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MARKAL模型在北京中远期能源发展研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
佟庆  白泉  刘滨  吕应运 《中国能源》2004,26(6):36-40
MARKAL模型是一个综合能源系统优化模型,在满足给定的能源需求量和污染物排放量限制条件下,确定出使能源系统成本最小化的一次能源供应结构和用能技术结构。本文尝试将MARKAL模型应用于北京市中远期能源系统建设研究,根据北京市未来能源、经济、环境协调发展的要求,进行了几种可能的未来能源系统发展情景分析。研究结果表明,适当安排大气环境质量改善进程可以明显减少清洁能源系统建设成本,而且不影响大气环境质量改善的总体效果。  相似文献   

<正>作为清洁能源的一种,使用天然气可减少二氧化硫、粉尘、二氧化碳、氮氧化物的排放,减少酸雨形成,缓解地球温室效应,从根本上改善环境质量。在治理大气污染、应对全球气候变化、实施能源革命的关键时期,大规模利用天然气已成我国能源转型发展的重要战略和举措。国家能源局局长努尔·白克力多次公开表示,天然气是我国推进能源生产和消费革命,实现主体能源绿色低碳更替的重要基础。  相似文献   

郭敏晓  杨宏伟 《中国能源》2021,(3):19-23,58
“十三五”期间,我国与环境相关的多项能源指标达到预期,大气环境质量改善,温室气体排放得到有效控制.淘汰落后产能、重点行业超低排放、清洁取暖、“公转铁”等绿色交通以及绿色建筑等重大能源环保举措取得重要进展.展望“十四五”,能源使用效率和水平将进一步提升,能源结构将继续向清洁、低碳、绿色化调整,大气环境质量预期将继续改善,...  相似文献   

第一条(目的) 为加强本市建筑节能管理,降低建筑物使用能耗,提高能源利用效率,改善环境质量,促进经济和社会可持续发展,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。  相似文献   

从沼气、热泵、太阳能和风能等方面可再生能源技术存在的问题和解决措施入手,叙述了太原市可再生能源发展的空间,指出,发展可再生能源是调整太原市能源结构,改进太原市环境质量的重大措施,也是保证能源安全的重大措施。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,以供应安全为主要出发点的传统的能源安全观逐渐向着所谓综合能源安全的方向发展,人们对环境保护和可持续发展问题逐渐达成共识。随着环保运动的发展,约瑟夫·欧姆在1993年又为能源安全增加了环境保护的向度:“90年代能源安全的目标是通过增加经济竞争力和减少环境恶化,确保充足可靠的能源服务。”1997年《京都议定书》的签订标志着世界各国重新界定了能源安全的概念,在国家能源发展战略中,增加了能源的使用不应对人类自身生存与发展的生态环境构成大的威胁的要求。能源供应、经济竞争力和环境质量成为保障国家能源安全的3个基本要素。  相似文献   

能源是城市交通发展的生命线,但目前中国尚没有专门针对城市交通能源的规划。基于可持续发展理念,立足中国国情,本文提出了以满足交通能源需求、改善环境质量、优化资源利用为目标的可持续城市交通能源规划新理论体系,并对可持续城市交通能源规划的理论框架进行了设计,对规划内容与步骤进行了设想,为该理论的研究提供了基本的思路。  相似文献   

"十三五"期间,我国与环境相关的多项能源指标达到预期,大气环境质量改善,温室气体排放得到有效控制。淘汰落后产能、重点行业超低排放、清洁取暖、"公转铁"等绿色交通以及绿色建筑等重大能源环保举措取得重要进展。展望"十四五",能源使用效率和水平将进一步提升,能源结构将继续向清洁、低碳、绿色化调整,大气环境质量预期将继续改善,温室气体排放将朝达峰目标努力迈进,能源新技术新业态和更多公众参与,将助力能源转型。总体来讲,任务依然艰巨,需要妥善应对各种新旧问题,持续付出努力。  相似文献   

本文通过建立向量自回归(VAR)模型,研究了经济增长、环境质量和能源消费三者之间的长期均衡关系,并对未来五年的二氧化碳排放量、能源消费量和GDP进行了动态预测。建立了经济发展的能源需求模型和环境约束下的能源消费模型,得出经济产出、能源消费及能源强度三个变量之间及二氧化碳排放量、能源消费及碳强度三个变量之间的长期均衡关系,在此基础上预测未来五年我国能源最优消费量数据。  相似文献   

张沪 《上海节能》2012,(10):2-4,8
沪府办发【2012】36号文:《上海市燃煤(重油)锅炉清洁能源替代工作方案》已告示,燃煤(重油)清洁能源替代可享受政府专项资金扶持。这对上海能源结构调整起到了积极的推动作用,有利于改善我们赖以生存的城市环境质量和城市形象。所涉及到的有关单位也启动了替代程序,但不少单位对清洁能源的种类、特性以及对替代后锅炉具体技术指  相似文献   

In today's world striving for efficiency in every sector, especially power generation and distribution, smart grids emerge as the solution for efficiently meeting the increasing demand. They adjust themselves to optimally deliver energy at the lowest cost and highest quality possible. The grid successfully makes use of renewable energy resources, electric vehicles, and smart pricing techniques in its attempt to achieve energy efficiency. It also promotes a greener environment by striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Information communication technology (ICT) helps the grid in collecting consumption data from the consumers and in sharing tariff information. ICT also helps to gather information about the status of the grid with regard to aspects like power quality, faults etc. The purpose of this paper is to review recent literature with a view to comprehensively present the technologies employed in the smart grid for achieving energy efficiency and the challenges involved therein.  相似文献   

The development of nations is an unquestionable requirement. A lot of challenges concerning health, education and economy are present. A discussion on these development models has occupied the minds of decision makers in recent years. When energy supply and demand is considered, the situation becomes critical and the crucial question is: how to improve the quality of life of developing countries based on available models of development that are related to the life style of developed countries, for which the necessary use and waste of energy are present? How much energy is essential to humanity for not so as to endangering the survival conditions of future generations? The human development index (HDI) establishes the relationship among energy use, economic growth and social growth. Here it can be seen that 75% of the world population has a significant energy consumption potential. This is a strong reason to consider that the sustainable development concepts on energy policies are strategic to the future of the planet. This paper deals with the importance of seeking alternative development models for human development balance, natural resources conservation and environment through rational energy use concepts.  相似文献   

The rapid growth in coal and oil consumption has led to increasing emissions of greenhouse gases as well as air pollutants in China. In response to this, the Chinese government has begun to formulate policies to retard the increasing use of energy consumption and to improve air quality. This paper attempts to quantify the co-benefits of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and improving air quality from policies that are originally formulated to improve energy efficiency and to abate emissions of air pollutants from energy use. The present authors have developed an integrated approach, combining an energy projection model, an emission estimation model, an air quality simulation model, and a health benefit evaluation model, to assess the co-benefits of two different sets of energy policies of China. The modeling results show that significant benefits, including 1469 million tonnes of reduced emissions of CO2, 12–32% decline in air pollutant concentrations, and more than 100 billion US$ of health benefit, can be achieved around the year 2030 if aggressive energy policies are implemented. The analyses suggest that such energy policies could do a lot of benefit to the environment. Moreover, better industry structure and energy structure is essential for higher air quality.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2002,22(11):1195-1205
Industrial energy efficiency is of vital importance as regards environment and industrial profitability. Optimisation of industrial energy systems may show a way towards improved use of resources in energy supply as well as in production processes.The deregulation of the electricity market in some countries increases flexibility in electricity contracts. Taking advantage of the price structure in these contracts is one of the ways to minimise the energy costs and decrease the influence on the environment. Thermal energy stores are very suitable facilities for achieving these goals, having the capability of moving energy use from one period of time to another and thereby influencing not only energy cost but also costs related to power demand if electric energy use is involved.In this paper, the influence on energy costs, energy and material flows resulting from the use of energy storage is discussed. Energy storage has been modelled by using MIND (Method for analysis of INDustrial energy systems) in the form that has recently been developed by the author. A case study from the pulp and paper industry has been used to verify this.  相似文献   

根据第二定律分析燃料的对提高发电厂能源利用效率以及各终端耗能系统的节能潜力具有极大的重要性和必要性。本文介绍了燃料的参考环境和定义,探讨了几类有关燃料分析及计算的典型研究和假设条件下的燃料计算模型。以我国发电煤种煤质特性数据为基础进行实例分析,比较不同方法下的燃料和燃质系数,得出适合我国煤炭的燃料计算模型。最后,论述了煤炭清洁利用的几种典型方式和技术。  相似文献   

The energy consumed in Ireland is primarily achieved by the combustion of fossil fuels. Ireland's only indigenous fossil fuel is peat; all other fossil fuels are imported. As fossil fuels continually become more expensive, their use as an energy source also has a negative impact on the environment. Ireland's energy consumption can be separated into three divisions: transportation, electricity generation and heat energy. Ireland however has a vast range of high quality renewable energy resources. Ireland has set a target that 33% of its electricity will be generated from renewable sources by 2020 [I. Government. Delivering a Sustainable Energy Future for Ireland; 2007.]. The use of biomass, wind and ocean energy technologies is expected to play a major part in meeting this target. The use of renewable energy technologies will assist sustainable development as well as being a solution to several energy related environmental problems. This paper presents the current state of renewable energy technologies and potential resources available in Ireland. Considering Ireland's present energy state, a future energy mix is proposed.  相似文献   

Reducing the liquid content of green products is an important step in the manufacture of many products. Process conditions in the drying phase have significant influences on the quality of the end product and on energy consumption and required manufacturing time. Effective optimisation of the drying process requires accurate representation of the drying product and its interaction with its environment. The development of a computer simulation tool to analyse the industrial batch timber drying process is outlined. A detailed finite difference product model describing the heat and mass transfers within a plank during drying is described. It is integrated with a customised CFD code characterising the process conditions within the drying chamber. Simulation output from the integrated model is used to generate a macroscopic representation of the product in its drying environment. This representation is included as a component in a modular industrial installation simulation environment. Analysis with this global model can lead to optimisation of energy consumption of the industrial timber drying process whilst maintaining product quality and acceptable drying duration.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the discussion of how different kinds of industrial scale dryers for biomass influence the quality properties of wood pellets. It also discusses how the drying technique can affect the environment. The most common biomass drying processes in use, i.e., convection dryers are discussed. The discussion of drying techniques is based on advantages and disadvantages with a focus on the drying medium, temperature and residence time. The choice of drying technique is particularly important if the end-user’s choice of pellets is made due to the specific requirements for the heating system used. Some specific parameters were tested in order to investigate how the choice of drying technique affects the pellet quality. The parameters tested were moisture content and the emissions of volatile hydrocarbons. Pellets available on the market were chosen for the tests. The amount of volatile hydrocarbons left in sawdust after drying vary with drying technique, as emissions of terpenes are larger in dryers with long residence times. Low emissions of volatile hydrocarbons would improve the energy content of the sawdust, and by decreasing air pollution improve the work environment and the environment in the surroundings of the dryers.  相似文献   

The paper brings new evidence on the impact of separate mechanical ventilation system on the annual energy and exergy performance of several design alternatives of residential heating systems, when they are designed for a house in Montreal. Mathematical models of residential heating, ventilation and domestic hot water (HVAC–DHW) systems, which are needed for this purpose, are developed and furthermore implemented in the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) environment. The Coefficient of Performance and the exergy efficiency are estimated as well as the entropy generation and exergy destruction of the overall system. The equivalent greenhouse gas emissions due to the on-site and off-site use of primary energy sources are also estimated. The addition of a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery to any HVAC–DHW system discussed in the paper increases the energy efficiency; however, it decreases the exergy efficiency, which indicates a potential long-term damaging impact on the natural environment. Therefore, the use of a separate mechanical ventilation system in a house should be considered with caution, and recommended only when other means for controlling the indoor air quality cannot be applied.  相似文献   

浅谈全氧燃烧技术在玻璃工业中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简要介绍了全氧燃烧的机理、优点、发展历程及应注意的相关问题,该技术不仅能节省大量能量,改善玻璃质量,而且还使燃料燃烧产生的氮氧化物得到根除,对环境保护也起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

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