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唐全福  田树起 《核动力工程》1989,10(6):60-64,83
本文介绍了一种创新的核功率表,即用热功率自动校准的核功率表。该表允许自动校准的核功率偏差为±30%额定功率值,校准后的核功率信号与热功率信号的偏差小于1%这完全满足了核反应堆校准核功率偏差的要求和核反应堆控制与保护系统对核功率信号的要求,首次较好地解决了长期存在的反应堆核功率信号的准确性与快速响应之矛盾。  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗程序TRIPOLI自动建模方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
TRIPOLI是法国原子能署(CEA)开发的三维蒙特卡罗粒子输运计算程序,在反应堆物理分析、辐射防护设计、核安全评估等领域得到广泛应用。但是手工描述其输入文件耗时,容易出错,质量得不到保证。本文研究了TRIPOLI自动建模方法,实现了CAD工程模型与TRIPOLI模型的相互转换。通过对基准例题的计算分析,证明了其转换结果正确、可靠。  相似文献   

核热推进(NTP)系统具有高比冲、大推力和工作时间长等特点,在深空探测和轨道机动等方面具有明显的优势。系统性能分析是NTP系统研发与设计的重要内容。结合对国际历史上已开发程序的分析以及现阶段的研发需求,将系统性能分析划分为稳态设计点性能分析与优化、稳态非设计点性能分析以及瞬态性能分析3个主要环节。在清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院自主开发的核动力发动机系统分析程序PANES基础上,提出了基于“流网-热网”的系统分析程序框架,并建立了反应堆中子动力学与涡轮泵动态特性等数学模型,提出了对应的计算分析方法,拓展了原程序的功能。该工作为NTP系统设计方法的进一步研究和应用提供了重要基础。  相似文献   

工作环境温度过高或热量无法连续排出都会导致电子器件可靠性和运行效率降低,甚至失效,电子器件进行热防护是特殊场合应用电子系统的必要条件。本文综述电子器件常用的热防护方法,介绍喷射技术、相变材料、热电制冷等新型冷却技术,概述计算机模拟软件在热防护性能研究及优化方面的应用。最后针对核机器人热防护的特殊工况,提出防护建议。  相似文献   

针对反应堆屏蔽结构几何复杂,传统手动建模几何处理能力有限、效率低、易于出错的问题,基于多功能辐射输运模拟仿真平台(MOSRT),采用离散网格材料体积权重均匀化方法对多材料的离散网格进行均匀化处理,实现了CAD模型到三维离散纵标法(SN)计算程序TORT屏蔽计算模型的精细转换。基于Kobayashi和NUREG-CR-6115基准题模型对自动建模方法进行了验证。结果表明,对于Kobayashi基准题,自动建模方法与手动建模结果完全吻合;对于NUREG-CR-6115基准题,自动建模方法与参考解的最大误差为12.2%。该验证结果表明了自动建模方法的有效性与正确性。  相似文献   

为开展复杂结构场所辐射场蒙特卡罗模拟研究,使用开源的CADMesh接口程序实现一种将三维CAD数据模型导入Geant4的自动建模方法。对某废物处理设施进行自动建模,使用Geant4内建的基于命令的统计功能计算周围剂量当量率分布。将周围剂量当量率分布模拟结果与实际测量结果进行对比,模拟结果在50%误差范围内与实测数据基本符合,初步验证了该自动建模方法的适用性。  相似文献   

MCAM在ITER窗口限制器蒙特卡罗计算建模过程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在MCAM(蒙特卡罗粒子输运计算自动建模系统)平台下,实现了ITER窗口限制器CAD工程模型的预处理以及到蒙特卡罗计算模型的自动转换,并借助MCAM的反向转换功能和MCNP中二维几何截面绘制程序PLOT对生成的计算模型进行了验证.MCAM在ITER窗口限制器蒙特卡罗建模过程中应用结果表明对于一个具有复杂几何结构的CAD工程模型来说,MCAM提高了其蒙特卡罗计算建模的效率和准确性,可以有效地替代传统的手工建模方法,应用于实际计算分析过程中.  相似文献   

基于中子物理计算程序包SRAC与计算流体力学软件CFX,开发了稳态情况下固态燃料熔盐堆的核热耦合程序SCBAT,解决了一般稳态3D物理-3D热工耦合程序因网格类型不同难以耦合的问题,程序具有普适性。SCBAT通过SRAC和CFX之间的数据交换实现稳态核热耦合,可将SRAC计算的功率场加载到CFX的求解文件中,将CFX计算的温度场加载到SRAC的输入卡中,此外具备带控制棒临界搜索的燃耗计算功能。分模块验证了SCBAT的有效性,并用SCBAT对10 MW固态燃料熔盐堆进行了稳态核热耦合计算,验证了核热耦合方法的有效性。  相似文献   

用MCNP程序对清华大学试验核反应堆一号堆芯进行了建模,计算了正常棒位下的Keff值,计算结果与参考值吻合较好;提出了用MCNP进行反应堆堆芯建模的一般步骤和方法,此步骤和方法对研究其他各种反应堆堆芯的建模具有参考价值.  相似文献   

Geant4自动建模方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geant4是一种应用广泛的蒙特卡罗程序包,其计算模型可以用几何描述标记语言(GDML)描述,然而依赖手工建模耗时且容易出错。本文提出一种基于计算机辅助设计(CAD)的Geant4自动建模方法,该方法能够把复杂的CAD几何模型自动转换为Geant4支持的GDML格式几何模型。基于多物理耦合自动建模软件平台MCAM进行了该方法的研究,通过包括聚变反应堆模型FDS-Ⅱ在内的测试例题的测试与校验,初步验证其正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

The Procedure for Assembling the EAST Tokamak   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the complicated constitution and high precision requirements of the EAST superconducting tokamak, a meticulous assembling procedure and measurement scheme must be established. The big size and mass of the EAST machine's components and complicated configuration with tight installation tolerances call for a highly careful assembling procedure. The assembling procedure consists of three main sub-procedures for the assembling of the base, of the tori of the VV, the vacuum vessel TS and the TF, and of the peripheral parts respectively. Before the assembly, a reference framework has been set up by means of an industrial measurement system with reference fiducial targets fixed on the wall of the test hall. In this paper, the assembling procedure is described in detail, the survey control system of the assembly is discussed, and progress in the assembly work is also reported.  相似文献   

Resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) has been proved to be an efficient approach on edge localized modes (ELMs) control, resistive wall mode (RWM) control, and error field correction (EFC), RMP coil system under design in EAST tokamak will realize the above-mentioned multi-functions. This paper focuses on the thermo-mechanical analysis of EAST RMP coil system on the basis of sensitivity analysis, both normal and off-normal working conditions are considered. The most characteristic set of coil system is chosen with a complete modelling by means of three-dimensional (3D) finite element method, thermo-hydraulic and thermal-structural performances are investigated adequately, both locally and globally. The compromise is made between thermal performance and structural design requirements, and the results indicate that the optimized design is feasible and reasonable.  相似文献   

EAST托卡马克的中性束注入方案   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
胡立群  张晓东  姚若河 《核技术》2006,29(2):149-152
高能中性束注入(Neutral beam injection,NBI)是核聚变装置托卡马克采用的芯部辅助加热和非感应电流驱动主要手段之一.本文介绍了国家大科学工程全超导托卡马克实验装置(Experimental advanced super-conductingtokamak,EAST)上的高能NBI加热方案及注入器的工程要求,并讨论了中性束在EAST等离子体中的传输等相关问题.  相似文献   

介绍了EAST 装置聚变实验数据分析与可视化集成软件EastScope的设计与实现.该软件采用ActiveX技术实现了多种格式数据访问方式的统一,调用了MATLAB引擎进行信号表达式运算,使用OpenGL技术完成了阵列信号的三维显示等.只需操作鼠标就可以完成信号的处理、分析、对比以及二维、三维显示,并能用交互式方式实现二维图形的任意轴缩放,三维图形的旋转、平移与缩放.  相似文献   

EAST is a fully superconducting Tokamak in China used for controlled fusion research. MDSplus, a special software package for fusion research, has been used successfully as a central repository for analysed data and PCS (Plasma Control System) data since the debugging experiment in the spring of 2006 [1]. In this paper, the reasons for choosing MDSplus as the analysis database and the way to use it are presented in detail, along with the solution to the problem that part of the MDSplus library does not work in the multithread mode. The experiment showed that the data system based on MDSplus operated stably and it could provide a better performance especially for remote users.  相似文献   

The Alignment and Assembly for EAST Tokamak Device   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EAST (HT-7U) is a large fusion experimental device. It is a full superconducting tokamak with 1 MA of plasma current, 1000 s of plasma duration, high elongation and triangularity. It mainly consists of superconducting magnets of poloidal and toroidal field (PF & TF), vacuum vessel (VV), thermal radiation shield (TRS) and cryostat vessel (CV). The significant difficulty for assembly of EAST is tight installation tolerances, which are in the order of several tenth of a millimeter. In particular, the alignment of plasma facing components to the magnetic axis of the device is less than ±0.5 mm. At present, a reasonable assembly process of EAST has been defined, and based on it, the alignment method for EAST, including the survey control network, the location of the main components in different directions, the magnetic axis determination and the accurate positioning of the plasma facing components inside of the vacuum vessel and so on, has been defined by using the sophisticated optical metrology system (SOMS). This paper describes the assembly procedure of EAST and the installation tolerances associated with the main components. Meanwhile, how to establish the assembly survey control network, magnetic axis determination methods, are introduced in detail.  相似文献   

The effect of the toroidal flow on the equilibrium of tokamak plasmas is a sensitive point for high performance plasma and its precise control. In this paper the effect is studied numerically using the EFIT (Equilibrium Fitting) code on EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak). Firstly, the numerical calculation exhibits a clear outward shift of pressure contour from the magnetic surfaces in the plasma core and the shift grows with the increase of the toroidal velocity. The peak shift of 8% is observed when the ratio between the plasma velocity and the Alfvdn speed equals to 0.15. Secondly, it is shown that the magnetic surfaces shift outwards from those without flow. With a certain plasma current the safety factor on the magnetic axis decreases as the plasma flow velocity increases. The magnetic shear increases about 10% on the plasma boundary compared with the case without flow.  相似文献   

An 1.5D equilibrium evolution code was used to model the time evolution of the first ohmic discharges in the EAST experiment. Good agreement between the simulation and the experimental results was obtained in the plasma current, major radius, electron temperature, loop voltage and poloidal field (PF) current for the entire duration of the discharge, which indicates that the code is highly reliable and will allow to further study the EAST discharge. At the same time, the code also simulates some important plasma parameters without experimental measured data yet, such as the plasma minor radius, central and edge safety factors, elongation and triangilarity, which are important in the analysis of EAST data.  相似文献   

为了满足EAST托卡马克的实验需求,提升积分器系统的可维护性和可测试性,研制了新型积分器系统控制器。该控制器采用ARM微控制器和轻量级IP协议栈,实现了积分器系统的网络化控制。所提供的参数设置指令可远程设置和读取积分器板卡上放大器的放大倍数,而控制指令则提供了初始化、标准信号积分、脉冲积分、积分保持、标定和探针测试功能。经实验和EAST现场测试,该积分器系统控制器可满足EAST装置的实验要求。  相似文献   

复合材料绝缘子是EAST托卡马克磁体系统的关键部件,担负着整个磁体系统低温冷却回路与高压部件的对地绝缘作用。运行中,绝缘子在低温下要承受较高的内压及电压,保持绝缘子在低温状态下的机械整体性是运行安全的必要保证。从整个装置的使用安全考虑,有必要对绝缘子低温力学性能作全面分析。本工作首先对绝缘子的机械低温力学性能进行理论分析,然后通过设计的低温力学实验验证理论分析结果。以此为基础,对装置中的损坏绝缘子进行分析,确定损坏原因。  相似文献   

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