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We consider the gossip problem in a synchronous message-passing system. Participating processors are prone to omission failures, that is, a faulty processor may fail to send or receive a message. The gossip problem in the fault-tolerant setting is defined as follows: every correct processor must learn the initial value of any other processor, unless the other one is faulty; in the latter case either the initial value or the information about the fault must be learned. We develop two efficient algorithms that solve the gossip problem in time O(logn), where n is the number of processors in the system. The first one is an explicit algorithm (i.e., constructed in polynomial time) sending O(nlogn+f2) messages, and the second one reduces the message complexity to O(n+f2), where f is the upper bound on the number of faulty processors.  相似文献   

This note considers an alphabetic binary tree formulation in a family of nonlinear problems. An application of this family occurs when a random outcome needs to be determined via alphabetically ordered search within a stochastic time window. Rather than finding a decision tree minimizing , this variant involves minimizing for a given a∈(0,1). Herein a dynamic programming algorithm finds the optimal solution in O(n3) time and O(n2) space; methods traditionally used to improve the speed of optimizations in related problems, such as the Hu-Tucker procedure, fail for this problem. This note thus also introduces two algorithms which can find a suboptimal solution in linear time (for one) or O(nlogn) time (for the other), with associated redundancy bounds guaranteeing their coding efficiency.  相似文献   

We present semi-streaming algorithms for basic graph problems that have optimal per-edge processing times and therefore surpass all previous semi-streaming algorithms for these tasks. The semi-streaming model, which is appropriate when dealing with massive graphs, forbids random access to the input and restricts the memory to bits.Particularly, the formerly best per-edge processing times for finding the connected components and a bipartition are O(α(n)), for determining k-vertex and k-edge connectivity O(k2n) and O(n⋅logn) respectively for any constant k and for computing a minimum spanning forest O(logn). All these time bounds we reduce to O(1).Every presented algorithm determines a solution asymptotically as fast as the best corresponding algorithm up to date in the classical RAM model, which therefore cannot convert the advantage of unlimited memory and random access into superior computing times for these problems.  相似文献   

We describe a simple combinatorial approximation algorithm for finding a shortest (simple) cycle in an undirected graph. Given an adjacency-list representation of an undirected graph G with n vertices and unknown girth k, our algorithm returns with high probability a cycle of length at most 2k for even k and 2k+2 for odd k, in time . Thus, in general, it yields a approximation. For a weighted, undirected graph, with non-negative edge weights in the range {1,2,…,M}, we present a simple combinatorial 2-approximation algorithm for a minimum weight (simple) cycle that runs in time O(n2logn(logn+logM)).  相似文献   

Xin He  Yaacov Yesha 《Algorithmica》1990,5(1-4):129-145
We develop efficient parallel algorithms for ther-dominating set and thep-center problems on trees. On a concurrent-read exclusive-write PRAM, our algorithm for ther-dominating set problem runs inO(logn log logn) time withn processors. The algorithm for thep-center problem runs inO(log2 n log logn) time withn processors.  相似文献   

A common problem in linear regression is that largely aberrant values can strongly influence the results. The least quartile difference (LQD) regression estimator is highly robust, since it can resist up to almost 50% largely deviant data values without becoming extremely biased. Additionally, it shows good behavior on Gaussian data—in contrast to many other robust regression methods. However, the LQD is not widely used yet due to the high computational effort needed when using common algorithms. It is shown that it is possible to compute the LQD estimator for n bivariate data points in expected running time O(n2logn) or deterministic running time . Additionally, two easy to implement algorithms with slightly inferior time bounds are presented. All of these algorithms are also applicable to least quantile of squares and least median of squares regression through the origin, improving the known time bounds to expected time O(nlogn) and deterministic time . The proposed algorithms improve on known results of existing LQD algorithms and hence increase the practical relevance of the LQD estimator.  相似文献   

The existence of subexponential-time parameterized algorithms is examined for various parameterized problems solvable in time O(2O(k)p(n)). It is shown that for each t?1, there are parameterized problems in FPT for which the existence of O(2o(k)p(n))-time parameterized algorithms implies the collapse of W[t] to FPT. Evidence is demonstrated that Max-SNP-hard optimization problems do not admit subexponential-time parameterized algorithms. In particular, it is shown that each Max-SNP-complete problem is solvable in time O(2o(k)p(n)) if and only if 3-SAT∈DTIME(2o(n)). These results are also applied to show evidence for the non-existence of -time parameterized algorithms for a number of other important problems such as Dominating Set, Vertex Cover, and Independent Set on planar graph instances.  相似文献   

Given a set P of n points on a 2D plane, an empty corridor is an open region bounded by two parallel polygonal chains that does not contain any point of P, and partitions the point-set P into two non-empty parts. An empty corridor is said to be a 1-corner empty corridor if each of the two bounding polygonal chains has exactly one corner point. We present an improved algorithm for computing the widest empty 1-corner corridor. It runs in O(n3log2n) time and O(n2) space. This improves the time complexity of the best known algorithm for the same problem by a factor of [J.M. Diaz-Banez, M.A. Lopez, J.A. Sellares, On finding a widest empty 1-corner corridor, Information Processing Letters 98 (2006) 199-205].  相似文献   

The bottleneck network flow problem (BNFP) is a generalization of several well-studied bottleneck problems such as the bottleneck transportation problem (BTP), bottleneck assignment problem (BAP), bottleneck path problem (BPP), and so on. The BNFP can easily be solved as a sequence of O(logn) maximum flow problems on almost unit capacity networks. We observe that this algorithm runs in O(min{m3/2,n2/3m}logn) time by showing that the maximum flow problem on an almost unit capacity graph can be solved in O(min{m3/2,n2/3m}) time. We then propose a faster algorithm to solve the unit capacity BNFP in time, an improvement by a factor of at least . For dense graphs, the improvement is by a factor of . On unit capacity simple graphs, we show that BNFP can be solved in time, an improvement by a factor of . As a consequence we have an algorithm for the BTP with unit arc capacities.  相似文献   

In this paper a general technique for reducing processors in simulation without any increase in time is described. This results in an O(√logn) time algorithm for simulating one step of PRIORITY on TOLERANT with processor-time product of O(n log logn); the same as that for simulating PRIORITY on ARBITRARY. This is used to obtain anO(logn/log logn + √logn (log logm ? log logn)) time algorithm for sortingn integers from the set {0,...,m ? 1},mn, with a processor-time product ofO(n log logm log logn) on a TOLERANT CRCW PRAM. New upper and lower bounds for ordered chaining problem on an allocated COMMON CRCW model are also obtained. The algorithm for ordered chaining takesO(logn/log logn) time on an allocated PRAM of sizen. It is shown that this result is best possible (upto a constant multiplicative factor) by obtaining a lower bound of Ω(r logn/(logr + log logn)) for finding the first (leftmost one) live processor on an allocated-COMMON PRAM of sizen ofr-slow virtual processors (one processor simulatesr processors of allocated PRAM). As a result, for ordered chaining problem, “processor-time product” has to be at least Ω(n logn/log logn) for any poly-logarithmic time algorithm. Algorithm for ordered-chaining problem results in anO(logN/log logN) time algorithm for (stable) sorting ofn integers from the set {0,...,m ? 1} withn-processors on a COMMON CRCW PRAM; hereN = max(n, m). In particular if,m =n O(1), then sorting takes Θ(logn/log logn) time on both TOLERANT and COMMON CRCW PRAMs. Processor-time product for TOLERANT isO(n(log logn)2). Algorithm for COMMON usesn processors.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the Minimum Rainbow Subgraph problem (MRS): Given a graph G with n vertices whose edges are coloured with p colours, find a subgraph FG of minimum order and with p edges such that F contains each colour exactly once.We present a polynomial time -approximation algorithm for the MRS problem for an arbitrary small positive ?. This improves the previously best known approximation ratio of . We also prove the MRS problem to be NP-hard and APX-hard for graphs with maximum degree 2. Finally we present an algorithm to find an optimal solution in running time O(2(p+2plog2Δ)nO(1)).  相似文献   

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