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Clinical mastitis was analyzed with mixed linear models (LM) and survival analysis (SA) using data from the first 3 lactations of >200,000 Swedish Holstein cows having their first calving between 1995 and 2000. The model for both methods included fixed effects of year-month and age at calving, fixed regressions of proportions of heterosis and North American Holstein genes, and random effects of herd-year at calving and sire. For the LM, clinical mastitis was defined as a binary trait measured from 10 d before to 150 d after calving. For the SA, clinical mastitis was defined either as the time period from 10 d before calving to the day of first treatment or culling because of mastitis (uncensored record) or from 10 d before to the day of next calving, culling for reasons other than mastitis, movement to a new herd, or to lactation d 240 (censored record). The heritability estimates from SA (0.03 to 0.04) were higher than those obtained with the LM (0.01 to 0.03). Consequently, the accuracies of estimated transmitting abilities were also higher for the trait analyzed with SA. The difference between estimates from the 2 methods was greater for later lactations. This study reveals the potential of analyzing clinical mastitis data with SA.  相似文献   

Subclinical mastitis (SCM) causes economic losses for dairy producers by reducing milk production and leading to higher incidence of clinical mastitis and premature culling. The prevalence of SCM in first-lactation heifers is highest during early lactation. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for SCM in early lactation in first-parity Holsteins. Somatic cell count test-day records were collected monthly in 91 Canadian herds participating in the National Cohort of Dairy Farms of the Canadian Bovine Mastitis Research Network. Only the first test-day record available between 5 and 30 d in milk was considered for analysis. The final data set contained 8,518 records from first lactation Holstein heifers. Six alternative traits were defined as indicators of SCM, using various cutoff values of SCC, ranging from 150,000 to 400,000 cells/mL. Both linear and threshold animal models were used. Overall prevalence of SCM using the 6 traits ranged from 13 to 24%. Heritability estimates (standard error) from linear and threshold models ranged from 0.037 to 0.057 (0.015 to 0.018) and from 0.040 to 0.051 (0.017 to 0.020), respectively. We found strong genetic correlations (standard error) among alternative SCC traits, ranging from 0.90 to 0.99 (0.013 to 0.069), indicating that these 6 traits were genetically similar. Despite low heritability, based on estimated breeding values (EBV) predicted from both models, we noted exploitable genetic variation among sires. Higher EBV of SCM resistance corresponded to sires with a higher percentage of daughters without SCM. Based on a linear model (all 6 traits), percentage of daughters with SCM ranged from 5 to 13% and from 19 to 33% for the top 10% and worst 10% of 69 sires with minimum 20 daughters in at least 5 herds, respectively. Spearman's rank correlations among EBV of sires predicted from linear (from 0.75 to 0.95) and threshold (from 0.74 to 0.95) models were moderate to high, respectively. Very high rank correlations (0.98 to 0.99) between EBV predicted for the same trait from linear and threshold model indicated that reranking of sires based on model used was minimal. In conclusion, despite low heritability, we found utilizable genetic variation in early lactation of heifers. Hence, genetic selection to improve genetic resistance to SCM in early lactation of heifers was deemed possible.  相似文献   

A Bayesian multivariate threshold model was fitted to clinical mastitis (CM) records from 372,227 daughters of 2411 Norwegian Dairy Cattle (NRF) sires. All cases of veterinary-treated CM occurring from 30 d before first calving to culling or 300 d after third calving were included. Lactations were divided into 4 intervals: -30 to 0 d, 1 to 30 d, 31 to 120 d, and 121 to 300 d after calving. Within each interval, absence or presence of CM was scored as "0" or "1" based on the CM episodes. A 12-variate (3 lactations x 4 intervals) threshold model was used, assuming that CM was a different trait in each interval. Residuals were assumed correlated within lactation but independent between lactations. The model for liability to CM had interval-specific effects of month-year of calving, age at calving (first lactation), or calving interval (second and third lactations), herd-5-yr-period, sire of the cow, plus a residual. Posterior mean of heritability of liability to CM was 0.09 and 0.05 in the first and last intervals, respectively, and between 0.06 and 0.07 for other intervals. Posterior means of genetic correlations of liability to CM between intervals ranged from 0.24 (between intervals 1 and 12) to 0.73 (between intervals 1 and 2), suggesting interval-specific genetic control of resistance to mastitis. Residual correlations ranged from 0.08 to 0.17 for adjacent intervals, and between -0.01 and 0.03 for nonadjacent intervals. Trends of mean sire posterior means by birth year of daughters were used to assess genetic change. The 12 traits showed similar trends, with little or no genetic change from 1976 to 1986, and genetic improvement in resistance to mastitis thereafter. Annual genetic change was larger for intervals in first lactation when compared with second or third lactation. Within lactation, genetic change was larger for intervals early in lactation, and more so in the first lactation. This reflects that selection against mastitis in NRF has emphasized mainly CM in early first lactation, with favorable correlated selection responses in second and third lactations suggested.  相似文献   

A Wiener process is a Brownian-motion process initiated in a certain state in a state space, and the first passage time is defined as the time of the process to reach a predefined absorbing state where the process stops. Time from 31 d prepartum to first treatment of clinical mastitis (CM) was modeled as first passage times of such Wiener processes. Two processes were used to allow for several risk factors, and for each process, initiation was at some arbitrary time point, in a certain health state with drift toward or away from absorption (disease). The drift parameter of each process was expressed as linear functions of covariates (year of calving and sire). First passage time was defined as the time from process initiation until the first health status process reached zero (absorption). The model was fitted to records for 36,178 first-lactation daughters of 245 Norwegian cattle sires using a Bayesian approach and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Genetic evaluation of sires was carried out by calculating the posterior probability of no CM (the value of the survival function) by d 331, i.e., 300 d after first calving. Alternatively, sire evaluation was based on the integrated area under the survival curve. These measures were highly correlated (0.999), which indicates a small degree of crossings of the sire-dependent survival curves. Hence, sire-specific hazards were close to proportional, resulting in a higher rank-correlation to sire evaluations from a survival model with proportional hazards than to the results from a multivariate threshold model.  相似文献   

Records of clinical mastitis on 1.6 million first-lactation daughters of 2,411 Norwegian Cattle sires that were progeny tested from 1978 through 1998 were analyzed with a threshold model. The main objective was to infer genetic change for the disease in the population. A Bayesian approach via Gibbs sampling was used. The model for the underlying liability had age at first calving, month x year of calving, herd x 3-year-period, and sire of the cow as explanatory variables. Posterior mean (SD) of heritability of liability to clinical mastitis was 0.066 (0.003). Genetic evaluations (posterior means) of sires both in the liability and observable scales were computed. Annual genetic change of liability to clinical mastitis for progeny tested bulls born from 1973 to 1993 was assessed. The linear regression of mean sire effect on year of birth had a posterior mean (SD) of -0.00018 (0.0004), suggesting a nearly constant genetic level for clinical mastitis. However, an analysis of sire posterior means by birth-year of daughters indicated an approximately constant genetic level in the cow population from 1976 to 1990 (-0.02%/yr), and a genetic improvement thereafter (-0.27%/yr). This reflects more emphasis on mastitis in selection of bulls in recent years. Corresponding results obtained with a standard linear model analysis were -0.01% and -0.23% per year, respectively (regression of sire predicted transmitting ability on birth-year of daughters). Genetic change seems to be slightly understated with the linear model, assuming the threshold model holds true.  相似文献   

Producer-recorded clinical mastitis data from 77,791 cows in 418 herds were used to determine the potential for genetic improvement of mastitis resistance using data from on-farm management software programs. The following threshold sire models were applied: 1) a single-trait lactation model, where mastitis was recorded as 0 or 1 in first lactation only; 2) a 3-trait lactation model, where mastitis was recorded as 0 or 1 in each of the first 3 lactations, and 3) a 12-trait, lactation-segment model, where mastitis was recorded as 0 or 1 in each of 4 segments (0 to 50, 51 to 155, 156 to 260, and 261 to 365 d postpartum) in each of the first 3 lactations. Lactation incidence rates were 0.16, 0.20, and 0.24 in first, second, and third lactation, respectively, and incidence rates within various segments of these lactations ranged from 0.036 in late first lactation to 0.093 in early third lactation. Estimated heritability of liability to clinical mastitis ranged from 0.07 to 0.15, depending on the model and stage of lactation. Heritability estimates were higher in first lactation than in subsequent lactations, but estimates were generally similar for different segments of the same lactation. Genetic correlations between lactations from the 3-trait model ranged from 0.42 to 0.49, while correlations between segments within lactation from the 12-trait model ranged from 0.26 to 0.64. Based on the results presented herein, it appears that at least 2 segments are needed per lactation, because mastitis in early lactation is lowly correlated with mastitis in mid or late lactation. Predicted transmitting abilities of sires ranged from 0.77 to 0.89 for probability of no mastitis during the first lactation and from 0.36 to 0.59 for probability of no mastitis during the first 3 lactations. Overall, this study shows that farmer-recorded clinical mastitis data can make a valuable contribution to genetic selection programs, but additional systems for gathering and storing this information must be developed, and more extensive data recording in progeny test herds should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Sire breeding values for the interval between the first and last insemination were predicted using 4 proportional hazards models (survival analyses) and 2 linear mixed models to determine which would result in a more accurate genetic evaluation. A stochastic simulation describing the reproductive cycle of first-parity cows was conducted, in which true breeding values for conception rate were created. The model included the effects of sire and herd. The highest correlations between true breeding values for conception rate and breeding values for the interval between first and last insemination predicted by the survival analysis model and the linear model were 0.803 and 0.744, respectively. The results showed that when pregnancy status was known, survival models were more accurate than linear models to predict breeding values for conception rate when using observations on the interval between first and last insemination.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to study whether survival analysis results in a more accurate genetic evaluation for female fertility traits compared with the usual methodology based on linear models. The fertility trait studied was interval between calving and last insemination. A stochastic simulation describing the reproductive cycle of first-parity cows was done, in which true breeding values for conception rate were created. A model containing effects of sire and herd was used both with survival analysis and with mixed linear model analysis to predict sire breeding values. Correlations between true breeding values for conception rate and breeding values for calving to last insemination predicted by the best survival analysis model or the best linear model were 0.77 and 0.68, respectively. The results showed that when pregnancy status is known, survival analysis is a better method than linear models for genetic evaluation of conception rate when using observations on the interval between calving and last insemination.  相似文献   

Clinical mastitis records for 36,178 first-lactation daughters of 245 Norwegian Cattle (NRF) sires were analyzed with a Bayesian longitudinal threshold model. For each cow, the period going from 30 d before calving to 300 d after calving was divided into 11 intervals of 30 d length each. Absence or presence of clinical mastitis within each interval was scored as "0" or "1", respectively. A Bayesian threshold model consisting of a set of explanatory variables plus Legendre polynomials on time of order four was used to describe the trajectory of liability to clinical mastitis. Heritability ranged between 0.07 and 0.13 before calving, from 0.04 to 0.15 during the first 270 d after calving, and increased sharply thereafter, as a consequence of the form of the polynomial. Genetic correlations between adjacent days were close to 1, and decreased when days were further apart. Most genetic correlations were moderate to high. A measure of probability of future daughters contracting clinical mastitis during lactation was computed for each sire. A typical curve had a peak near calving followed by a decrease thereafter. The best sires had a low peak around calving and a low expected probability of mastitis among daughters throughout lactation. Expected fraction of days without mastitis was derived from the probability curves and used for ranking of sires. Rank correlations with genetic evaluations of sires obtained from cross-sectional models were high. However, sire selection was affected markedly, especially at high selection intensity. An advantage of the longitudinal model for clinical mastitis is its ability to take multiple treatments and time aspects into account.  相似文献   

Survival analysis techniques for sire-maternal grandsire (MGS) and animal models were used to test the genetic evaluation of longevity in a Slovenian Brown cattle population characterized by small herds. Three genetic models were compared: a sire-MGS model for bulls and an approximate animal model based on estimated breeding values (EBV) from the sire-MGS model for cows, an animal model, and an animal model based on the estimated variance components from the sire-MGS model. In addition, modeling the contemporary group effect was defined as either a herd or a herd-year (HY) effect. With various restrictions on the minimum HY group size (from 1 to 10 cows per HY), changes in estimates of variance components, and consequently also in EBV, were observed for the sire-MGS and animal models. Variance of contemporary group effects decreased when an HY effect was fitted instead of a herd effect. In the case of a sire-MGS model, estimates of additive genetic variance were mostly robust to changes in minimum HY group size or fitting herd or HY effect, whereas they increased in the animal model when HY instead of herd effects was fitted, possibly revealing some confounding between cow EBV and contemporary group effect. Estimated heritabilities from sire-MGS models were between 0.091 and 0.119 and were mainly influenced by the restriction on the HY group size. Estimated heritabilities from animal models were higher: between 0.125 and 0.160 when herd effect was fitted and between 0.171 and 0.210 when HY effect was fitted. Rank correlations between the animal model and the approximate animal model based on EBV from the sire-MGS model were high: 0.94 for cows and 0.93 for sires when a herd effect was fitted and 0.90 for cows and 0.93 for sires when an HY effect was fitted. Validation performed on the independent validation data set revealed that the correlation between sire EBV and daughter survival were slightly higher with the approximate animal model based on EBV from the sire-MGS model compared with the animal model. The correlations between the sire EBV and daughter survival were higher when the model included an HY effect instead of a herd effect. To avoid confounding and reduce computational requirements, it is suggested that the approximate animal model based on EBV from the sire-MGS model and HY as a contemporary group effect is an interesting compromise for practical applications of genetic evaluation of longevity in cattle populations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine associations between susceptibility to clinical mastitis and protein yield in first-lactation Norwegian Dairy Cattle (NRF) cows. Records from 372,227 first-lactation daughters of 2411 NRF sires were analyzed bivariately, using a threshold-liability model for clinical mastitis and a linear Gaussian model for 305-d protein yield. The mean (SD) of the posterior distribution of heritability was 0.08 (0.004) for susceptibility to clinical mastitis and 0.19 (0.007) for 305-d protein yield. The posterior mean (SD) of the genetic correlation between susceptibility to clinical mastitis and 305-d protein yield was 0.43 (0.03). Posterior means of the correlations between herd-5-yr effects, and between model residuals were 0.19 and -0.008, respectively. Corresponding estimates of genetic, herd-5-yr, and residual correlations from a bivariate linear model analysis were 0.42, 0.18, and -0.008, respectively. An antagonistic genetic relationship between clinical mastitis and protein yield was corroborated.  相似文献   

A genetic evaluation system was developed for 5 fertility traits of dairy cattle: interval from first to successful insemination and nonreturn rate to 56 d of heifers, and interval from calving to first insemination, nonreturn rate to 56 d, and interval first to successful insemination of cows. Using the 2 interval traits of cows as components, breeding values for days open were derived. A multiple-trait animal model was applied to evaluate these fertility traits. Fertility traits of later lactations of cows were treated as repeated measurements. Genetic parameters were estimated by REML. Mixed model equations of the genetic evaluation model were solved with preconditioned conjugate gradients or the Gauss-Seidel algorithm and iteration on data techniques. Reliabilities of estimated breeding values were approximated with a multi-trait effective daughter contribution method. Daughter yield deviations and associated effective daughter contributions were calculated with a multiple trait approach. The genetic evaluation software was applied to the insemination data of dairy cattle breeds in Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg, and it was validated with various statistical methods. Genetic trends were validated. Small heritability estimates were obtained for all the fertility traits, ranging from 1% for nonreturn rate of heifers to 4% for interval calving to first insemination. Genetic and environmental correlations were low to moderate among the traits. Notably, unfavorable genetic trends were obtained in all the fertility traits. Moderate to high correlations were found between daughter yield-deviations and estimated breeding values (EBV) for Holstein bulls. Because of much lower heritabilities of the fertility traits, the correlations of daughter yield deviations with EBV were significantly lower than those from production traits and lower than the correlations from type traits and longevity. Fertility EBV were correlated unfavorably with EBV of milk production traits but favorably with udder health and longevity. Integrating fertility traits into a total merit selection index can halt or reverse the decline of fertility and improve the longevity of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Genetic evaluations for resistance to bovine tuberculosis (bTB) were calculated based on British national data including individual animal tuberculin skin test results, postmortem examination (presence of bTB lesions and bacteriological culture for Mycobacterium bovis), animal movement and location information, production history, and pedigree records. Holstein cows with identified sires in herds with bTB breakdowns (new herd incidents) occurring between the years 2000 and 2014 were considered. In the first instance, cows with a positive reaction to the skin test and a positive postmortem examination were defined as infected. Values of 0 and 1 were assigned to healthy and infected animal records, respectively. Data were analyzed with mixed models. Linear and logit function heritability estimates were 0.092 and 0.172, respectively. In subsequent analyses, breakdowns were split into 2-mo intervals to better model time of exposure and infection in the contemporary group. Intervals with at least one infected individual were retained and multiple intervals within the same breakdown were included. Healthy animal records were assigned values of 0, and infected records a value of 1 in the interval of infection and values reflecting a diminishing probability of infection in the preceding intervals. Heritability and repeatability estimates were 0.115 and 0.699, respectively. Reliabilities and across time stability of the genetic evaluation were improved with the interval model. Subsequently, 2 more definitions of “infected” were analyzed with the interval model: (1) all positive skin test reactors regardless of postmortem examination, and (2) all positive skin test reactors plus nonreactors with positive postmortem examination. Estimated heritability was 0.085 and 0.089, respectively; corresponding repeatability estimates were 0.701 and 0.697. Genetic evaluation reliabilities and across time stability did not change. Correlations of genetic evaluations for bTB with other traits in the current breeding goal were mostly not different from zero. Correlation with the UK Profitable Lifetime Index was moderate, significant, and favorable. Results demonstrated the feasibility of a national genetic evaluation for bTB resistance. Selection for enhanced resistance will have a positive effect on profitability and no antagonistic effects on current breeding goal traits. Official genetic evaluations are now based on the interval model and the last bTB trait definition.  相似文献   

Clinical mastitis (CM) and lactation mean somatic cell score (LSCS) were analyzed with a bivariate linear sire model. Nearly 1.4 million primiparous cows of Norwegian Dairy Cattle from 2043 sires were used. The heritability estimates were 0.03 for CM and 0.11 for LSCS. The estimates of genetic and residual correlations between the 2 traits were 0.53 and 0.10, respectively. It is postulated that the genetic correlation probably is highly population-specific.  相似文献   

Genetic evaluation of dairy cattle using test-day models   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Recently there has been considerable interest in modeling individual test-day records (TDR) for genetic evaluation of dairy cattle as a replacement for the traditional use of estimated accumulated 305-d yields. Some advantages of test-day models (TDM) include the ability to account for environmental effects of each test day, the ability to model the trajectory of the lactation for individual genotypes or groups of animals, and the possibility of genetic evaluations for persistency of production. Also, the use of test-day models avoids the necessity of extending short lactations on culled animals and animals with records in progress. The disadvantages of TDM include computational difficulties associated with analyzing much larger datasets and the need to estimate many more parameters than in a traditional 305-d lactation model. Several different models have been proposed to model the trajectory of the lactation, including so-called "biological functions," various polynomials and character process models. At present, there is not universal agreement on which models to use in routine prediction of breeding values and better methods to compare models are desirable. Obtaining accurate estimates of the dispersion parameters to use in TDM remains a challenge. Methods used include a two-step procedure in which the dispersion parameters are estimated in a series of multivariate models followed by a reduction in order of fit using covariance functions, and a one-step procedure in which the parameters of TDM are estimated using restricted maximum likelihood or Bayesian methods in a random regression model. Further research should focus on including multiple lactation data and accounting for heterogeneity variance.  相似文献   

In the present study, 6 different mastitis data sets of 3 dairy herds with an overall herd size of 3200 German Holstein cows were analyzed. Data collection periods included the first 50, 100, or 300 d of lactation. The 3 data collection periods were analyzed with a lactation model and a test-day model. All models were animal threshold models. Mastitis frequencies in the lactation model data sets varied between 29 and 45%, and varied between 3 and 6% in the test-day model data sets. Depending on the period of data collection, heritabilities of liability to mastitis in the lactation models were 0.05 (50 d), 0.06 (100 d), and 0.07 (300 d). In the test-day models, heritabilities were slightly higher with values of 0.09 (50 and 100 d), and 0.06 (300 d). Between lactation models, the rank correlations between the relative breeding values were high and varied between 0.86 and 0.94. Rank correlations between the relative breeding values of the test-day models ranged from 0.68 to 0.87. The rank correlations between the relative breeding values of lactation models and test-day models varied from 0.51 and 0.80. Genetic correlations between mastitis and milk production traits were estimated with a linear animal test-day model. The correlations with mastitis were 0.29 (milk yield), 0.30 (fat yield), 0.20 (fat content), 0.34 (protein yield), and 0.20 (protein content). The estimated genetic correlation between mastitis and somatic cell score was 0.84.  相似文献   

This study compared genetic evaluations from 3 test-day (TD) models with different assumptions about the environmental covariance structure for TD records and genetic evaluations from 305-d lactation records for dairy cows. Estimates of genetic values of 12,071 first-lactation Holstein cows were obtained with the 3 TD models using 106,472 TD records. The compound symmetry (CS) model was a simple test-day repeatability animal model with compound symmetry covariance structure for TD environmental effects. The ARs and ARe models also used TD records but with a first-order autoregressive covariance structure among short-term environmental effects or residuals, respectively. Estimates of genetic values with the TD models were also compared with those from a model using 305-d lactation records. Animals were genetically evaluated for milk, fat, and protein yields, and somatic cell score (SCS). The largest average estimates of accuracy of predicted breeding values were obtained with the ARs model and the smallest were with the 305-d model. The 305-d model resulted in smaller estimates of correlations between average predicted breeding values of the parents and lactation records of their daughters for milk and protein yields and SCS than did the CS and ARe models. Predicted breeding values with the 3 TD models were highly correlated (0.98 to 1.00). Predicted breeding values with 305-d lactation records were moderately correlated with those with TD models (0.71 to 0.87 for sires and 0.80 to 0.87 for cows). More genetic improvement can be achieved by using TD models to select for animals for higher milk, fat, and protein yields, and lower SCS than by using models with 305-d lactation records.  相似文献   

The objectives were to estimate the effects of various environmental factors on female calf survival of Israeli Holsteins, to estimate the economic value of calf survival under Israeli conditions, to estimate the genetic and environmental variance components for calf and cow survival using the individual animal model, to perform GWAS analyses of survival to first calving and herd life after first calving, to estimate the genetic and environmental trends for calf survival since 1985, to estimate genetic correlations of calf survival with the traits included in the current Israeli breeding index, and to estimate the consequences of inclusion of calf survival in the national selection index. Mean calf survival rate of Israeli Holsteins from 2001 through 2008 was 0.85, and the mean economic value of survival to first calving was $526. Birth month, gestation length, dystocia, and twin birth significantly affected calf survival rate. Dystocia and twin birth each reduced survival rate by 0.034. Survival rate was highest for calves born in October and lowest for calves born in February. The difference between these months was 3.4%. Maximum survival was at a gestation length of 276 d, the mean gestation length for this population. Survival rate was reduced to 0.76 for calves born after a gestation length of 260 d. The individual animal model was applied for all the genetic analyses. Heritability for calf survival to first calving, as estimated by REML, was 0.009, whereas heritability of herd life from first calving was 0.15. The complete data set for genetic analysis of survival to first calving included 1,235,815 calves born between 1985 and 2017. Annual genetic and phenotypic trends for calf survival were 0.019 and 0.015%, respectively. Correlations of transmitting abilities of 226 sires born since 2010 for calf survival with the traits included in the Israeli breeding index were significant only for the maternal effects of dystocia and stillbirth. The GWAS analysis was based on the transmitting abilities of 1,493 bulls with genotypes and reliabilities >0.5 for calf survival and cow herd life. There were 7 single nucleotide polymorphisms with coefficients of determination >0.03 for calf survival and 12 single nucleotide polymorphisms with coefficients of determination >0.05 for cow survival. There was no overlap between the genome-wide significant markers for the GWAS analyses of calf survival and cow herd life. This corresponds to the conclusion from the REML results and the low correlations between the sire evaluations that the genetic control of the 2 traits are not similar. Inclusion of calf survival in the Israeli breeding would result in a 0.5% increase in calf survival over 10 yr but reduce progress for the other traits by 8%.  相似文献   

Survival analysis in a Weibull proportional hazards model was used to evaluate the impact of somatic cell count (SCC) on the involuntary culling rate of US Holstein and Jersey cows with first calvings from 1990 to 2000. The full data set, consisting of records from 978,043 Holstein and 250,835 Jersey cows, was divided into subsets (5 for Holsteins and 3 for Jerseys) based on herd average lactation SCC values. Functional longevity (also known as herd life or length of productive life) was defined as days from first calving until culling or censoring, after correcting for milk production. Our model included the time-dependent effects of herd-year-season, parity by stage of lactation interaction, within-herd-year quintile ranking for mature equivalent production, and lactation average SCC (rounded to the nearest 50,000 cells/mL), as well as the time-independent effect of age at first calving. Parameters of the Weibull distribution, as well as variance components for herd-year-season effects, were estimated within each group of herds. Mean failure and censoring times decreased as herd average SCC increased, and a nonlinear relationship was observed between SCC and longevity in all groups. The risk of culling for Holstein cows with lactation average SCC > 700,000 cells/mL was 3.4, 2.7, or 2.3 times greater, respectively, than that of Holstein cows with SCC of 200,000 to 250,000 cells/mL in herds with low, medium, or high average SCC. Likewise, the risk of culling for Jersey cows with lactation average SCC > 700,000 cells/mL was 4.0, 2.9, or 2.2 times greater, respectively, than that of Jersey cows with SCC of 200,000 to 250,000 cells/mL in low, medium, or high SCC herds. These trends may reflect more stringent culling of high SCC cows in herds with few mastitis problems. In addition, cows with lactation average SCC <100,000 cells/mL had a slightly higher risk of culling than cows with SCC of 100,000 to 200,000 cells/mL in both breeds, particularly in herds with high average SCC, where exposure to mastitis pathogens was likely.  相似文献   

Mastitis is a disease of major economic importance to the dairy cattle sector because of the high incidence of clinical mastitis and prevalence of subclinical mastitis and, consequently, the costs associated with treatment, production losses, and reduced animal welfare. Disease-recording systems compiling data from a large number of farms are still not widely implemented around the world; thus, selection for mastitis resistance is often based on genetically correlated indicator traits such as somatic cell count (SCC), udder depth, and fore udder attachment. However, in the past years, several countries have initiated collection systems of clinical mastitis, based on producers recording data in most cases. The large data sets generated have enabled researchers to assess incidence of this disease and to investigate the genetic background of clinical mastitis itself, as well as its relationships with other traits of interest to the dairy industry. The genetic correlations between clinical mastitis and its previous proxies were estimated more accurately and confirmed the strong relationship of clinical mastitis with SCC and udder depth. New traits deriving from SCC were also studied, with the most relevant findings being associated with mean somatic cell score (SCS) in early lactation, standard deviation of SCS, and excessive test-day SCC pattern. Genetic correlations between clinical mastitis and other economically important traits indicated that selection for mastitis resistance would also improve resistance against other diseases and enhance both fertility and longevity. However, milk yield remains negatively correlated with clinical mastitis, emphasizing the importance of including health traits in the breeding objectives to achieve genetic progress for all important traits. These studies enabled the establishment of new genetic and genomic evaluation models, which are more efficient for selection to mastitis resistance. Further studies that are potential keys for future improvement of mastitis resistance are deep investigation of the bacteriology of mastitis, identification of novel indicator traits and tools for selection, and development of a larger female reference population to improve reliability of genomic evaluations. These cutting-edge studies will result in a better understanding of the genetic background of mastitis resistance and enable a more accurate phenotyping and genetic selection to improve mastitis resistance, and consequently, animal welfare and industry profitability.  相似文献   

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