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为了比较石油基材料和淀粉基材料的环境绩效,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法分析两种材料对环境指标的影响,以及在原材料获取阶段、产品生产阶段的碳排放当量。通过环境评估软件,建立两种材料的生命周期评估模型。结果表明,淀粉基材料对环境的主要影响指标如气体排放、能耗和水耗均比纯石油基聚丙烯明显减少了27.79%,27.55%,21.29%;碳排放当量在原材料获取阶段影响最大,其次是产品生产阶段。说明选取淀粉基代替材料设计食品包装能有效减轻环境污染,助力双碳目标实现。  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价(LCA)理论,初步提出了食品生命周期碳排放评价原则,对评价程序、评价对象、评价范围、系统边界确定、数据收集、碳排放计算等进行了探讨,为食品生命周期碳排放评估提供参考。  相似文献   

惠博文  刘锐  李健  孙君茂 《食品科学》2022,43(7):381-390
“减排降碳”“碳达峰”“碳中和”已经成为全球气候治理的焦点,作为衡量气候变暖的重要工具,碳足迹可以对食品生命周期内的温室气体排放量进行量化评估,帮助人们提出碳减排的措施。本文从国内外的研究现状出发,以生命周期评价理论为基础,系统阐述碳足迹分析模型和食品产业链排放源,对国内外研究趋势进行可视化分析,并进一步对该领域内面临的挑战、政策环境、消费者购买行为进行讨论,以期为完善我国食品碳足迹标签制度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Improvements to Emergy evaluations by using Life Cycle Assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a widely recognized, multicriteria and standardized tool for environmental assessment of products and processes. As an independent evaluation method, emergy assessment has shown to be a promising and relatively novel tool. The technique has gained wide recognition in the past decade but still faces methodological difficulties which prevent it from being accepted by a broader stakeholder community. This review aims to elucidate the fundamental requirements to possibly improve the Emergy evaluation by using LCA. Despite its capability to compare the amount of resources embodied in production systems, Emergy suffers from its vague accounting procedures and lacks accuracy, reproducibility, and completeness. An improvement of Emergy evaluations can be achieved via (1) technical implementation of Emergy algebra in the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI); (2) selection of consistent Unit Emergy Values (UEVs) as characterization factors for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA); and (3) expansion of the LCI system boundaries to include supporting systems usually considered by Emergy but excluded in LCA (e.g., ecosystem services and human labor). Whereas Emergy rules must be adapted to life-cycle structures, LCA should enlarge its inventory to give Emergy a broader computational framework. The matrix inversion principle used for LCAs is also proposed as an alternative to consistently account for a large number of resource UEVs.  相似文献   

许美琪 《家具》2012,(3):103-106
本文介绍了由美国阔叶木外销委员会(AHEC)主导,由生命周期评估领域内的权威机构PE国际具体执行的一项针对美国硬木生命周期评估的研究项目。该研究的一个主要成果是公布了包括中国在内的出口市场上美国硬木板材和单板的环保产品申报指标,该指标在材料具体影响环境的几个因素上提供了清楚的数据,并给美国硬木材料提供了一个第三方认证的生态标签证明,也便于设计师识别哪种材料更符合绿色建筑定额体系(green building rating systems)(如英国的BREEAM、法国的FDES和美国的LEED)的标准。  相似文献   

21世纪的特点是全球经济一体化迅猛发展。随着科技的不断进步,跨国经营已成为不可逆转的潮流,使得资源在全球范围内进行配置,贸易自由、资本流动、全球制造、全球采购等模式迅速推进,愈演愈烈。全球化的竞争已不再仅仅是企业间的价值,而即将发展为供应链与供应链间的竞争。因此,全球供应链管理已成为中国企业面临的一个严峻的课题。  相似文献   

纤维板生命周期评价模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据生命周期评价(LifeCycleAssessment,简称LCA)的原则和框架,构建了我国现有的纤维板生产系统在环境效益、经济效益和技术性能方面生命周期综合评价的模式。该模式为我国生产纤维板企业的老厂改造、新厂建设以及相关政策法规的制定提供依据和参考。本模式在评价过程中采用了层次分析方法,不仅选用了专家评分的定性给分法,而且还根据获取的数据运用定量给分的方法,使计算结果能够体现纤维板工程项目的实际情况。  相似文献   

生命周期影响评价是生命周期评价的重要环节,本文在综合分析国际生命周期影响评价的基础上,针对我国棉织品生命周期过程的环境特点,建立了一套棉织品生命周期影响评价的模型与方法。它包括环境影响类型选取、影响评价模型构造、特征化结果说明等流程,从而为我国棉织品的生态设计和开发提供了可供参考的依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Optimization of thermal treatments has been proven to enhance the quality of food products, especially when operated together with a validation method that confirms the safety of the processing operations. Recent developments in the understanding and application of pasteurization treatments have allowed this area to grow at a rapid rate. UK and European consumers now have a wide variety of high-quality pasteurized foods to choose from in the retail and catering markets. Food producers have used this to their advantage by converting processing operations from severe treatments such as sterilization to milder ones that can be categorized under the pasteurization umbrella. This has increased food product quality and added value to existing products. Two examples will be given, both of which utilized a novel validation method based on time-temperature integrators to provide process safety data that were difficult to obtain by alternative methods. The first was in applying a novel processing technology, ohmic heating, to produce higher-quality fruit products when compared with traditional processing methods. The second was in the production of high-quality sous vide ready meals supplied chilled or frozen to the catering sector. These developments in technology and validation have been made possible by work at CCFRA that has taken the pasteurized foods sector forward. CCFRA has been active in pasteurization research for many years and has produced industry guideline documents on, for example, pasteurization treatments and sous vide processing. Microbiological research on the growth and death of target microorganisms has been linked with processing, hygiene, and validation research, which provided the underpinning science for these guidelines. Food manufacturers work closely with CCFRA to apply their pasteurization processes in order to produce high-quality value-added products.  相似文献   

依据PAS 2050:2011,采用B2B的方法利用eFootprint系统,对以废纸为原料生产的瓦楞原纸产品进行碳足迹评价.评价结果表明,生产1000 kg瓦楞原纸所排放的温室气体量为1226.79 kg CO2e,其中废纸制浆和抄纸过程是温室气体(GHG)主要排放过程,分别占GHG排放量的32.6%和54.1%;G...  相似文献   

以造纸污泥为研究对象,应用生命周期评价方法对造纸污泥干燥焚烧的生命周期进行清单分析,以获得造纸污泥干燥焚烧处理方式的能耗及其对环境的影响,实现对全球变暖(GW)、大气酸化(AC)、水体富营养化(NE)以及烟尘和灰尘(SA)等环境影响的定量化,以获得污泥处理对环境影响的程度和趋势。  相似文献   

本文引用产品生命周期分析方法,对纸及纸板在制造、流通、使用、废弃、再生等过程的环境负荷评价影响因素作出初步分析,并提出改进的方法。  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价(LCA)的纸产品碳足迹评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
结合我国纸产品生产的特点,基于生命周期评价法(LCA),研究了我国纸产品碳足迹评价的方法,包括启动阶段、纸产品碳足迹计算和结果解释三个步骤.  相似文献   

王玄  何露  陈武勇 《西部皮革》2009,31(17):13-18
介绍了生命周期评价的技术框架.结合皮革行业的环境问题现状,将生命周期评价的方法整合到制革行业的清洁生产中,并且对生命周期评价的方法在制革行业中的应用提出展望,分析了生命周期评价这一环境影响工具在制革行业中将要发挥的作用,同时也预测了可能存在的评价结果失真的问题,并提出了预防措施.  相似文献   

根据生命周期评价(LCA)的原理及理论框架,采用亿科eFootprint数据平台,以全球变暖潜值(GWP)、水资源消耗(WU)等因素作为环境影响评价指标,对锆-铝-钛鞣黄牛革的产品加工过程进行了全生命周期评价.并将其与铬鞣黄牛革全生命周期评价进行对比,为制革清洁化生产提供数据支撑.继续完善制革行业LCA数据库,促进我国...  相似文献   

生命周期评价LCA(Life Cycle Assessment)可以作为评价产品生产全过程的有效手段,又可以作为一种环境管理工具。文章介绍了生命周期评价的概念、技术框架,并以具体实例讨论了造纸废水的生命周期评价分析,为造纸企业清洁生产提供指导。  相似文献   

基于食品加工安全和生态环境防治,该文采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法对以聚丙烯(PP)、聚乳酸(PLA)和热塑性淀粉(TPS)为原料的一次性外卖餐盒进行环境影响指标评估,并比较原料获取阶段(摇篮到门)、制品生产阶段(门到门)、废弃物处理阶段(门到坟墓)的碳排放当量和能源消耗参数。以1000个一次性外卖餐盒为基准流,利用环境评估软件建立了一次性塑料餐盒从摇篮到坟墓全生命周期评估模型。其中,三类典型塑料餐盒的碳排放当量在原材料获取和废弃物处理阶段最大,而资源和能源消耗则主要发生在原材料获取和产品生产阶段。TPS餐盒累计释放98.84 kg CO2,消耗679.02 MJ能源,与PP和PLA餐盒相比碳排放低46.90%、28.30%,节省能源4270.94 MJ、615.2 MJ。因此在餐饮外卖领域推广使用TPS替代制品可有效治理一次性塑料餐盒环境污染。  相似文献   

At present, most synthetic organic materials are produced from fossil carbon feedstock that is regenerated over time scales of millions of years. Biobased alternatives can be rapidly renewed in cradle-to-cradle cycles (1-10 years). Such materials extend landfill life and decrease undesirable impacts due to material persistence. This work develops a LCA for synthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from methane with subsequent biodegradation of PHB back to biogas (40-70% methane, 30-60% carbon dioxide). The parameters for this cradle-to-cradle cycle for PHB production are developed and used as the basis for a cradle-to-gate LCA. PHB production from biogas methane is shown to be preferable to its production from cultivated feedstock due to the energy and land required for the feedstock cultivation and fermentation. For the PHB-methane cycle, the major challenges are PHB recovery and demands for energy. Some or all of the energy requirements can be satisfied using renewable energy, such as a portion of the collected biogas methane. Oxidation of 18-26% of the methane in a biogas stream can meet the energy demands for aeration and agitation, and recovery of PHB synthesized from the remaining 74-82%. Effective coupling of waste-to-energy technologies could thus conceivably enable PHB production without imported carbon and energy.  相似文献   

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