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利用一个五粒子团簇态为信道,分别提出了三个关于二粒子态和单粒子态的双向受控量子信息传输协议。在第一个协议中,通过引入辅助粒子,实施受控非门运算和Bell态测量,Alice能把二粒子未知态传送给Bob,同时Bob也能把单粒子未知态传送给Alice。在第二个方案中,通过引入辅助粒子、巧妙构造正交基和执行单粒子投影测量,Alice能帮助Bob远程地制备二粒子已知态,同时Bob也能帮助Alice远程地制备单粒子已知态。由于他们充分利用了前馈策略去构造测量基,制备任务能够完美完成。在第三个方案中,结合前两个方案的特点,Alice能成功将二粒子未知态传送给Bob,Bob也完美地在Alice处制备单粒子已知态。上述三个方案离开监控者的允许是不能实现的。  相似文献   

彭家寅 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(12):3731-3735
为了解决任意二量子通信问题,首先给出了五粒子和七粒子纠缠态的构造方法,并提供了它们的量子线路图。其次,以该五粒子纠缠态为量子信道,提出一个任意二粒子未知量子态的受控隐形传态协议。该协议在监察者Charlie的控制下,Alice进行四粒子投影测量和经典通信,Bob采用简单酉变换就能以100%的概率成功重构一个任意二粒子纠缠态。最后,利用七粒子纠缠态为量子信道,提出了任意二粒子纠缠态的联合受控远程制备方案。在此方案中,发送者Alice用自己掌握被制备态的部分信息构造测量基,发送者Bob采用前馈测量策略,接收者Diana在监控者Charlie的帮助下,通过简单幺正变换就能确定性地恢复原始态。  相似文献   

彭家寅 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(9):2802-2805,2814
为了解决多方量子通信问题,首先提出一种构造十粒子纠缠态的方法,并籍此构造出一个3◢n◣+1粒子纠缠态。其次,以十粒子纠缠态为量子信道,提出一个三方受控循环远程制备协议。该协议在监察者David的控制下,Alice能为Bob远程制备一个任意单粒子态,Bob能够在Charlie处远程制备一个任意单粒子态,Charlie也能为Alice远程制备任意单粒子态。进一步,借助3◢n◣+1粒子纠缠态,将此循环协议推广到任意◢n◣方受控循环远程态制备情形。在远程态制备过程中,每个发送者充分利用各自掌握的信息和前馈策略来构造恰当的测量基,通过经典通信和局域操作,就能成功实现任意单粒子态的远程制备。  相似文献   

设计了一个通用的辅助量子计算协议。该协议的客户端Alice仅拥有经典计算机或有限的量子技术,这些资源不足以让Alice做通用量子计算,因此Alice需要把她的量子计算任务委派给远程的量子服务器Bob。Bob拥有充分成熟的量子计算机,并会诚实地帮助Alice执行委派的量子计算任务,但他却得不到Alice的任何输入、输出信息。该协议只要求Alice能发送量子态和执行Pauli门操作,协议具有通用性、半盲性、正确性和可验证性。  相似文献   


吕欣  马智  冯登国 《软件学报》2006,17(3):509-515
量子安全直接通信是继量子密钥分配之后提出的又一重要量子密码协议,它要求通信双方在预先不需要建立共享密钥的情况下就可以实现消息的保密传输.给出了一个新的量子安全直接通信方案,该方案利用量子Calderbank-Shor-Steane(CSS)纠错码和未知量子态不可克隆等性质,方案的安全性建立在求解一般的线性码的译码问题是一个NP完全问题、Goppa码有快速的译码算法和量子图灵机不能有效求解NP完全问题的基础上.在协议中,发送方Alice把要发送的秘密消息转化为一一对应的错误向量,把错误向量加到其接收到的、Bob编码过的量子态上,并发给接收方Bob.Bob利用其私钥,通过测量、解码可以得到错误向量,并可以用相应的算法恢复出秘密消息.控制量子信道的攻击者Eve不能恢复出秘密消息,因其不知道Bob的密钥.与已有的量子安全直接通信方案相比,该方案不需要交换任何额外的经典信息和建立量子纠缠信道.  相似文献   

针对一般可控量子远程通信方案能防止外部窃听,但无法有效防止冒充攻击这一安全缺陷,提出一种具备身份认证功能的可控量子远程通信方案。可信任第三方Charlie利用纠缠交换对接收者Bob进行身份认证,在确定Bob的合法身份并将消息反馈给发送者Alice后,Alice再传送量子信息。该方案利用身份认证能有效防止冒充攻击,并能够增强量子信息传送的正确性和安全性。  相似文献   

提出传送任意三粒子纠缠态的三个方案,分别是利用三对二粒子纠缠态、单个三粒子最大纠缠态和利用两个EPR态作为量子通道实现三粒子纠缠态的传送。通过发送者(Alice)对需传送的三粒子纠缠态与属于自己的纠缠对中的粒子分别进行适当的Bell基测量,然后把结果通过经典通道告诉接收者(Bob),接收者根据这些信息对自己拥有的三粒子进行相应的联合幺正变换,就可以实现一定概率的隐形传态。这些方案都可以推广至N个粒子纠缠态的传送。  相似文献   

综合考虑量子纠缠、量子态的比较、量子操作等,提出一种基于新的二粒子纠缠的仲裁量子签名协议。利用隐形传态的原理将未知的量子传递到接受者手中,再对其进行相应的酉变化来恢复原信息。方案中有第三方的参与使得方案更安全,又利用具有很好性质的二粒子纠缠态,使得方案简单安全可行。同时算法利用一次一密加密算法加密保障了签名的不可伪造性,通过仲裁者的参与及量子密钥有效解决了双方的抵赖问题。  相似文献   

由于W态纠缠的强鲁棒性,它被认为是更适用于量子信息处理和量子安全通信的信息载体。针对4粒子W态或3粒子非对称W态量子直接通信效率低下或物理实现困难等缺陷,利用3粒子对称W态和量子身份认证机制,提出了一种新的确定型安全量子通信协议。该协议由认证码生成、量子态准备、量子态分发、安全检测与身份认证和消息通信五阶段组成,通信双方只需进行两粒子Bell基、单粒子Z基或X基测量,通信效率也有所提高,即1个3粒子W态传输1经典比特信息。安全分析证明该协议能有效抵抗各类窃听者Eve攻击和伪装攻击,具有较好的安全特性。  相似文献   

Quantum teleportation of an unknown quantum state is one of the few communication tasks which has no classical counterpart. Usually the aim of teleportation is to send an unknown quantum state to a receiver. But is it possible in some way that the receiver’s state has more quantum discord than the sender’s state? We look at a scenario where Alice and Bob share a pure quantum state and Alice has an unknown quantum state. She performs joint measurement on her qubits and channel to prepare Bob’s qubits in a mixed state which has higher quantum discord than hers. We also observe an interesting feature in this scenario, when the quantum discord of Alice’s qubits increases, then the quantum discord of Bob’s prepared qubits decreases. Furthermore, we show that the fidelity of one-qubit quantum teleportation using Bob’s prepared qubits as the channel is higher than using Alice’s qubits.  相似文献   

Based on Bell states, this paper proposes a semi-quantum protocol enabling the limited semi-quantum or “classical” user Bob to transmit the secret message to a fully quantum Alice directly. A classical user is restricted to measure, prepare, reorder and send quantum states only in the classical basis \( \{ \left| 0 \right\rangle ,\left| 1 \right\rangle \} \). The protocol must rely on the quantum Alice to produce Bell states, perform Bell basis measurement and store qubits, but the classical party Bob does not require quantum memory. Security and efficiency of the proposed schemes have been discussed. The analysis results show that the protocol is secure against some eavesdropping attacks and the qubit efficiency of the protocol is higher than the other related semi-quantum protocols.  相似文献   

We propose two fault-tolerant high-capacity quantum key distribution schemes, in which an entangled pair over a collective-noise channel consisting of one logical qubit and one physical qubit can carry four bits of key information. The basic idea is to use 2-extended unitary operations from collective noises together with quantum dense coding. The key messages are encoded on logical qubits of two physical qubits with sixteen 2-extended unitary operations based on collective noises. The key can be recovered using Bell-state analysis on the logical qubit and a single-photon measurement on the physical qubit rather than three-qubit GHZ joint measurements. The proposed protocols require a collation table to be shared between Alice and Bob in advance. Consequently, the key messages carried by an entangled state, in our protocol, have doubled at the price of sharing the collation table between Alice and Bob. However, the efficiency of qubits is enhanced because a quantum bit is more expensive to prepare than a classical bit.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a novel bidirectional quantum teleportation protocol is proposed. By using entanglement swapping technique, two GHZ states are shared as a quantum channel between Alice and Bob as legitimate users. In this scheme, based on controlled-not operation, single-qubit measurement, and appropriate unitary operations, two users can simultaneously transmit a pure EPR state to each other, While, in the previous protocols, the users can just teleport a single-qubit state to each other via more than four-qubit state. Therefore, the proposed scheme is economical compared with previous protocols.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme of cyclic joint remote state preparation for three sides, which takes advantage of three GHZ states to compose product state as quantum channel. Suppose there are six legitimate participants, says Alice, Bob, Charlie, David, Emma and Fred in the scheme. It can be shown that Alice and David can remotely prepare a single-qubit state on Bob’s side; meanwhile, Bob and Emma can remotely prepare a desired quantum state on Charlie’s side, and Charlie and Fred can also remotely prepare a single-qubit state on Alice’s side at the same time. Further, it can be achieved in the opposite direction of the cycle by changing the quantum channel. Based on it, we generalize this protocol to \(N (N\ge 3)\) sides utilizing three multi-qubit GHZ-type states as quantum channel. Therefore, the scheme can achieve cyclic joint remote state preparation, which remotely prepares N states in quantum network with N-party, simultaneously. In addition, we consider that the effect of amplitude-damping noise of the initial states is prepared in four different laboratory. Clearly, we use fidelity to describe how much information has been lost in the cyclic process. Our investigation about the effect of noise shows that the preparing of the initial state in different laboratories will affect the loss of information.  相似文献   

Asymmetric multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a scheme for asymmetric multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state with n agents. The sender Alice first shares m − 1 Bell states and one n + 1-particle Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state with n agents, where the agent Bob, who is designated to recover the original m-qubit state, just keeps m particles and other agents (all controllers) n − 1 particles, that is, each controller only holds one particle in hand. Subsequently, Alice performs m Bell-basis measurements on her 2m particles and each controller only need take a single-particle measurement on his particle with the basis X. Finally, Bob can recover the original m-qubit state with the corresponding local unitary operations according to Alice and all controllers’ measurement results. Its intrinsic efficiency for qubits approaches 100%, and the total efficiency really approaches the maximal value, which is higher than those of the known symmetric schemes.  相似文献   

We present a highly efficient scheme for perfect joint remote preparation of an arbitrary \( 2^{n} \)-qubit W state with minimum quantum resource. Both the senders Alice and Bob intend to jointly prepare one \( 2^{n} \)-qubit W state for the remote receiver Charlie. In the beginning, they help the remote receiver Charlie to construct one n-qubit intermediate state which is closely related to the target \( 2^{n} \)-qubit W state. Afterward, Charlie introduces auxiliary qubits and applies appropriate operations to obtain the target \( 2^{n} \)-qubit W state. Compared with previous schemes, our scheme requires minimum quantum resource and least amount of classical communication. Moreover, our scheme has a significant potential for being adapted to remote state preparation of other special states.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme of cyclic quantum teleportation for three unknown qubits using six-qubit maximally entangled state as the quantum channel. Suppose there are three observers Alice, Bob and Charlie, each of them has been given a quantum system such as a photon or spin-\(\frac{1}{2}\) particle, prepared in state unknown to them. We show how to implement the cyclic quantum teleportation where Alice can transfer her single-qubit state of qubit a to Bob, Bob can transfer his single-qubit state of qubit b to Charlie and Charlie can also transfer his single-qubit state of qubit c to Alice. We can also implement the cyclic quantum teleportation with \(N\geqslant 3\) observers by constructing a 2N-qubit maximally entangled state as the quantum channel. By changing the quantum channel, we can change the direction of teleportation. Therefore, our scheme can realize teleportation in quantum information networks with N observers in different directions, and the security of our scheme is also investigated at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

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