙人纹皆为无头形或折肢形,未见有头形。65件彩陶皆为壶、瓮、罐类器形,未见盆、碗、钵等器形。同时这一批彩陶蛙人纹在纹饰造型、与其他的纹饰组合等方面也体现出极大的丰富性和自身特色。  相似文献   

陶瓷文化是中国数千年文明的精髓部分。广东佛山陶瓷艺术源远流长。佛山澜石镇河宕曾出土了新石器晚期的彩陶杯、蓝纹红陶釜,证明了中国文明史距今已有五六千年之久。广东佛山的石湾陶瓷艺术在经过唐、宋、元、明、清等朝代的传承与发展,历尽数千年的沧桑,至今依然绽放出灿烂的异彩,显示其特有的魅力。  相似文献   

通过采取多种途径,特别是将当地本山甲沁成功地应用于耐热陶瓷上,有效地提高砂锅的热稳定性,达到干烧不炸;并在产品外观造型上创造性地运用彩陶装饰手法进行艺术加工处理的新工艺,使研制开发的彩陶干烧锅有机地将材质性能与外观装饰二者融汇一体。  相似文献   

白陶是我国史前制陶工艺杰出代表,它的工艺成就可以与北方的彩陶和山东黑陶相媲美。虽然我国有大量史前白陶出土,但是对于白陶的科学研究相对较少,且主要局限于中原地区白陶。本文就白陶的考古发掘状况、白陶源流与传播研究、白陶的科学研究进展及需要解决的问题进行了总结。  相似文献   

Athenian pottery, the ceramics produced in the Attica region of Greece between the 6th and 4th centuries B.C., is considered a benchmark technological achievement of the preindustrial world. This work advances our understanding of the firing protocols employed by the ancient Greeks to produce their black‐on‐red designs by characterizing replicates painted with a refined illite clay and fired under oxidizing/reducing/reoxidizing conditions (three‐stage firing). Systematically varying the temperature, atmosphere, and duration of each firing stage within the three‐stage firing scheme allowed the conditions necessary to obtain black and red gloss, both of which are observed on ancient vessels, to be determined. The morphology and elemental distribution of particles formed within the gloss thus formed were characterized using transmission electron microscopy and spectrocolorimetric measurements. Comparison of the results obtained from ancient sherds with those obtained from the replicate samples provides a means of estimating the firing conditions used to create the ancient vessels.  相似文献   

秦玉 《佛山陶瓷》2009,19(9):46-50
本文仅从自然纹样、几何纹样方面总结了古希腊彩陶与中国原始彩陶装饰的内容,对其所产生的异同进行了简要的探讨,并概括分析了产生差异的原因。  相似文献   

8000年的漆与船   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漆与中国古船紧密相连,8000年前跨湖桥独木舟可能用漆修复舟底,漆在中国古船中起到保护、美化、粘合等作用。明清时期日本的《唐船图》保留有中国——沙船、福船、广船、鸟船油漆彩绘船图,十分珍贵。此外还对中国古船"船眼"、绿眉毛船、红头船等进行了探析。  相似文献   

彩陶这种古老的艺术样式,它的图案组织和表现手法都是一种卓绝的创造。其中我们看到了许多元素之间的组织与表现方式,并从其大量的图形样式及结构中,归纳出它们所构成的形式美的一些基本手法及规则,例如:对比与和谐、比例与视觉重心、均衡与秩序、填充与空白、双关与多效法等。  相似文献   

In this work, we describe a new and more practically useful approach to finding the relationship between the reflective properties of a painted surface, the physical properties of the paint, and the technological parameters of painting. A simple formal dynamic model of the deformation of a droplet of a “metallic”-type paint during its interaction with the surface being painted is constructed. The physical model takes into account the main forces responsible for the deformation dynamics of a droplet, i.e., forces of surface tension, viscous friction, elasticity, and inertia; a new rheological model, which is suitable for approximating the viscosity of paints in a wide range of deformation rates, is used. To construct the mathematical model, we employed the method of integral balance equations of mass, momentum, and energy. The model is used to calculate the most important stages of the deformation of paint droplets during their deposition on the surface being painted, which have an effect on the orientation of pigment particles. For these stages, we compose characteristic strain-approximating functions of the Reynolds and Weber numbers, which are proved to be useful for summarizing the results of experimental studies of the entire real process of painting.  相似文献   

通过对红山文化彩陶纹饰艺术风格的特征与成因分析,试图使用符号学、图像学的原理挖掘彩陶纹饰背后艺术思想所包含社会寓意与精神诉求,从而更直观的解析出红山先民在原始文明时期真实的生活状态。  相似文献   

The problem of purifying a liquid of a fine-disperse fraction of solid particles is solved by computer-aided modeling. The formation of an admixture sediment layer and the effect of admixture particle characteristics on the purification of a liquid are demonstrated. The proposed method of modeling allows us to take into account the phenomena that occur at the level of individual particles and pores and visualize the process of purification, as well as yields data that are difficult to obtain experimentally.  相似文献   

The use of pozzolanic materials such as metakaolin in mortars and concretes is growing. Their use is usually related to the promotion of hydraulic binder reactions or to the mitigation of expansive reactions that can occur in concrete. Introduction of fine particles such as metakaolins, can have a strong effect on fresh and hardened state properties. This paper aims to study the effect of metakaolin in concrete formulations with a preset workability and to assess the system rheology but also its hardened state properties such as mechanical strength. The effect that the dispersion of metakaolin particles induces on concrete microstructure, particularly in porosity, is discussed. Formulations were prepared with several metakaolin amounts and workability was controlled either with water or a high range water reducer admixture (HRWRA). The use of HRWRA can cause deflocculation of metakaolin particles, allowing workability control in concrete and leading to better efficiency and improved performance.  相似文献   

中国从公元前9世纪(春秋朝代)开始到17世纪(清朝早期),琉璃的成分基本经历铅钡成分、高铅成分和钾钙成分,现在琉璃成分多种多样。在古代琉璃各种类型成分系统中,均含有较多的氧化铝,这一方面是由于古代琉璃原料,如长石、石英砂中含有较高的氧化铝所造成的,另一方面由于古代琉璃用氟化物乳浊时,必需加入氧化铝。直至乾隆朝代才有低铝成分,生产透明的琉璃。隨着环境保护要求的提高,为了防止污染,采用无铅成分是琉璃的发展方向。  相似文献   

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