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Efficient parallel algorithms for graph problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an efficient technique for parallel manipulation of data structures that avoids memory access conflicts. That is, this technique works on the Exclusive Read/Exclusive Write (EREW) model of computation, which is the weakest shared memory, MIMD machine model. It is used in a new parallel radix sort algorithm that is optimal for keys whose values are over a small range. Using the radix sort and known results for parallel prefix on linked lists, we develop parallel algorithms that efficiently solve various computations on trees and unicycular graphs. Finally, we develop parallel algorithms for connected components, spanning trees, minimum spanning trees, and other graph problems. All of the graph algorithms achieve linear speedup for all but the sparsest graphs.Part of this work was done while the first author was at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, the second author was at Carnegie-Mellon University, and the third author was at the Hebrew University and the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. A preliminary version of this work was presented at the 1986 International Conference on Parallel Processing.  相似文献   

并行图论算法研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
在这篇综述文章中,我们将重点介绍并行图论处近年来的发展概况及主要成果,并给出一些可能的发展方向。具体内容包括:基于共享存储模型上的图搜索技术、连发支及最小生成树算法、增值并行图论算法、最短路径算法、极大独立集算法、极大匹配与最大匹配算法,图着色算法、求欧拉回路及哈密尔顿回路算法,图同构算法、图K连通算法以及最大流最小割算法等。  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms are presented for updating a minimum spanning tree when the cost of an edge changes or when a new node is inserted in the underlying graph. Our model of computation is a parallel random access machine which allows simultaneous reads but prohibits simultaneous writes into the same memory location. The algorithms described in this paper for updating a minimum spanning tree require O(log n) time and O(n2) processors. These algorithms are efficient when compared to previously known algorithms for initial construction of a minimum spanning tree that require O(log2n) time and use O(n2) processors. The two main contributions of this paper are: (i) usage of an inverted tree for updating minimum spanning trees, and (ii) discovery of an interesting property of minimum spanning trees that we exploit to develop a novel algorithm for vertex insertion update.  相似文献   

The arrangement graphs are a class of generalized star graphs. In this paper we construct a graph that consists of the maximum number of directed edge-disjoint spanning trees in an arrangement graph. The paths that connect the common root node to any given node through different spanning trees are node-disjoint, and the lengths of these paths differ from the shortest possible lengths by a small additive constant. This graph can be used to derive fault-tolerant algorithms for broadcasting and scattering problems without prior knowledge of the faulty elements of the network.  相似文献   

关于互连网络的几个猜想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
n-立方体是著名的互连网络,星图、煎饼图和冒泡排序图是由凯莱图模型设计出来的重要的互连网络。对换树(transposition tree)的凯莱图是一类特殊的凯莱图,星图和冒泡排序图分别是对换树为星和路的凯莱图。给出了关于n-立方体、星图、煎饼图、冒泡排序图和对换树的凯莱图的各一个猜想;提出了对换图的凯莱图的概念,进而由这一概念设计出了两个互连网络——圈图和轮图,并证明冒泡排序图和星图分别可嵌入圈图和轮图。  相似文献   

The problem of counting the number of spanning trees is an old topic in graph theory with important applications to reliable network design. Usually, it is desirable to put forward a formula of the number of spanning trees for various graphs, which is not only interesting in its own right but also in practice. Since some large graphs can be composed of some existing smaller graphs by using the product of graphs, the number of spanning trees of such large graph is also closely related to that of the corresponding smaller ones. In this article, we establish a formula for the number of spanning trees in the lexicographic product of two graphs, in which one graph is an arbitrary graph G and the other is a complete multipartite graph. The results extend some of the previous work, which is closely related to the number of vertices and Lapalacian eigenvalues of smaller graphs only.  相似文献   

The sort operation is a core part of many critical applications (e.g., database management systems). Despite the large efforts to parallelize it, the fact that it suffers from high data-dependencies vastly limits its performance. Multithreaded architectures are emerging as the most demanding technology in leading-edge processors. These architectures include simultaneous multithreading, chip multiprocessors, and machines combining different multithreading technologies. In this paper, we analyze the memory behavior and improve the performance of the most recent parallel radix and quick integer sort algorithms on modern multithreaded architectures. We achieve speedups up to 4.69× for radix sort and up to 4.17× for quicksort on a machine with 4 multithreaded processors compared to single threaded versions, respectively. We find that since radix sort is CPU-intensive, it exhibits better results on chip multiprocessors where multiple CPUs are available. While quicksort is accomplishing speedups on all types of multithreading processers due to its ability to overlap memory miss latencies with other useful processing.  相似文献   

The problem of counting the number of spanning trees is an old topic in graph theory with important applications to reliable network design. Usually, it is desirable to put forward a formula of the number of spanning trees for various graphs, which is not only interesting in its own right but also in practice. Since some large graphs can be composed of some existing smaller graphs by using the product of graphs, the number of spanning trees of such large graph is also closely related to that of the corresponding smaller ones. In this article, we establish a formula for the number of spanning trees in the lexicographic product of two graphs, in which one graph is an arbitrary graph G and the other is a complete multipartite graph. The results extend some of the previous work, which is closely related to the number of vertices and Lapalacian eigenvalues of smaller graphs only.  相似文献   

Yuval Emek 《Algorithmica》2011,61(1):141-160
Low distortion probabilistic embedding of graphs into approximating trees is an extensively studied topic. Of particular interest is the case where the approximating trees are required to be (subgraph) spanning trees of the given graph (or multigraph), in which case, the focus is usually on the equivalent problem of finding a (single) tree with low average stretch. Among the classes of graphs that received special attention in this context are k-outerplanar graphs (for a fixed k): Chekuri, Gupta, Newman, Rabinovich, and Sinclair show that every k-outerplanar graph can be probabilistically embedded into approximating trees with constant distortion regardless of the size of the graph. The approximating trees in the technique of Chekuri et al. are not necessarily spanning trees, though.  相似文献   

T. Matsui 《Algorithmica》1997,18(4):530-543
In this paper we propose an algorithm for generating all the spanning trees in undirected graphs. The algorithm requires O (n+m+ τ n) time where the given graph has n vertices, m edges, and τ spanning trees. For outputting all the spanning trees explicitly, this time complexity is optimal. Our algorithm follows a special rooted tree structure on the skeleton graph of the spanning tree polytope. The rule by which the rooted tree structure is traversed is irrelevant to the time complexity. In this sense, our algorithm is flexible. If we employ the depth-first search rule, we can save the memory requirement to O (n+m). A breadth-first implementation requires as much as O (m+ τ n) space, but when a parallel computer is available, this might have an advantage. When a given graph is weighted, the best-first search rule provides a ranking algorithm for the minimum spanning tree problem. The ranking algorithm requires O (n+ m + τ n) time and O (m+ τ n) space when we have a minimum spanning tree. Received January 21, 1995; revised February 19, 1996.  相似文献   

A spanning tree T of a graph G=(V,E) is called a locally connected spanning tree if the set of all neighbors of v in T induces a connected subgraph of G for all vV. The problem of recognizing whether a graph admits a locally connected spanning tree is known to be NP-complete even when the input graphs are restricted to chordal graphs. In this paper, we propose linear time algorithms for finding locally connected spanning trees in cographs, complements of bipartite graphs and doubly chordal graphs, respectively.  相似文献   

Abello  Buchsbaum  Westbrook 《Algorithmica》2002,32(3):437-458
We present a new approach for designing external graph algorithms and use it to design simple, deterministic and randomized external algorithms for computing connected components, minimum spanning forests, bottleneck minimum spanning forests, maximal independent sets (randomized only), and maximal matchings in undirected graphs. Our I/ O bounds compete with those of previous approaches. We also introduce a semi-external model, in which the vertex set but not the edge set of a graph fits in main memory. In this model we give an improved connected components algorithm, using new results for external grouping and sorting with duplicates. Unlike previous approaches, ours is purely functional—without side effects—and is thus amenable to standard checkpointing and programming language optimization techniques. This is an important practical consideration for applications that may take hours to run.  相似文献   

Finding the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree (d-MST) of a graph is a well-studied NP-hard problem of importance in communications network design and other network-related problems. In this paper we describe some previously proposed algorithms for solving the problem, and then introduce a novel tree construction algorithm called the randomized primal method (RPM) which builds degree-constrained trees of low cost from solution vectors taken as input. RPM is applied in three stochastic iterative search methods: simulated annealing, multistart hillclimbing, and a genetic algorithm. While other researchers have mainly concentrated on finding spanning trees in Euclidean graphs, we consider the more general case of random graph problems. We describe two random graph generators which produce particularly challenging d-MST problems. On these and other problems we find that the genetic algorithm employing RPM outperforms simulated annealing and multistart hillclimbing. Our experimental results provide strong evidence that the genetic algorithm employing RPM finds significantly lower-cost solutions to random graph d-MST problems than rival methods  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of graph partitioning schemes for parallel graph community detection on distributed memory machines. We investigate the relationship between graph structure and parallel clustering effectiveness, and develop a heuristic partitioning algorithm suitable for modularity-based algorithms. We demonstrate the accuracy and scalability of our approach using several real-world large graph datasets compared with state-of-the-art parallel algorithms on the Cray XK7 supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Given the ubiquitous graph model, we expect this high-performance solution will help lead to new insights in numerous fields.  相似文献   

This paper contributes a method for combining sparse parallel graph algorithms with dense parallel linear algebra algorithms in order to understand dynamic graphs including the temporal behavior of vertices. Our method is the first to cluster vertices in a dynamic graph based on arbitrary temporal behaviors. In order to successfully implement this method, we develop a feature based pipeline for dynamic graphs and apply Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) to these features. We demonstrate these steps with a sample of the Twitter mentions graph as well as a CAIDA network traffic graph. We contribute and analyze a parallel NMF algorithm presenting both theoretical and empirical studies of performance. This work can be leveraged by graph/network analysts to understand the temporal behavior cluster structure and segmentation structure of dynamic graphs.  相似文献   

This paper determines upper bounds on the expected time complexity for a variety of parallel algorithms for undirected and directed random graph problems. For connectivity, biconnectivity, transitive closure, minimum spanning trees, and all pairs minimum cost paths, we prove the expected time to beO(log logn) for the CRCW PRAM (this parallel RAM machine allows resolution of write conflicts) andO(logn · log logn) for the CREW PRAM (which allows simultaneous reads but not simultaneous writes). We also show that the problem of graph isomorphism has expected parallel timeO(log logn) for the CRCW PRAM andO(logn) for the CREW PRAM. Most of these results follow because of upper bounds on the mean depth of a graph, derived in this paper, for more general graphs than was known before. For undirected connectivity especially, we present a new probabilistic algorithm which runs on a randomized input and has an expected running time ofO(log logn) on the CRCW PRAM, withO(n) expected number of processors only. Our results also improve known upper bounds on the expected space required for sequential graph algorithms. For example, we show that the problems of finding connected components, transitive closure, minimum spanning trees, and minimum cost paths have expected sequential spaceO(logn · log logn) on a deterministic Turing Machine. We use a simulation of the CRCW PRAM to get these expected sequential space bounds.  相似文献   

Disjunctively constrained versions of classic problems in graph theory such as shortest paths, minimum spanning trees and maximum matchings were recently studied. In this article we introduce disjunctive constrained versions of the Maximum Acyclic Subgraph problem. Negative disjunctive constraints state that a certain pair of edges cannot be contained simultaneously in a feasible solution. Positive disjunctive constraints enforces that at least one arc for the underlying pair is in a feasible solution. It is convenient to represent these disjunctive constraints in terms of an undirected graph, called constraint graph, whose vertices correspond to the arcs of the original graph, and whose edges encode the disjunctive constraints. For the Maximum Acyclic Subgraph problem under Negative Disjunctive Constraints we develop 1/2-approximative algorithms that are polynomial for certain classes of constraint graphs. We also show that determining if a feasible solution exists for an instance of the Maximum Acyclic Subgraph problem under Positive Disjunctive Constraints is an NP-Complete problem.  相似文献   

Abello  Buchsbaum  Westbrook 《Algorithmica》2008,32(3):437-458
Abstract. We present a new approach for designing external graph algorithms and use it to design simple, deterministic and randomized external algorithms for computing connected components, minimum spanning forests, bottleneck minimum spanning forests, maximal independent sets (randomized only), and maximal matchings in undirected graphs. Our I/ O bounds compete with those of previous approaches. We also introduce a semi-external model, in which the vertex set but not the edge set of a graph fits in main memory. In this model we give an improved connected components algorithm, using new results for external grouping and sorting with duplicates. Unlike previous approaches, ours is purely functional—without side effects—and is thus amenable to standard checkpointing and programming language optimization techniques. This is an important practical consideration for applications that may take hours to run.  相似文献   

Computer architectures supporting shared memory continue to increase in complexity as designers seek to improve memory performance. This is especially true of proposals for massively parallel systems with distributed, yet shared, memory. The need to maintain a reasonably simple memory model for programmers, in spite of enhancements like caches and access pipelining, is responsible for many of the complications. We develop a novel graph model, access graphs, for visualizing processor/memory interaction. Access graphs symbolically represent the causal relationships between load, store, and synchronization events. The focus is on two classes of access graphs: pseudo and real. A pseudo access graph describes an execution in terms of abstract events familiar to the programmer. If the pseudo access graph is acyclic, then memory consistency is preserved during the execution. A real access graph describes an execution in terms of physical events known to the hardware designer. A real access graph must be acyclic since hardware cannot violate causality. Memory consistency can be verified for a given computer system by proving that for any acyclic real access graph describing a program's execution on that computer, an acyclic pseudo access graph can be derived describing the same execution  相似文献   

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