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Major scientific advances with dairy foods in nutrition and health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large body of scientific evidence collected in recent decades demonstrates that an adequate intake of calcium and other nutrients from dairy foods reduces the risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone acquisition during growth, slowing age-related bone loss, and reducing osteoporotic fractures. These results have culminated in the new (2005) Dietary Guidelines for Americans that now recommend 3 servings of milk products per day to reduce the risk of low bone mass and contribute important amounts of many nutrients that may have additional health attributes beyond bone health. A number of animal, observational, and clinical studies have shown that dairy food consumption can help reduce the risk of hypertension. Clinical trials indicate that the consumption of recommended levels of dairy products, as part of a healthy diet, can contribute to lower blood pressure in individuals with normal and elevated blood pressure. Emerging data also indicate that specific peptides associated with casein and whey proteins can significantly lower blood pressure. In addition, a growing body of evidence has provided support for a beneficial effect of dairy foods on body weight and fat loss. Clinical studies have demonstrated that during caloric restriction, body weight and body fat loss occurs when adequate calcium is provided by supplements and that this effect is further augmented by an equivalent amount of calcium supplied from dairy foods. Several studies support a role for calcium, vitamin D, and dairy foods against colon cancer. Additionally, conjugated linoleic acid, a fatty acid found naturally in dairy fat, confers a wide range of anticarcinogenic benefits in experimental animal models and is especially consistent for protection against breast cancer.  相似文献   

Major advances in applied dairy cattle nutrition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Milk yield per cow continues to increase with a slower rate of increase in dry matter intake; thus, efficiency of ruminal fermentation and digestibility of the dietary components are key factors in improving the efficiency of feed use. Over the past 25 yr, at least 2,567 articles relating to ruminant or dairy nutrition have been published in the Journal of Dairy Science. These studies have provided important advancements in improving feed efficiency and animal health by improving quality of feeds, increasing feedstuff and overall diet digestibility, better defining interactions among feedstuffs in diets, identifying alternative feed ingredients, better defining nutrient requirements, and improving efficiency of ruminal fermentation. The publications are vital in continuing to make advancements in providing adequate nutrition to dairy cattle and for facilitating exchange of knowledge among scientists.Forages have been studied more extensively than any other type of feed. Cereal grains continue to be the primary contributors of starch to diets, and thus are very important in meeting the energy needs of dairy cattle. Processing of cereal grains has improved their use. Feeding by-products contributes valuable nutrients to diets and allows feedstuffs to be used that would otherwise be handled as wastes in landfills. Many of these by-products provide a considerable amount of protein, nonforage fiber, fat, and minerals (sometimes a detriment as in the case of P) to diets. The primary feeding system today is the total mixed ration, with still considerable use of the pasture system. Major improvements have occurred in the use of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in diets. Although advancements have been made in feeding practices to minimize the risk of metabolic diseases, the periparturient period continues to present some of the greatest challenges in animal health.Computers are a must today for diet formulation and evaluation, but fewer software programs are developed by universities. Several nutrition conferences are held regularly in the United States that are vital for transferring knowledge to the feed industry and the producers of food; the attendance at such programs has increased about 4-fold over the past 25 yr. More emphasis on animal welfare will direct some of the areas of nutrition research. Challenges ahead include having adequate funding for conducting applied nutrition research and for training of students as scientists and for employment in the feed industry.  相似文献   

Major advances in nutrition: impact on milk composition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A number of major scientific advances have been realized in the last 25 yr in determining the opportunities and limitations of altering milk composition through nutritional manipulation. Because of the greater sensitivity of milk fat to dietary manipulation than either protein or lactose, nutritional control of milk fat content and fatty acid composition received a great deal of attention. New information emerged linking ruminal production of trans fatty acid isomers with milk fat depression. As a result, research on fatty acid biohydrogenation intensified yielding new insight on the origin of specific trans fatty acid isomers originating from ruminal biohydrogenation and how these isomers were modified by the action of mammary enzymes. The discovery of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as a potent anticarcinogen also led to extensive work on enhancing its concentration in milk through nutritional manipulation and discovering the physiological effects of specific CLA isomers. New protected fats were developed in recent years that were designed to resist biohydrogenation and enhance the concentration of unsaturated fatty acids in milk. The nutritional factors receiving the most attention during the last 25 yr for their influence on milk protein content were forage-to-concentrate ratio, the amount and source of dietary protein, and the amount and source of dietary fat. New insights were tested on modes of action whereby fat supplements caused a decline in protein concentration. Changes in milk lactose concentration occur only in extreme and unusual feeding situations, but the basic biology of lactose synthesis and regulation are still being explored using modern molecular techniques. This paper highlights the major advances in controlling milk composition by dietary manipulation and how it influences the entire animal system from practical feeding studies to basic cellular work on mammary tissue metabolism.  相似文献   

A survey of 38 universities that grant 4-yr degrees as well as 12 institutions that grant technical degrees of 2 yr or less revealed that degree programs in dairy production remain popular, but have changed significantly over the last 25 yr. Enrollment in dairy production programs remains strong (1,189 and 417 students in baccalaureate and nonbaccalaureate degrees, respectively) even though this is viewed as a traditional industry. There are significant differences in size of programs across the United States, and some are struggling to maintain both the visibility and faculty numbers to keep pace with the industry. The percentage of students enrolled in 4-yr programs who are female has increased to the majority. More students hail from a nondairy farm background in our university programs today than in 1994. Computer and information technology has become a mainstream part of our educational programs. A high percentage of undergraduate students elect to engage in an internship or work experience, and there is a high correlation between internship and career paths selected by our students. The dairy industry initiated and financially supports the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge; an educational activity among university teams to foster skills in analyzing a dairy farm business. This collaboration between universities and private industry is strong evidence that our undergraduate programs are relevant to the dairy industry. Extracurricular activities like dairy science clubs also remain popular, and are perceived by faculty members to be an important part of our educational experience. An analysis of nonbaccalaureate degree programs was not reported previously, but was a part of the present survey. In the nonbaccalaureate institutions that responded to the survey, there were 417 students enrolled in 12 dairy programs across the United States in 2004. This student population in nonbaccalaureate programs has a higher percentage of female enrollment than in 1994, but enrollment is still predominantly male. Computer and information technologies are an important part of their curricula and a very high percentage of these students remain in production agriculture upon graduation. Many of the challenges in undergraduate education described previously continue to be challenges in 2005. However, there are many reasons for optimism; as the number of students electing enrollment in dairy production remains strong, there is great interest in keeping the curricula relevant and interaction with and support by the dairy industry continues to be significant.  相似文献   

Major advances in disease prevention in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes some of the major points of progress and challenges in health management of dairy cattle in the last 25 yr. A selection of the leading contributors in the field is acknowledged. Specific advances in the areas of transition cow management, epidemiology, udder health, applied immunology, housing design, calf health, and health-monitoring tools are described. The greatest advances in dairy health in the last 25 yr have been the shifts to disease prevention, rather than treatment, as well as from focus on individual animals to groups and herds. A fundamental advancement has been recognition of the multifactorial nature of almost all diseases of importance in dairy cattle. Epidemiology has been a critical new tool used to describe and quantify the interconnected risk factors that produce disease. Another major advance has been redefining disease more broadly, to include subclinical conditions (e.g., subclinical mastitis, ketosis, rumen acidosis, and endometritis). This expansion resulted both from improved technology to measure function at the organ level and, just as importantly, from the evolution of the health management paradigm in which any factor that limits animal or herd performance might be considered a component of disease. Links between cattle and people through consideration of environmental or ecosystem health are likely to further expand the concept of disease prevention in the future.Notable successes are decreases in the incidence of milk fever, clinical respiratory disease in adults, contagious mastitis, and clinical parasitism. There has also been improved protection through vaccination against coliform mastitis and bovine virus diarrhea. Since 1980, average herd size and milk production per cow have increased dramatically. Despite these increased demands on cows’ metabolism and humans’ management skills, the incidence of most common and important diseases has remained stable. Great progress has been made in understanding the biology of energy metabolism and immune function in transition dairy cows, the time at which the majority of disease occurs. Coupled with an emerging understanding of how best to provide for dairy cows’ behavioral needs, transition cow management promises to be the foundation for progress in maintenance and enhancement of the health of dairy cows in the next 25 yr.  相似文献   

我国烟草钾素营养研究现状与进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
从钾素的生理作用、环境因子、钾素在烟株内的循环、分配与积累规律 ,钾素营养遗传和提高烟叶钾含量的技术途径 5个方面综述了近年来我国烟草钾素营养研究的状况及进展 ,并提出了加强钾素营养研究的若干建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this overview is to review some of the major advances in reproductive technologies, and how they may be applied to meet the challenge of enhancing reproductive efficiency in the high-producing dairy cow of the 21st century. The current population of high-producing dairy cows is considered to be subfertile, as characterized by low pregnancy rates and high rates of embryonic mortality. Coordinated systems of reproductive management have been developed based upon a thorough understanding of the endocrine, cellular, and molecular factors controlling ovarian and uterine function. These systems will partially restore herd reproductive performance. Advances in other reproductive technologies offer possibilities for wider use of superior germplasm. Technologies such as sexed semen, cloning, transgenesis, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis offer the potential to enhance the influence of superior animals on production of food for human consumption. However, at this time, additional research is needed to counteract the higher rates of embryonic and fetal mortality associated with some of these technologies. Furthermore, use of genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics in the study of reproduction will undoubtedly provide investigators with a greater understanding of the limitations to efficient reproductive processes in the subfertile lactating dairy cow.  相似文献   

Plasmin is by far the predominant and most completely studied endogenous protease in bovine milk. Plasmin-induced proteolysis can have either beneficial or detrimental effects on the texture and flavor of dairy products, depending on the extent of hydrolysis and type of dairy product. In cheese, the breakdown of protein can help develop desirable flavors and texture during ripening, whereas in pasteurized milk and ultra-high-temperature milk, proteolysis causes undesirable gelation. Plasmin is part of a complex protease-protease inhibitor system in milk that consists of active and inactive forms of the enzyme, activators, and inhibitors. Considerable research has been done to isolate and characterize components of the plasmin system, determine how they interact, develop and compare quantitation methods, and determine how they are affected by cow characteristics, processing conditions, other milk components, storage conditions, and bacterial proteases. Considerable research has focused on enhancing or minimizing the activity of plasmin system components. The intent has been to control protease activity in casein and whey fractions, depending on the final food or ingredient application. Controlling the activity of plasmin has a great potential to improve dairy product quality and reduce their processing costs.  相似文献   

This study examines the experiences and results of major dairy farm expansions in Michigan and Wisconsin. Twenty dairy farms that had one-time herd size increases of at least 20% between 1988 and 1998 were selected, surveyed, interviewed, and analyzed. A case study format reveals individual experiences and problem solutions. On average, studied dairy farms increased herd size from 296 to 569 cows. The most commonly cited reason for expansion was increased profits. On average, net farm income and return to operator management and capital improved following expansion. The most profitable expansions were highly correlated with modernizing facilities. In addition, a decline in return on assets was, in several cases, due to taking on too many new partners relative to the increase in herd size. Dairy farms were able to increase milk production and experienced a significant decrease in labor and management expense per hundredweight of milk produced through expansion. Outsourcing and the use of consultants increased with expansion. Public relations problems were not substantial impediments for producers who took a proactive approach. Reflecting on the expansion experience, managers indicated that human resource, financial, operations, herd management, and strategic management skills were the most important skills to achieve a successful expansion.  相似文献   

The dairy industry has seen structural changes in the last 25 yr that have an impact on extension programming. The number of cows in the United States has decreased by 17%, whereas the number of dairy farms has decreased by 74%. The average milk production per cow has increased from 5,394 to 8,599 kg/lactation. Even though there are fewer farms, dairy farm managers are asking for more specific and targeted information. The extension resources available have also decreased during this period. Because of these changes, shifts have taken place in extension programming and staffing. A key change has been a shift to subject matter-targeted programs and workshops. Extension has also incorporated and expanded use of the Internet. Discussion groups, subject matter courses, and searchable databases are examples of Internet use. There will be continuing shifts in the demographics of the US dairy industry that will influence future extension efforts. It is also probable that fewer extension professionals will be available to provide programming due to changes in funding sources at national, state, and local levels. Future shifts in extension programming will be needed to provide the information needs of the industry with a smaller number of extension workers.  相似文献   

Federal dairy programs have been instituted to assist dairy farmers in marketing their milk. Milk marketing licenses were issued for city markets in 1933 during the depression. Federal Milk Orders replaced licenses in 1937 with enactment of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act. Low prices returned in the late 1940s and Congress passed the Agricultural Act of 1949 creating the support program for milk. Congressional involvement in milk marketing was minimal until passage of the 1977 Farm Bill. A support price adjustment to seek favorable political responses from farmers resulted in higher prices and ultimately higher production. Large expenditures and burdensome supplies caused Congress to make major changes to both programs. Other milk marketing programs have evolved from Congressional actions, including export and promotion programs. The exiting and consolidation of the dairy processors and producers has lead to a reduction in the number of marketing orders.  相似文献   




The seasonality of grass-based, seasonal-calving dairy systems results in disproportionately higher labor demands during the spring, when cows are calving, than in the remaining seasons. This study aimed to (1) examine the relationship between labor efficiency and profitability; (2) investigate strategies to reduce the hours worked per day by the farmer, family, and farm staff in the spring by having certain tasks outsourced; and (3) quantify the economic implications of those strategies. Data from an existing labor efficiency study on Irish dairy farms were used in conjunction with economic performance data from the farms. Tasks that required the highest level of farm labor per day in the spring were identified and hypothetical strategies to reduce the farm hours worked per day were examined. A stochastic budgetary simulation model was then used to examine the economic implications of employing these strategies and the effects of their use in conjunction with a proportionate increase in cow numbers that would leave the hours worked per day unchanged. The strategies were to use contractors to perform calf rearing, machinery work, or milking. Contracting out milking resulted in the greatest reduction in hours worked per day (5.6 h/d) followed by calf rearing (2.7 h/d) and machinery work (2 h/d). Reducing the hours worked per day by removing those tasks had slight (i.e., <5%) negative effects on profitability; however, maintaining the farm hours worked per day while utilizing the same strategies and increasing herd sizes resulted in profitable options. The most profitable scenario was for farms to increase herd size while contracting out milking.  相似文献   

随着经济水平的提高和居民消费结构的升级,食品营养问题引起了人们的关注。酒店餐饮是居民餐饮消费的重要途径,因此对酒店餐饮中食品营养问题进行研究具有重要意义。本文首先分析了我国居民食品营养现状及需求结构,指出我国酒店餐饮中在食品营养方面存在的问题,主要包括原材料选取问题、食材存储时间过长、菜品荤素搭配不合理以及食品调味料使用过重。引起这些问题的原因主要包括酒店服务理念的差异、酒店工作人员营养知识有限以及缺乏专业的营养师。最后从建立食材审查和验收机制、科学食材存储管理、设计人性化菜单、聘请专业营养师及对现有工作人员进行培训等方面得出加强酒店餐饮中食品营养的对策。  相似文献   

The artificial insemination (AI) industry in the United States has gone through many consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions over the past 25 yr. There are 5 major AI companies in the United States today: 3 large cooperatives, 1 private company, and 1 public company. The latter 2 have majority ownership outside of the United States. The AI industry in the United States progeny-tests more than 1,000 Holstein young sires per year. Because healthy, mature dairy bulls are capable of producing well over 100,000 straws of frozen semen per year, only a relatively small number of bulls are needed to breed the world's population of dairy cows. Most AI companies in the United States do not own many, if any, females and tend to utilize the same maternal families in their breeding programs. Little differences exist among the selection programs of the AI companies in the United States. The similarity of breeding programs and the extreme semen-production capabilities of bulls have contributed to difficulties the AI companies have had in developing genetically different product lines. Exports of North American Holstein genetics increased steadily from the 1970s into the 1990s because of the perceived superiority of North American Holsteins for dairy traits compared with European strains, especially for production. The breeding industry moved towards international genetic evaluations of bulls in the 1990s, with the International Bull Evaluation Service (Interbull) in Sweden coordinating the evaluations. The extensive exchange of elite genetics has led to a global dairy genetics industry with bulls that are closely related, and the average inbreeding level for the major dairy breeds continues to increase. Genetic markers have been used extensively and successfully by the industry for qualitative traits, especially for recessive genetic disorders, but markers have had limited impact for quantitative traits. Selection emphasis continues to migrate away from production traits and towards nonproduction traits, especially towards health and fitness traits. Specifically, fertility has arguably become the major breeding and management issue facing dairy farmers today. Some producers have implemented crossbreeding programs in an effort to capitalize on heterosis, and crossbreeding will almost certainly need to be a bigger part of the AI companies business in the years ahead.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in understanding the protein and amino acid (AA) nutrition of dairy cows. The chemistry of feed crude protein (CP) appears to be well understood, as is the mechanism of ruminal protein degradation by rumen bacteria and protozoa. It has been shown that ammonia released from AA degradation in the rumen is used for bacterial protein formation and that urea can be a useful N supplement when lower protein diets are fed. It is now well documented that adequate rumen ammonia levels must be maintained for maximal synthesis of microbial protein and that a deficiency of rumen-degradable protein can decrease microbial protein synthesis, fiber digestibility, and feed intake. Rumen-synthesized microbial protein accounts for most of the CP flowing to the small intestine and is considered a high-quality protein for dairy cows because of apparent high digestibility and good AA composition. Much attention has been given to evaluating different methods to quantify ruminal protein degradation and escape and for measuring ruminal outflows of microbial protein and rumen-undegraded feed protein. The methods and accompanying results are used to determine the nutritional value of protein supplements and to develop nutritional models and evaluate their predictive ability. Lysine, methionine, and histidine have been identified most often as the most-limiting amino acids, with rumen-protected forms of lysine and methionine available for ration supplementation. Guidelines for protein feeding have evolved from simple feeding standards for dietary CP to more complex nutrition models that are designed to predict supplies and requirements for rumen ammonia and peptides and intestinally absorbable AA. The industry awaits more robust and mechanistic models for predicting supplies and requirements of rumen-available N and absorbed AA. Such models will be useful in allowing for feeding lower protein diets and increased efficiency of microbial protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Many opportunities exist to reduce enteric methane (CH4) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of product from ruminant livestock. Research over the past century in genetics, animal health, microbiology, nutrition, and physiology has led to improvements in dairy production where intensively managed farms have GHG emissions as low as 1 kg of CO2 equivalents (CO2e)/kg of energy-corrected milk (ECM), compared with >7 kg of CO2e/kg of ECM in extensive systems. The objectives of this review are to evaluate options that have been demonstrated to mitigate enteric CH4 emissions per unit of ECM (CH4/ECM) from dairy cattle on a quantitative basis and in a sustained manner and to integrate approaches in genetics, feeding and nutrition, physiology, and health to emphasize why herd productivity, not individual animal productivity, is important to environmental sustainability. A nutrition model based on carbohydrate digestion was used to evaluate the effect of feeding and nutrition strategies on CH4/ECM, and a meta-analysis was conducted to quantify the effects of lipid supplementation on CH4/ECM. A second model combining herd structure dynamics and production level was used to estimate the effect of genetic and management strategies that increase milk yield and reduce culling on CH4/ECM. Some of these approaches discussed require further research, but many could be implemented now. Past efforts in CH4 mitigation have largely focused on identifying and evaluating CH4 mitigation approaches based on nutrition, feeding, and modifications of rumen function. Nutrition and feeding approaches may be able to reduce CH4/ECM by 2.5 to 15%, whereas rumen modifiers have had very little success in terms of sustained CH4 reductions without compromising milk production. More significant reductions of 15 to 30% CH4/ECM can be achieved by combinations of genetic and management approaches, including improvements in heat abatement, disease and fertility management, performance-enhancing technologies, and facility design to increase feed efficiency and life-time productivity of individual animals and herds. Many of the approaches discussed are only partially additive, and all approaches to reducing enteric CH4 emissions should consider the economic impacts on farm profitability and the relationships between enteric CH4 and other GHG.  相似文献   

王天 《中国食品工业》2000,(10):14-14,16
<正> 我们12亿人口的祖国,奶品生产和供应一直未能满足人民日益提高的生活需求。为了解决我国乳品短缺的难题,党和政府采取了许多优惠政策和利民措施,多少志士仁人为之呕心沥血,众多企业家和产业工人奋斗拼搏,创造了可歌可泣的辉煌业绩。石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司就是其中的一个典型和缩影。  相似文献   

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