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《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(1):101103
The present study proposes a new elasto-plastic constitutive model that considers different types of hydrates in pore spaces. Many triaxial compression tests on both methane hydrate-bearing soils and carbon dioxide hydrate-bearing soils have been carried out over the last few decades. It has been revealed that methane hydrate-bearing soils and carbon dioxide hydrate-bearing soils have different strength and dilatancy properties even though they have the same hydrate contents. The reason for this might be due to the different types of hydrate morphology. In this study, therefore, the effect of the hydrate morphology on the mechanical response of gas-hydrate-bearing sediments is investigated through a model analysis by taking into account the different hardening rules corresponding to each type of hydrate morphology. In order to evaluate the capability of the proposed model, it is applied to the results of past triaxial compression tests on both methane hydrate-containing and carbon dioxide hydrate-containing sand specimens. The model is found to successfully reproduce the different stress–strain relations and dilatancy behaviors, by only giving consideration to the different morphology distributions and not changing the fitting parameters. The model is then used to predict a possible range in which the maximum deviator stress can move for various hydrate morphology ratios; the range is defined as the strength-band. The predicted curve of the maximum deviator stress obtained by the constitutive model matches the empirical equations obtained from past experiments. It supports the fact that the hydrate morphology ratio changes with the total hydrate saturation. These findings will contribute to a better understanding of the relation between the microscopic structures and macro-mechanical behaviors of gas-hydrate-bearing sediments.  相似文献   

Innovations in jet grouting technology have primarily focused on the cutting efficiency of the jets, with the aim of creating larger columns and increasing the productivity of construction sites. Relatively little attention has been paid to the consequences of the grouting system on the mechanical properties of the formed material. This paper investigates this aspect by analysing the results of two field trials carried out in both sandy and clayey soils, where single and double fluid jet grouting were simultaneously performed, with varied grout composition and injection parameters. Parallel uniaxial compressive tests on samples cored from the columns show that the material formed with the double system is systematically lower in strength than the material formed using the single fluid system. The mineralogical composition of samples cored from the columns was analysed by performing parallel Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Thermo-Gravimetric Analyses (TGA) to determine the reasons for this difference. A lower proportion of cementitious products, an accelerated carbonation of portlandite and a less homogeneous distribution of cement hydration products was found on the surface of the soil particles of the double samples than for the single fluid columns.  相似文献   

软化塑性模型的常规有限元数值分析结果严重依赖网格尺寸,而非局部塑性模型是解决这一问题的有效方法。但现有非局部模型仅能用于von Mises准则,无法用来进行一般软化土体渐进破坏分析。提出了一种改进的针对非局部模型的全隐式应力回代迭代计算方法,该方法具有在迭代计算过程中逐步确定弹塑性点的特点,克服了现有算法误差较大及不稳定的缺点。将非局部理论推广到Mohr-Coulomb塑性模型中,使其能用来分析土体稳定性问题。采用局部和非局部模型对两个土体稳定问题,包括条形基础承载力问题和三角形荷载下边坡稳定问题进行渐进破坏分析,数值计算结果表明该方法可以消除软化塑性有限元计算的网格敏感性,起到了正则化的效果。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(3):451-461
Soil particles break during shear, with the intensity of the breakage depending on the stress level amongst other factors. Particle breakage has important implications for the soil׳s critical state, which is an input to the majority of advanced constitutive models. This work examines a micromechanical framework where particle breakage shifts down the critical state locus in void ratio versus mean effective stress space without changing its slope. The framework assumes that detectable particle breakage in sand does not occur unless the contraction potential of the material, solely by the sliding and the rolling of the particles, is exhausted and a soil specific stress level threshold is surpassed. A series of triaxial compression tests conducted to investigate the validity of the framework is presented. It is shown that particle breakage is a factor, working alongside dilatancy, imposing additional compressibility on the soil.  相似文献   

The particle size distribution (PSD) of 400 Mn contaminated soil samples was established, and generated data were statistically analysed and spatially presented. The PSD for the 53 µm – 4 µm size fraction soil samples ranged from 11.05 to 100 wt %, whereas that for < 4 µm was from 0.3 to 30 wt %. Texturally, samples were dominantly silt loam, although silt and sandy loam were also present, as well as loam, loamy sand and clay classes. Six clusters were identified with cluster one being the most dominant occurring in sandy loam, silt loam and loamy sand. The < 53 µm fraction had three dominant areas, and the < 4 µm fraction had several unevenly presented populations as reflected in the maps. Because of its spatial distribution, the < 4 µm fraction may pose hazards to human health. Furthermore, predominance of Mn limits land use to subsistence agriculture with possibly low crop yield.  相似文献   

土的基本特性、本构关系及数值模拟研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
按照对土的力学行为影响的程度,将土的基本特性分为三类:基本特性、亚基本特性与关联基本特性。基本特性包括三种:压硬性、剪胀性与摩擦性,它们是土区别于其他材料的最根本特性。亚基本特性包括应力历史依存性、应力路径依存性、软化特性、各向异性、结构性、蠕变特性、颗粒破碎特性以及温度特性等等,它们通过影响三种基本特性的发展演化规律而间接影响土的应力应变关系。关联基本特性包括屈服特性、正交流动性、相关联性、共轴特性以及临界状态特性等等,它们是考虑建立土的弹塑性本构模型过程中需要关注的基本概念或基本假定。在详细论述土的基本特性及其相互关系后,又通过对非线性弹性的Duncan-Chang模型、弹塑性的Cam-clay模型及其系列UH模型、Asaoka模型、Li-Dafalias模型、Yin-Graham EVP模型以及大陆学者的诸多模型进行深入剖析,具体阐述怎样对土的基本特性进行抽象概括建立本构模型、各本构模型能分别反映哪些特性以及是通过怎样的途径实现对土的基本特性的反映。随后,又探讨了将本构模型应用于数值模拟中的诸多思考以及土工计算方面的个人体会。分别讨论了土工数值模拟的精度以及影响因素,数值模拟中本构模型的选取及参数的获得,变形计算分析中土体初始状态的考虑方法,土体破坏过程模拟分析中对应变局部化的处理,以及在土与结构的接触特性分析中解决二者位移不连续问题的建议。  相似文献   

提出了预测van Genuchten(VG)模型参数n的一个土壤转换函数(pedotransfer function, PTF),该函数是一个非线性回归方程,结合VG模型参数?与初始孔隙比e0的回归方程,来预测不同初始孔隙比土的土–水特征曲线(SWCC)。n和?回归方程中的拟合参数(a,b和A,B)只需通过3组常规的SWCC试验数据即可校正。将选取的具有代表性的各个文献中的试验数据均分成两部分:一部分用于校正拟合参数(a,b和A,B),另一部分用于验证基于PTF预测SWCC方法的准确性。结果表明,基于PTF所预测得SWCC与文献中的试验数据具有很好的一致性。PTF只需引入一个预测变量即初始孔隙比e0;它不仅适用于变形土,也适用于非变形土。  相似文献   

从广义位势理论的角度看土的本构理论的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了广义位势理论的基本思想,并从广义位势理论角度出发剖析传统本构理论在表述土的本构关系的局限性。分析了从广义位势理论出发来建立土的本构模型的优点,其可以突破传统理论中以塑性公设为前提的限制,因而,从广义位势理论角度上来建立土的本构模型的具有更广阔的前景。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2019,59(4):814-827
In this study, methane hydrate-bearing sand (MHBS) was created in the laboratory following two methods in order to obtain two types of gas hydrate morphology in sandy sediment. The hydrate morphology in the sediment was assessed by measuring the compressional wave velocity combined with models to predict the wave velocities of the sediment containing gas hydrates. The mechanical properties of the MHBS were investigated by triaxial compression tests. The results obtained by the compressional wave velocity show that after saturating the MHBS sediment (created by the excess gas method) with water, the methane hydrates are partly or completely converted from grain contacts to pore spaces depending on the hydrate saturation (ranging from 0 to 50%). A subsequent temperature cycle completes this conversion process for high hydrate saturation. The results obtained with the triaxial compression tests show higher shear strength, a higher secant Young’s modulus, and a higher dilation angle at higher hydrate saturation. In addition, the effects of hydrate saturation on the mechanical properties of the MHBS obtained by the two procedures (with and without the thermal cycle) are similar at low hydrate saturation. The effect of gas hydrate morphologies can only be detected in the case where the conversion (and/or redistribution) of gas hydrates from grain contacts to pore spaces is not complete (at high hydrate saturation).  相似文献   

The compression index is used to estimate the consolidation settlement of clay-bearing soils. As the determination of compression index from oedometer tests is relatively time-consuming, empirical equations based on index properties can be useful. In this study the performance of widely used single and multi-variable empirical equations was evaluated using a database consisting of 135 test data. New empirical equations were developed utilizing least square regression analysis. In addition, an artificial neural network (ANN) with eight input variables was also developed to estimate the compression index. It was concluded that ANN provides the best results.   相似文献   

在收集到的大量试验数据的基础上,结合旋转硬化表达式,提出一个适用于不同应力路径下的旋转硬化表达式,该公式中共有两个参数,通过理论分析得到这两个参数的确定方法。将该公式导入修正剑桥模型来模拟土体在不同加载路径下的应力应变行为,将模拟结果与试验结果进行对比,结果显示,采用该旋转硬化表达式的各向异性本构模型得到的结果与试验结果均吻合较好,从而验证了该旋转硬化表达式的合理性。  相似文献   

在室内条件下,利用平面沙盘装置比较研究了黑翅土白蚁和黑胸散白蚁的掘道行为差异,并探讨了砂粒直径对黑翅土白蚁掘道速度的影响。试验发现,黑翅土白蚁的工蚁在沙盘中很快开始掘道,掘道速度较快,而且是从圆心处向沙盘四周构筑辐射状的主蚁道;而黑胸散白蚁的工蚁在圆心处滞留时间较长,仅从沙盘的少数几个方向开始掘道,且掘道速度较慢研究结果表明,黑翅土白蚁的主蚁道数和主蚁道宽度均显著大于黑胸散白蚁的,但前者的主蚁道间夹角、主蚁道分支数和蚁道相交率均显著低于后者的。研究结果还表明,黑翅土白蚁工蚁的掘道速度受到砂粒直径的显著影响,且在掘道时对砂粒大小有选择性。  相似文献   

研究了初始含水量一定的条件下,有荷膨胀率与竖向压力半对数成线性关系,与干密度、初始含水量成线性关系,推导出了简单的本构模型,指出该模型是利用室内常规试验可以得到的,能反映研究地区岩土体主要性状的应用型本构模型。  相似文献   

A nitrification model for a tertiary trickling filter is developed based on stoichiometry, Fick's Law and Monod kinetics. The design of tertiary trickling filters for nitrification is discussed, with special emphasis on: residual ammonium concentration, recirculation, reactors in series, residual alkalinity, residual nitrite concentration and effects of temperature on reactor performance. Wherever possible the theoretical predictions are compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the engineering geological properties of the clayey soils of North Lefkoşa (Nicosia, Cyprus). On the basis of their physical properties and their engineering characteristics, the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary deposits were divided into six units: unconsolidated man-made fill, unconsolidated surficial recent alluvium, unconsolidated surficial young alluvium, consolidated old alluvium, highly weathered soft rock units and slightly weathered relatively resistant rock units. Laboratory tests indicated a generally high swelling potential, which would account for the damage seen in many single and two-storey buildings as well as major roads.   相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(3):101141
Centrifuge modeling offers a viable tool for research in the soil-pile interaction, but this technique has not been used for helical piles in cohesive soils. A centrifuge model test program of helical piles in cohesive soils was carried out to investigate the axial soil-pile interaction and pile failure mechanism. Helical piles were installed while the centrifuge was spinning, which enabled the determination and interpretation of installation torque and pore pressure response of the soil. An analytical model for calculating the installation torque of helical piles screwed into cohesive soils was proposed and verified by test results. The pore pressure response to pile installation was monitored near two piles at two depths. Comparing the measured dissipation curves with the analytical curves for driven piles suggested that the excess pore pressure was primarily induced by the helical pile shaft. The model piles were axially loaded under 20 g condition. The present research may be considered as the first centrifuge test program that measured the axial load distribution along helical piles. The shaft internal loads were recorded using an innovative strain gauging method. The results show that the axial failure modes of helical piles depend on the strength of soil and inter-helix spacing. In general, it may be easier for a stiffer clay to form an inter-helix soil cylinder during axial pile movement.  相似文献   

非饱和土的热-水力-力学本构模型及数值模拟   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
在CAP模型的基础上提出了一个非饱和土的热 -水力 -力学本构模型 ,着重考虑了温度对于非饱和土的水力 -力学性质的影响。基于实验结果和前人的工作 ,在模型中重现了热软化现象 ,计及了温度升高导致土壤前固结压力的降低和非饱和土吸力增加屈服线 (SI)中临界吸力值的降低。应用该模型进行了数值模拟计算 ,通过模拟结果和实验结果的比较 ,验证了模型的适用性和可靠性。  相似文献   

蒋明镜  朱方园 《岩土工程学报》2014,36(10):1761-1769
深海能源土宏观力学特性与所处温度与水压环境密切相关,明晰温压对能源土力学特性的影响对水合物的安全开采具有重要意义。首先,介绍深海能源土的温度-水压-力学微观胶结模型,用以描述能源土粒间的水合物胶结接触力学特性;其次,将该模型导入至离散元商业软件PFC2D中,开展不同温度与水压环境下的离散元双轴试验;最后,结合离散元双轴试验结果及同已有室内试验结果的对比分析,探讨温度与水压对深海能源土宏观力学特性的影响规律和微观作用机理。结果表明:引入胶结模型的离散元双轴试验可较好地描述深海能源土强度、变形等力学特性随温度与水压的变化关系;温度与水压影响深海能源土宏观力学特性的微观机理是颗粒间水合物胶结强度与刚度同温度与水压间的相关性;建议采用温压距离参数L(在无量纲化的温度-水压坐标平面内,水合物赋存温度与水压点至其相平衡线的最小距离)评价实际复杂温压场下的深海能源土宏观力学特性。  相似文献   

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