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The telecommunications infrastructure required for an intelligent building to support the overall telecommunications utility is considered, focusing on the wiring system. Emerging national standards that embrace all components of the telecommunications infrastructure are described. Basic infrastructure concepts are explained, and component details are examined. Important links between the infrastructure components and the emerging national standards are shown 相似文献
The author discusses the widely held belief that the US trade deficit as a whole and the telecommunications trade deficit in particular are due in large part to a perceived disparity between the US policy of promoting free trade and the allegedly protectionist policies adopted by foreign countries. Against this backdrop, he reviews a revealing exchange of correspondence between Federal Communications Commission Chairman Dennis Patrick and House Telecommunications Subcommittee Chairman Edward Markey that goes to the core of these issues 相似文献
《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1986,74(9):1231-1245
The telephone network today is the result of many years growth. Technology has enabled this growth to occur, and simultaneously allowed a steady reduction in the real cost of service and an increase in the level of performance. Technology will continue to facilitate the economic growth of the network, and with the evolution to digital will enable a much larger variety of information to be carried. Managing this broad range of capabilities requires more than traditional hardware and even software technologies. The real leverage will come from a broader class of "'soft" technologies that goes beyond language and operating systems to encompass system architecture, protocols, and databases. This paper will address the potential evolution of the network with respect to both hard and soft technologies. The trends in these technologies and in the network itself are leading towards a high-performance transport layer, with added intelligence layers to define the transport capabilities for a variety of services. 相似文献
针对传统人脸识别算法不能有效适用于智能移动终端的问题,提出一种基于经典SIFT算法的特征加权分簇匹配的轻量级改进方案,该方案能自动学习、自适应添加可靠的测试样本到训练样本空间,具有合理划分和科学权值分配特性,使该方案在识别率和运行时间上都有提高。改进算法分别在ORL人脸库和Yale人脸库做了测试,相对于经典SIFT算法识别率提升了6.13%和14.11%,运行效率提升了9.1%和4.7%。同时按照Zhou的测试方法,在ORL人脸库识别率达到74.05%,比PCA、LBP等经典算法都有明显的提升,并在Android智能终端中对识别方案做了实现,实验数据验证了改进算法在Android系统的可用性,最后提出一种基于云架构的改进方案。 相似文献
Telecommunications in Taiwan dates back more than 100 years and is provided by a government-owned organization. With the worldwide trend of liberalization and globalization of the telecom business, Taiwan cannot isolate itself from the international arena and must face the challenge of increased competition. The author first introduces the current status of the telecommunications industry in Taiwan, and then describes some technical innovations and a series of policies implemented by the government. In addition, telecom service projects and future prospects are also presented 相似文献
The future of computer telecommunications integration 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Describes activities in integrating the desktop computer with the telephone system (computer-telephony integration, or CTI). CTI is but one step in the evolution to a seamless and interoperable integrated telecommunications and computer infrastructure, and this may arrive surprisingly soon, enabled by some recent technological developments 相似文献
《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1986,74(9):1262-1273
This paper analyzes the effects of government regulation on the pricing and supply of telecommunications services in the United States. Among other things, it considers the effects of current economically inefficient pricing policies on bypass of the public switched telephone network and the widespread availability of low-cost telephone service, as well as the impact of the Bell System divestiture and other government policies on the economic organization of production in the industry. It examines how the regulatory environment is likely to change over the next decade, the forces making for change (or lack thereof), and the prospects for consumer-welfare-enhancing reform. 相似文献
The impact of technology changes on the capabilities of telecommunications switching systems is discussed. It is argued that to obtain a combination of rapid response to market needs, ultra-high network integrity, and continued choice of software and hardware providers, network operators will move toward the increased use of distributed communications, computing, and management environments, using a slowly evolving core transport layer and a rapidly evolving services layer in their network architectures. The emergence of broadband in the mass market will challenge physical designers to use innovative physical technologies in large switches to realize the needed interconnects and to control power consumption and dissipation. Declining transmission costs and powerful database technologies will continue to push the trend toward fewer numbers of larger switches and increased utilization of network reconfiguration at the path and facilities level 相似文献
在未来的一年里,电信业和互联网将会发生巨大的变化。这些变化最终将对电信服务提供商产生重大的影响并加速OSS(运营支撑系统)的发展。无线业务无线运营商正在开发新的业务。无线便携式电脑、手持计算设备以及其它的一些便携式产品使得无线上网成为可能。精巧的语音和数据设备将会无处不在。具有数据功能的移动电话将会得到普及。目前市场是巨大的:近1/2的美国人拥有移动电话,约1/5的美国工人的主要工作时间都不在办公室或工厂。大约每两秒钟就会有一个新的移动用户,年增长率达到了25%。预计到2002年底,支持上网的移动电话将拥有48… 相似文献
The development of telecommunications in China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Liang Xiongjian Zhang Xueyuan Yang Xu 《Communications Magazine, IEEE》1998,36(11):54-58
This article reviews the achievements and history of telecommunications development in China, and analyzes the development of the telecommunications services market in China. The analysis is mainly focused on total turnover of telecommunications services, the development of telecommunications services, and competition in the market. Finally, it analyzes issues on policies and regulations for telecommunications, and gives development targets for the future 相似文献
Brlic V. Zuric-Hudek V. Buzolic L. Rozic N. Begusic D. 《Communications Magazine, IEEE》2000,38(2):98-106
Previous years have brought interesting developments in the field of telecommunications all over the world. Countries in transition have experienced it in their own way. Croatia is an interesting example of such a country. After gaining independence in 1991 and setting course toward the open market economy, the development of telecommunications was particularly fast. Related legislative changes as well as changes in the ownership structure of Croatian telecom will surely have a significant impact on the future development of telecommunications in Croatia, which will be based on our own experiences as well as the experiences of other countries in transition and developed countries. The planning methodology will include the techno-economic evaluation of minimum-risk introductory routes for new services as defined within the European Union projects. An overview of the development of Croatian telecommunications during the '90s as well as plans for future development are presented. A comparison with other countries in development as well as with developed countries is given, too. A survey of the development of telecommunications within the County of Split and Dalmatia, including economic aspects, is given. An overview of research and development activities is also given 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1980,27(8):1341-1345
The rapid evolution from the transistor to the LSI circuit revolutionized telecommunications systems. In particular, the low-cost IC's triggered the transition from wired- to stored-program control and from analog to digital techniques by introducing standard IC's as microprocessors, memories, etc. The availability of analog-digital interface circuits, for example codecs, filters, SLIC's, and vocoders, has become very important. In addition to the technical revolution, the economical aspects must be considered. LSI circuits enter more and more into the vicious circle of greater complexity-fewer applications and thus higher costs. An escape from this circle is offered by programmable circuits such as microprocessors or new circuits with a regular architecture. Nevertheless, custom circuits will always be used in order to protect the system know-how. The blend of standard and custom circuits will be important for the success of a systems house. Since vertical integration activities will be unlikely, different concepts of cooperation between IC manufacturers and system house become more and more important. 相似文献