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Using a survey of family planning clinics in the continental United States that received Title X funding conducted by The Urban Institute in 1993, those clinics were identified that had made substantial efforts to serve male clients. The final sample size was 567 clinics. 10% of their clients were men and 31% reported that their male clientele had increased in the previous 5 years. During January through March 1995 follow-up telephone interviews were conducted with 25 selected clinics that reported a 10% male share of clients. The clinics were classified into 5 types: 1) 7 clinics with a family planning focus beginning to provide primary care to attract more men; 2) 7 clinics with a family planning focus using community outreach and the partners of female clients to recruit men for clinic services; 3) 6 primary health care clinics beginning to place more emphasis on male reproductive health; 4) 3 hospital-based clinics providing comprehensive and reproductive health care for young men; and 5) 2 school-based clinics providing sports physicals, primary health care, and reproductive health services. In Type 1 clinics males made up 10-40% of clients. They also screened for testicular cancer, and provided infertility, mental health, and nutrition counseling services. Type 2 clinics had an average of 10% male clients and offered male infertility services, nutrition counseling, and specific STD and HIV services for males in the Hispanic and immigrant communities. Type 3 clinics promoted the male role in family planning decision making and STD prevention. A substantial proportion of the clientele was low-income males, but men who came for vasectomies tended to have higher incomes. Type 4 clinics catered to 20-40% male clients with outreach programs for gay minority men, and sessions on stopping domestic violence, male role in family planning, and responsible parenthood. Type 5 clinics had 40-45% males and provided mental health counseling, HIV risk assessment, and screening for testicular cancer.  相似文献   

The Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Independent or Institutional Practice in the Private Sector recognizes outstanding service delivery by a licensed psychologist who is primarily engaged in the practice of psychology in a private sector setting. The award is intended to recognize outstanding practitioners in psychology. Nominations are considered for psychologists working in any area of clinical specialization, health services provision, or consulting, and services provided to any patient population or professional clientele in an independent or institutional practice setting are considered. This document lists the winners of this award from 1972 to 2006, and provides the citation, brief profile, and bibliography for the 2006 recipient Jeffrey J. Magnavita. Magnavita's award address, entitled In Search of the Unifying Principles of Psychotherapy: Conceptual, Empirical, and Clinical Convergence (see record 2006-21079-037), is also included. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This award recognizes outstanding service delivery by a licensed psychologist who is primarily engaged in the practice of psychology in a private sector setting. The award is intended to recognize outstanding practitioners in psychology. Nominations will be considered for psychologists working in any area of clinical specialization, health services provision, or consulting. Services provided to any patient population or professional clientele in an independent or institutional practice setting will be considered. Contributions can be judged distinguished by virtue of peer recognition, advancement of the public's recognition of psychology as a profession, relevant professional association honors, or other meritorious accomplishments denoting excellence as a practitioner, including advancement of the profession. In previous years, this award was called the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Applied Psychology as a Professional Practice. The name was changed in 2003 to better describe this award. The 2008 recipient of this award is Grady Dale Jr. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the hypothesis that women's internal standards of fair pay for their work are lower than men's and examined possible causes of this difference. In Exp I, 36 male and 40 female undergraduates were asked to pay themselves in a private situation what they thought was fair pay for a fixed amount of work. Social comparison information was varied. As predicted, females paid themselves less money than males in the absence, but not the presence, of social comparison information. In Exp II, 40 males and 40 females were asked to do as much work as they thought was fair for a fixed, prepaid amount of money. Ss believed that their work was either monitored or unmonitored. Females worked significantly longer, did more work, and did more correct work than males in both public and private work settings. Females, but not males, worked longer when they believed their work was monitored than when they believed it was unmonitored. It is suggested that individuals tend to base their behavior on comparisons with same-sex reference groups in the absence of salient comparison others. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To test the idea that the preponderance of female depressives is due to a masculine tendency to avoid negative social consequences by reporting fewer depressive symptoms, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was administered to 106 male and 104 female undergraduates under conditions of public and private disclosure. It was hypothesized that males would score lower on the BDI than females in the public disclosure condition but not males in the private disclosure condition. Results of both studies fail to support the experimental hypothesis. However, ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between sex of S and sex of examiner. Results are discussed in terms of a willingness to admit more symptoms to a same-sex person due to fear of rejection by the opposite sex and in terms of gender-specific patterns of self-disclosure in first-encounter heterosexual situations. Results also suggest that BDI scores of college students can be interpreted without regard to type of administration. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analyzing cross-sectional data from the National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES), we find that the predicted probability of private insurance coverage for low-income individuals as a group fell dramatically from 1977 to 1987. The results of a decompositional technique show that the relationship between full-time employment and private insurance has weakened over the period for low-income females, but has strengthened for males in this group. While it appears that low-income females benefit from part-time employment relative to their unemployed cohorts, no discernible difference is found in the likelihood of being covered by private insurance for part-time and unemployed males. Finally, evidence suggesting a weakening over time in the relationship between part-time employment and private insurance coverage is found among middle-income females and high-income males. From a policy perspective, passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 has taken an important first step in attempting to lower the number of uninsured, especially among full-time workers. Our findings, however, suggest that this legislation may be too limited in scope to effectively reach part-time workers presently uninsured.  相似文献   

The "Barnum effect" is the phenomenon whereby people willingly give their approval and acceptance of personality interpretations purportedly derived from the results of assessment procedures. The research over the last 25 yrs relative to this acceptance phenomenon is reviewed. Characteristics of clientele who accept such interpretations are summarized, with the deduction that it is of questionable usefulness to study such personality characteristics independent of situational factors that elicit acceptance. These factors are examined, with the conclusion that clientele acceptance cannot be construed as validation of either the clinician or his assessment procedures. Implications of the acceptance phenomenon for the clinical diagnostic process are discussed. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

46 undergraduate males from private and public school backgrounds who took the SVIB were classified as congruent or incongruent using a discrepancy method and administered a treatment consisting either of the Self-Directed Search (SDS) and relevant vocational information (treatment) or an irrelevant task (control). All Ss were retested 1 wk later using the SVIB, and examined for level of posttest congruence. Results suggest that private boarding school Ss were less congruent than private day or public school graduates. A secondary analysis revealed that Ss initially classified as low congruent significantly and nonartifactually increased in congruence from pretest to posttest. It was further found that increases in congruence could be attributed to changes in measured interests rather than to changes in expressed choice. Counseling implications are discussed. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, private expectancies of success were manipulated by having 38 male and 26 female undergraduates complete a confidential preliminary test that was rigged to cause either success or failure. Ss furnished confidential self-reports of expectancies and were informed that their audience expected them to succeed in an anagram-solving task. Results show that Ss' private expectancies of success improved performance, while audience's expectations of success lowered performance. Findings were strongest for Ss low in trait self-consciousness and for males. In Exp II, 30 undergraduates completed a personality questionnaire and were told they had an integration score of 75. Ss were (1) told they were expected to do well on the basis of past research findings, (2) told they were expected to do well on the basis of the experimenter's theory, or (3) given no information about expectations. Results show that Condition 1 raised performance while Condition 2 lowered performance. Findings fit a model holding that audience expectations of success constitute performance pressure that harms performance except when substantial private confidence is created. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Since 1990, over half the enrollees in advanced education pediatric dentistry programs have been women. The higher proportion of women in pediatric dentistry should permit examination of the practice patterns of groups of men and women at similar stages in their careers. In 1991 the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry surveyed 4,950 dentists about a variety of issues related to practice patterns and demographics, obtaining 2,362 responses. This study conducted a secondary analysis of the survey data by developing three age-matched graduation cohorts based on gender and years since graduation: 1 to 5 years, 6 to 10 years, and over 10 years. Four areas were investigated: practice patterns, practice arrangements, distribution of time, and income. The overall differences in practice patterns between males and females were statistically significant for the Early Career Group (1 to 5 years). More males were in private practice and a higher proportion of them were practice owners. More women were dental school faculty or in private practice as an employee or contractor. The differences in practice patterns for males and females were not statistically significant for the Intermediate Career Group (6 to 10 years). In the Established Career group (over 10 years), the differences were again statistically significant, with more males as practice owners and shareholders and more women in solo practices. Analysis of time distribution showed that, in the two earlier career groups, women spend about twice as much time as men in child care. These findings may help to explain why many women in the early stages of their careers might prefer the flexibility of working for someone else. When the effects of gender and employment status on income were tested, significant differences were found for the Intermediate and Established groups, with males and practice owners having higher income levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

According to the last Island-wide survey carried out in 1982 in Puerto Rico, the cesarean rate for the trienium of 1980-82 was estimated in 27 percent. Since 1989, an item about the type of delivery has been included in the live birth certificate. These data indicate that the incidence of cesarean deliveries continued to increase and by 1994 it amounted to 31 percent, undoubtedly the highest rate of the world. However, its fluctuation since 1990 suggests that this type of delivery has finally steadied in Puerto Rico. The high proportion of repeated cesareans and the low percentage of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) deliveries were important factors contributing to the overall rate. Unexpectedly high risk mothers such as, adolescents, unwed and those of the lower socioeconomic status had highest cesarean rates than their encounterparts. Similarly, mothers who had the most adequate prenatal care had the highest percentages of surgical deliveries. In spite of dealing with a selected clientele, the cesarean rate in private hospitals was more than twice that of public institutions. In fact, a multiple correlation analysis demonstrate that the type of hospital of delivery was the most important correlate of a cesarean.  相似文献   

Family planning centres can play a more extensive role than simple reproductive health, in particular for adolescents and young adults. They can become true health and counseling centres. In France, state supported family planning centres were officially created in 1972; they had been preceded by initiatives developed by non-profit associations. The centres have both educational and medical functions, in the areas of contraception and fight against sterility; since 1990 they have also integrated STD (sexually transmitted diseases) prevention and treatment into their mandates. Family planning centres offer free consultations to adolescent minors, without requiring adult authorization. Overall, young people under the age of 20 account for 25 to 40% of the family planning centre clientele, although they represent only 16% of the potential user population. Females are more likely to frequent the centres than males: one young women in 10 under 20 consults per year, as opposed to only one young man in 400. This is the case for 3 centres in the north of France, which were the objects of the study presented here. In the centres participating in the study, 80% of the clientele were under 20, with the vast majority being under 128 years of age. The availability of contraceptive devices has evidently reduced the reasons for frequenting the centres. As 1 youth in 4 is not yet sexually active however, the preventive role for these centres is obvious and well recognised by the young people. The study indicated that one adolescent among 17 frequents the centres for either health problems or counseling not necessarily having to do with sexuality; some go merely to find someone to talk to. Reasons for these choices most often cited are the assurance of confidentiality and lack of fees. The availability of counsellors, the possibility to consult alone or in a group the possibility to consult without an appointment, the quality of the reception, and the central location of the centres were also cited as important. What the young people appreciated in the family planning centres is exactly what they seek in general health service centres. It is not surprising, therefore, that they use the family planning centres as primary care structures.  相似文献   

"College males varying in affiliative motivation were subjected to a group-influence situation where their previously measured attitudes toward divorce was either unanimously opposed, or opposed with the exception of one supporter. The subject's public reaction (conformity) was measured, and also his private response (attitude change). The results indicated conformity to be a joint function of affiliative motivation and conditions of social support, with roughly similar but less significant results for attitude change." 19 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conceived as flexible generalists, college psychologists as subspecialists are distinctive in clientele and setting but share practices and roles with other specialties; for example, counseling and school psychology. Graduate students select and develop practices and topic areas within a structured curriculum. The end product is considered to be a professional psychologist who is prepared for expanding opportunities in higher education. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Counseling psychology is in its adolescence and suffering the typical adolescent malaise of identity confusion. Four main components are identified as contributing to this confusion: (a) diversification of employment setting/clientele, (b) identity issues, (c) education and training dilemmas, and (d) the credentialing/reimbursement controversy. Suggestions for the resolution of the identity conflict are outlined. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, 48 female and 48 male undergraduates who either anticipated or did not anticipate further interaction with a same-sex confederate, alternated with that person in disclosing private information on 4 personal topics. The confederate spoke first on each topic, presenting either highly intimate or nonintimate information in response to all 4 issues. Content analyses revealed that as hypothesized, males became more intimate and emotionally invested in their disclosures when they expected to interact with their partners in the future. By contrast, females showed an unexpected decline in the intimacy and emotional investment of their self-presentations when expecting further interaction with their partners, and they were actually somewhat less self-revealing under this circumstance than were males. Supplementary data suggest that females' reluctance to disclose intimately to a partner with whom they expected further interaction did not stem from problems in their contemporaneous interpersonal relationships with this individual. The avoidance of intimacy and an evaluation hypothesis received support as proposed explanations for the dampening effect of anticipated future interaction on female self-disclosure in a 2nd experiment involving 26 female and 20 male undergraduates. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

70 male and 70 female undergraduates in same- or mixed-sex groups publicly or privately judged pictures of subhuman primate infants and adults for attractiveness. Sex differences were significant but the largest difference between males and females was found when judgments were made in public same-sex groups. Females reported greater attraction to infants relative to their attraction to adults, when judgments were made publicly in all-female groups. Males reported less attraction to infants in all-male public groups than when in private. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated whether patterns of requests for such tapes are a useful index of systematic changes in clientele needs. It is suggested, however, that requests for tapes may be a function not only of preexisting community needs but also of varying patterns of advertising. Post hoc analysis of tape requests and advertising patterns in 1 telephone counseling service operating over 2 college semesters suggested the need for extreme caution in interpreting tape-request patterns. (5 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes an experiment with 64 undergraduate males, differing in reported histories of self-disclosure and assessed level of need approval as measured by the self-disclosure questionnaire and the marlowe-crowne social desirability scale. Ss were given personal vs. Impersonal information by and about e at the outset of an interview, and were subsequently requested to disclose their attitudes, feelings, and experiences about public and private topics. Approval-dependent ss for the most part were not more defensive than low-need-approval ss, either in response to interviewer information models or types of topics. As expected, public topics elicited less guardedness and greater self-disclosure than private aspects of self. Contrary to expectations, low self-disclosers were most disclosing when presented with personal information about the interviewer, and more so than ss reporting high disclosure histories. Results are discussed in terms of viewing dyadic informational exchange from an interpersonal risk framework. (25 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Argues that psychologists must understand their clients' cultural values and backgrounds before they can offer appropriate mental health services. The present authors address issues that arise when non-Native American psychologists become involved in the delivery of psychological services to Native American children and families. The authors also review cultural differences, such as family structure, childrearing practices, and religion, in attitudes of and expectations for services, communication styles, and cultural values that may be relevant to service delivery. The focus is on helping the non-Native American psychologist understand and relate to his or her Native American clientele. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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