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Over activation of CD4+ T cells in the peripheral blood and airway tissues is characteristic of asthma; therefore, we investigated whether activated T cells from asthmatic subjects have altered apoptotic potential through the Fas death receptor. We found that mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood T cells of asthmatic subjects expressed cell surface Fas, but failed to undergo the normal degree of apoptosis after Fas receptor ligation. T cells from asthmatics exhibited normal apoptotic responses to gamma-irradiation (dependent on IL-1 converting enzyme family proteases), ceramide, and mitogen challenge, suggesting functional integrity of the apoptotic pathway. Furthermore, the defect in Fas-dependent apoptosis was overcome by prestimulation with allogeneic accessory cells instead of mitogen. Taken together, the findings suggest that selective resistance to Fas-dependent apoptosis reflects altered Ag-driven, accessory cell-dependent signaling and that ineffective activation of Fas signal transduction may contribute to T cell-dependent immunoinflammation in asthma.  相似文献   

While the fas/fas ligand system has been extensively investigated in immuno-competent cells, the place of this system in the physiology and pathophysiology of liver cells remains to be clarified. Although we know that fas is present at the surface of hepatocytes--the main hepatic cells--the role of this membranous protein in physiological conditions is not yet elucidated. However it is the localization of fas on the plasma membrane of hepatocytes which explains why these cells are mainly destroyed by apoptosis--in a picture resembling human fulminant hepatitis--when mice are administered with anti-fas antibodies or fas ligand. It is also established that fas is surexpressed in some human chronic liver diseases, such as those induced by hepatitis B or C virus, a situation which could explain the pathogenesis of some liver lesions occurring during these diseases, such as the apoptosis of hepatocytes in piecemeal necrosis. Finally the fact that caspases, a group of cysteine proteases activated in fas-induced apoptosis, opens the way to inhibition of these enzymes by synthetic peptides and to prevent and treat hepatocyte apoptosis. Demonstration of this possibility has been recently reported in animals presenting fulminant hepatitis induced by anti-fas antibodies.  相似文献   

There is no appropriate tumor marker for the selection of anti cancer drug. Some agents can be selected for the reversal of anti cancer drug resistance. For example, verapamil or cyclosporin A may be useful for p-glycoprotein related multidrug resistance, and amphotericin B, docosahexaenoic acid or 8-chloro cAMP can be used for the modification of cisplatin-resistance. Recently, bcl-2 or mutated p53 gene are demonstrated to be important markers for drug resistance. More studies are necessary to identify an appropriate markers for drug resistance and overcome it.  相似文献   

Despite extensive investigation into mechanisms of drug resistance in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), the aetiology of therapeutic resistance is unclear. We found that five leukaemia cell lines (K562, HL-60, CEM. CEM induced to overexpress bcl-2, and REH) displayed parallel sensitivity to four antileukaemia drugs with different mechanisms of action, with K562 generally being the least sensitive and REH being the most sensitive. The amount of spontaneous apoptosis in the cell lines after serum-free culture paralleled their drug sensitivity: K562 cells displayed the least apoptosis at 24h (2.50 +/- 0.24%) and REH the most (24.47 +/- 8.22%). The extent of spontaneous apoptosis of leukaemic blasts from 39 patients with newly diagnosed de novo AML also correlated with the success of the intensive, infusional cytarabine-based induction therapy. There was a median of 19.5% (range 3.6-64%) apoptotic AML cells after 24 h of serum-free culture in patients who entered a complete remission compared with 4.2% (1.8-7.0%) apoptotic AML cells in patients who did not achieve a complete remission (P = 0.0007). Thus, inhibited apoptosis was associated with both in vitro and in vivo pan-resistance to antileukaemic chemotherapy. The cause of inhibited apoptosis in AML is probably a function of interactions among multiple signals that influence apoptosis. Assessment of spontaneous apoptosis may serve as an important prognostic factor for AML.  相似文献   

In the B-cell lineage, Fas, a type 1 membrane protein belonging to the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF) family, is expressed on B-cells at a restricted developmental stage and on activated B-cells, but not on naive mature B-cells. Apoptosis mediated by Fas-Fas ligand interactions may be involved in the peripheral elimination of autoreactive B-cells and in the regulation of the immune response through deletion of B-cells activated by foreign antigens, as for the T-cell lineage. Fas-mediated apoptosis associated with B-cell activation is affected by costimulation through other accessory signaling molecules like CD40, whose ligands are on T-cells.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the Fas ligand/Fas (FasL/Fas) system and apoptosis in renal allograft rejection, we analyzed FasL/Fas expression and apoptosis in 63 renal allograft biopsy specimens obtained from 56 renal transplant recipients in Tokyo, Japan. Sixteen biopsy specimens were diagnosed (Banff criteria) as acute rejection (AR), 17 as AR plus chronic rejection, 10 as borderline stages, and 20 as no rejection (NR). Immunohistochemically, Fas antigen was highly expressed in the renal tubular epithelium in tissues from patients with rejection. The mean number of Fas-positive tubular epithelium was significantly higher in biopsy specimens with AR than in those with NR, but FasL expression was highly expressed in infiltrating lymphocytes in the interstitium of allografts with cellular rejection. The mean number of FasL-positive infiltrating lymphocytes was significantly higher in specimens with AR than in those with NR or borderline stages. For detection of apoptotic cells, the specimens were subjected to terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-biotin nick end-labeling, which showed that the mean number of tubular epithelial cells positive for this labeling was highest for the specimens with AR, the number being significantly higher than in those with AR plus chronic rejection or with NR. Thus, Fas expression on epithelial cells might actively trigger their apoptosis by the interaction between Fas and FasL. Studies of human normal renal-derived cell lines (RPTEC 2601 [epithelial] and NHMC 5155 [mesangial]) showed that both constitutively expressed Fas (but not FasL) mRNA. After pretreatment with interferon-gamma, Fas-induced apoptosis was observed in the RPTEC 2601 line, but without interferon-gamma pretreatment, anti-Fas-mediated apoptosis was not seen. Under identical conditions, the NHMC 5155 line was resistant to anti-Fas-mediated apoptosis regardless of interferon-gamma pretreatment. This suggested that AR might be associated with increased apoptosis in the renal tubular epithelial cells mediated by the Fas/FasL system.  相似文献   

Fas is a cell surface molecule that mediates apoptosis, but the intracellular mechanisms leading to apoptosis are not well understood. It is known that diethylmaleate (DEM)-induced cell death can be blocked by substances with antioxidant activity. Here we have studied whether antioxidants have any effect on Fas-mediated apoptosis and show that they are not able to block Fas-mediated apoptosis. Therefore, it seems that reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI)-dependent and -independent mechanisms which lead to apoptosis do exist. Fas-mediated apoptosis probably proceeds via a ROI-independent pathway.  相似文献   

Bowel rest during treatment of acute pancreatitis deprives the gut of nutrients and affects its structure and function. Enteral feeding is usually performed late in the course of acute pancreatitis and therefore cannot prevent intestinal barrier dysfunction and possible bacterial translocation. To assess the effect of early enteral nutrition we performed a prospective study on 21 patients (11 males/10 females) presenting with severe acute pancreatitis (13 biliary, 6 alcoholic, and 2 miscellaneous). Severity was established by a mean Ranson score of 3.57. All but one patient could be fed through a double-lumen nasogastrojejunal tube within 60 h after admission. No significant complication of the technique was observed. We conclude that early jejunal feeding can be used safely in severe acute pancreatitis. Further comparative studies are necessary to demonstrate any superiority to total parenteral nutrition.  相似文献   

Pyrimethamine acts by selectively inhibiting malarial dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS). Resistance in the most important human parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, initially results from an S108N mutation in the DHFR domain, with additional mutation (most commonly C59R or N51I or both) imparting much greater resistance. From a homology model of the 3-D structure of DHFR-TS, rational drug design techniques have been used to design and subsequently synthesize inhibitors able to overcome malarial pyrimethamine resistance. Compared to pyrimethamine (Ki 1.5 nM) with purified recombinant DHFR fromP. falciparum, the Ki value of the m-methoxy analogue of pyrimethamine was 1.07 nM, but against the DHFR bearing the double mutation (C59R + S108N), the Ki values for pyrimethamine and the m-methoxy analogue were 71.7 and 14.0 nM, respectively. The m-chloro analogue of pyrimethamine was a stronger inhibitor of both wild-type DHFR (with Ki 0.30 nM) and the doubly mutant (C59R +S108N) purified enzyme (with Ki 2.40 nM). Growth of parasite cultures of P. falciparum in vitro was also strongly inhibited by these compounds with 50% inhibition of growth occurring at 3.7 microM for the m-methoxy and 0.6 microM for the m-chloro compounds with the K1 parasite line bearing the double mutation (S108N + C59R), compared to 10.2 microM for pyrimethamine. These inhibitors were also found in preliminary studies to retain antimalarial activity in vivo in P. berghei-infected mice.  相似文献   

Fas-mediated apoptosis has been shown to be mediated by the IL-1beta converting enzyme (ICE) pathway. To determine the relationship between ICE and its substrate IL-1beta, we examined six human cell lines for susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis and Fas induction of ICE-like activity. The human B lymphoblastoid cell line SKW6.4 and the human T lymphoma cell lines Jurkat, CEM-6, H-9, and MOLT4 were susceptible to Fas-mediated apoptosis, whereas the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 was resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis. ICE mRNA was highly expressed in SKW6.4, H-9, and HL-60 cells, and ICE-like activity increased during Fas-mediated apoptosis in SKW6.4 cells. In contrast, IL-1beta mRNA was highly expressed only in HL-60 cells. Acetyl-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-chloromethylketone, a tetrapeptidyl inhibitor of ICE, prevented Fas-mediated apoptosis strongly in SKW6.4 and H-9 cells but weakly or marginally in other cells. To examine whether intracellular IL-1beta is a proteolytic substrate or an endogenous competitive inhibitor against other substrates for Fas-ICE-mediated apoptosis in SKW6.4 cells, we established precursor IL-1beta transfectant clones using SKW6.4 cells. We demonstrated that stably transfected SKW6.4 cells expressing precursor IL-1beta, but not cells transfected with the empty vector, exhibited resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis due to competitive inhibition of ICE-like activity, which was associated with increased cleavage of precursor IL-1beta to mature IL-1beta. These results suggest that Fas-mediated apoptosis is mediated by ICE cleavage of proteolytic substrates other than IL-1beta and that IL-1beta is an endogenous inhibitor of Fas-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

The mechanism of Fas antigen-induced hepatocyte apoptosis was investigated. Using a monoclonal antibody directed against the Fas antigen, apoptosis was induced in freshly isolated murine hepatocytes within 90 minutes of antibody addition as assessed by plasma membrane bleb formation, chromatin condensation, and DNA fragmentation. Pretreatment of the cells with the caspase inhibitors, N-acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp aldehyde (Ac-DEVD-CHO), benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-DL-Asp-fluoromethylketone (Z-VAD-FMK), or Z-Asp-2,6-dichlorobenzoyloxymethylketone inhibited anti-Fas-mediated apoptosis. Likewise, the serine protease inhibitors, N-tosyl-L-phenyl chloromethyl ketone (TPCK) and 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin (DCI), prevented apoptosis, whereas N-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK), Ac-Leu-Leu-L-norleucinal, Ac-Leu-Leu-L-methional, and trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane were without effect. Examination of CED-3/caspase-3-related caspases revealed that pro-caspases-3 (CPP32) and -7 (Mch-3alpha) were rapidly processed after Fas antigen stimulation. Caspase-7 was further cleaved to form the catalytically active subunits. In contrast, the p17 subunit of caspase-3 was not detected, indicating slow formation or rapid degradation. The activation of CED-3-related caspases was further confirmed by an increase in the rate of Z-DEVD-7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (Z-DEVD-AFC) hydrolysis that was sensitive to Ac-DEVD-CHO and was inhibited by pretreatment of the cells with TPCK but not by DCI. In contrast, no increase in the rates of hydrolysis of Z-YVAD-AFC, a substrate for caspase-1, was detected. Investigation of the in situ proteolytic cleavage of the CED-3 related caspases substrate, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, revealed that this protein was not degraded in hepatocytes undergoing Fas-mediated apoptosis. Taken together, our results show that processing of caspases, in particular, caspases-7 and -3, occurs during Fas-induced apoptosis of mouse hepatocytes and suggest a role of these proteases as well as serine protease(s) in the apoptotic response.  相似文献   

One theory of the evolution of longevity says that improvement in life span is dependent on an increased ability to resist environmental stresses of all kind. Selective breeding of Drosophila melanogaster populations for longevity has demonstrably increased life span and also altered a number of other traits, such as resistance to starvation, desiccation, and ethanol fumes, and the ability to sustain longer flight. While the exact physiologic basis of some of these traits is not yet fully understood, at least some are known to derive from the properties of metabolic substrates of glycolysis. Improvement in those characters can depend partially, therefore, on altered stores of metabolites created from glycogen. Based on the known general relationship of some traits and the suspected basis in metabolism of others, we examine the possibility here that increased life span is accompanied by other traits that also confer physiologic resistance to stress. Specifically, we test the prediction that long-lived populations of fruit flies should be more resistant to low (prefreezing) and freezing temperature extremes. Both selected and control populations were found to be susceptible to prefreezing (1.5 degrees C) and freezing temperatures (0 degree C) here, but adults and pupae of the long-lived populations generally survived better in both situations, and at all durations of exposure. The resistance of individuals improved with acclimatization, but was superior in the long-lived populations whether thermal decline was rapid or stepwise. Cold resistant, long-lived populations also had significantly higher in vitro levels of glycerol, a cryoprotectant metabolite produced from glycogen. However, while adults and pupae of long-lived stocks were more resistant to cold, larvae of those stocks were more sensitive and survived relatively poorly at every length of exposure and acclimation. This surprising result implies that larvae maintain lower levels of cryoprotectant substances. Upon becoming pupae, however, stage-specific capabilities for environmental resistance and long life emerge. This conclusion agrees with a prior study of these stocks indicating that the uptake and use of nutrients in developing larvae are restricted in long-lived populations.  相似文献   

Bone formation is under the control of cytokines as well as growth factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP). This suggests the possibility that osteogenesis might be modulated by factors which also modulate the immune system. To test whether immune disorders in the host may influence bone formation, we studied BMP-induced bone formation in a C3H/HeJ strain of mice bearing a mutant gene, the lymphoproliferation gene (lpr) or the generalized lymphoproliferative disease gene (gld), both of which are known to be a Fas deletion mutant and a Fas ligand mutant, respectively, and to induce immune disorders via a deficit in Fas-mediated apoptosis. Crude BMP derived from bovine bone were injected into the muscular tissue in the femur of adult C3H/HeJ mice or C3H/HeJ mice bearing an lpr or gld gene. Quantitative analysis of the resulting ectopic bone formation by X-ray photography 2 weeks after injection revealed that the presence of either the lpr or gld gene caused a bone mass significantly larger in dimension than that seen in the wild type mice. Histological examination also revealed the different influence between these mutant genes on the level of bone formation exhibited by hyaline cartilage and bone trabeculae. Based on these results, we discussed the possible mechanisms of the enhanced ectopic bone formation under the deficit in Fas-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) is an established treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in chronic phase, but the mechanism of its antileukemic activity is not clear. One possible mechanism of action might include the induction of apoptosis, and especially Fas-mediated cell killing may play an important role in the elimination of malignant cells. We investigated Fas receptor (Fas-R) expression and the consequences of Fas-R triggering in CML patients. Using two-color flow cytometry, we found a significantly higher number of Fas-R-expressing CD34+ cells in the bone marrow (BM) of CML patients compared with normal subjects. We have previously shown that IFN-gamma induces Fas-R expression on CD34+ cells; in this study, we investigated whether IFN-alpha induces Fas-R expression on CML progenitor cells. Dose-dependent induction of Fas-R expression was observed after IFN-alpha stimulation of CD34+ cells from CML BM. In methylcellulose culture, IFN-alpha alone at a therapeutic concentration showed only marginal antiproliferative effects on both normal and CML BM progenitors. In contrast, a Fas-R agonist, the anti-CD95 monoclonal antibody CH11, inhibited colony formation from normal progenitors, and the inhibition was even stronger on CML progenitors. When CML BM cells were cultured in the presence of IFN-alpha, Fas-R-mediated inhibition of colony growth was potentiated in a dose-dependent fashion, consistent with IFN-alpha induction of Fas-R expression. This functional effect did not require the presence of accessory cells, since similar results were obtained with purified CD34+ cells. In suspension cultures, we demonstrated that suppression of CML hematopoiesis by IFN-alpha and Fas-R agonist was exerted through Fas-R-mediated induction of apoptosis. Our findings suggest that the Fas-R/Fas-ligand system might be involved in the immunologic regulation of CML progenitor growth and that its effect can be amplified by IFN-alpha.  相似文献   

alpha-Tectorin is one of the major noncollagenous components of the mammalian tectorial membrane in the inner ear. We have mapped the gene encoding alpha-tectorin to mouse chromosome 9 and human chromosome 11 in a known region of conserved synteny. Human YAC clones containing alpha-tectorin have been identified, demonstrating physical linkage to the anonymous marker D11S925. This places alpha-tectorin within the genetic interval that contains both the human nonsyndromic autosomal dominant deafness DFNA12 and the proximal limit of a subset of deletions within Jacobsen syndrome. Thus both DFNA12 and the hearing loss in some cases of Jacobsen syndrome may be due to haploinsufficiency for TECTA.  相似文献   

Based on successful induction of donor-specific unresponsiveness by alloantigenic stimulation in several animal models of acute rejection, we hypothesized that similar immune manipulations would also inhibit the evolution of chronic rejection and transplant vasculopathy. To induce immune tolerance, DA rats received a PVG heart allograft and were immunosuppressed with cyclosporine for 30 d. At day 100 the animals were challenged with a PVG aortic allograft after either 1 or 18 h of cold ischemia. 8 wk after the aortic transplantation, the grafts were investigated for morphological changes, infiltrating cells, apoptosis, and Fas-Fas ligand expression. Control allografts showed advanced transplant arteriosclerosis, whereas tolerance-induced aortic allografts displayed reduced neointimal formation, less medial atrophy, fewer apoptotic cells, and fewer Fas- and FasL-expressing cells. Prolonged ischemic storage time did not profoundly alter the morphological changes of the allografts. Fas expression was found in T cells, macrophages, vascular smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells, whereas FasL was expressed mainly by T cells and macrophages. FasL mRNA expression was evident throughout the entire allograft wall. In conclusion, induction of allospecific tolerance can effectively prevent transplant arteriosclerosis. Cold ischemia damage does not abrogate the beneficial effect of tolerance, but creates a separate identity of mainly endothelial lesions. Furthermore, Fas-mediated apoptosis appears to be involved in the pathological lesions seen in chronic rejection.  相似文献   

The interaction between Fas ligand and Fas, both expressed on activated T cells, is the major pathway in the regulation of activation-induced cell death. However, activated T cells that express membrane Fas are initially resistant to anti-Fas-induced apoptosis and become susceptible only after proliferation in vitro. Since IL-2 is known to regulate activation-induced cell death, we studied the effect of IL-2 on anti-Fas-mediated apoptosis. Interference with the IL-2 pathway was achieved by 1) inhibition of cytokine synthesis using cyclosporin A or FK506, 2) neutralization of IL-2 by anti-IL-2 Ab, 3) inhibition of binding to IL-2R by CD25 mAb, and 4) blocking of IL-2R signaling by rapamycin. We show that Fas expression is independent of the IL-2 pathway, whereas Fas-mediated apoptosis does not develop in the presence of inhibitors of IL-2 production or signaling. While the addition of rIL-2 reversed the inhibitory effect of cyclosporin A and FK506, the addition of rIL-4, rIL-7, or rIFN-gamma did not, although these cytokines induced progression into the S phase of the cell cycle. Aphidicolin-treated activated T cells that do not progress into the S phase were susceptible to Fas-mediated apoptosis. Therefore, Fas-mediated apoptosis is controlled by signals generated by IL-2 in agreement with the reported alteration of apoptosis in mice deficient in IL-2 or IL-2R.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis in nontolerant B cells is regulated in a receptor-specific fashion. To explore the regulation of Fas killing in tolerant, autoreactive B cells, mice doubly transgenic for hen egg lysozyme (HEL)-specific B cell receptors and soluble HEL were examined. Engagement of CD40 led to enhanced Fas expression and acquisition of sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis in tolerant B cells, similar to that observed in nontolerant, receptor transgenic B cells. Engagement of surface immunoglobulin by specific (HEL) antigen failed to induce Fas resistance in tolerant B cells, in contrast to its effect on nontolerant B cells; however, cross-linking of biotinylated HEL with streptavidin induced similar levels of Fas resistance in tolerant and nontolerant B cells, which approximated the degree of Fas resistance produced by anti-Ig. Unlike surface Ig (sIg) engagement, physiological engagement of IL-4 receptors produced similar levels of Fas resistance in tolerant and nontolerant B cells. Thus, tolerant B cells differ from nontolerant B cells in the diminished capacity of surface immunoglobulin engagement to produce Fas resistance; however, tolerant B cells can be induced to become resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis by IL-4 or by higher order cross-linking of sIg receptors.  相似文献   

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