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<正> 在食品加工中,对预结晶物料进行连续充气以改进最终产品的组织,是一个很普遍的方法。对巧克力进行充气并不是一项新工艺,例如在欧洲,采用真空处理方法对巧克力配料进行充气,已出现了一段相当长的时间。但是这种工艺程序缺乏灵活性,制成品的组织结构又不均匀,而且应用范围亦有限,这就要求灵活性和充气效果均更完善的机械充  相似文献   

<正> 引言 精炼工序(Conching)是巧克力生产过程中最令人感兴趣的工艺过程之一,其中的物理和化学转化现象,目前仍是研究的主要课题,因为如能控制这些转化,就能确定最终产品的特性。 巧克力精炼工序的作用,主要包括了以下几个方面: ——为从精磨机出来的物料提供增塑作用,使物料由块/粉末状逐渐转变成具合适的流变性质的流塑状物料。  相似文献   

综述了我国的米糠资源情况以及米糠油的营养价值,并报道了采用挤压膨化-浸出技术所建成的目前国内最大规模(200 t/d)的单条米糠制油生产线.对米糠毛油采用半连续式物理精炼技术与混合脂肪酸连续精馏分离技术相结合的工艺,在获得精炼米糠油的同时,还得到工业油酸、工业硬脂酸和粗制糠蜡等高附加值产品.  相似文献   

半连续式油脂脱臭工艺系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
连续式脱臭系统,如填料式脱臭塔、塔盘式脱臭塔和猛犸泵塔盘式脱臭塔采用本地和进口部件相结合。然而有中间排放塔盘的半连续式脱臭塔则是最复杂的,在精炼各种不同油品的过程中,如不同程度的氢化油、棕榈油、棕榈油中间分提物、可可脂类物质、代可可脂和液态棕榈油等,最少的油品污染和快速的批次变换是必要的,这里介绍我们从150t/d到300t/d的半连续式脱臭塔方面的经验。  相似文献   

棉酚是一种发色性物质,如果不能被完全脱除,在后序的加工工序中,遇高温就形成不可脱除的颜色。而在预榨、浸出的棉籽毛油中含有0.1%~0.5%的棉酚,因此,为了得到高品质的棉籽油,必须在碱炼工序把棉酚彻底脱除。  相似文献   

谈棉籽油精炼工艺的选择及应用山东省聊城供销学校油脂教研室刘军海目前,多数棉油厂棉籽油的精炼仍采用间歇式精炼工艺,该工艺具有投资少,工艺设备简单,操作易于掌握,油脂质量稳定等优点,该工艺最大的缺点是中性油损失大,精炼率低,工艺操作中缺乏灵活性。为此,许...  相似文献   

立足我院大量的工程经验和近几年精炼车间发展现状,并根据项目的实际情况,优化设计了200t/d精炼车间,达到了国内领先水平。本文从工艺、设备选择、车间布置和自动化控制等方面一一做了阐述,特别是改进的部分做了较详细的表述,以便广大同行参考。  相似文献   

间歇式直接酯化合成PET的生产装置经技术改造后,用半连续式直接酯化法合成PET的工艺在工业化大生产上是可行的,用该种方式生产出的聚酯切片(PET)可与进口设备的媲美。本文将半连续式直接酯化与间歇式的工艺线路及生产装置作一比较,说明将间歇式工艺变成半连续式工艺所需改造的设备及原因,并总结了半连续式工业生产的工艺与经验。  相似文献   

汪玉梅 《中国油脂》1993,18(5):25-26
本文结合当前油脂加工企业在炼油技术改造中所出现的问题,探讨企业如何选择适合本企业实际的油脂加工工艺,重点阐述连续炼油工艺和间歇炼油工艺在实际应用中的利弊。  相似文献   

A refining step is often crucial for the removal of undesired components in fats and oils. More flexible refining technologies are required due to a global decline in cocoa butter quality and to meet industry’s demand for cocoa butters with improved properties. The aim was to investigate the impact of the cocoa butter refining process on milk chocolate quality. Therefore a crude cocoa butter was subjected to a steam refining at different temperatures and this with or without a silica pretreatment. The major effect of the silica pretreatment was the complete removal of phosphorus (thus phospholipids), iron and alkaline components. During the steam refining step mainly Free Fatty Acids (FFA) were removed at increased temperatures (T ? 200 °C). The refining of the cocoa butter influenced the rheological properties of the chocolate. An increased packed column temperature, coinciding with the removal of FFA, resulted in a lower yield stress and a higher viscosity. Reduction of FFA positively influenced the crystallization kinetics and the formation of the crystal network, resulting in differences on a macroscopic scale.  相似文献   

The influence of both formulation and processing variables on the physical characteristics of milk chocolate has been studied during milling with a pilot ball mill. Nine experimental millings were carried out varying the type of dried milk used (roller, high free fat and spray-dried milk) and the time of lecithin and dried milk addition during the refining process. For the samples collected during 2 h of milling, particle size, moisture, Casson plastic viscosity and yield value were evaluated. In all the experiments, the solid particle size was effectively reduced during the first 120 min of refining; after this time the particle size reduction assumed an asymptotic trend. The addition of lecithin at the beginning of the refining kept the viscosity low and constant throughout the process, thus allowing the addition of milk from the start of the process, regardless of the technology adopted for milk drying.  相似文献   

孙翔宇 《缤纷家居》2008,(4):156-157
这里的巧克力几乎没有什么装饰,没有五彩的糖纸和精美的展柜,甚至在狭小的店面中,很难找到巧克力的身影,但只要一进入这家店铺,你就能通过它无华的空间设计悄然体味出巧克力的魅力,因为其每处细节都在纯粹中流露出清馨的甜味,这种甜味会缠住你的双脚让你不愿离开,于是和亲切的店员攀谈,于是店员会为你奉上巧(?)  相似文献   

茶乡之成都“最舒适不过成都”.躺椅、麻将、盖碗茶也许比川剧更能代表成都的风情,有位作家就曾说过“成都是飞机飞过都能听到麻将声响的城市”.舒适、安逸也许是早已流进了成都人骨子里的一种生活状态,这并不是说成都人缺乏进取心.“十万川军无人还”。  相似文献   

<正> 巧克力的主要成分有可可粉、可可脂、糖、奶油、奶粉和香精,其中的可可粉、奶粉和糖,是以微小的固体颗粒形式分散于可可脂和奶油的油相中。制造优质巧克力的关键,就在于使这些互不相溶的组分很好地结合在一起,添加卵磷脂,再配以适当的精烁温度(通常为80~90℃),就能够炼制出具有独特香气和香味的巧克力。  相似文献   

"巧克力糖果已经显示出了强劲的增长势头,与上年同期(2006年7月至2007年6月)相比增长了26%,在2008年上半年也增长了25%。")  相似文献   

巧克力牛奶的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点研究了不同产地和品牌的可可粉对产品口感的影响,以及不同的稳定剂对巧克力牛奶稳定性的影响。结果表明,选用DELFI可可粉制作巧克力牛奶脂香浓郁,口感最好,其用量为1.0%和1.25%的巧克力牛奶口感纯正。但从成本角度考虑,本实验选用1.0%的可可粉用量。该产品的稳定性需采用复配稳定剂,复配稳定剂最佳组合为卡拉胶0.015%,微晶纤维素0.13%,单甘酯0.1%。  相似文献   

Chocolate ice cream is commonly formulated with higher sugar levels than nonchocolate flavors to compensate for the inherent bitterness of cocoa. Bitterness, however, is an integral part of the complex flavor of chocolate. In light of the global obesity epidemic, many consumers and health professionals are concerned about the levels of added sugars in foods. Once a strategy for balancing undesirable bitterness and health concerns regarding added sugars has been developed, the task becomes determining whether that product will be acceptable to the consumer. Thus, the purpose of this research was to manipulate the bitterness of chocolate ice cream to examine how this influences consumer preferences. The main goal of this study was to estimate group rejection thresholds for bitterness in chocolate ice cream, and to see if solid chocolate preferences (dark vs. milk) generalized to ice cream. A food-safe bitter ingredient, sucrose octaacetate, was added to chocolate ice cream to alter bitterness without disturbing other the sensory qualities of the ice cream samples, including texture. Untrained chocolate ice cream consumers participated in a large-scale sensory test by indicating their preferences for blinded pairs of unspiked and spiked samples, where the spiked sample had increasing levels of the added bitterant. As anticipated, the group containing individuals who prefer milk chocolate had a much lower tolerance for bitterness in their chocolate ice cream compared with the group of individuals who prefer dark chocolate; indeed, the dark chocolate group tolerated almost twice as much added bitterant in the ice cream before indicating a significant preference for the unspiked (control) ice cream. This work demonstrates the successful application of the rejection threshold method to a complex dairy food. Estimating rejection thresholds could prove to be an effective tool for determining acceptable formulations or quality limits when considering attributes that become objectionable at high intensities.  相似文献   

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