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唐三彩是中国陶瓷生产发展到一定历史时期的产物,从文化的综合发展与陶瓷生产的发展状况说,它既有其主观性,又有其客观性。在大唐帝国的文化环境中,唐三彩既表达了当时该地区人们的文化生活习俗和观念,又展现了唐帝国综合的文化生产实力,即综合当时社会生产力、经济实力、政治艺术,以及文化审美等诸多文化要素。从某种意义上说,唐三彩是反映大唐综合文化实力的一面镜子。  相似文献   

研究和分析了景德镇传统低温黄釉蕴含的历史文化内涵及社会文化对其的影响,得出传统低温黄釉技术与封建社会文化、制度等的关系;同时借助于科学仪器对其进行了化学成分、显微结构等分析研究。通过分析比较得出了历代低温黄釉制品胎、底釉、黄釉和白釉的化学组成变化规律,以及不同工艺方法对制品外观和显微结构的影响情况。  相似文献   

大约在7世纪中叶至9世纪末,大唐文化传入日本,日本开始仿造唐三彩,称为奈良三彩。本文将围绕唐三彩与奈良三彩的比较研究这一主题,首先采用分类和归纳的方法,对庞杂的资料进行整理,然后用分析与比较等有效手段,对唐三彩和奈良三彩的异同点进行概述。  相似文献   

釉中彩装饰手法是上世纪70年代发展并逐渐成熟并推广的陶瓷新装饰材料和技法。单纯从生胎施釉→彩绘→再施面釉一次性烧成的工艺流程上看,这种釉中彩又与康熙名品“豇豆红”的制作方法极为相似,与其说是历史的巧合回转,不如说是珍贵的制瓷文化的传承。按照釉中彩理论上的定义特点,起源甚至可追溯到一千多年前的唐代,《中国古陶瓷图典》中,分条目记载了唐代四川邛崃窑和湖南长沙窑的“釉中褐彩”、“釉中绿彩”等特色品种,这就说明“釉中彩”这类彩瓷早在唐代已烧制成产品。随着陶瓷科技的进步及艺术审美的不断提升,现在景德镇的釉中彩彩绘艺术水平已达到前所未有的高度,釉中彩技艺已广泛掌握和使用,丰富的各种彩料都能用作彩绘,经1000多度高温煅烧所呈现出比粉彩还要艳丽的色彩,彩料经高温熔入釉中后产生较强的晕散,有水墨彩料在宣纸上的效果。使用釉中彩彩绘技术创作的作品,有着单纯的釉上或釉下所表现不出的美感、质感达到令人叫绝的效果。  相似文献   

中国陶瓷业的发展,有着几千年的发展历史,它起源于东汉时期,兴盛于唐代,到宋代就有了更大的发展,其间出现了“官、哥、汝、定、钧”五大名窑,产品各具特色。景德镇则在明清两代成为中国的瓷业中心,因是“御窑”而受到特别的礼遇。从而影响到全世界。  相似文献   

通过时景德镇和潮州陶瓷产业集群在国际市场开拓、产业政策、品牌规模、营销模式、经营理念等方面的比较,剖析了两地陶瓷产业集群发展中的差距及产生的原因,提出了景德镇陶瓷产业集群进一步发展的对策。  相似文献   

河北唐县赤城土的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用XRD、IR和DTA—TG对河北省唐县赤城土进行了矿物研究,并进行了陶瓷工艺性能研究,分析、确定了唐县赤城土的主要组成以及一些具体性能指标,通过研究说明河北唐县赤城土是一种新发现的有一定应用价值的陶瓷工业原料。  相似文献   

商亚敏 《中国陶瓷》2013,(2):55-56,63
以茶盏为个体研究对象,论述从唐至宋瓷茶盏的美学特征、器型的变化、装饰上的变化、盏色的变化等。通过多方面的对比研究,分析茶盏艺术在这一时间段演变的主要规律和原因,认为唐宋瓷茶盏在演变过程中与当时的时代背景、生活方式、思想观念、审美取向等是有密切联系的。  相似文献   

洪震颐 《中国陶瓷》2006,42(6):72-73
唐代,一个中国佛教造像的鼎盛时期。由于当时政治稳定、经济发达,人们逐渐从魏晋南北朝时期那种追求虚无飘渺的士大夫情结转为寻求更现实的创作风格,一大批女性化、世俗化倾向的佛教造像出现在中国佛教艺术的舞台上,给中国古代雕塑史又添上了柔媚多娇、光彩绚丽的一笔。  相似文献   

Stresses in glazes are studied making use of the microscopic method. The investigation indicates that differential coefficient of expansion is partially responsible for stresses in glazes.  相似文献   

For measuring consistencies of glazes, a method was used based on the conception of glazes as plastic materials. A normal glaze thinned during the entire period of testing, being attended by a large decrease in yield value and a moderate increase in mobility. Use of an aged clay slip as a source of clay did not change the plastic properties or aging characteristics of the glaze. Heating a freshly milled glaze resulted in a consistency comparable with that developed by aging a normal glaze for a month. Water solubilities of glaze materials were determined as well as character and concentrations of soluble salts in mill liquors and PH values of mill liquors. Solution of salts was progressive over a period of time and increasing alkalinity was probably the cause of spontaneous thinning. Gum arabic in proper amount was found to stabilize glaze consistency satisfactorily. Effects of acid, alkali, and water additions to gum-bearing and gumless glazes were studied.  相似文献   

在新石器时代末期,东南地区各文化共同体发展互动,良渚文化族群向西南扩展,到好川建立聚落并与当地土著文化结合,但它很快被好川文化借鉴吸收并融合成为自身文化的有机组成部分,创造出新颖独特,具有鲜明的地域特色的文化面貌。在好川出土的陶器中,既有直接受良渚文化影响出现的器物,也出现了既脱胎于良渚文化陶器原型又不同于原型的新型式,并形成自己的发展演化序列。通过两者的对比研究,对探索好川文化形成的过程,及其文化面貌和内涵特征,可以提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

This comparative study of conventional (hot air) drying and microwave drying of the onion was carried out on a hot air pilot plant drier for conventional drying where all characteristics (temperature, humidity, and velocity) could be adjusted and controlled. A data logger connected to a computer captured all data. And for microwave drying, a drying tunnel Fitted with a forward/backward movement was used. Mass loss and product surface temperature were monitored for both processing. Factors controlled where: frequency of movement, microwave power, air extraction rate. Other elements included shape (slices/pieces) and variety of product

Drying duration and maximum drying rate constituted comparative criterion for the processes. Quality was measured by the reducing sugars and polyfructans content. Analysis of variance for the microwave drying process suggests that the effective factors were microwave power followed by onion variety and shape respectively. For quality criterion by far the most effective was variety, followed by the interaction of shape and the forward-backward movement of the conveyor. For conventional drying the most effective factor was air temperature for drying duration, and variety for maximum drying rate.  相似文献   


This comparative study of conventional (hot air) drying and microwave drying of the onion was carried out on a hot air pilot plant drier for conventional drying where all characteristics (temperature, humidity, and velocity) could be adjusted and controlled. A data logger connected to a computer captured all data. And for microwave drying, a drying tunnel Fitted with a forward/backward movement was used. Mass loss and product surface temperature were monitored for both processing. Factors controlled where: frequency of movement, microwave power, air extraction rate. Other elements included shape (slices/pieces) and variety of product

Drying duration and maximum drying rate constituted comparative criterion for the processes. Quality was measured by the reducing sugars and polyfructans content. Analysis of variance for the microwave drying process suggests that the effective factors were microwave power followed by onion variety and shape respectively. For quality criterion by far the most effective was variety, followed by the interaction of shape and the forward-backward movement of the conveyor. For conventional drying the most effective factor was air temperature for drying duration, and variety for maximum drying rate.  相似文献   

Two test methods, one using an Ingersoll glarimeter to obtain results of a high degree of accuracy, and the other simpler “alternate method” for plant control, are described in detail. Tests on commercial hotel chinaware showed the average resistance of foreign ware was higher than that of the domestic and the variation from the average was, in general, less. Experimental glazes were prepared to study the effect on resistance, of: (1) varying SiO2 and Al2O3 content, (2) glaze thickness, and (3) firing treatment. Data obtained are insufficient to justify definite conclusions regarding the effect of varying SiO2 and Al2O3, but do show the resistance of well-matured glazes to be inversely proportional to thickness, a decrease in resistance as the tendency to matt increases, a markedly increased resistance by the higher glost fire. That type of body affects resistance less than do glaze composition and temperature of glost fire.  相似文献   

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