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Jejunogastric intussusception is a rare complication of gastric surgery. We report a case in a 41-year-old woman subjected to gastrojejunostomy with truncal vagotomy 3 years before for pyloric stenosis. The jejunogastric intussusception was diagnosed by upper gastrointestinal series, ultrasonography, and computed tomography. Surgical management consisted of reduction and fixation. Treatment should be as early as possible to prevent gangrene of the invaginated segment.  相似文献   

Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL-2999 was inoculated into meat mixtures with curing salts and into yeast extractsucrose (YES) and sucrose-ammonium salts (SAS) broth with and without curing salts to determine if the presence of curing salts significantly affected growth and aflatoxin production by the mold. The effect of individual curing salts or curing salt mixtures on growth and toxin elaboration by the aspergillus was substrate dependent. When YES broth contained 100 ppm of NaNO2, 2% NaCl, or 1 or 2% NaCl plus 200 ppm of NaNO2 or 200 ppm of NaNO3, growth and/or aflatoxin production was depressed. Biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1 was enhanced by presence of 1 and 4% NaCl in YES broth. The SAS broth containing only NaCl or NaCl combined with nitrite or nitrate yielded less aflatoxin than did control broth or no aflatoxin at all. When compared to the control, an increase in growth and amount of aflatoxin occurred in SAS broth which contained 200 ppm of NaNO3. Sausages containing 100 and 200 ppm NaNO2 and no NaCl supported more mold growth and aflatoxin production than did control sausage with 3% NaCl and 100 ppm of NaNO2. Addition of 2 and 3% NaCl and no nitrite to sausage resulted in less aflatoxin than in control sausage.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Internal ophthalmoplegia complicating Chickenpox is rare. Fifteen cases have been reported so far. CLINICAL CASE: We reported a new case of this neurological complication in a 3 1/2 year old girl that 6 days after the onset of the typical rash, the right pupil was dilated and fixed to light and accommodation. Pupillary dilatation and accommodative paralysis persist after five years, but spectacle correction has restored the visual acuity.  相似文献   

Pulmonary hypertension is a rare pulmonary complication of chronic hepatic diseases. Anatomopathologic and clinic data are very similar to primary pulmonary hypertension. Although the lesions of arteriopathy are more related to portal hypertension than to hepatic lesions, the physiopathology of this morbid association is unknown.  相似文献   

One case of prenatally diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernia was reviewed in terms of the anesthetic managements. Concentrations of diazepam, pancuronium and fentanyl were measured in maternal, fetal and umbilical serum. As expectedly, the transition of diazepam through the placenta was large and the concentration of diazepam in the fetal serum was equal to that of maternal serum, but only a small amount of pancuronium was transferred.  相似文献   

Cyanosis occurring during a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) is usually related to the respiratory depressant effect of the administered sedative. However, acute toxic methemoglobinemia related to topical benzocaine is a rare and not well recognized but potentially life threatening cause of cyanosis during or after TEE. A case of this condition is presented and the literature on its frequency, diagnosis and management is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Blindness is a rare and rather unexpected complication of neck dissection. There have been only a few cases reported to date, all following bilateral neck dissections. We present a case of blindness after one-sided neck dissection and an insidious finding of bilateral common carotid artery occlusion.  相似文献   

Rectified turpentine oil can be used to soften or dissolve gutta-percha in the root canal space to facilitate endodontic retreatment or preparation of space for a post. For endodontic retreatment, the turpentine oil can be heated to 71 degrees C which significantly increases its ability to dissolve gutta-percha. For removing only a portion of the gutta-percha while leaving the rest intact, as for the preparation of space for a post, the turpentine oil is delivered to the canal at body temperature (37 degrees C).  相似文献   

Observations on the swarming of mosquitoes were conducted in the flood plain forest of South Yamal (67 degrees N.L.). The individuals of A. communis made 83 to 94% of the swarming males. Their number in swarms varied from 30 to 800 specimens. The dynamics of the swarming males number depends on the rate of their emergence from the pupae. At the mass emergence the number of swarming males was 3 times higher though the increase in the general size of the population was negligible. Synchronization of the swarming time of males was also favoured by warm windless weather.  相似文献   

Hyponatremia is a common neuromedical problem seen in survivors of central nervous system injury. The etiology of this hyponatremia is often diagnosed as syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormone (SIADH). Fluid restriction is usually the first line of treatment. However, this can exacerbate vasospasm and produce resultant ischemia. Cerebral salt wasting is a syndrome of renal sodium loss that may occur commonly after central nervous system injury, yet remains unrecognized. Treatment of cerebral salt wasting consists of hydration and salt replacement. This article uses a case report to discuss the importance of recognition of this syndrome, and treatment concerns are reviewed.  相似文献   

A 49-year-old female presented with a rare meningioma in the petrous bone. High resolution computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated that the tumor had developed in the jugular foramen and extended into the infralabyrinthine area of the petrous bone and intracranially into the cerebellopontine angle. The operative findings confirmed these observations. Meningiomas of the petrous bone may originate from the jugular foramen.  相似文献   

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a known, although rare, complication of ticlopidine treatment. It typically appears within the first days or weeks after initiation of therapy. We describe a case of TTP in a 75-year-old patient, due to ticlopidine, occurring three weeks after coronary stent implantation. The patient responded favourably to fresh frozen plasma exchanges. We are reporting this case to emphasize that prognosis depends on prompt diagnosis and early treatment, implying careful biochemical monitoring.  相似文献   

In a 82-year-old woman varicella zoster encephalitis was diagnosed, a rare complication of shingles. The case was remarkable for its rapid and fatal course in a patient without an underlying disease. At autopsy, the histological picture of an acute haemorrhagic encephalitis was seen, also a rare finding.  相似文献   

The trophedema Nonne-Milroy-Meige has an exceptional position within the group of the primary lymphatic edemas (l.e.) because of its hereditary. Its frequency less than 1% of primary l.e. The trophedema is caused by a genetic determined defect of the morphogenese of parts of lymphatic system, which is mainly autosomal dominantly transmitted. It is morphologically and lymphografically characterized by a lack and reduction respectively of the number of lymphatic vessels. The trophedema results an emotional (cosmetic) and physical stress. Complicationes will rarely arise. In this paper it is described the case of the development of a cancer upon a trophedema, which seems to be the first case ever published. It will be shown, that an test-section have to be carried out in all cases of damages at a l.e. als soon as possible. The best conservative method at present used is the treatment with cortisone and hyaluronidase including bandage. However a real cure of the primary l.e. including the trophedema can not be attained by therapeutic methods presently used, because the defect of the lymphatic-vessels-system is hereditary. On the other hand therapeutic nihilism cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

A female patient, 28 years old, with massive haemoptysis as a complication of cystic fibrosis, is described. Cystic fibrosis is a systemic disease with common pulmonary manifestations. Chronic inflammatory process causes the proliferation of bronchial arteries, and their erosion is followed by bleeding. Transitory haemoptysis is common in patients with cystic fibrosis, but massive haemoptysis is a rare complication of this disease.  相似文献   

A case of Streptococcus oralis meningitis is reported. This followed extraction of a normal tooth during routine orthodontic treatment. No focus of infection could be demonstrated, either local to or distant from the extraction site. Full recovery followed hospital admission and intravenous benzyl penicillin.  相似文献   

The objective evaluation of smell is the least used functional ear, nose and throat exploration. Evoked potentials can be recorded after chemical olfactory stimulation using a method similar to recording cortical auditory evoked potentials. Our results with this technique and peppermint oil as the stimulant were fully satisfactory. In 10 patients with normal smell, a characteristic wave with a long latency was recorded in the absence of auditory and visual stimuli. In contrast, in 10 anosmic patients this characteristic recording was absent. The easy recording technique proposed here can be useful for olfactory assessment of objective disorders, detection of malingers, and medical-legal reports.  相似文献   

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