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针对光伏(Photovoltaic, PV)−电池−超级电容直流微电网系统中光伏发电间歇性造成的功率失配问题, 提出一种基于事件触发的无差拍预测控制(Event-triggered deadbeat predictive control, ETDPC)方法, 以实现有效的能量管理. ETDPC方法结合事件触发控制策略和无差拍预测控制策略(Deadbeat predictive control, DPC)的优点, 根据微电网的拓扑结构构建状态空间模型, 用于设计适用于微电网能量管理的触发条件: 当ETDPC的触发条件满足时, ETDPC中无差拍预测控制模块被激活, 可以在一个控制周期内产生最优控制信号, 实现对于扰动的快速响应, 减小母线电压纹波; 当系统状态不满足ETDPC中的触发条件时, 无差拍预测控制模块被挂起, 从而消除非必要运算, 以减轻实现能量管理的运算负担. 因此, 对于电池−超级电容器混合储能系统(Hybrid energy storage system, HESS), ETDPC能够缓解间歇性光伏发电与负荷需求之间的功率失衡, 以稳定母线电压. 最后, 数字仿真和硬件在环(Hardware-in-loop, HIL)实验结果表明, 相较于传统无差拍控制方法, 运算负担减小了50.63%, 母线电压纹波小于0.73%, 验证了ETDPC方法的有效性与性能优势, 为直流微电网的能量管理提供了一种参考.  相似文献   

针对拒绝服务(DoS)攻击下的时变多自主体系统,在有限域内研究事件触发安全一致性问题。在信息传输过程中,拒绝服务攻击同时存在于测量和控制通道中。将拒绝服务攻击看作是驻留时间切换机制,增广系统转化为包含一个稳定子系统和一个不稳定子系统的离散驻留时间切换系统。为提高通信资源利用率,采用状态依赖阈值的事件触发机制来更新控制输入信号。基于多Lyapunov函数方法,以线性矩阵不等式形式给出系统一致指数稳定且具有期望H∞性能的两个充分条件以及可行的控制器增益。仿真实例验证了发生拒绝服务攻击时,多自主体系统仍然可以实现安全一致性。  相似文献   

楼琦凯  陈蓓  丁勐  牛玉刚 《控制与决策》2022,37(12):3207-3214
针对一类控制通讯信道受到攻击下直流微电网系统母线电压波动问题,提出一种基于滑模控制方法的镇定策略,以实现动态控制与快速响应.首先,在直流微电网系统中引入蓄电池储能系统并构建系统数学模型;其次,设计积分滑模控制策略,控制储能系统注入镇定电流以稳定直流母线电压,从而抑制非线性扰动和虚假数据注入攻击对系统性能的影响;然后,借助适当的Lyapunov泛函,得到确保滑动模态渐近稳定和滑模面可达性的充分条件,保证直流微电网系统能够实现对负载需求的迅速响应及稳定运行;最后,通过Matlab数值仿真验证所提出的滑模控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

针对具有周期拒绝服务(DoS)攻击的网络化系统,设计一种基于观测器的具有动态事件触发策略的控制器.首先,通过DoS攻击对网络化系统的影响建立了DoS攻击模型,采用切换系统的方法,将具有DoS攻击的网络化系统分为DoS攻击活跃子系统和DoS攻击休眠子系统.对不可测的系统状态设计状态观测器,通过在静态事件触发中引入一个内部...  相似文献   

马超  吴伟 《软件学报》2020,31(6):1672-1680
研究了马尔可夫跳变信息物理系统(CPS)在模态依赖拒绝服务(Do S)攻击下的安全控制问题.提出了一种模态依赖事件触发策略来减少网络资源消耗.特别地,DoS攻击被设置为依赖系统模态,从而更贴近实际的应用.基于Lyapunov Krasovskii泛函方法建立了闭环系统在Do S攻击下渐近一致有界的充分性条件.更进一步,根据矩阵技术设计了所需的安全控制器.最后,通过一个实例说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

解相朋  杨馥伊  魏聪  葛辉  岳东 《控制与决策》2023,38(8):2335-2345
研究基于T-S模糊模型的直流微电网(DC-MG)系统在拒绝服务(DoS)和虚假数据注入(FDI)混合攻击下的协同估计控制框架.考虑网络化T-S模糊模型和并行分布补偿(PDC)模糊控制规则中的非均匀时间尺度,建立DC-MG系统的T-S模型.为了放宽现有的DoS攻击模型通常假定攻击的频率和持续时间均有限的要求,在攻击信号的休眠和活跃期的已知范围内提出一种新的DoS攻击模型.同时,构造一个切换脉冲观测器来估计由外部动态系统产生的未知FDI攻击信号.然后,利用依赖于攻击参数的时变Lyapunov函数方法,导出系统在混合攻击下的指数稳定性判据.此外,基于线性矩阵不等式给出了模糊控制器和FDI攻击观测器的联合设计方法.最后,通过案例研究验证了所提出理论结果的有效性.  相似文献   

针对多神经网络系统在执行器攻击和外部随机干扰下的同步控制问题,对事件触发滑模控制方法进行研究。首先,设计了2种新的积分滑模函数,保证多神经网络系统在整个同步过程中的全局鲁棒性;其次,在事件触发机制的基础上,针对系统存在有界扰动和执行器攻击的问题,设计了分布式事件触发积分滑模控制器,在抑制干扰和攻击的同时实现了多神经网络的同步控制,并且节约了通信资源;再次,基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,给出了多神经网络同步的充分条件,并通过推导得出最小触发时间间隔为大于0的正数,即保证系统不会存在奇诺(Zeno)行为;最后,仿真结果验证了所提控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

本文研究了DoS攻击下网络化控制系统记忆型事件触发预测补偿控制问题. 首先, 由于网络带宽资源有限和系统状态不完全可观测性, 引入了记忆型事件触发函数, 为观测器提供离散事件触发传输方案. 然后, 分析了网络传输通道上发生的DoS攻击. 结合上述记忆型事件触发方案, 在控制节点设计一类新颖的预测控制算法, 节省网络带宽资源并主动补偿DoS攻击. 同时, 建立了基于观测器的记忆型事件触发预测控制的闭环系统, 并且分析稳定性.通过线性矩阵不等式(LMI)和Lyapunov稳定性理论, 建立了控制器、观测器和记忆型事件触发矩阵的联合设计方案,并验证了该方案的可行性. 仿真结果表明, 该方案结合记忆型事件触发机制可以有效补偿DoS攻击, 节约网络带宽资源.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the event-triggered security consensus problem for nonlinear multi-agent systems (MASs) under denial-of-service (DoS) attacks over an undirected graph. A novel adaptive memory observer-based anti-disturbance control scheme is presented to improve the observer accuracy by adding a buffer for the system output measurements. Meanwhile, this control scheme can also provide more reasonable control signals when DoS attacks occur. To save network resources, an adaptive memory event-triggered mechanism (AMETM) is also proposed and Zeno behavior is excluded. It is worth mentioning that the AMETM’s updates do not require global information. Then, the observer and controller gains are obtained by using the linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique. Finally, simulation examples show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.   相似文献   

This article presents a distributed periodic eventtriggered(PET)optimal control scheme to achieve generation cost minimization and average bus voltage regulation in DC microgrids.In order to accommodate the generation constraints of the distributed generators(DGs),a virtual incremental cost is firstly designed,based on which an optimality condition is derived to facilitate the control design.To meet the discrete-time(DT)nature of modern control systems,the optimal controller is directly developed in the DT domain.Afterward,to reduce the communication requirement among the controllers,a distributed event-triggered mechanism is introduced for the DT optimal controller.The event-triggered condition is detected periodically and therefore naturally avoids the Zeno phenomenon.The closed-loop system stability is proved by the Lyapunov synthesis for switched systems.The generation cost minimization and average bus voltage regulation are obtained at the equilibrium point.Finally,switch-level microgrid simulations validate the performance of the proposed optimal controller.  相似文献   

王悦  贾新春  游秀  吕腾 《控制理论与应用》2022,39(10):1890-1897
本 文 研 究 了 一 类 带 有 多 率 采 样 的 线 性 多 智 能 体 系 统(Multiagent Systems, MASs)在 拒 绝 服务(Denial-of-Service, DoS)攻击下的安全一致性控制问题, 其中DoS攻击通常阻断智能体之间的信息传输. 本文将多率采样在网络化控制系统中的结果推广到了多智能体系统, 并考虑了非理想通信网络环境. 首先, 通过引入一个匹配机制来同步由多率采样引起的智能体不同状态分量的采样数据. 然后, 在DoS攻击下, 针对带有多率采样的线性MAS提出了一个基于多率采样的安全一致性控制器. 通过使用李雅普诺夫稳定性理论和切换系统方法, 获得了包含DoS 攻击持续时间以及攻击频率的安全一致性充分条件. 最后, 给出了一个仿真例子来验证所提方法的有效性, 并给出了多率采样与单率采样机制的性能对比分析.  相似文献   

针对一类网络化控制系统,当考虑网络控制系统遭受PWM (Pulsewidth-Modulated)型DoS (Denial-of-Service, DoS)攻击时,提出一种基于缓存机制的记忆型事件触发机制策略.本文考虑的DoS攻击可检测,并且攻击的周期时长以及每周期内的最短休眠时间已知.为了减少网络控制系统中数据包的发送频次,本文设计了基于相对误差的新型事件触发策略,与传统事件触发策略相比,通过增加缓存器来有效利用已经发送的历史采样数据,最终达到改善系统动态过程的目的.接下来,综合考虑网络攻击和事件触发方案,建立了网络化切换系统模型,构造分段李雅普诺夫泛函,推导出系统指数稳定的结论并且对控制器增益及事件触发参数进行协同设计.最后,通过仿真案例,验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

软件定义网络(software defined networking, SDN)已经迅速成为一种新的网络通信管理模式,极大地改变了传统网络架构.SDN可以通过将控制层与数据层分离来实现更细粒度的网络控制与管理.但是,转控分离的SDN架构也使得控制器极易成为DoS攻击的目标.为解决这一问题,现对SDN中的DoS攻击进行全面的研究,并提出一种轻量有效的MinDoS防御机制,该机制主要由简化的DoS攻击探测模块和优先级管理模块这2个核心模块实现.该机制可以根据用户信任值将流请求分类并将其划分到具有不同优先级的多个缓冲队列,然后使用SDN控制器以双轮询机制来调度处理这些流请求,从而在DoS攻击下更好地保护控制器.另外,MinDoS还结合了多控制器动态调度策略来降低全局响应时间,提高用户服务质量.最后,分别在SDN单控制器和多控制器实验环境中对MinDoS防御性能进行综合评估,实验结果表明:MinDoS防御效果良好,系统设计满足预期目标.  相似文献   

A single-bus DC microgrid can represent a wide range of applications. Control objectives of such systems include high-performance bus voltage regulation and proper load sharing among multiple distributed generators (DGs) under various operating conditions. This paper presents a novel decentralized control algorithm that can guarantee both the transient voltage control performance and realize the predefined load sharing percentages. First, the output-constrained control problem is transformed into an equivalent unconstrained one. Second, a two-step backstepping control algorithm is designed based on the transformed model for bus-voltage regulation. Since the overall control effort can be split proportionally and calculated with locally-measurable signals, decentralized load sharing can be realized. The control design requires neither accurate parameters of the output filters nor load measurement. The stability of the transformed systems under the proposed control algorithm can indirectly guarantee the transient bus voltage performance of the original system. Additionally, the high-performance control design is robust, flexible, and reliable. Switch-level simulations under both normal and fault operating conditions demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.   相似文献   

In this article, the resilient control for networked control systems in the presence of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks is investigated in a sampled-data and dynamic quantization scheme. A novel dynamic quantization strategy is designed for signal transmissions from encoding systems to decoding systems, in which the quantized states are transmitted through networks with a risk of DoS attacks. An estimator is introduced to the design of control laws. Some sufficient conditions in terms of quantization levels, DoS attack duration and frequencies are given for the asymptotic stability of networked control systems. Furthermore, an event-triggered communication scheme is designed for signal transmissions in control channels to reduce network resource consumption. The Zeno behavior is excluded in the designed event-triggered communication scheme. The quantization levels can be adaptively adjusted according to real-time situations. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy is illustrated by simulations.  相似文献   

Connected automated vehicles (CAVs) serve as a promising enabler for future intelligent transportation systems because of their capabilities in improving traffic efficiency and driving safety, and reducing fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. A fundamental issue in CAVs is platooning control that empowers a convoy of CAVs to be cooperatively maneuvered with desired longitudinal spacings and identical velocities on roads. This paper addresses the issue of resilient and safe platooning control of CAVs subject to intermittent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks that disrupt vehicle-to-vehicle communications. First, a heterogeneous and uncertain vehicle longitudinal dynamic model is presented to accommodate a variety of uncertainties, including diverse vehicle masses and engine inertial delays, unknown and nonlinear resistance forces, and a dynamic platoon leader. Then, a resilient and safe distributed longitudinal platooning control law is constructed with an aim to preserve simultaneous individual vehicle stability, attack resilience, platoon safety and scalability. Furthermore, a numerically efficient offline design algorithm for determining the desired platoon control law is developed, under which the platoon resilience against DoS attacks can be maximized but the anticipated stability, safety and scalability requirements remain preserved. Finally, extensive numerical experiments are provided to substantiate the efficacy of the proposed platooning method.   相似文献   

针对网络控制系统受欺骗攻击问题,提出了事件触发器与安全控制器协同设计策略。提出了离散事件触发机制,克服了连续事件触发机制需要新增专用硬件且需要复杂计算避免芝诺现象局限。建立了有机融合欺骗攻击、事件触发机制、网络诱导延时及外部扰动多约束参数的闭环系统时滞模型,推导出了欺骗攻击下事件触发控制系统渐近稳定的充分条件,得到了事件触发器与安全控制器的协同设计条件。仿真验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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