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Effects of environmental synthetic chemicals on thyroid function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synthetic chemicals are released into the environment by design (pesticides) or as a result of industrial activity. It is well known that natural environmental chemicals can cause goiter or thyroid imbalance. However, the effects of synthetic chemicals on thyroid function have received little attention, and there is much controversy over their potential clinical impact, because few studies have been conducted in humans. This article reviews the literature on possible thyroid disruption in wildlife, humans, and experimental animals and focuses on the most studied chemicals: the pesticides DDT, amitrole, and the thiocarbamate family, including ethylenethiourea, and the industrial chemicals polyhalogenated hydrocarbons, phenol derivatives, and phthalates. Wildlife observations in polluted areas clearly demonstrate a significant incidence of goiter and/or thyroid imbalance in several species. Experimental evidence in rodents, fish, and primates confirms the potentiality for thyroid disruption of several chemicals and illustrates the mechanisms involved. In adult humans, however, exposure to background levels of chemicals does not seem to have a significant negative effect on thyroid function, while exposure at higher levels, occupational or accidental, may produce mild thyroid changes. The impact of transgenerational, background exposure in utero on fetal neurodevelopment and later childhood cognitive function is now under scrutiny. There are several studies linking a lack of optimal neurological function in infants and children with high background levels of exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and/or co-contaminants, but it is unclear if the effects are caused by thyroid disruption in utero or direct neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a vascular endothelial cell-specific mitogen secreted by some cancer cells and is a major regulator of angiogenesis. Because thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) promotes growth and progression of thyroid cancers, we postulated that TSH may increase the production and secretion of VEGF by thyroid cancer cells. METHODS: We examined primary cultures of normal human thyroid (NT 1.0), medullary thyroid cancer (MTC 1.1), and cell lines derived from the papillary (TPC-1), follicular (FTC-133), and Hürthle cell (XTC-1) thyroid cancer. We quantified the concentration of VEGF in conditioned medium by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Cell lines derived from thyroid secrete VEGF. Basal VEGF secretion was similar in normal and thyroid cancer cells, except XTC-1, which has high basal secretion (p < 0.01). All thyroid cancer cells secrete significantly more VEGF than normal thyroid cells after TSH (10 mIU/ml) stimulation (p < 0.05). TSH stimulated secretion of VEGF in FTC-133 (8.2 ng/dl versus 18.8 ng/dl), TPC-1 (5.5 ng/dl versus 26.9 ng/dl), and MTC 1.1 (5.9 ng/dl versus 13.4 ng/dl) cell lines (p < 0.01), but not in NT 1.0 (8.4 ng/dl versus 9.9 ng/dl) and XTC-1 (25.4 ng/dl versus 31.2 ng/dl) cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that VEGF secretion is constitutively activated in some thyroid cancers and that VEGF secretion is stimulated by TSH; thus TSH may promote growth in some thyroid cancers by stimulating VEGF secretion and angiogenesis.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the current knowledge on the role of genetic factors in the development of thyroid neoplasms. The introduction of the methods and concepts of molecular genetics (as, e.g. recombinant DNA technology) have elucidated etiopathogenesis of the majority of thyroid tumours and, in the future, can make the diagnosis easier. Mutations of genes involved in the control of cellular growth and/or differentiation (ras, c-myc, RET, met) affect the development of thyroid neoplasms. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) may suggest the presence of tumor suppressor genes and has been reported in thyroid follicular carcinomas. Activation of tyrosine kinase, whether by specific oncogene amplification or by rearrangement, appears to be highly specific for the transformation of thyroid follicular cells into papillary tumours. Cytogenetic studies have shown frequent clonal abnormalities in thyroid follicular adenomas and carcinomas.  相似文献   

Because some papillary thyroid cancers continue to grow when thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are suppressed, we questioned whether desensitization (i.e., a decreased cAMP response to repeat stimulation with TSH) occurs in normal and neoplastic thyroid tissue. If desensitization does occur, is it similar or different in these human thyroid cells? Normal and papillary thyroid cancer cells from the same patient were cultured as we have previously described. Normal and neoplastic thyroid tissues responded to TSH (0.01-10.0 mU/ml) by increasing cAMP production and growth in a dose-dependent manner. In normal cells there was an 11-fold mean increase in cAMP production at 4 hours, and all thyroid cultures responded. In neoplastic cells cAMP production increased from 1.5-fold to 3.0-fold with a mean 2.0-fold increase at 4 hours. In normal thyroid cells the cAMP response to a second TSH stimulus (desensitization) decreased up to 75% (range 25-75%), and desensitization occurred in all normal thyroid cell cultures. In neoplastic thyroid cells, however, the cAMP response to a second TSH stimulus decreased up to 17% (range 0-17%); and desensitization occurred in only two of the five neoplastic thyroid cell cultures. Thus when normal thyroid and neoplastic cells from the same patients were studied, greater desensitization occurred in the normal cells (75% vs. 17%). These studies document that there is greater desensitization in normal tissue than in neoplastic thyroid tissue, which may account for the increased growth of thyroid neoplasms in the presence of ever-changing low levels of TSH.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an angiogenic factor, and its expression has been rarely demonstrated in thyroid tumors. We, therefore, investigated the expression of VEGF messenger RNA (mRNA) and production of VEGF protein in cell lines from human primary and metastatic follicular (FTC-133, FTC-236, and FTC-238), papillary (TPC-1), Hürthle cell (XTC-1), and medullary thyroid cancers (MTC-1.1 and MTC-2.2), and in human thyroid tissues (papillary, follicular, medullary, and Hürthle cell cancers, follicular adenomas, and Graves' thyroid tissue) by Northern blot, immunohistochemistry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) studies. All thyroid cell lines expressed a 4.2-kilobase VEGF mRNA. The VEGF mRNA levels were higher in the thyroid cancer cell lines than in primary cultures of normal thyroid cells, and higher in thyroid cancers of follicular than those of parafollicular cell origin. The VEGF mRNA levels were similar in primary and metastatic thyroid tumors. Immunohistochemical staining and Northern blot analysis of the cell lines correlated positively, thus thyroid cancer cell lines stained more intensely than normal thyroid cells and follicular tumor cells more intensely than parafollicular tumor cells. Again, no difference was noted in VEGF staining between primary and metastatic thyroid tumors. Deparafinized sections of papillary, follicular, and Hürthle cell cancers also stained much stronger than those of medullary thyroid cancers, benign, or hyperplastic (Graves' disease) thyroid tissue. Thyroid cancer cell lines (XTC-1 > TPC-1 > FTC-133 > MTC-1.1) also secreted more VEGF protein as measured by ELISA than did normal thyroid cells. VEGF secretion of cell lines derived from primary and metastatic thyroid tumors were similar. VEGF mRNA is therefore expressed, and VEGF protein is secreted by normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic thyroid tissues. The higher levels of VEGF expression in differentiated thyroid cancers of follicular cell origin suggests a role in oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Hürthle cell carcinomas (HCC) of the thyroid are a variant of follicular thyroid tumors. In contrast to follicular thyroid carcinoma, HCC rarely take up radioiodine and frequently metastasize to the lymph nodes. Histologically they are indistinguishable from Hürthle cell adenomas except for evidence of invasion and metastasis. How these carcinomas develop and why they behave differently than other follicular tumors is not known. Although some differentiated thyroid cancer cell lines exist, none are from Hürthle cell tumors. We have established a well-differentiated thyroid cancer cell line from a metastasis of a HCC, designated XTC.UC1. In vitro, XTC cells display epitheloid morphology, grow with a population doubling time of 4.3 +/- 0.3 days, migrate, and invade through reconstituted basement membranes. The cells are immunoreactive for and release thyroglobulin, respond to thyrotropin (TSH) with increase of intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), proliferation, and invasion of reconstituted basement membrane, thus exhibiting characteristics of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. In vivo, xenografted XTC cells grow with a doubling time of 9.8 +/- 0.8 days. Tumors spontaneously metastasize to the lymph nodes and less frequently to the lungs and the liver. The cells retained their differentiated function in vivo as assessed by human thyroglobulin (hTG) secretion and immunohistochemistry. This is a first report of the establishment of a unique, highly differentiated thyroid carcinoma cell line derived from an HCC. Based on the ability to invade through reconstituted basement membrane in vitro and the potential to metastasize in vivo, this cell line may provide a unique model to study invasion and metastazation of well-differentiated thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

The thyroid gland is the major endocrine modulator of physiological processes crucial to growth, maturation and metabolism. There is, however, a coherent body of evidence suggesting that the thyroid hormones modulate multiple neoplasia-dependent mechanisms. Recently spontaneous remission of metastatic non-small cell carcinoma of lung was reported in a man following recovery from myxedema coma. This rare biological event following a life-threatening clinical syndrome suggests that thyroid hormone deficiency directly or indirectly may significantly alter the balance between malignant tumor viability and growth on the one hand vs. cell death on the other. Evidence, therefore, is presented from clinical and experimental studies suggesting that decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism) is associated with both enhanced response rates and unusual longevity. Possible mechanisms of action that may promote or retard neoplasia and are dependent on the functional state of the thyroid will be discussed. A novel paradigm is proposed; the thyroid gland aside from its known physiological activity is also the central modulator of solid neoplasia and therefore functions as an intrinsic biologic response-modifier of neoplasia. Induction of a clinically tolerable hypothyroid state in patients could become an integral part of the medical care of advanced cancer in conjunction with standard conventional modalities.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of the MTS1 (p16) tumor suppressor gene has been reported to occur frequently in thyroid cancer cell lines. In order to determine the frequency of LOH for these multiple tumor suppressor genes, we used microsatellite markers IFNA and D9S171 to perform differential quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Tumor DNA was isolated from native sections of tumor tissue. Control DNA was isolated from blood. PCR products were separated on 6% polyacrylamide sequencing gels and quantified according to peak height and area. Analysis was informative in 70% of cases for both markers, and in 88% for at least one out of both. LOH was found in 3 out of 35 informative patients (8.6%) with papillary thyroid cancer, in 1 out of 7 patients with follicular thyroid cancer (14.2%), and in 0 out of 18 medullary cancers (0%). No LOH was found in 11 informative patients with multinodular goitre, 7 with follicular adenoma, 4 with Graves' disease, and 6 with other thyroid disease. 75% of LOH was found in T1 and T2 stages, it was not more frequent in patients with lymphonodular metastasis. The low frequency of LOH in these types of thyroid cancer argues against a role of loss of heterozygosity at the MTS 1 and 2 gene locus in the development of differentiated thyroid neoplasia.  相似文献   

Antipeptide antibodies raised against the carboxyl-terminal region of the human sodium/iodide (Na+/I-) symporter (hNIS) were used to investigate by immunohistochemistry the presence and distribution of the hNIS protein in normal thyroid tissues, in some pathological nonneoplastic thyroid tissues, and in different histotypes of thyroid neoplasms. In normal thyroid tissue, staining of hNIS protein was heterogeneous and limited to a minority of follicular cells that were in close contact with capillary vessels. In positive cells, immunostaining was limited to the basolateral membrane. In contrast, in Graves' disease the majority of follicular cells expressed the hNIS protein. In autoimmune thyroiditis, the number of hNIS-positive cells, was similar to that found in normal tissue. These positive cells were found essentially close to lymphocytic infiltrates. This observation supports the concept of hNIS as an autoantigen. In diffuse nodular hyperplasia, hNIS staining was heterogeneous, but the number of hNIS-positive cells exceeded that found in normal tissue. In well differentiated follicular or papillary carcinoma, the number of hNIS-positive cells was significantly lower than in normal tissue. In poorly differentiated follicular carcinoma, the number ofhNIS-positive cells was less than that found in well differentiated carcinoma, or there were no positive cells. Interestingly, in all of these thyroid tissues, the number of follicular cells exhibiting TSH receptor (TSHR) immunoreactivity was greater than the number ofhNIS-positive cells. As hNIS expression appears to be related to TSHR stimulation, the decreased number of TSHR-positive cells in cancers may contribute to the reduced capacity of neoplastic cells to concentrate iodide. In one patient with a follicular cancer with an absence of hNIS immunostaining, the total body 131I scan showed no uptake in metastatic tissue. In three cancers with positive hNIS cells, the 131I scan showed uptake in lymph node metastases. This suggests that immunodetection of hNIS could predict radioiodine uptake in thyroid cancers.  相似文献   

The 10 year survival is excellent for stage I disease thyroid carcinoma. Survival decreases as a function of cancer invasion beyond the gland. Papillary and follicular cancers have longterm survival, but anaplastic cancers are lethal and survival is short. In differentiated carcinomas thyroidectomy and neck dissection are followed by radioiodine therapy to eliminate residual tissue and metastases. In case of papillary microcarcinomas a limited resection is justified. There is no need for radioiodine treatment. Thyroid hormones are given postoperatively in a high dose to suppress TSH. An increase of the tumor marker thyreoglobulin indicates the development of relapse or metastases. In medullary carcinoma basal or serum calcitonin levels after stimulation with pentagastrin-elicited are pathognomonic for a relapse. 25% of the medullary thyroid carcinomas are observed in families. Genetic screening is mandatory in patients with medullary carcinoma. Serum calcium values should be controlled to exclude safely hypoparathyroidism with certitude.  相似文献   

MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: Management of papillary and follicular cancer of the thyroid varies somewhat between centers because of the generally good prognosis and the absence of well-controlled therapeutic trials. The internationally recognized TNM system is widely used to modulate treatment and follow-up to the individual situation. PRIMARY TREATMENT: Surgery is indicated in well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Total thyroidectomy is required for clinically patent tumors (> or = 1 cm) and small tumors (< 1 cm) recognized prior to surgery. For small tumors found at histology examination, reoperation is discussed in terms of prognosis. Post-operative 131-iodine is indicated when surgical resection is incomplete or in case of unfavorable prognosis. External radiotherapy is currently reserved for exceptional cases with unremoved tumoral tissue unresponsive to 131-iodine. FOLLOW-UP: All operated patients are given L-thyroxine to achieve euthyroidism and low TSH levels (< 0.1 microU/ml). Early detection of relapse is based on combined thyroglobulin assay and whole body 131-iodine scintigraphy. Both are performed during the first year of follow-up after a period of thyroid hormone withdrawal. Human recombinant TSH will soon be available allowing selection of patients with a detectable thyroglobulin level after stimulation; these patients should have a 131-iodine scintigram. If thyroglobulin remains undetectable during L-thyroxine treatment, an annual dosage is indicated and other exams are unwarranted. RELAPSE: Surgery is indicated in case of small areas of active recurrent tumoral tissue in a cervical location. If a high-sensitivity scintigram does not show iodine uptake, the surgical procedure is completed by radiotherapy or possibly chemotherapy with doxorubicin. Small recurrent tumors in other areas respond to 131-iodine (3.7 GBq). Surgery, 131-iodine and radiotherapy are usually indicated for large ectopic recurrences. Chemotherapy is ineffective. CURRENT PROTOCOLS: Standard primary therapy generally provides cure and most patients are followed by annual thyroglobulin and TSH assays. Other explorations beginning with a whole-body 131-scintigram may be indicated in selected patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acute transient antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation are consistently observed in 50% of depressed patients, but the mechanisms of these, at times, dramatic improvements in mood have not been adequately elucidated. Some, but not all, studies suggest a relationship to increased thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion. METHODS: TSH and other thyroid indices were measured at 8:00 AM after a baseline night's sleep and at 8:00 AM following a night of total sleep deprivation (S.D.) in 34 medication-free, affective disorder patients assessed with Hamilton, Beck, and Bunney-Hamburg depression ratings as well as two hourly self-ratings on a visual analog scale. RESULTS: Compared with baseline, S.D. induced highly significant increases in TSH, levothyroxine, free levothyroxine, and triiodothyronine. The 12 S.D. responders tended to have greater TSH increases than the 15 nonresponders (p < .10). The change in Beck depression ratings significantly correlated with the change in TSH (r = -.40, p = .0496, n = 24). CONCLUSIONS: These data are consistent with several other reports of a significant relationship between degree of antidepressant response to S.D. and increases in TSH measured at 8:00 AM near their usual nadir. Acute removal of the sleep-related break on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis remains a promising candidate for the mechanism of sleep deprivation-induced improvement in mood in depressed patients.  相似文献   

Cordocentesis has permitted the study of fetal thyroid function. In normal pregnancy, fetal blood thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroid hormones and thyroid-binding globulin increase with advancing gestation demonstrating functional maturation of the pituitary, thyroid and liver, respectively. The administration of thyroid-releasing hormone to the mother produces a rapid increase in fetal TSH from at least 25 weeks gestation. In hypoxemic growth-retarded fetuses, the concentrations of TSH are higher, and the concentrations of total and free thyroxine are lower than in appropriately grown fetuses. In anemic fetuses from red cell-isoimmunized pregnancies, serum TSH and thyroid hormone concentrations are increased. In some chromosomally abnormal fetuses, particularly those with trisomy 21, TSH is increased.  相似文献   

Thyroid neoplasm is the most commonly encountered neoplastic disorder in endocrine clinics. Thyroid scan, ultrasonography, and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) are used as diagnostic tools to differentiate a malignant nodule from a benign lesion. There are certain limitations and pitfalls in FNAC, especially in the diagnosing of follicular tumors. The lack of characteristic findings or a specific tumor marker are the most common problems in the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid follicular carcinoma. Although serum thyroglobulin level has been used as a tumor marker for post-operative, well-differentiated thyroid cancer, the assay cannot be used for preoperative diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma. In this study, various thyroid tissues and cancer cell lines including CGTH W-1, CGTH W-3, RO 82 W-1, SW 579 cell lines were used for the investigation of tumor markers. Specific spots were identified in the area near the 60 kDa molecular mass protein and isoelectric point (pI) 5.9 of the CGTH W-1 cell line. These spots could not be found in the papillary or anaplastic thyroid cancer cell lines. Another spot with a molecular weight of about 9.8 kDa with a low pI of 4.8 was present in the CGTH W-1 and RO 82 W-1 cell lines. This spot appeared to be a tumor marker of follicular cancer cells. This spot could not be found in the papillary and anaplastic cancer cell lines and other benign thyroid tissues. Specific proteins that were identified in this study may be useful as tumor markers for follicular thyroid carcinoma.  相似文献   

111In-octreotide scintigraphy in patients with persistent medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) visualized tumors in about half of the surgically explored sites. Tumor visualization correlated with rapid tumor growth and large tumor volume as judged from calcitonin levels. The 111In concentration ratio between tumor (T) and blood (B) in surgically excised lymph node metastases of MTC showed a large variation, with low values for microscopic and high values for macroscopic metastases in individual patients. Three cases of MTC, Hürthle cell adenoma and papillary thyroid cancer are reported with preoperative scintigraphy, T/B ratios and Northern analyses of the surgical biopsies. Visualization of tumors was possible in the absence of sstr2 (the high affinity receptor for octreotide) with the exception of microscopic tumor growth. T/B values in the patient with Hürthle cell adenoma were similar to those found in the contralateral thyroid lobe with goitre. The relatively high uptake of 111In in benign thyroid conditions probably limits the use of octreotide scintigraphy in the diagnosis of primary tumors. The technique has certain advantages over radioiodine scintigraphy after the surgical treatment of thyroid tumors: no need for withdrawal of thyroxin substitution; a possibility to diagnose metastases of tumors that do not concentrate radioiodine (MTC, Hürthle cell cancer); and complementary information about metastatic sites of non-medullary thyroid cancer (papillary and follicular tumors).  相似文献   

We have recently reported the isolation of a rat cDNA encoding a receptor-type tyrosine phosphatase, which appears to be a marker of thyroid differentiation. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying r-PTPeta expression in normal thyroid cells both in vitro and in vivo, we investigated the regulation of r-PTPeta expression in cultured thyrocytes (the rat cell line PC Cl 3) and in an animal model of TSH-dependent thyroid goitrogenesis. In vitro studies showed that mRNA expression of r-PTPeta in thyroid cells is induced in a time- and dose-dependent manner by the activation of growth- and differentiation-linked PKA pathways (TSH and forskolin), whereas it is down-regulated by the activation of the proliferative dedifferentiating PKC-dependent transduction pathway (TPA). However, the regulation of r-PTPeta expression by TSH and TPA, respectively, is observed only in normal thyroid cells, but is lost in transformed thyroid cells. In vivo studies with thiouracil-fed rats demonstrated that increased serum levels of TSH up-regulated r-PTPeta mRNA expression in parallel with the stimulation of thyroid growth and function. The reduction of blood TSH levels due to iodide refeeding to goitrous rats determined a marked down-regulation of r-PTPeta expression, in parallel with involution of thyroid hyperplasia. Taken together these results demonstrate that the phosphatase r-PTPeta is regulated by the two main thyroid regulatory pathways and suggest that it may play an important role in the growth and differentiation of thyroid cells.  相似文献   

Our research goal is to better understand the mechanisms controlling the initiation and progression of thyroid diseases. One such disease, papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), is the leading endocrine malignancy in the United States. Recently, a family of related fusion proteins, RET/PTC1-5, has been implicated in the early stages of PTC. Although all five members of this family have the c-RET proto-oncogene kinase domain in their COOH terminus, little is known about how these genes alter follicular cell biology. Consequently, to answer questions related to the mechanism of the RET/PTC fusion protein action, we have devised a molecular genetic strategy to study PTC using a mouse model of thyroid disease. A new member of this fusion oncogene family, RET/PTC3, which has been implicated in more cases of solid tumor carcinoma (79%) than PTC1 or PTC2 and predominates (80%) in radiation-induced thyroid cancer of children, was investigated in our study. We have generated transgenic mice expressing human RET/PTC3 exclusively in the thyroid. These mice develop thyroid hyperplasia, solid tumor variants of papillary carcinoma and metastatic cancer. This new transgenic line will be useful in deciphering the molecular and biological mechanisms that cause PTC and histological variations in humans.  相似文献   

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