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《Information Systems》2001,26(2):61-74
Most Internet search engines are keyword-based. They are not efficient for the queries where geographical location is important, such as finding hotels within an area or close to a place of interest. A natural interface for spatial searching is a map, which can be used not only to display locations of search results but also to assist forming search conditions. A map-based search engine requires a well-designed visual interface that is intuitive to use yet flexible and expressive enough to support various types of spatial queries as well as aspatial queries. Similar to hyperlinks for text and images in an HTML page, spatial objects in a map should support hyperlinks. Such an interface needs to be scalable with the size of the geographical regions and the number of websites it covers. In spite of handling typically a very large amount of spatial data, a map-based search interface should meet the expectation of fast response time for interactive applications. In this paper we discuss general requirements and the design for a new map-based web search interface, focusing on integration with the WWW and visual spatial query interface. A number of current and future research issues are discussed, and a prototype for the University of Queensland is presented.  相似文献   

刘登洪  徐贤 《计算机科学》2017,44(10):234-236, 258
随着网络的普及,网上检索成为了人们获取信息的主要方式。目前的搜索引擎相对独立,覆盖范围比较有限。相比之下,元搜索能够更好地满足用户的检索需求。当用户在元搜索提供的统一界面中输入一个查询时,元搜索会将处理后的用户请求发送给相关的成员搜索引擎。但是一个重要的问题是如何识别出潜在的搜索引擎以便更好地处理用户的请求。鉴于此提出了一种基于遗传算法的选择机制,该方法将各个成员搜索引擎的权重考虑在内。实验结果表明,该方法确实能够提高引擎选择中的效率和精度。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a system LESSON for lecture notes searching and sharing, which is dedicated to both instructors and students for effectively supporting their Web-based teaching and learning activities. The LESSON system employs a metasearch engine for lecture notes searching from Web and a peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay network for lecture notes sharing among the users. A metasearch engine provides an unified access to multiple existing component search engines and has better performance than general-purpose search engines. With the help of a P2P overlay network, all computers used by instructors and students can be connected into a virtual society over the Internet and communicate directly with each other for lecture notes sharing, without any centralized server and manipulation. In order to merge results from multiple component search engines into a single ranked list, we design the RSF strategy that takes rank, similarity and features of lecture notes into account. To implement query routing decision for effectively supporting lecture notes sharing, we propose a novel query routing mechanism. Experimental results indicate that the LESSON system has better performance in lecture notes searching from Web than some popular general-purpose search engines and some existing metasearch schemes; while processing queries within the system, it outperforms some typical routing methods. Concretely, it can achieve relatively high query hit rate with low bandwidth consumption in different types of network topologies.  相似文献   

集成搜索引擎的文本数据库选择   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用户需要检索的信息往往分散存储在多个搜索多个搜索引擎各自的数据库里,对普通用户而言,访问多个搜索引擎并从返回的结果中分辨出确实有网页是一件费时费力的工作,集成搜索引擎则可以提供给用户一个同时记问多个搜索引擎人集成环境,集成搜索引擎能将其接收到的用户查询提交给底层的多个搜索引擎进行搜索,作为一种搜索工具,集成搜索引擎具有如WEB查询覆盖面比传统引擎更大,引警有更好的可扩展性等优点,讨论了解决集成搜索引擎的数据库选择问题的多种技术,针对用户提交的查询要求,通过数据库选择可以选定最有可能返回有用信息的底层搜索引擎。  相似文献   

When a query is passed to multiple search engines, each search engine returns a ranked list of documents. Researchers have demonstrated that combining results, in the form of a “metasearch engine”, produces a significant improvement in coverage and search effectiveness. This paper proposes a linear programming mathematical model for optimizing the ranked list result of a given group of Web search engines for an issued query. An application with a numerical illustration shows the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   

网络上的专业搜索引擎数量众多,普通用户在选择时往往无所适从。文章提出了一个自动的查询导向系统,可以将用户查询自动导向到合适的专业搜索引擎,解决了这个矛盾。  相似文献   

Internet上的化学数据库是重要的专业资源,基于超链接分析的搜索引擎还不能索引这类资源。本论文以充分利用Internet上的化学数据库数据为目标,将“一个查询发动多个同级检索引擎,并以结构化的方式组织信息”的方案应用于以化合物标识信息为检索入口的Web化学数据库,建立了一个基于多站点集成检索的Web数据库定向查询引擎。该引擎是一个包括用户交互层、中间检索层、数据提供层的三层Web模型。各层在系统内部分别对应于响应用户检索请求的客户端代理模块、集成远程Web信息的服务器端代理模块,以及提供缓存和检索的关系数据库模块。模型采用JSP+Java组件的开发方式,在HTTP协议标准发送方法的基础上,采用XML技术对检索返回文档进行结构化数据的提取和表示,利用XML—DBMS实现XML数据的存储和检索,建立了一套针对深层Web数据交换的解决方案。依此方案所建立的ChemDB Portal Search实现了四个分布式Web化学数据库的有效加入、同时检索和统一显示。该系统是针对深层Web信息的挖掘和集成检索的一次尝试,它可为其它领域建立类似的系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于知识的网页检索工具   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着因特网在全球范围的广泛使用,越来越多的人们借助于因特网从事科研和商务活动,而网页检索工具成了人们必不可少的软件工具.然而,目前流行的检索工具大多基于关键字查询,常常出现信息过载或有用信息丢失等现象.造成这一原因主要有两方面:用户提交的查询不能很好地表达他的目的;查询的结果没有建立有效的索引机制,引导人们快速找到有用信息。为此我们提出一种基于知识的网页检索工具(KWSE),它是在已有的检索工具的  相似文献   

The Internet has become a way of life. In the past, when someone wanted to perform research he or she would go to the library, and proceed to the card catalogue to locate a book or to a set of periodicals for magazines. Today we sit in front of our computer, launch our Internet browser, bring up a search engine, and perform various searches by entering a simple keyword, phrase, or more complex Boolean expression. The Internet can be a great asset by significantly cutting the time‐consuming burden of finding relevant documents/papers; however, how do we know where and what we are searching? How many times do we perform a query and get irrelevant documents? In this article we investigate today's search engines, what is meant by coverage, and what metasearch engines bring to the table. We also look at both their abilities and deficiencies and present a capability that attempts to put more power at the finger tips of the user. This capability is what we call “Buddy.” © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

蔡勇  刘美玲  李玫  胡豪 《计算机系统应用》2013,22(5):151-154,202
随着计算机信息技术的发展,中医药行业大量的文献资料和数据库资源需要共享到Internet网上,以方便专业人士进行查询搜索,独特的中医药行业搜索引擎就是顺应这个需求而开发的.文章中笔者结合自己的经验和体会,提出了一种根据用户输入的查询词产生相关推荐词的方法.该推荐词产生方法与其它的搜索引擎如谷歌、雅虎、百度不同,结合了中医药行业搜素引擎与中医药行业中文分词的特点,应用一种算法来统计推荐词之间的相关性,用关系数据表方式对推荐词进行专门存储管理.实践证明此方法能够及时、准确的生成推荐词集,行业特征明显,具有一定的创新性和推广价值.  相似文献   

The list of documents returned by Internet search engines in response to a query these days can be quite overwhelming. There is an increasing need for organising this information and presenting it in a more compact and efficient manner. This paper describes a method developed for the automatic clustering of World Wide Web documents, according to their relevance to the user’s information needs, by using a hybrid neural network. The objective is to reduce the time and effort the user has to spend to find the information sought after. Clustering documents by features representative of their contents—in this case, key words and phrases—increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the search process. It is shown that a two-dimensional visual presentation of information on retrieved documents, instead of the traditional linear listing, can create a more user-friendly interface between a search engine and the user.  相似文献   

聚类技术能将大规模数据按照数据的相似性划分成用户可迅速理解的簇.从而使用户更快地了解大量文档中所包含的内容。因此.聚类技术成为搜索引擎中不可或缺的部分和研究热点。Web上的AJAX应用和PowerPoint文件等弱链接文档由于缺乏足够的超链接信息,导致搜索该类文档时.排序结果不佳。针对该问题.给出一个弱链接文档的搜索引擎框架,并重点描述一个基于网页搜索结果的弱链接文档排序算法.基于聚类的弱链接文档排序算法利用聚类算法从高质量的网页搜索结果中提取与查询相关的主题.并根据主题的相关网页的排名确定该主题的重要性.根据识别的带权重的主题计算弱链接文档的排序值。实验结果表明该算法能够为弱链接文档产生较好的排序结果.  相似文献   

Using WordNet and lexical operators to improve Internet searches   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A natural language interface system for an Internet search engine shows substantial increases in the precision of query results and the percentage of queries answered correctly. The system expands queries based on a word-sense-disambiguation method and postprocesses retrieved documents to extract only the parts relevant to a query  相似文献   

针对搜索引擎查询结果缓存与预取问题,该文提出了一种基于查询特性的搜索引擎查询结果缓存与预取方法,该方法包括用来指导预取的查询结果页码预测模型和缓存与预取算法框架,用于提高搜索引擎系统性能。通过对国内某著名中文商业搜索引擎的某段时间的用户查询日志分析得出,用户对不同查询返回的查询结果所浏览的页数具有显著的非均衡性,结合该特性设计查询结果页码预测模型来进行预取和分区缓存。在该搜索引擎两个月的大规模真实用户查询日志上的实验结果表明,与传统的方法相比,该方法可以获得3.5%~8.45%的缓存命中率提升。  相似文献   

Search engines are useful because they allow the user to find information of interest from the World-Wide Web. However, most of the popular search engines today are textual; they do not allow the user to find images from the Web. This paper describes a search engine that integrates text and image search. One or more Web sites can be indexed for both textual and image information, allowing the user to search based on keywords or images or both. Another problem with the current search engines is that they show the results as pages of scrolled list; this is not very user-friendly. Therefore our search engine allows the user to visualize the results in various ways. This paper explains the indexing and searching techniques of the search engine and highlights several features of the querying interface to make the retrieval process more efficient. Examples are used to show the usefulness of the technology.  相似文献   

Deep Web查询接口的判定技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网的飞速发展,给人类带来了海量的可供访问信息,但是,现今搜索引擎索引的绝大部分是表层Surface Web网的信息,限于一些技术原因,搜索引擎几乎无法索引到Deep Web网中的信息。由于查询接口是Deep Web的唯一入口,但并非所有的网页表单都是查询接口,为了能充分利用Deep Web后台数据库信息,首先要找到进入Deep Web后台数据库的入口,所以对查询接口的正确判定至关重要。文中介绍了利用决策树CA.5分类算法自动判定网页表单是否为Deep Web查询接口的方法。  相似文献   

Metasearch engines offer better coverage and are more fault-tolerant and expandable than single search engines. A metasearch engine is required to post queries with and obtain retrieval results from several other Internet search engines. In this paper, we describe the use of the extensible style language (XSL) to support metasearches. We show how XSL can transform a query, expressed in XML, into different forms for different search engines. We show how the retrieval results could be transformed into a standard format so that the metasearch engine can interpret the retrieved data, filtering the irrelevant information (e.g. advertisement). The proposed structure treats the metasearch engine and the individual search engines as separate modules with a clearly defined communication structure through XSL. Thus, the system is more extensible than coding the structure and syntactic transformation processes. It allows other new search engines to be included just through plug-and-play, requiring only that the new transformation of XML for this search engine be included in the XSL.  相似文献   

Keyword-based image search engines are now very popular for accessing large amounts of Web images on the Internet. Most existing keyword-based image search engines may return large amounts of junk images (which are irrelevant to the given query word), because the text terms that are loosely associated with the Web images are also used for image indexing. The objective of the proposed work is to effectively filter out the junk images from image search results. Therefore, bilingual image search results for the same keyword-based query are integrated to identify the clusters of the junk images and the clusters of the relevant images. Within relevant image clusters, the results are further refined by removing the duplications under a coarse-to-fine structure. Experiments for a large number of bilingual keyword-based queries (5,000 query words) are simultaneously performed on two keyword-based image search engines (Google Images in English and Baidu Images in Chinese), and our experimental results have shown that integrating bilingual image search results can filter out the junk images effectively.  相似文献   

搜索引擎技术的新发展—多元搜索引擎系统   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
在分析传统搜索引擎技术所存在不足的基础上,介绍了搜索引擎发展过程中出现的一种新技术-多元搜索引擎,深入分析了多元搜索引擎系统的组成结构。详细地考察了多元搜索引擎的发展状况,并对多元搜索引擎的系统指标进行了完整的评价。  相似文献   

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