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本文针对继电器行业广泛采用的继电器关键零件的工序介绍了全自动整形机的设计,此设备也适应用于其它电子器件关键零件的整形。  相似文献   

管口整形机主要用于管道施工现场对焊接管组端口部位整形的一种焊接辅助设备.应用管道弹性变形的力学理论,进行了管组端口在整形过程中的受力分析,并可通过该设计方法计算管口整形设备所需的整形力、液压缸推力及液压系统工作压力.  相似文献   

液压管口整形机是用于市政管道施工现场管道焊接用的一种超高压液压辅助设备,它能代替人工实现对焊接管口组对进行全位置定位、端口自动定心及整形.该设备由定位盘、整形盘、行走滚轮及超高压液压系统4部分组成,结构紧凑、采用超高压液压系统可在有效缩小体积前提下获得较大的整形力,具有体积小、重量轻、输出力大、定位整形一次完成等优点.  相似文献   

邢云涛 《中国机械》2014,(17):32-33
以铜板自动包装生产线整形机机身作为研究对象,运用ANSYS软件建立了该机身有限元模型,并对其进行了模态分析,获得了机身的固有频率及振型特征,使该结构在设计中尽量避免共振和噪声,加强了其稳定性和安全性,也为其它的动态分析提供了理论参数。  相似文献   

针对ZMG-B4纸浆模塑整形机系统功能的要求,提出了采用自动化装备的必要性.从整机设计、气动系统、电气系统和PLC控制等方面阐述了基于PLC的设计,较好地解决了生产效率低和操作工人劳动强度过大的问题,提高了设备自动化程度.  相似文献   

宋习 《中国机械》2014,(19):240-241
铁路货车车体的调直整形作业一直困扰着铁路车辆检修部门。研发一种能够适合铁路车辆段和站修进行调直整形作业的专用设备十分必要。本文介绍了研制整形机的目的、整形机的结构组成、工作原理及参数选择,介绍了该装置设计的思路和效果,实践证明该装置操作简单,维修方便,性能可靠,故障率低,能够满足生产需要。  相似文献   

铜包装线整形机液压缸支撑架的有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用大型结构有限元软件ANSYS对铜包装线整形机液压缸支撑架进行了刚度的计算与分析,研究了其在满载工况下的变形和应力的分布情况,并据此分析了该支撑架最大应力和变形的位置,找出了液压缸支撑架的薄弱环节,为以后的设计和优化提供依据。  相似文献   

铜板包装线整形工位在工作中受载和噪声较大,整形机机身稳定性对铜板包装质量影响明显,有必要明确机身在工作中是否会产生共振。以甘肃金昌某公司铜板包装线液压式整形机机身作为研究对象,对结构进行简化后运用ANSYS软件建立了有限元模型,采用Block Lanczos法进行了模态分析,通过前8阶振型图得出了整形机机身的固有频率和最大振幅及产生共振的频率范围。结果表明,该设备在工作中不产生共振,能够安全稳定的运行,研究结果为该设备结构优化提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

当前我国在对铁路的日常管理和维护中,主要靠人工用铁叉等工具或采用机械在铁轨上行走来完成对铁路路基渣石的边坡整形和维护工作,不仅投入劳动力多,效率低、成本高、而且影响列车的运行效率和安全。针对以上问题,作者设计了一种在铁路路肩上完成渣石边坡整形和维护工作的、全液压控制的铁路路基渣石边坡整形机的液压系统,并介绍了该系统的总体设计思路、工作原理工作程序以及对铁路路肩环境的要求。  相似文献   

Annular seals play an important role in determining the vibrational behavior of rotors in multi-stage pumps. To determine the critical speeds and unbalanced responses of rotor systems which consider annular seals, a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) method was developed, and the numerical method was verified by experiments conducted on a model rotor. In a typical FSI process, rotor systems are modeled based on a node-element method, and the motion equations are expressed in a type of matrix. To consider the influence of annular seals, dynamic coefficients of annular seals were introduced into the motion equations through matrix transformation. The test results of the model rotor showed good agreement with the calculated results. Based on the FSI method proposed here, the governing equations of annular seals were solved in two different ways. The results showed that the Childs method is more accurate in predicting a rotor’s critical speed. The critical speeds of the model rotor were calculated at different clearance sizes and length/diameter ratios. Tilting coefficients of long seals were added to the dynamic coefficients to consider the influence of tilting. The critical speeds reached their maximum value when the L/D ratio was around 1.25, and tilting enhanced the rotor’s stability when long annular seals were located in either end of the shaft.  相似文献   

针对传统的电流型转子磁链观测器、电压型转子磁链观测器以及改进电压型转子磁链观测器各自的优缺点和适用范围,设计了一种由电流型和改进电压型转子磁链观测器组合而成的一种新型转子磁链观测器,并在模型切换过程中采用改进的滞环切换器.对建立的新型观测器的Simulink模型进行仿真,结果表明,新型观测器能够得到较精确的转子磁链观测值.  相似文献   

以多体系统理论为基础,根据数控插齿机运动的实际情况,在考虑了由于制造、安装、运动控制不精确以及其它原因引起的初始位置误差与运动误差等因素后,对数控插齿机的插齿啮合进行了分析,推导出数控插齿机的误差模型.最后,研究了误差因素对齿轮加工的影响,并进行了仿真分析.  相似文献   

Dynamics of rotor rub in annular clearance with experimental evaluation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rubbing phenomena in rotor dynamics are investigated by theoretical and experimental approaches. Generating conditions of forward whirling, backward rolling, backward slipping, and partial rubbing are established for system parameters and rotor speeds. Possible whirling motions of the rotor in annular clearance are calculated for full annular rub under the conditions of positive normal force and geometric constraints. The theoretical calculations show that greater clearance results in greater runout and normal force, and the whirling responses are characterized by which natural frequency of the rotor or the stator is greater than the other. Receptances of the rotor and stator are used to explain the possibility of slipping for backward slipping and forward whirling, respectively. Effect of rotor eccentricity is also considered to find the maximum rotor speed for backward slipping during increasing rotor speed and the occurrence of forward whirl. Experiments are performed for two cases. The experimental results show good agreements with the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

超导转子旋转驱动装置设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种基于迈斯纳效应的超导转子旋转驱动装置,利用驱动装置的定子线圈产生的磁场在空心转子内壁窗口产生的转动力矩驱动转子旋转。对超导转子旋转驱动力进行了有限元分析,结果表明,驱动力矩近似与驱动电流的平方成正比。在4.2 K温度、30 Pa气压下进行了转子旋转实验,30 A驱动电流下转子转速达到了8512 r/min。实验结果为进一步优化装置运行参数及提高转子旋转稳定性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An analysis of the flow of a rigid-viscoplastic Bingham solid through an annular orifice with streamline profile is given. The problem was suggested by the hot extrusion of tubes when melted glass is used as lubricant. A kinematic velocity field is obtained for this problem by minimisation of the functional attached to this problem. The ram pressure, the melted glass zone, etc. are numerically determined for this velocity field. Some numerical examples are given for various working speeds.  相似文献   

利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对新型真空抽油泵主要传动零件之一的四相转子进行模态分析.提取分析结果,得到转子的前10阶固有频率和相应振型.此结果不仅为转子的振动控制、工作可靠性和使用寿命研究提供理论依据,也为转子和油泵的结构优化设计提供参考数据.  相似文献   

复合材料飞轮转子设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑到转子与驱动机构的连接,给出了一种金属轮毂加复合材料轮缘结构飞轮转子的设计方法。分析了转子材料、结构、连接及制作工艺等因素对储能密度的影响,分析结果表明:复合材料轮缘内外径比值α是影响其储能密度的关键,根据轮缘材料选取合理值,对轮毂进行优化可以进一步提高转子的储能密度。分析中所用复合材料及胶粘剂力学常数的准确性是影响仿真结果的主要因素,通过实验对其理论值进行修正可以进一步提高仿真结果的准确性。对实际应用中一个具体飞轮转子进行了设计并制作出了转子,在20 000 r/min转速范围内进行了旋转应力实验,仿真分析与实验结果取得了较好的一致性,证明了本文设计方法的正确性。  相似文献   

A design method for a flywheel rotor composed of a composite rim and a metal hub is proposed by studying the connection between the rotor and the driving machine. The influence of some factors such as the rotor material, configuration, connection, and fracture techniques on energy density is analyzed. The results show that the ratio of the inner radius to outer radius of the rim is the key factor, and is determined by the rim material. Optimizing the hub can further efficiently improve energy density. The composite flywheel rotor is produced and its rotation stress has been tested at the speed of 20 krpm. The emulation results are consistent with testing results, which proves that the introduced design method is useful. __________ Translated from Optics and Precision Engineering, 2007, 15(6): 852–857 [译自: 光学精密工程]  相似文献   

基于环散的飞机进气道出口压力测量耙设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进气道出口测量耙是进气道出口流场测量的重要手段,基于环散的飞机进气道出口测量耙的研制较为复杂。在测量耙的研制过程中,根据环散引气散热的功能及纵向波纹管的结构特点,确定了传统耙与附面层耙的布置形式及安装结构,并经过耙臂静强度计算、振动分析及振动试验,结果表明满足飞行试验需求。环散试验件改装及测量耙的设计方法实用、可行,可对类似基于环散的飞机进气道出口压力测量耙设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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