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The main objective of this study was to assess the genetic differences in metabolizable energy efficiency and efficiency in partitioning metabolizable energy in different pathways: maintenance, milk production, and growth in primiparous dairy cows. Repeatability models for residual energy intake (REI) and metabolizable energy intake (MEI) were compared and the genetic and permanent environmental variations in MEI were partitioned into its energy sinks using random regression models. We proposed 2 new feed efficiency traits: metabolizable energy efficiency (MEE), which is formed by modeling MEI fitting regressions on energy sinks [metabolic body weight (BW0.75), energy-corrected milk, body weight gain, and body weight loss] directly; and partial MEE (pMEE), where the model for MEE is extended with regressions on energy sinks nested within additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. The data used were collected from Luke's experimental farms Rehtijärvi and Minkiö between 1998 and 2014. There were altogether 12,350 weekly MEI records on 495 primiparous Nordic Red dairy cows from wk 2 to 40 of lactation. Heritability estimates for REI and MEE were moderate, 0.33 and 0.26, respectively. The estimate of the residual variance was smaller for MEE than for REI, indicating that analyzing weekly MEI observations simultaneously with energy sinks is preferable. Model validation based on Akaike's information criterion showed that pMEE models fitted the data even better and also resulted in smaller residual variance estimates. However, models that included random regression on BW0.75 converged slowly. The resulting genetic standard deviation estimate from the pMEE coefficient for milk production was 0.75 MJ of MEI/kg of energy-corrected milk. The derived partial heritabilities for energy efficiency in maintenance, milk production, and growth were 0.02, 0.06, and 0.04, respectively, indicating that some genetic variation may exist in the efficiency of using metabolizable energy for different pathways in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Until recently, measurements of energy expenditure (EE; herein defined as heat production) in respiration chambers did not account for the extra energy requirements of grazing dairy cows on pasture. As energy is first limiting in most pasture-based milk production systems, its efficient use is important. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare EE, which can be affected by differences in body weight (BW), body composition, grazing behavior, physical activity, and milk production level, in 2 Holstein cow strains. Twelve Swiss Holstein-Friesian (HCH; 616 kg of BW) and 12 New Zealand Holstein-Friesian (HNZ; 570 kg of BW) cows in the third stage of lactation were paired according to their stage of lactation and kept in a rotational, full-time grazing system without concentrate supplementation. After adaption, the daily milk yield, grass intake using the alkane double-indicator technique, nutrient digestibility, physical activity, and grazing behavior recorded by an automatic jaw movement recorder were investigated over 7 d. Using the 13C bicarbonate dilution technique in combination with an automatic blood sampling system, EE based on measured carbon dioxide production was determined in 1 cow pair per day between 0800 to 1400 h. The HCH were heavier and had a lower body condition score compared with HNZ, but the difference in BW was smaller compared with former studies. Milk production, grass intake, and nutrient digestibility did not differ between the 2 cow strains, but HCH grazed for a longer time during the 6-h measurement period and performed more grazing mastication compared with the HNZ. No difference was found between the 2 cow strains with regard to EE (291 ± 15.6 kJ) per kilogram of metabolic BW, mainly due to a high between-animal variation in EE. As efficiency and energy use are important in sustainable, pasture-based, organic milk production systems, the determining factors for EE, such as methodology, genetics, physical activity, grazing behavior, and pasture quality, should be investigated and quantified in more detail in future studies.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of Holstein-Friesian (HF) and Norwegian (N) dairy cattle genotypes on lameness parameters in dairy cattle within different production systems over the first 2 lactations. Following calving, HF (n = 39) and N (n = 45) heifers were allocated to 1 of 3 systems of production (high level of concentrate, low level of concentrate, and grass-based). High- and low-concentrate animals were continuously housed indoors on a rotational system so that they spent similar amounts of time on slatted and solid concrete floors. Animals on the grass treatment grazed from spring to autumn in both years of the study, so that most animals on this treatment grazed from around peak to late lactation. Claw health was recorded in both hind claws of each animal at 4 observation periods during each lactation as follows: 1) −8 to 70 d postcalving, 2) 71 to 150 d postcalving, 3) 151 to 225 d postcalving, and 4) 226 to 364 d postcalving. Sole lesions, heel erosion, axial wall deviation, sole length of the right lateral hind claw (claw length), right heel width, and right lateral hind heel height were recorded as well as the presence of digital dermatitis. The N cows had lower (better) white line and total lesion scores than HF cows. Cows on the high- and low-concentrate treatments had better sole and total lesion scores than cows on the grass treatment. The HF cows had better locomotion scores than N cows. Breed and production system differences were observed with respect to claw conformation, including claw length, heel width, and heel height. Digital dermatitis was associated with worse sole lesion scores and interacted with production system to influence white line lesion scores and maximum heel erosion scores. This study shows that genetic, environmental, and infectious factors are associated with hoof pathologies in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid supplements (FS) were evaluated for effects on yield of milk and milk components, concentration of milk components including milk fatty acid profile, and energy balance. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows and 8 noncannulated cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with 21-d periods. Treatments were control and a linear substitution of 2.5% fatty acids from saturated FS (SAT; prilled, hydrogenated free fatty acids) for partially unsaturated FS (UNS; calcium soaps of long-chain fatty acids). The SAT treatment did not change milk fat concentration, but UNS linearly decreased milk fat in cannulated cows and tended to decrease milk fat in noncannulated cows compared with control. Milk fat depression with UNS corresponded to increased concentrations of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid and trans C18:1 fatty acids in milk. Milk fat profile was similar for SAT and control, but UNS decreased concentration of short- and medium-chain FA. Digestible energy intake tended to decrease linearly with increasing unsaturated FS in cannulated and noncannulated cows. Increasing unsaturated FS linearly increased empty body weight and net energy gain in cannulated cows, whereas increasing saturated FS linearly increased plasma insulin. Efficiency of conversion of digestible energy to milk tended to decrease linearly with increasing unsaturated FS for cannulated cows only. Addition of SAT provided little benefit to production and energy balance, whereas UNS decreased energy intake and milk energy yield.  相似文献   

In dairy cows, an increase in plasma concentration of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is associated with an increase in metabolizable energy intake, but the role of GIP in energy partitioning of dairy cattle is not certain. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between plasma GIP concentrations and energy partitioning toward milk production. Four mid-lactation, primiparous, rumen-fistulated Holstein-Friesian cows were fed a control diet of 55% forage and 45% concentrate [dry matter (DM) basis] in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 4-wk periods. The 4 treatments were (1) control diet fed at 1000 and 1600 h, and (2) once-daily (1000 h) feeding, (3) twice-daily (1000 and 1600 h) feeding, and (4) 4 times/d (1000, 1600, 2200 and 0400 h) feeding of the control diet plus 1 dose (1.75 kg on a DM basis at 0955 h) into the rumen of supplemental vegetable proteins (Amino Green; SCA NuTec Ltd., Thirsk, UK). Measurements of respiratory exchange and energy balance were obtained over 4 d during the last week of each period while cows were housed in open-circuit respiration chambers. Blood was collected from the jugular vein every 30 min for 12 h, using indwelling catheters, starting at 0800 h on d 20 of each period. Plasma GIP concentration was measured in samples pooled over each 5 consecutive blood samplings. The relationships between plasma GIP, DM intake, heat production, respiratory quotient (RQ), milk yield, and milk energy output were analyzed using linear correlation procedures, with metabolizable intake as a partial variant. Plasma GIP concentration was not correlated with heat production, or milk yield, but was positively correlated with milk energy yield (correlation coefficient = 0.67) and negatively correlated with RQ (correlation coefficient = −0.72). The correlations between GIP with RQ and milk energy output do not imply causality, but support a role for GIP in the regulation of energy metabolism in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Four mature Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square change-over design experiment made up of four 4-wk periods to investigate the relationship between microbial protein flow to the duodenum and excretion of purine derivatives (PD) in the urine. Four dietary treatments based on ad libitum access to ryegrass silage were offered, with a standard dairy concentrate included at different forage:concentrate (F:C) ratios, calculated on a dry matter basis: 80:20, 65:35, 50:50, and 35:65. Feed intakes increased as the proportion of concentrate in the diet increased, despite a concurrent decrease in silage intake. Increased feed intake led to increased nutrient flow to the duodenum. Milk yields increased as the diet F:C ratio decreased, with cows offered the 35:65 diet yielding nearly 8 kg/d more milk than cows offered the 80:20 diet; the concentrations of milk fat decreased and milk protein increased with a decreasing F:C ratio. Purine derivative excretion in the urine increased with an increasing proportion of concentrate in the diet, and there was a strong linear relationship between total PD excretion (allantoin and uric acid) and microbial N flow to the duodenum: microbial N (g/d) = 19.9 + 0.689 × total PD (mmol/d); R = 0.887. This strengthens the case for using PD excretion as a noninvasive marker of microbial protein flow from the rumen in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Corporal hygiene is an important indicator of welfare for dairy cows and is dependent on facilities, climate conditions, and the behavior of the animals. The objectives of this study were to describe how the hygiene conditions of dairy cows vary over time and to assess whether a relationship exists between hygiene and somatic cell count (SCC) in milk. Monthly hygiene evaluations were conducted on lactating cows in 2 dairy farms for 9 consecutive months, totaling 3,554 evaluations from 545 animals. Hygiene was measured using a 4-point scoring system (very clean, clean, dirty, and very dirty) for 4 areas of the animal's body (leg, flank, abdomen, and udder) and combining these scores to generate a composite cleanliness score. A total of 2,218 milk samples was analyzed from 404 cows to determine SCC and somatic cell linear scores (SCLS). Individual variation was observed in the hygiene of cows throughout the year, with the highest proportion of clean cows being observed in August and the lowest in January. In spite of this seasonal variation, approximately half (55.62%) of the cows displayed consistent cleanliness scores, with 45.86% of them remaining consistently clean (very clean or clean) and 9.76% remaining dirty (very dirty or dirty) over the course of the study. The very clean cows had the lowest SCLS, followed by the clean, dirty, and very dirty cows (no statistically significant differences were found between the latter 2 groups). The most critical months for cow hygiene were those with the greatest rainfall, when a reduction in the welfare of cows and higher SCC values were observed. The evaluation and control of dairy cow hygiene are useful in defining management strategies to reduce problems with milk and improve the welfare of the animals.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was performed to explore the correlation between energy and nitrogen efficiency of dairy cows, and to study nutritional and animal factors that influence these efficiencies, as well as their relationship. Treatment mean values were extracted from 68 peer-reviewed studies, including 306 feeding trials. The main criterion for inclusion of a study in the meta-analysis was that it reported, or permitted calculation of, energy efficiency (Eeff; energy in milk/digestible energy intake) and nitrogen efficiency (Neff; nitrogen in milk/digestible nitrogen intake) at the digestible level (digestible energy or digestible protein). The effect of nutritional and animal variables, including neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber (ADF), digestible energy, digestible protein, proportion of concentrate (PCO), dry matter intake, milk yield, days in milk, and body weight, on Eeff, Neff, and the Neff:Eeff ratio was analyzed using mixed models. The interstudy correlation between Eeff and Neff was 0.62, whereas the intrastudy correlation was 0.30. The higher interstudy correlation was partly due to milk yield and dry matter intake being present in both Eeff and Neff. We, therefore, also explored the Neff:Eeff ratio. Energy efficiency was negatively associated with ADF and PCO, whereas Neff was negatively associated with ADF and digestible energy. The Neff:Eeff ratio was affected by ADF and PCO only. In conclusion, the results indicate a possibility to maximize feed efficiency in terms of both energy and nitrogen at the same time. In other words, an improvement in Eeff would also mean an improvement in Neff. The current study also shows that these types of transverse data are not sufficient to study the effect of animal factors, such as days in milk, on feed efficiency. Longitudinal measurements per animal would probably be more appropriate.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(9):5988-6004
Peripartum rumen-protected choline (RPC) supplementation is beneficial for cow health and production, yet the optimal dose is unknown. In vivo and in vitro supplementation of choline modulates hepatic lipid, glucose, and methyl donor metabolism. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of increasing the dose of prepartum RPC supplementation on milk production and blood biomarkers. Pregnant multiparous Holstein cows (n = 116) were randomly assigned to one of 4 prepartum choline treatments that were fed from −21 d relative to calving (DRTC) until calving. From calving until +21 DRTC, cows were fed diets targeting 0 g/d choline ion (control, CTL) or the recommended dose (15 g/d choline ion; RD) of the same RPC product that they were fed prepartum. The resulting treatments targeted: (1) 0 g/d pre- and postpartum [0.0 ± 0.000 choline ion, percent of dry matter (%DM); CTL]; (2) 15 g/d pre- and postpartum of choline ion from an established product (prepartum: 0.10 ± 0.004 choline ion, %DM; postpartum: 0.05 ± 0.004 choline ion, %DM; ReaShure, Balchem Corp.; RPC1RD▸RD); (3) 15 g/d pre- and postpartum of choline ion from a concentrated RPC prototype (prepartum: 0.09 ± 0.004 choline ion, %DM; postpartum: 0.05 ± 0.003 choline ion, %DM; RPC2, Balchem Corp.; RPC2RD▸RD); or (4) 22 g/d prepartum and 15 g/d postpartum from RPC2 [prepartum: 0.13 ± 0.005 choline ion, %DM; postpartum: 0.05 ± 0.003 choline ion, %DM; high prepartum dose (HD), RPC2HD▸RD]. Treatments were mixed into a total mixed ration, and cows had ad libitum access via a roughage intake control system (Hokofarm Group). From calving to +21 DRTC, all cows were fed a common base diet and treatments were mixed into the total mixed ration (supplementation period, SP). Thereafter, all cows were fed a common diet (0 g/d choline ion) until +100 DRTC (postsupplementation period, postSP). Milk yield was recorded daily and composition analyzed weekly. Blood samples were obtained via tail vessel upon enrollment, approximately every other day from −7 to +21 DRTC, and at +56 and +100 DRTC. Feeding any RPC treatment reduced prepartum dry matter intake compared with CTL. During the SP, no evidence for a treatment effect on energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield was found, but during the postSP, RPC1RD▸RD and RPC2RD▸RD treatments tended to increase ECM, protein, and fat yields. During the postSP, the RPC1RD▸RD and RPC2RD▸RD treatments tended to increase, and RPC2HD▸RD increased, the de novo proportion of total milk fatty acids. During the early lactation SP, RPC2HD▸RD tended to increase plasma fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, and RPC1RD▸RD and RPC2RD▸RD reduced blood urea nitrogen concentrations compared with CTL. The RPC2HD▸RD treatment reduced early lactation serum lipopolysaccharide binding protein compared with CTL. Overall, peripartum RPC supplementation at the recommended dose tended to increase ECM yield postSP, but no evidence was seen of an additional benefit on milk production with an increased prepartum dose of choline ion. The effects of RPC on metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers support the potential for RPC supplementation to affect transition cow metabolism and health and may support the production gains observed.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):7904-7916
The inclusion of feed intake and efficiency traits in dairy cow breeding goals can lead to increased risk of metabolic stress. An easy and inexpensive way to monitor postpartum energy status (ES) of cows is therefore needed. Cows' ES can be estimated by calculating the energy balance from energy intake and output and predicted by indicator traits such as change in body weight (ΔBW), change in body condition score (ΔBCS), milk fat:protein ratio (FPR), or milk fatty acid (FA) composition. In this study, we used blood plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentration as a biomarker for ES. We determined associations between NEFA concentration and ES indicators and evaluated the usefulness of body and milk traits alone, or together, in predicting ES of the cow. Data were collected from 2 research herds during 2013 to 2016 and included 137 Nordic Red dairy cows, all of which had a first lactation and 59 of which also had a second lactation. The data included daily body weight, milk yield, and feed intake and monthly BCS. Plasma samples for NEFA were collected twice in lactation wk 2 and 3 and once in wk 20. Milk samples for analysis of fat, protein, lactose, and FA concentrations were taken on the blood sampling days. Plasma NEFA concentration was higher in lactation wk 2 and 3 than in wk 20 (0.56 ± 0.30, 0.43 ± 0.22, and 0.13 ± 0.06 mmol/L, respectively; all means ± standard deviation). Among individual indicators, C18:1 cis-9 and the sum of C18:1 in milk had the highest correlations (r = 0.73) with NEFA. Seven multiple linear regression models for NEFA prediction were developed using stepwise selection. Of the models that included milk traits (other than milk FA) as well as body traits, the best fit was achieved by a model with milk yield, FPR, ΔBW, ΔBCS, FPR × ΔBW, and days in milk. The model resulted in a cross-validation coefficient of determination (R2cv) of 0.51 and a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.196 mmol/L. When only milk FA concentrations were considered in the model, NEFA prediction was more accurate using measurements from evening milk than from morning milk (R2cv = 0.61 vs. 0.53). The best model with milk traits contained FPR, C10:0, C14:0, C18:1 cis-9, C18:1 cis-9 × C14:0, and days in milk (R2cv = 0.62; RMSE = 0.177 mmol/L). The most advanced model using both milk and body traits gave a slightly better fit than the model with only milk traits (R2cv = 0.63; RMSE = 0.176 mmol/L). Our findings indicate that ES of cows in early lactation can be monitored with moderately high accuracy by routine milk measurements.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate whether feeding supplemental energy would improve the metabolic profile and alleviate some of the immunosuppression typically noted during the periparturient period in dairy cows with Johne's disease. Twelve dairy cows naturally infected with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis were fitted with rumen cannulas in late gestation and assigned to treatment groups: control, n = 6; or stuffed, n = 6. Cows in the control group were allowed to consume feed ad libitum. Cows assigned to the stuffed treatment group were also fed ad libitum but received additional total mixed rations by manually stuffing their rumens with refused feed to maintain dry matter intake of 2% body weight per day before calving and 2.5% body weight per day after calving. Serum nonesterified fatty acid levels were significantly decreased in stuffed cows compared with control cows, indicating that stuffing to maintain dry matter intake improved the energy balance in the cows. In addition, periparturient serum calcium and magnesium concentrations were significantly higher in stuffed cows. Stuffing modulated cell-mediated immunity by reducing lymphocyte proliferative responses to T-cell mitogens during early lactation. Stuffing resulted in an increase in the secretion of in vitro immunoglobulin by peripheral blood mononuclear cells after parturition when compared to control cows. These data demonstrate that energy balance is improved by providing additional energy in this manner and suggest energy supplementation can improve some aspects of immune function during the periparturient period.  相似文献   

Frequently updated energy balance (EB) estimates for individual cows are especially useful for dairy herd management, and individual-level estimates form the basis for group-level EB estimates. The accuracy of EB estimates determines the value of this information for management decision support. This study aimed to assess EB accuracy through ANOVA components and by comparing EB estimates based either on milk composition (EBalMilk) or on body condition score (BCS) and body weight (BW) (EBalBody). Energy balance based on milk composition was evaluated using data in which milk composition was measured at each milking. Three breeds (Danish Red, Holstein-Friesian, and Jersey) of cows (299 cows, 623 lactations) in parities 1 to 4 were used. Milk data were smoothed using a rolling local regression. Energy balance based on milk composition was calculated using a partial least squares (PLS) model based on milk fat, protein, and lactose contents and yields, and the daily change in these variables at each day. Energy balance based on BCS and BW was calculated from changes in body condition and BW scored weekly or fortnightly. Equations for calculation of EBalMilk and EBalBody used no common variables and were, therefore, assumed mathematically independent. Traits were analyzed within 3 stages of lactation expected to have high mobilization of body tissue (1, early), almost balanced (2), and deposition of body energy (3, mid to late lactation). In general, EBalMilk and EBalBody followed similar expected changes through lactation. Estimates of covariance were obtained using single-trait mixed models with random regression terms describing the change with time and used for calculation of repeatability as intraclass correlations. Within stage, EBalMilk was less repeatable than EBalBody (0.53, 0.41, 0.43 vs. 0.93, 0.91, 0.86, respectively, for stages 1, 2, and 3), mainly because of a larger residual variance for EBalMilk. Correlations between individual-level estimates of EBalMilk and EBalBody were close to zero. However, correlations between EB estimates in different lactation stages tended to be stronger for EBalMilk than for EBalBody, although correlations for both EB traits were small. It is concluded that EB estimates based on milk composition are less accurate than those based on body traits, but EBalMilk can compensate partly for this inaccuracy by being updated more frequently.  相似文献   

Metabolic problems related to negative energy balance suggest a role for the balance in supply of lipogenic and glucogenic nutrients. To test the effect of lipogenic and glucogenic nutrients on energy partitioning, energy balance and nitrogen balance of 16 lactating dairy cows were determined by indirect calorimetry in climate respiration chambers from wk 2 to 9 postpartum. Cows were fed a diet high in lipogenic nutrients or a diet high in glucogenic nutrients from wk 3 prepartum until wk 9 postpartum. Diets were isocaloric (net energy basis) and equal in intestinal digestible protein. There was no effect of diet on metabolizable energy intake and heat production. Cows fed the lipogenic diet partitioned more energy to milk than cows fed the glucogenic diet [1,175 ± 18 vs. 1,073 ± 12 kJ/(kg0.75·d)] and had a higher milk fat yield (1.89 ± 0.02 vs. 1.67 ± 0.03 kg/d). The increase in milk fat production was caused by an increase in C16:0, C18:0, and C18:1 in milk fat. No difference was found in energy retained as body protein, but energy mobilized from body fat tended to be higher in cows fed the lipogenic diet than in cows fed the glucogenic diet [190 ± 23 vs. 113 ± 26 kJ/(kg0.75·d)]. Overall, results demonstrate that energy partitioning between milk and body tissue can be altered by feeding isocaloric diets differing in lipogenic and glucogenic nutrient content.  相似文献   

Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 337) on two commercial dairy farms were used to determine the effects of feeding a close-up diet for 21 (treatment S) or 60 d (treatment L). Milk yield was not affected by treatment; however, cows fed treatment S tended to have increased yields of fat, 3.5% fat-corrected milk, and protein during the first 5 mo of their subsequent lactation compared to treatment L. Cows fed treatment L gained more body condition score (BCS) during the dry period and had longer days to first service. As a secondary objective, relationships of BCS at dry off and subsequent performance were evaluated. Cows with initial BCS < or =3.0 (thinner) tended to produce more milk during early lactation than cows with initial BCS > or = 3.25 (fatter). A trend for an interaction of treatment and initial BCS existed for milk yield such that thinner cows fed treatment S produced the most milk and fatter cows fed treatment S produced the least amount of milk; cows fed treatment L regardless of BCS produced an intermediate amount of milk. Subsequent reproductive performance was similar among thinner and fatter cows. These data indicate that 2 group nutritional strategies for dry cows are preferred, and BCS at dry off should be considered when determining grouping and nutritional strategies for dry cows. Furthermore, moderately thin cows at dry off do not have impaired performance during their subsequent lactation compared to cows of greater BCS.  相似文献   

Data from 113 lactations across 76 cows between the years 2002 to 2004 were used to determine the effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian (HF) dairy cow and concentrate supplementation on milk production, body weight (BW), and body condition score (BCS; 1 to 5 scale) lactation profiles. New Zealand (NZ) and North American (NA) HF cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 3 levels of concentrate supplementation [0, 3, or 6 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow per d] on a basal pasture diet. The Wilmink exponential model was fitted within lactation (YDIM = a + b e(−0.05 × DIM) + c × DIM). The median variation explained by the function for milk yield was 86%, between 62 and 69% for milk composition, and 80 and 70% for BW and BCS, respectively. North American cows and cows supplemented with concentrates had greater peak and 270-d milk yield. Concentrate supplementation tended to accelerate the rate of incline to peak milk yield, but persistency of lactation was not affected by either strain of HF or concentrate supplementation. No significant strain by diet interaction was found for parameters reported. New Zealand cows reached nadir BCS 14 d earlier and lost less BW (22 kg) postcalving than NA cows. Concentrate supplementation reduced the postpartum interval to nadir BW and BCS, and incrementally increased nadir BCS. New Zealand cows gained significantly more BCS (i.e., 0.9 × 10−3 units/d more) postnadir than NA cows, and the rate of BCS replenishment increased linearly with concentrate supplementation from 0.5 × 10−3 at 0 kg of DM/d to 0.8 × 10−3 and 1.6 × 10−3 units/d at 3 and 6 kg of DM/d concentrates, respectively. Although there was no significant strain by diet interaction for parameters reported, there was a tendency for a strain by diet interaction in 270-d BCS, suggesting that the effect of concentrate supplementation on BCS gain was, at least partly, strain dependent.  相似文献   

Previously observed strong relationships between dry matter (DM) intake and milk yield in dairy cows were the basis for this meta-analysis aimed to determine the influence of intake of specific dietary nutrients on milk yield and milk protein yield in Holstein dairy cows. Diets (563) from feeding trials published in the Journal of Dairy Science were evaluated for nutrient composition using 2 diet evaluation programs. Intake of nutrients was estimated based on DM intake and program-derived diet composition. Data were analyzed with and without the effect of stage of lactation. Models based on intake of nutrients improved prediction of milk yield and milk protein yield compared with DM intake alone. Intake of net energy of lactation was the dominant variable in milk yield prediction models derived from both diet evaluation models. Milk protein yield models also improved prediction over the DM intake model. These models were dominated by ruminally undegradable protein intake and included a number of energy-related intake variables. In most models, incorporating stage of lactation improved the model fit.  相似文献   

This study aimed to estimate individual and herd-level energy balance (EB) using blood and milk traits in 90 multiparous high-yielding Holstein cows, held on a research farm, from wk 1 to 10 postpartum (p.p.) and to investigate the precision of prediction with successively decreased data sets simulating smaller herd sizes and with pooled samples. Dry matter intake, milk yield, and BW were measured daily from parturition through wk 10 p.p. Milk composition was determined 4 times per week, and milk acetone was measured weekly. Blood samples for the determination of metabolites, hormones, electrolytes, and enzyme activities were taken weekly from wk 1 to 10 p.p. between 0730 and 0900. Body condition scores and ultrasonic measurements of backfat thickness and fat depth in the pelvic area were evaluated in wk 1, 4, and 8 p.p. Concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, urea, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine (T4) in blood plasma and of lactose and urea in milk were positively correlated with EB, whereas concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), creatinine, albumin, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and growth hormone and enzyme activities in blood, and concentrations of fat, protein, fat:lactose ratio, and acetone in milk were negatively correlated with EB. Leptin concentration was not correlated to EB over the first 10 wk p.p. To estimate EB linear mixed-effects, models were developed by backward selection procedures. The most informative traits for estimation of EB were the fat:lactose ratio in milk and NEFA and T4 concentrations in blood. The precision of estimation of EB in individual cows was low. Using blood in addition to milk traits did not result in higher precision of estimation of herd-level EB, and decreasing sample sizes considerably lowered the precision of EB prediction. Estimation of overall mean herd-level EB over the first 10 wk p.p. using pooled samples was precise even with small sample sizes, but does not consider the level of EB in particular weeks. In conclusion, estimation of herd-level EB at individual weeks using milk traits only has practical implication with herd sizes of > or = 100 cows if calving is highly seasonal and of or = 400 cows if calving is uniformly distributed. Using blood in addition to milk traits does not improve precision of estimation of herd-level EB, regardless of sample size.  相似文献   

Nine multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows (initially 97 d in milk), were used in a 3 × 3 lattice square design experiment with 4-wk periods. All cows received 4 kg/d concentrates and dietary treatments were based on silages offered ad libitum: perennial ryegrass (PRG); timothy (TIM); tall fescue (TF); red clover (RC); red clover/corn silage mixture [40/60 on a dry matter (DM) basis; RCC]; red clover/whole-crop oat silage mixture (40/60 on a DM basis; RCO); or red clover/whole-crop oat silage mixture (25/75 on a DM basis; ORC). The remaining treatments were based on RCO with feed intake restricted to the level of PRG (RCOr) or with a low protein concentrate (50/50 mixture of barley and molassed sugar beet pulp; RCOlp). Experiment objectives were to evaluate diet effects on N partitioning and N isotopic fractionation. Yields of milk and milk protein were consistently high for diets RC, RCC, and RCO and low for the diets based on poorly ensiled grass silages. Restriction of intake (RCOr) and inclusion of a higher proportion of whole-crop oat silage (ORC) and the low-protein concentrate (RCOlp) led to some loss of production. Diet had little effect on milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations: low concentrations of milk protein and lactose reflect the restricted energy intakes for all treatments. The highest diet digestibilities were measured for RC and PRG, whereas increasing inclusion of the whole-crop oat silage (0, 60, and 75% of forage DM) led to a marked decrease in diet digestibility (0.717, 0.624, and 0.574 g/g, respectively). Urinary excretion of purine derivatives, an indicator for rumen microbial protein synthesis, was significantly higher for RCC than for TIM and TF. Nitrogen intake ranged between 359 and 626 g/d (treatment means). Partitioning of N intake to feces and urine was closely related to N intake, although urinary N losses were less than predicted from N intake for the 60/40 mixtures of cereal silage and red clover silage. The 15N content of milk, urine, and feces were all influenced by diet 15N content. Isotopic fractionation meant that feces and milk were enriched and urine was depleted in 15N relative to the diet. Significant relationships were observed between the extent of enrichment of urine, feces, and milk, suggesting some commonality in fractionation pathways. The trend for the lowest 15N enrichment in milk protein occurring in diets with low N-use efficiency (milk N/feed N) was contrary to expectations, possibly because of endogenous contributions to milk protein or fractionation when dietary ammonia was incorporated into microbial protein.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The general goal of organic dairy farming is to minimize purchased concentrate use and focus on milk production from forages. The aim of the present paper is to examine the influence of a partial substitution of purchased concentrates with home‐grown maize silage on feed intake, milk production and feed efficiency in rations for organic dairy cows. In the experimental treatment group (E), two‐thirds of average herd concentrate intake was replaced with 2.7 kg maize silage on a dry matter (DM) basis. RESULTS: In treatment E, total DM, energy and protein intake were significantly reduced compared to the control treatment group (C). Daily milk yield decreased in E by 11% and milk urea content was significantly lower. Calculated milk production from forage was significantly higher (91 versus 71%) in treatment E. Efficiency of dietary nitrogen (N) utilization (calculated as milk N as a percentage of N intake) was slightly improved in E and protein and energy balance (calculated as intake as a percentage of requirements) were closer to zero than in C. CONCLUSION: The present study indicates a potential to reduce levels of concentrates and substitute them with maize silage in organic dairy cow rations at least in the second half of lactation. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Equations that predict daily dry matter intake (DMI) of a lactating cow could be evaluated by comparing the predicted accumulation of energy in body weight (BW) over the course of lactation with the observed BW evolution. However, to do so requires that first the energy balance calculations from observed DMI are evaluated. The purpose of the work reported here was to determine the degree of deviation of predicted from observed BW, according to net energy for lactation (NEL) balance calculated from weekly observations of DMI, BW, and fat-corrected milk production in 21 sets of full-lactation data, and to determine an appropriate correction of the NEL bias for subsequent DMI prediction evaluations. When the National Research Council maintenance equation 0.08 × BW(kg)0.75 was used in energy balance calculation, BW was overpredicted with an increasing difference between the cumulative predicted BW and observed BW as lactation progressed. Placing all the error of BW prediction into maintenance energy expenditures resulted in a best-fit equation of 0.096 ± 0.003 Mcal/kg of BW0.75. A time-dependent equation was also developed, in which weekly maintenance expenditures were determined as the NEL expenditure to yield a zero NEL balance and could be described by a second-order polynomial equation related to week of lactation (WOL) where maintenance NEL = [−0.0227(± 0.0098) × WOL2 + 1.352(± 0.456) × WOL + 78.09(± 4.92) Mcal/kg of BW0.75] × 10−3. Average maintenance energy expenditure at the onset of lactation was approximately 0.08 Mcal/kg of BW0.75, and this value increased to a plateau at wk 15 of lactation of approximately 0.098 Mcal/kg of BW0.75. Standard deviations between data sets of weekly maintenance parameter estimates throughout lactation were large but consistent at approximately 25% of the mean. Revision of the maintenance energy expenditure estimate substantially improved BW prediction by the energy balance model. On average, the 0.096 Mcal of NEL/kg of BW0.75 equation resulted in the best BW predictions, although substantial variation existed around this value.  相似文献   

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