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数集是可以用于测定非线性系统时间展开渐近线运动的最简单参数之一。本文提出了该参数在反应堆噪声分析中的应用,并验证了在反应堆功率振荡分析中应用的可能性。该方法的数集等于与一种直观物理变量的振荡模型无关的数值。分析利用了来自计算机实验和通过实际物理系统的实验得到的时间系列数据。对于反应堆功率振荡的详细分析。该方法是可用的。  相似文献   

为提高核电站松动件监测系统的报警准确率,提出用非线性分形理论对松动件进行报警。通过分析背景噪声、松动件冲击信号和背景噪声下冲击信号的关联维数发现,关联维数的变化能很好地反映出反应堆运行中的零件松动情况。即不同质量的零件松动产生的冲击信号具有相近的关联维数,且与背景信号有明显的区别;在背景信号下的钢球冲击信号仍能表现出钢球冲击信号的特征。实验证明,即使在很小信噪比下,仍能有效检测出冲击信号。  相似文献   

对反应堆结构抗震分析软件进行研究,编制必要的接口程序和载荷组合及敏感性分析程序,将抗震分析中的商用软件、国外引进软件和编制的载荷组合及敏感性分析程序等组合成一个软件系统。对反应堆结构三维非线性抗震分析的建模技术和分析技术进行研究,对采用三维非线性时程法进行反应堆结构抗震分析的必要性和可行性进行研究。建立反应堆结构三维非线性模型,利用ANSYS软件采用时程法中的直接积分法完成了反应堆结构抗震分析计算,给出了应力分析评定所需的载荷和控制棒驱动机构抗震鉴定试验所需的加速度时程。  相似文献   

核反应堆结构中板和壳之间存在较多的接触问题.正确模拟接触物体间的刚度特性是建立反应堆动力分析模型的关键.本研究采用数值计算的方法,通过与试验数据比较,合理地选取接触算法和接触参数,研究核反应堆结构间接触物体的非线性刚度,完善数值计算方法.研究结果证明:采用增广拉格朗日(Lagrange)乘子法和平面应力模型分析板和壳之间的接触刚度能够较好地反映试验结果.  相似文献   

建立三维非线性有限元模型,对反应堆结构进行抗冲击动力响应分析,克服了结构的间隙、接触、摩擦、阻尼、预紧、碰撞、流固耦合、连接刚度等非线性因素;对于吊篮与压力容器间的流固耦合作用,建立水动力质量矩阵,并采用ANSYS声单元验证其准确性;设置了三维的堆芯上下板,并建立了多组燃料组件模型,考虑其预紧、跳起、与围板的间隙及碰撞,并考虑水平与竖直方向的耦合,更加精确地模拟了反应堆结构动力响应;以3个方向的冲击加速度时程作为计算输入,得到了各部件的响应,为各部件应力分析及控制棒驱动线抗冲击试验提供输入。该方法为反应堆结构的三维动力响应分析提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过理论研究并结合反应堆冷却剂系统中的非线性因素,提出了采用虚拟激励和模态叠加相结合的非线性地震分析方法进行反应堆冷却剂系统地震分析,该方法能够避免阻尼比选取存在的问题,同时又考虑了非线性因素.  相似文献   

建立反应堆结构三维非线性有限元模型,采用总体瑞利阻尼、局部材料阻尼和弹簧单元阻尼相结合的方法解决部件间的阻尼差异问题,导出燃料组件的等效间隙与等效刚度计算公式并真实地模拟了带间隙的同心圆部件间的接触、动态变化的预紧力和摩擦效应。随后,以同时满足响应谱和功率谱包络性要求的非平稳地震位移时程作输入,开展反应堆结构的非线性地震分析,得到结构在安全停堆地震(SSE)下的地震响应,为反应堆结构的三维非线性抗震研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

日本福岛核事故以后,对核反应堆系统非能动安全特性提出了更高要求,促使热管技术在国内外先进反应堆概念设计中得到运用。本文对热管技术在核能系统设计中的应用现状进行了阐述。  相似文献   

文章通过采用PSA技术对不同的低温超压保护的仪控实现方案进行分析对比,在综合考虑系统可靠性和经济性之后,选出合适的仪控实现方案,并结合反应堆保护系统的设计经验,探索PSA技术对提高反应堆保护系统设计质量的可行措施和建议。  相似文献   

The reactor noise analysis technique is particularly useful in reactor diagnosis for on-line monitoring if the raw noise signals can be processed in almost real time.

An on-line reactor noise analysis system has been developed with use made of the mini-computer HITAC-10. This system utilizes functions for calculating the power spectral density in almost real time, plots the output by digital incremental plotter, and displays the results by means of color graphic display equipment, in order to detect anomalous reactor conditions with the statistical technique.

Using this system, reactor noise signals have been measured and analyzed under various operational conditions in the JMTR. The variance of the power spectral density is found to fit a logarithmic probability density function. This function is independent of the frequency, but is dependent on the number of sampling functions.

A logical procedure for anomaly detection based on statistical characteristics has been developed. It is applied to a case where it is supposed that the PWR operating mode in the OWL-1 is the normal process and that the BWR mode is the anomalous. It is demonstrated as a result, that this procedure can successfully detect anomalous processes.  相似文献   

判定压水堆堆芯非线性系统的全局稳定性是待解决的问题。建立了压水堆堆芯非线性系统,利用微小摄动方法求取其线性化模型。依据基于平衡流型的堆芯非线性测度在功率水平域内的分布情况,选择7个功率水平处的线性化模型作为堆芯局部模型,以局部模型组合来近似替代堆芯非线性系统。利用Lyapunov稳定性理论,分析堆芯非线性系统全局稳定性。计算结果表明:压水堆堆芯非线性系统是全局渐进稳定的;在判定堆芯系统全局稳定性时,这种非线性系统的建模方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

A method is proposed for conducting power reactor noise analysis without recourse to an actual high power reactor. The basic concept is to simulate the power reactor noise by integrating the different elements constituting the actual reactor noise, such as the random noise-generating force, the zero-power reactor transfer function, and feed- back loops between the reactor power and the noise-generating force.

For the simulation study, a nucleate boiling noise generator and a single feed-back loop were divised to permit experiments with flux-related heater input using the fast neutron source reactor YAYOI of the University of Tokyo.

This report discusses problems encountered in applying the proposed method to the simulation of power reactor noise, and presents some of the results obtained: Two kinds of change in amplitude were observed in the normalized auto power spectral density of the neutron flux, emanating form: (a) fluctuating displacements of the boiling zone bottom boundary, and (b) fluctuating number of passing vapor voids.

Significant differences in the resulting data were observed between the runs performed with constant and with flux-related heater input in the case of step response experiment, but not in steady noise analyses. This apparent ineffectiveness of the feed-back system is due to the relatively small value of the product of the reactivity power coefficient and the reactor power (–5×10-2k/k) in the present feed-back experiment.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of coherences between measurement variables from the operating data of a commercial nuclear power station of 460 MWe are applied to derive dynamical characteristics of the Boiling Water Reactor and to attempt to identify the noise sources of the neutron flux. Multivariate techniques with the partial coherence function and the multiple coherence function are introduced to eliminate correlated effects among measurement variables due to thermal hydraulic coupling and sophisticated reactivity feedbacks. From the results, the usual coherency (the ordinary coherence function) may not be adequate to estimate linear relations between measurement variables of the BWR. Furthermore, the noise sources of the neutron flux is discussed.  相似文献   

A reactor noise monitor has been developed to provide a tool that serves the real time routine function of detecting anomalous states of operation in power reactors. In this monitor, RMS (root mean square) values and average frequencies of noise signals are calculated on a real time basis. The average frequency is defined as the frequency averaged by weighting with PSD (power spectral density) of the noise signal and proved to be equivalent to the ratio of an RMS value of the differentiated noise signal to an RMS value of the noise signal itself. Thus, the average frequency can be obtained on a real time basis by using a differentiator, an RMS calculator and a divider. The frequency components of 12 kinds of signals ranging of 0.01–36 Hz are divided into two or three frequency regions by band-pass filters and the RMS value and the average frequency of each frequency region are obtained by the digital calculation method. The performance of this monitor was tested by using a simulated anomalous signal with a peak on its PSD. From the test, it is proved that this monitor can detect more than changes of the RMS value and average frequency. The functions of this monitor were also confirmed at the actual BWR power plant.

In addition, a method to detect peak location of PSD is developed and the accuracy of the peak frequency measurement of the proposed method is investigated to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

Irreversible circulation of fluctuation, α , is introduced as a new variable for the analysis of reactor noise in the normal case, which further develops our previous formulation based on the system size expansion method. It is shown that α—considered in conjunction with the variance σ—provides useful information about reactor noise, apart from the data we usually obtain on power spectral density. The relations holding between α and the conventionally used variables are given for the case of steady state. The present formalism is applied to a non-linear system with three degrees of freedom (total neutron number, fuel energy and coolant energy), to examine numerically the behavior of the fluctuations. The stability is illustrated as a phase diagram in a reactorparameter space. It is shown that the so-called soft-and hard-mode instabilities can be distinguished by observing α It is also demonstrated that appropriate processing of such quantities as α and σ will provide advance information on instabilities in power reactors.  相似文献   

In the Halden Boiling Water Reactor (HBWR), a resonant power oscillation with a period around 0.04 Hz is observed at power levels higher than about 9.5 MWt. Although this resonant oscillation is not so strong as to affect the normal reactor operation, it is significant, from the viewpoint of reactor diagnosis, to reveal the cause of this oscillation as well as to understand its characteristics.

Noise analysis based on the autoregressive (AR) modeling technique together with spectral and correlation analyses is performed to investigate the driving source, which indicates that it is attributed to the dynamic interference with the reactor of heat exchange process in two parallel-connected steam transformers.

The present study demonstrates the effectiveness of the technique applied here for determining the so-called noise source inducing variations of quantities in a system together with its applicability to various problems in the field of reactor noise analysis and diagnosis.  相似文献   

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