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相对于传统的电感电容(LC)谐振型感应电能传输系统,串并联(LCL)谐振型感应电能传输系统有更大的功率传输能力,但其特性更为复杂。针对LCL型感应电能传输系统的高阶非线性和复杂的频率特性,利用系统的互感耦合模型,对系统的谐振参数匹配方法、变负载情况下系统的频率特性以及功率传输特性进行了分析研究,给出了系统原边谐振参数、传输功率和效率的计算方法,最后通过仿真验证了理论分析的正确性。 相似文献
首先给出了非接触式松耦合感应电能传输的基本原理 ,电路结构采用半桥串联谐振电路,并用电容串联补偿,通过系统数学建模,把电路分为串联谐振变换器和整流电路两个部分,然后详细讨论了影响系统电能传输效率的关键因素.基于以上的分析讨论后,最后给出此类松耦合感应电能传输系统设计方法. 相似文献
频率跟踪式谐振耦合电能无线传输系统研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
谐振耦合电能无线传输实际应用的瓶颈是谐振频率的失谐。本文基于谐振耦合电能无线传输机理和模型,分析了发射线圈与接收线圈的固有谐振频率变化对无线传输效率的影响和失谐机理,发现发射线圈电感变化是影响电能无线传输效率的主要因素之一,由此提出了发射功率源工作频率同步跟踪发射电路固有谐振频率的频率跟踪控制方法,从而保证了谐振耦合电能无线传输的谐振输电方式,避免了谐振频率的失谐,大幅度地提高了输电效率。文中制作了一个谐振频率为1MHZ的无线电能传输系统原理样机,验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
谐振耦合式电能无线传输系统利用磁场通过近场传输,具有辐射小、效率高、传输距离远且方向性强等特点。文中采用等效简化电路方法分析了谐振式电能无线传输系统串串模型的间距、工作频率、负载等参数对传输效率和功率的影响及内在关系,进一步推导出其计算模型。在间距和负载一定的条件下,通过Matlab仿真得到效率最优与功率最大时的工作频率相一致,输出功率对工作频率的变化敏感度更高这一规律。此外,设计了一套串串式结构的谐振式电能无线传输装置,通过实验验证了理论分析的正确性,为研究电能无线传输提供了参考。 相似文献
周继昆 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》2014,12(6):817-820
通过建立系统的互感耦合模型,对串并联(LCL)型感应电能传输系统的频率特性进行分析,结果表明,系统的软开关频率会因负载的变化而改变.针对这种特性,基于FPGA 设计了一种闭环频率跟踪方法,经实验验证,当负载在较宽范围内发生变化时,该方法可使系统原边逆变器的工作频率跟踪系统的软开关频率,确保了逆变器开关管工作在零电流开关(ZCS)切换模式. 相似文献
Method for Adjusting Single Matching Network for High‐Power Transfer Efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer System 下载免费PDF全文
A wireless power transfer (WPT) system is generally designed with the optimum source and load impedance in order to achieve the maximum power transfer efficiency (PTE) at a specific coupling coefficient. Empirically or intuitively, however, it is well known that a high PTE can be attained by adjusting either the source or load impedance. In this paper, we estimate the maximum achievable PTE of WPT systems with the given load impedance, and propose the condition of source impedance for the maximum PTE. This condition can be reciprocally applied to the load impedance of a WPT system with the given source impedance. First, we review the transducer power gain of a two‐port network as the PTE of the WPT system. Next, we derive two candidate conditions, the critical coupling and the optimum conditions, from the transducer power gain. Finally, we compare the two conditions carefully, and the results therefore indicate that the optimum condition is more suitable for a highly efficient WPT system with a given load impedance. 相似文献
Qinglei Guo Jahyun Koo Zhaoqian Xie Raudel Avila Xinge Yu Xin Ning Hao Zhang Xu Liang Sung Bong Kim Ying Yan Matthew R. MacEwan Hyuck Mo Lee Aimin Song Zengfeng Di Yonggang Huang Yongfeng Mei John A. Rogers 《Advanced functional materials》2019,29(46)
Bioresorbable electronic technologies form the basis for classes of biomedical devices that undergo complete physical and chemical dissolution after a predefined operational period, thereby eliminating the costs and risks associated with secondary surgical extraction. A continuing area of opportunity is in the development of strategies for power supply for these systems, where previous studies demonstrate some utility for biodegradable batteries, radio frequency harvesters, solar cells, and others. This paper introduces a type of bioresorbable system for wireless power transfer, in which a rotating magnet serves as the transmitter and a bioresorbable antenna as the remote receiver, with capabilities for operation at low frequencies (<200 Hz). Systematic experimental and numerical studies demonstrate several unique advantages of this system, most significantly the elimination of impedance matching and electromagnetic radiation exposure presented with the types of radio frequency energy harvesters explored previously. These results add to the portfolio of power supply options in bioresorbable electronic implants. 相似文献
A wireless power transfer (WPT) system is usually classified as being of either a two‐coil or four‐coil type. It is known that two‐coil WPT systems are suitable for short‐range transmissions, whereas four‐coil WPT systems are suitable for mid‐range transmissions. However, this paper reveals that the two aforementioned types of WPT system are alike in terms of their performance and characteristics, differing only when it comes to their matching‐network configurations. In this paper, we first find the optimum load and source conditions using Z‐parameters. Then, we estimate the maximum power transfer efficiency under the optimum load and source conditions, and we describe how to configure the matching networks pertaining to both types of WPT system for the given optimum load and source conditions. The two types of WPT system show the same performance with respect to the coupling coefficient and load impedance. Further, they also demonstrate an identical performance in the two cases considered in this paper, that is, a strong‐coupled case and a weak‐coupled case. 相似文献
通过分别改变电感耦合等离子体(ICP)刻蚀过程中的ICP功率和DC偏压,对ICP刻蚀GaN材料的工艺条件和损伤情况进行了系统的研究。刻蚀后表面的损伤和形貌通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)、电子能谱(EDS)、荧光光谱(PL)等技术进行表征和分析。实验结果表明,刻蚀速率随ICP功率和DC偏压的增加而增加;刻蚀损伤与DC偏压成正比,而与ICP功率的关系较为复杂。实验中观测到刻蚀后GaN样品的荧光光谱带边发射峰和黄带发射峰的强度均有明显下降,这意味着刻蚀产生的缺陷中存在非辐射复合中心,并且该非辐射复合中心的密度与DC偏压成正比。为了兼顾高刻蚀速率和低刻蚀损伤,建议使用高ICP功率(450 W)和低DC偏压(300 V)进行ICP刻蚀。 相似文献
目前对于液冷式速调管收集极的热分析均未考虑到冷却液流动状态对收集极整体的热分布及散热能力的影响。该文介绍了一种大功率速调管收集极散热过程中的流固耦合换热数值分析方法。以ANSYS Workbench中的CFX流体计算软件作为分析平台,对双层水套沟槽型收集极结构进行了适当简化,建立了3维参数化实体模型;仿真分析得到了冷却通道内部流体的3维流速分布、温升、压力分布及收集极体温度分布等结果,并与理论计算结果进行了对比,误差在合理范围内,对于速调管大功率微波测试和收集极的优化设计有较大的参考意义。 相似文献