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目的:探讨不同类型透射电镜数字成像装置设计方案,以实现更好性能.方法:分析现有不同类型透射电镜数字成像装置产品或设计的结构特征及其存在的主要问题,构思新的解决方案.结果:提出了包括侧装透镜、侧装光纤、底装透镜和底装光纤耦合型四种基本类型透射电镜数字成像装置新的设计方案,研制了底装大视野透镜耦合型样机并用于实际工作.结论:新的底装透镜耦合型成像装置结构独特,特别适合需要大视野的生命科学和医学等领域.  相似文献   

A new transmission electron microscope that allows for stereoscopic observations in real time at a video rate has been developed. In order to make stereo pairs at a high speed, illumination of a specimen from two directions instead of specimen tilting is adopted. Two electrostatic deflectors make it possible to alternate the illumination direction within a blank period of 1.2 ms between two adjacent video fields. Three dimensional displays give observers a stereo impression without the need for special glasses. By considering the circle of least confusion due to spherical aberration, a lateral resolution <1 nm and a longitudinal resolution of 6.3 nm are possible with a proper defocused condition. This improvement of the resolution is confirmed for the image of Au fine particles. The motion of objects in the lateral direction can be detected up to a speed of 8.3 nm s(-1). Using this microscope fine particles of ZnO were observed.  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了透射电镜和扫描电镜两种当前主要的电子显微分析方法的应用,比较了它们的结构和工作原理,讨论了各自的应用范围以及发展方向,指出将两者有机结合可以得到比较全面的材料分析结果。  相似文献   

We developed a 1 MV field-emission transmission electron microscope. This paper reports details and specifications of the instrument. The microscope was designed to obtain a bright and coherent electron beam by using the field emission gun equipped with a pre-accelerating magnetic lens and the high-voltage power supply with high stability (0.5 ppm min(-1)). Using this microscope, the brightness of 1.8 x 10(10) A cm(-2) sr(-1) and the lattice resolution of 49.8 pm were attained.  相似文献   

自1932年透射电子显微镜发明以来,透射电子显微学在基础理论、仪器研制及其在材料科学、生命科学等领域的应用得到了迅速发展,200kV场发射枪透射电子显微镜的点分辨率已达0.19~0.25nm,能量分辨率为0.7~1.0eV。进一步提高透射电子显微镜性能的关键在于降低物镜球差和电子束能量扩散等。球差校正器的发明使透射电镜的点分辨率已突破0.1nm,电子源色差已成为进一步提高电子显微镜信息分辨极限和电子能量损失谱能量分辨率的瓶颈。在场发射枪透射电子显微镜上增加单色器(能量过滤器)可有效降低电子束的能量色散,减小色差对电子显微镜性能的影响。本文介绍了Wien型、Ω型及Mandoline型等几种常见的能量过滤器的工作原理、结构、性能及其应用。  相似文献   

Linear and non-linear image components in high-resolution transmission electron microscope images were successfully separated by applying a bandpass filter to the three-dimensional Fourier spectrum of its through-focus series of images. In the observed lattice image of a wedgeshaped Si [110] crystal, we determined the magnitude of the contribution of the non-linear imaging components to the total image intensity distribution. The contribution was proved to become sometimes larger than that of the linear imaging component, even at a thickness of 13 nm.  相似文献   

We constructed a grazing-incidence soft-X-ray spectrometer for a transmission electron microscope. The spectrometer, which was composed of a grating and a CCD detector, was attached to a JEM2000FX transmission electron microscope. B K-emission spectra of hexagonal boron-nitride, which give the density of states of the valence band of the material, were obtained with an energy resolution of about 0.6 eV.  相似文献   

A new gas injection/specimen heating holder is developed for the purpose of in situ observation of gas reaction of materials at high temperatures in a transmission electron microscope at near-atomic resolution. A fine tungsten wire is employed as a heating element of the holder and a battery is used as the power source. Gas was injected onto specimens in the form of particles lying on the heating element via a nozzle. The maximum pressure near specimens was middle of 10(-2) Pa, while the pressure in the electron-gun chamber was kept to 2 x 10(-4) Pa. This gas injection/specimen heating holder was applied to observe solid-gas reactions. The reactions observed include oxidation of pure In into In2O3, reduction of SiO2 into Si and re-oxidation of Si into SiO2.  相似文献   

A newly developed 1 MV field-emission transmission electron microscope has recently been applied to the field of superconductivity by utilizing its bright and monochromatic field-emission electron beam. This microscope allows individual magnetic vortices inside high-Tc superconductors to be observed, thus, opening the way to investigate the unusual behaviour of vortices, which reflects the anisotropic layered structure of these superconducting materials. One example is the observation of the arrangements of chain vortex lines that are formed when a magnetic field is applied obliquely to the layer plane of the materials.  相似文献   

Electron transmission through tilted epoxy-resin film specimens with thicknesses of 1 and 5 microm has been measured under different accelerating voltages and diameters of the objective aperture in a 3 MV ultrahigh voltage electron microscope. Measurements show that the linearity between the logarithmic electron transmission and effective thickness of the tilted specimens holds valid only for some smaller effective thicknesses. However, the higher accelerating voltage leads to a wider linear attenuation range. The linear range can reach 7 microm for the 3 MeV incident electrons. Moreover, the measurements were analyzed with the electron-scattering theory. Actually, the high-energy electrons are capable of penetrating much thicker specimens, but many electrons elastically scattered at large angles cannot be collected as useful signals because of being blocked by the objective aperture in the mode of amplitude contrast. The need for further investigations was suggested to determine theoretically the electron transmission through a thick low-Z specimen and its exponential attenuation range.  相似文献   

Zhiheng Cheng  Chaolun Wang  Xing Wu  Junhao Chu 《半导体学报》2022,43(8):081001-1-081001-14
Advanced electronic materials are the fundamental building blocks of integrated circuits (ICs). The microscale properties of electronic materials (e.g., crystal structures, defects, and chemical properties) can have a considerable impact on the performance of ICs. Comprehensive characterization and analysis of the material in real time with high-spatial resolution are indispensable. In situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) with atomic resolution and external field can be applied as a physical simulation platform to study the evolution of electronic material in working conditions. The high-speed camera of the in situ TEM generates a high frame rate video, resulting in a large dataset that is beyond the data processing ability of researchers using the traditional method. To overcome this challenge, many works on automated TEM analysis by using machine-learning algorithm have been proposed. In this review, we introduce the technical evolution of TEM data acquisition, including analysis, and we summarize the application of machine learning to TEM data analysis in the aspects of morphology, defect, structure, and spectra. Some of the challenges of automated TEM analysis are given in the conclusion.  相似文献   

徐颖 《电子显微学报》2000,19(4):640-640
故障一 开机后仪器真空系统正常,计算机显示屏只显示一行字“FCITFPBError”,按复位键及其它键均无反应,呈“死机”状态,仪器右面板各键指示灯全亮。故障分析 仪器正常时,开机后几秒钟计算机即转到显示各参数的初始状态。这台电镜以前也常出现“死机”现象,原因大多为MPUPB板上的微处理器芯片8080A、CMEMORY板上的6只EPROM集成块接触不良造成,一般是把它们拔出,清洗管脚后再重新插入,并用万用表检查每个管脚都与线路板连通,仪器基本都能恢复正常,但这次无法恢复。该电镜计算机系统具有自检功能,哪一块线路板出现问题,会在计算…  相似文献   

高压电子显微镜的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了高压电子显微镜的发展历史、现状以及应用情况和对未来的展望。  相似文献   

本文研究神经再生过程中雪旺氏细胞的功能和作用 ,观察间充质干细胞在体内的存活和功能情况。方法 :以逆转录病毒为载体 ,将EGFP报告基因导入大鼠的骨髓间充质干细胞后 ,注入受损伤的周围神经组织内。三周后取材 ,用FA GA混合固定 ,分为二组 ,A组用K4M低温包埋切片后标记anti EGFP,IgG Au ;B组经冷冻超薄切片后标记anti EGFP ,IgG Au ;观察其超微结构及胶体金标记情况。结果 :电镜下可以观察到A、B二组均呈明显的阳性反应 ,胶体金颗粒均匀地分布在细胞核内及胞浆内。其中K4M低温包埋方法的金颗粒为散在分布 ,超微结构较好 (图 1…  相似文献   

Silicon self-scanned linear photodiode arrays have been used to directly display, on an external monitor screen, transmission electron microscope energy loss spectra. The 80 keV electrons impinged on a phosphor screen deposited on a fibre-optic plate located immediately above the photodiode array. Spectra showing plasmon loss peaks were completely scanned in 20 ms.  相似文献   

扫描电声显微镜(scannmg electron acoustic microscoPe)问世以来,作为一种新的显微成像手段,在众多的材料研究领域得到了广泛的应用,并日益显露其独特的成像本领。为此,我们对原建立的SEAM系统,通过增强电子束流强度和改善调制电路,使得系统的信噪比和空间分辨率大为提高。  相似文献   

采用190例男性不育患者的精液,作超薄切片,透射电镜下观察,进行诊断并结合文献探讨其不育的原因,为临床治疗男性不育患者提供依据。结果发现本文例除无精症外均属于复合型精子结构异常,各例精子大部分均有多个部位和多个细胞器结构异常。这些结构异常使受精能力降低,成为男性不育的原因。因此,对男性不育患者进行精液电镜诊断十分必要。  相似文献   

Quantitative measurement of intensity profiles of equal thickness fringes has been carried out in Si and MgO crystal images with an energy-filtering transmission electron microscope using an imaging plate. The crystals have a 90 degrees wedge-shape with [110] surfaces for Si and with [100] surfaces for MgO, and are observed under the exact axial incidence of a 200 keV electron beam along the [100] axis for Si and along the [110] axis for MgO. The intensities are measured in bright field and 022 and 040 dark field images for Si, and in bright field and 111, 002, 220, 113, 222, and 004 dark field images for MgO, with and without an energy slit having +/- 5 eV energy width for incident electrons. The intensity profiles obtained from the images are presented as standard experimental data for calculation of electron diffraction intensities. A few simulation programs for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy are checked by comparing the calculated diffraction intensities with the experimental data. The complex potential suitable for matching the data is discussed.  相似文献   

自Haider等人成功地将CM200场发射透射电镜改造成球差校正电镜以来,越来越多的人致力于相关的电镜技术及实验研究。在200kv的场发射透射电镜中,加入两个能产生可调性负球差的六极校正系统,使总球差系数Cs减小为0甚或为负。当Cs接近于零时,由CTF曲线(图1)可知,  相似文献   

本文讨论了JEM-1200EX透射电镜拍片过程并对所发生的故障进行了分析。显然,这对于准确及时地排除同类型电镜故障是有益的,对于排除其它类型电镜故障也有参考价值。本文所用符号参见JEM-1200EX透射电镜电路图第17~20页。JEM-1200EX透射电镜拍片程序JEM-1200EX透射电镜拍片过程包括三个程序。第一是取片程序。当第一次按PHOTO键后,微机CPU接受终端取片请求,发指令给继电器Ry1供电。Ry1结点闭合,使传送底片马达M1供电,传动机构齿轮联动,机械手移至供片盒,并从中取出底片送至荧光屏下曝光位置。与此同时,底片到位开关S1和要求马达…  相似文献   

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