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The morphological characteristics and distribution of neurocalcin (NC)-immunoreactive elements were studied in the rat main olfactory bulb (OB) using a polyclonal antibody and the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method. NC-positive elements were abundant in the glomerular layer (GL), where numerous immunostained external tufted cells and periglomerular cells were detected. Other less abundant NC-immunolabeled populations included middle and internal tufted cells, Van Gehuchten cells, horizontal cells, vertical cells of Cajal, deep short-axon cells and granule cells. This study demonstrates the presence of NC immunoreactivity in subsets of different neuronal types in the rat main OB. This calcium-binding protein has been found in interneurons, and no evidence of immunoreactivity to NC is detected in projecting neurons. Despite the large population of labeled external tufted cells, most of them belong according to morphological criteria to the local circuit group and some others to those with interbulbar and/or intrabulbar connections. The identification of neuronal subpopulations expressing NC provides a further characterization and shows the existence of biochemical differences within morphologically identical neurons. Thus, this marker may be a useful tool in unravelling the circuitries of the rodent OB in both normal and experimental conditions. The exact physiological function of NC in the olfactory system remains unknown. On the basis of similarities to recoverin, it could be involved in mechanisms responsible for sensory adaptation. Additionally, its calcium-binding abilities may contribute to improve the temporal precision of stimuli transmission, or be concerned with general calcium-related events occurring in specific interneuronal groups.  相似文献   

Localized irradiation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues with large single doses of gamma rays can induce immediate effects characterized by erythema, desquamation, and necrosis. Correlations between the evolution of the lesions and dosimetry studies have to be established by biophysical methods. NMR studies of the effects of an irradiated Fricke solution might be a means of controlling the delivered irradiation doses. After exposition to ionizing radiations, ferrous ions are transformed into ferric ions. Both are paramagnetic ions, and proton spin-lattice relaxation is accelerated depending on the oxidation reaction. In this study, solution of ammonium ferrous sulfate in an acid environment was incorporated into a gelling substance made with agarose, so that T1 weighted image contrast could be used to detect ferric ion formation. Experiments with 192Ir and 60Co gamma rays with doses in the 0 to 100 Gy range were conducted with Fe2+ concentrations of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 mM in a gelling substance containing 4% agarose. A relationship was established between the amount of Fe3+ created and the spin-lattice proton relaxation rate, which led to a straightforward dose-effect relation. The use of such high doses allowed us to reproduce realistic conditions of accidental overexposure. A linear relationship was obtained between the doses absorbed and the NMR parameters measured (T1 and relative image intensity).  相似文献   

In situ hybridization has demonstrated mRNA for olfactory receptors (OR) in the axon terminals of olfactory receptor neurons. Neurons that express the same OR appear to send their axons to two stereotyped glomeruli in the olfactory bulb (OB). Based on these observations, we tested the feasibility of using RT-PCR to isolate and sequence OR mRNA from small samples of the rat OB glomerular layer. Biomagnetic mRNA isolation followed by RT-PCR yielded partial sequences for 21 novel members of the OR family. The results suggest that the topography of OR mRNA can be mapped across the OB, to study synaptic specificity and odor representation in the olfactory system.  相似文献   

To provide anatomical information on the complex effects of acetylcholine (ACh) in the olfactory bulb (OB), the distribution of different cholinergic muscarinic and nicotinic receptor sub-types was studied by quantitative in vitro autoradiography. The muscarinic M1-like and M2-like sub-types, as well as the nicotinic bungarotoxin-insensitive (alpha 4 beta 2-like) and bungarotoxin-sensitive (alpha 7-like) receptors were visualized using [3H]pirenzepine, [3H]AF-DX 384, [3H]cytisine and [125I] alpha-bungarotoxin (BTX), respectively. In parallel, labelling patterns of [3H]vesamicol (vesicular acetylcholine transport sites) and [3H]hemicholinium-3 (high-affinity choline uptake sites), two putative markers of cholinergic nerve terminals, were investigated. Specific labelling for each cholinergic radioligand is distributed according to a characteristic laminar and regional pattern within the OB revealing the lack of a clear overlap between cholinergic afferents and receptors. The presynaptic markers, [3H]vesamicol and [3H]hemicholinium-3, demonstrated similar laminar pattern of distribution with two strongly labelled bands corresponding to the glomerular layer and the area around the mitral cell layer. Muscarinic M1-like and M2-like receptor sub-types exhibited unique distribution with their highest levels seen in the external plexiform layer (EPL). Intermediate M1-like and M2-like binding densities were found throughout the deeper bulbar layers. In the glomerular layer, the levels of muscarinic receptor subtypes were low, the level of M2-like sites being higher than M1. Both types of nicotinic receptor sub-types displayed distinct distribution pattern. Whereas [125I] alpha-BTX binding sites were mostly concentrated in the superficial bulbar layers, [3H]cytisine binding was found in the glomerular layers, as well as the mitral cell layer and the underlying laminae. An interesting feature of the present study is the visualization of two distinct cholinoceptive glomerular subsets in the posterior OB. The first one exhibited high levels of both [3H]vesamicol and [3H]hemicholinium-3 sites. It corresponds to the previously identified atypical glomeruli and apparently failed to express any of the cholinergic receptors under study. In contrast, the second subset of glomeruli is not enriched with cholinergic nerve terminal markers but displayed high amounts of [3H]cytisine/nicotinic binding sites. Taken together, these results suggest that although muscarinic receptors have been hypothesized to be mostly involved in cholinergic olfactory processing and short-term memory in the OB, nicotinic receptors, especially of the cytisine/ alpha 4 beta 2 sub-type, may have important roles in mediating olfactory transmission of efferent neurons as well as in a subset of olfactory glomeruli.  相似文献   

The presence of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in neuronal elements expressing the calcium-binding proteins calretinin (CR) and parvalbumin (PV) was studied in the rat main olfactory bulb. CR and PV were detected by using immunocytochemistry and the nitric oxide (NO) -synthesizing cells were identified by means of the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-diaphorase) direct histochemical method. The possible coexistence of NADPH-diaphorase and each calcium-binding protein marker was determined by sequential histochemical-immunohistochemical double-labeling of the same sections. Specific neuronal populations were positive for these three markers. A subpopulation of olfactory fibers and olfactory glomeruli were positive for either NADPH-diaphorase or CR. In the most superficial layers, groups of juxtaglomerular cells, superficial short-axon cells and Van Gehuchten cells demonstrated staining for all three markers. In the deep regions, abundant granule cells were NADPH-diaphorase- and CR-positive and a few were PV-immunoreactive. Scarce deep short-axon cells demonstrated either CR-, PV-, or NADPH-diaphorase staining. Among all these labeled elements, no neuron expressing CR or PV colocalized NADPH-diaphorase staining. The present data contribute to a more detailed classification of the chemically- and morphologically-defined neuronal types in the rodent olfactory bulb. The neurochemical differences support the existence of physiologically distinct groups within morphologically homogeneous populations. Each of these groups would be involved in different modulatory mechanisms of the olfactory information. In addition, the absence of CR and PV in neuronal groups displaying NADPH-diaphorase, which moreover are calmodulin-negative, indicate that the regulation of NOS activity in calmodulin-negative neurons of the rat olfactory bulb is not mediated by CR or PV.  相似文献   

Using the fluorescent carbocyanine tracer DiI, we examined in detail the early development of the projections emanating from the rat olfactory bulb. The study commenced at embryonic day 13 when the first fibres can be detected and ended at embryonic day 20, when all major fibre systems have been established. The first axons arising from the prospective olfactory bulb area are seen at embryonic day 13. Labelled fibres are provided with elaborate axonal growth cones advancing through the ventrolateral part of the telencephalic vesicle. At embryonic day 14, while the main fibre tract has not developed much further, some isolated fibres are located quite distally from the prospective olfactory bulb. These early fibres apparently course within a narrow cell-free space that extends caudally along the ventrolateral part of the telencephalic vesicle. At embryonic day 15, a number of labelled fibres form a compact bundle, corresponding to the lateral olfactory tract, that ultimately reaches the prospective primary olfactory cortex. The fibres do not stop growing, but continue to extend caudally at embryonic day 17. The results of this study provide new information on the development of axonal tracts in the olfactory system. We show that the olfactory tract projection develops earlier than the morphological appearance of the olfactory bulbs. This suggests that the early development of olfactory projections might not depend on the arrival of the olfactory epithelium axons and thus, could be governed by factors intrinsic to the neurons and/or cues present in the target environment.  相似文献   

The accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) is the first relay station in the vomeronasal system and may play a critical role in processing pheromone signals. The AOB shows similar but less distinct lamination compared with the main olfactory bulb (MOB). In this study, synaptic organization of the AOB was analyzed in slice preparations from adult rats by using both field potential and patch-clamp recordings. Stimulation of the vomeronasal nerve (VN) evoked field potentials that showed characteristic patterns in different layers of the AOB. Current source density (CSD) analysis of the field potentials revealed spatiotemporally separated loci of inward current (sinks) that represented sequential activation of different neuronal components: VN activity (period I), synaptic excitation of mitral cell apical dendrites (period II), and activation of granule cells by mitral cell basal dendrites (period III). Stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract also evoked field potentials in the AOB, which indicated antidromic activation of the mitral cells (period I and II) followed by activation of granule cells (period III). Whole cell patch recordings from mitral and granule cells of the AOB supported that mitral cells are excited by VN terminals and subsequently activate granule cells through dendrodendritic synapses. Both CSD analysis and patch recordings provided evidence that glutamate is the neurotransmitter at the vomeronasal receptor neuron; mitral cell synapses and both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors are involved. We also demonstrated electrophysiologically that reciprocal interaction between mitral and granule cells in the AOB is through the dendrodendritic reciprocal synapses. The neurotransmitter at the mitral-to-granule synapses is glutamate and at the granule-to-mitral synapse is gamma-aminobutyric acid. The synaptic interactions among receptor cell terminals, mitral cells, and granule cells in the AOB are therefore similar to those in the MOB, suggesting that processing of chemosensory information in the AOB shares similarities with that in the MOB.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made from the output neurons (mitral and tufted cells) of the rat olfactory bulb during electrical orthodromic stimulation of the olfactory nerve layer (ONL) and antidromic stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract and posterior piriform cortex (pPC) to test for physiological differences among the neuron types. Many of these neurons were identified by intracellular injections of biocytin, and others were identified by their pattern of antidromic activation. 2. Both marked and unmarked mitral cells showed large inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in response to antidromic stimulation of the pPC, whereas tufted cells exhibited small IPSPs in response to pPC stimulation. Tufted cells, however, showed large IPSPs in response to ONL stimulation. In many cases, these tufted cell responses to ONL stimulation were larger than the mitral cell responses. The marked superficial tufted cells, those with basal dendrites in the superficial sublayer of the external plexiform layer (EPL), had the smallest IPSPs in response to pPC stimulation. These data support anatomic observations suggesting that the granule cell populations responsible for the IPSPs may be different for mitral and for superficial tufted cells. 3. The different types of output cells also showed differences in their responses to orthodromic stimulation. Type I mitral cells, which have basal dendrites confined to the deep sublayer of the EPL, were significantly less excitable by ONL stimulation than were the type II mitral cells, which have basal dendrites distributed within the intermediate sublayer of the EPL. Half of the type I mitral cells could not be excited at all by ONL stimulation. Superficial tufted cells showed even greater orthodromic excitability than type II mitral cells, usually responding to ONL stimulation with two or more spikes. 4. The ionic basis of the IPSPs in the superficial tufted cells appeared similar to those described for mitral cells. These IPSPs could be reversed by chloride injection and were associated with increased membrane conductance. 5. For both mitral and tufted cells, the number of ONL electrodes evoking IPSPs was greater than the number evoking spikes. These data suggest a kind of center-surround organization of inputs to these cells from the ONL, although this does not yet imply that the sensory receptive field of these output cells has a center-surround organization. 6. In conclusion, the properties of rat olfactory bulb output cells correlate with the sublayers of the EPL in which their basal dendrites lie.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Conducted 5 experiments in which male Holtzman rats (N = 50) with either olfactory bulb or septal lesions were tested on position-habit reversal, nonappetitive passive-avoidance, 1-way avoidance, and 2-way avoidance tasks. Ss with septal damage exhibited the expected behavioral abnormalities on all tasks. Ss with bulbar damage were deficient on 1-way avoidance, were facilitated on 2-way avoidance, and could not be distinguished from the normal Ss on the other 2 tasks. (20 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of three adenylate kinase isozymes (AK1, AK2, and AK3) in the rat brain during development were investigated by immunoblot analysis. The levels of AK1 and AK3 of the whole brain increased after birth, while AK2 was detected only in the early embryonic period. In the adult rat brain, high levels of AK1 were present in the olfactory bulb. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that AK1 was found predominantly in the olfactory nerve layer and the glomerular layer. In the olfactory bulb, AK1 gene expression was enhanced in the early postnatal days, whereas it remained low in the cerebellum during the first 10 postnatal days. These results suggest that the AK isozymes are involved in neuronal maturation and regeneration. The understanding of the physiological actions of adenosine and ATP as neurotransmitters/neuromodulaters in the central nervous system has improved. ATP and adenosine receptors have been found to be widely distributed over the whole brain, although the intra- and extracellular metabolism of these compounds has not been well elucidated.  相似文献   

The capacity of periglomerular cells (PGc) to give fast, Na-dependent action potentials is a crucial and debated issue for the comprehension of how sensory information is processed in the olfactory bulb (OB). Using patchclamp whole cell recording in thin slices of rat OB (P8-P20) we showed that fast sodium conductance is present in all the PGc studied, that this current is sufficiently large to generate action potentials and that action potentials can be evoked in these cells by direct stimulation of the olfactory nerve. A comprehensive kinetic characterization of INa is also presented.  相似文献   

The atypical glomeruli constitute a particular subset of olfactory glomeruli in the rat olfactory bulb which is mainly characterized by a strong centrifugal cholinergic innervation. In the present study, the topographical organization of the mucoso-bulbar projection of these glomeruli was analysed using small injections of WGA-HRP into the anterior nasal cavity of adult rats. The atypical olfactory glomeruli were visualized on adjacent bulbar sections using acetylcholinesterase histochemistry. A mean of 29 atypical glomeruli per bulb was observed in several areas of the posterior half of the olfactory bulb. Following the rostro-caudal axis of the olfactory bulb, the first atypical glomeruli were located in lateral positions, then in dorsal and ventral ones. The most posterior atypical glomeruli were located in the bulbar medial side. Concerning the projections from the periphery to the atypical glomeruli, various WGA-HRP patterns of labelling were observed. When the surface area of injection sites in the anterior part of the olfactory sheet was between 30 and 40 mm2, half of the atypical population was labelled with the atypical glomeruli being heavily labelled. All sites of distribution previously described were represented. When the surface area of injection sites was inferior to 20 mm2, only some positions distributed along the bulbar antero-posterior axis were represented. These atypical glomeruli were generally partially labelled. Taken together, these results suggest that, although atypical glomeruli are restricted in the posterior olfactory bulb, they receive peripheral projections diffusely organized along the antero-posterior axis of the olfactory mucosa. This profile was compared with that of other classical olfactory glomeruli.  相似文献   

The effect of muscarinic receptor activation on phosphoinositide hydrolysis in the rat olfactory bulb was investigated by determining either the inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) mass or the accumulation of [3H]inositol phosphates ([3H]InsPs). In miniprisms of rat olfactory bulb, carbachol produced an atropine-sensitive increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3 concentration. In a membrane preparation, the formation of Ins(1,4,5)P3 was stimulated by guanosine-5'-(3-O-thio) triphosphate (GTP gamma S), but not by carbachol. However, carbachol potentiated the GTP gamma S stimulation when the two agents were combined. In miniprisms prelabelled with [3H]myo-inositol, carbachol increased the accumulation of [3H]InsPs and this effect was significantly reduced by tissue treatment with either 1 microM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Analysis of concentration-response curves indicated that carbachol (EC50 = 96 microM) and oxotremorine-M (EC50 = 8.2 microM) behaved like full agonists, whereas oxotremorine, BM5, arecoline and bethanechol were partial agonists. The carbachol stimulation of [3H]InsPs accumulation was counteracted with high affinity by the M1 antagonist pirenzepine (pA2 = 8.26), and less potently by the M3 antagonist para-fluorohexahydro-sila-difenidol (pA2 = 6.7) and the M2 antagonist AF-DX 116 (pA2 = 6.12). The biochemical and pharmacological properties of the muscarinic stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis were compared with those displayed by the muscarinic stimulation of adenylate cyclase in the rat olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were generated to vesicular membranes of clathrin coated vesicles enriched for acetylcholinesterase (AChE). One of these, C172, recognizes vesicles which accumulate in muscle cells around nuclei associated with acetylcholine receptor AChR clusters. Immunoblots of muscle extracts and brain purified clathrin coated vesicles show that C172 recognizes a 100 kd band in muscle, but a 180 kd band in brain. Western blots of purified AP180 protein stained with the two antibodies AP180.1 and C172 displayed the same staining pattern. Tryptic digests probed with peptide antibodies (PS26 and PS27) generated to known sequences of AP180 were used to map the epitope for C172 within the brain AP180 sequence. On immunoblots of digested AP180, all AP180 antibodies and C172 recognized a 100 kd tryptic fragment, however only C172 recognized a smaller 60 kd. Our results suggest that the C172 epitope is located within amino acids 305-598 of the AP180 sequence. Confocal fluorescence microscopy of myoblasts and myotubes stained with the C172 antibody gives a punctate immunofluorescence pattern. Myoblasts stained with C172 revealed a polarized distribution of vesicles distinct from that observed when cells are stained with gamma adaptin antibody which is known to localize to trans Golgi network. Myotubes stained with C172 antibody reveal a linear array of vesicular staining. Quantitative analysis of C172 reactive vesicles revealed a significant increase in number of vesicles present around the nuclei associated with the acetylcholine receptor clusters. These vesicles did not colocalize with the Golgi cisternae. These results indicate that a protein with homology to the neuron-specific coated vesicle protein AP180, is present in muscle cells associated with vesicles showing significant concentration around postsynaptic nuclei present in close proximity to AChR clusters.  相似文献   

A carnivore, the ferret possesses a vomeronasal organ--accessory olfactory bulb (VNO-AOB) projection to the hypothalamus; however, little is known about its function. Pheromones in soiled bedding from estrous female ferrets or an artificial peppermint odor significantly augmented nuclear Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-IR), a marker of neural activation, in several main olfactory bulb (MOB) sites but not in the AOB of gonadectomized male and females. Testosterone propionate (TP) significantly augmented the MOB's neuronal Fos responses to estrous females' pheromones, but not to peppermint. Estrous odors, but not peppermint, also augmented neuronal Fos-IR in the medial preoptic area (mPOA) of female, but not male, subjects. Pheromones in soiled bedding from breeding male ferrets significantly augmented neuronal Fos-IR in the MOB and in the medial amygdala of gonadectomized, TP-treated male and female subjects. Again, male pheromones failed to influence neuronal Fos-IR in the AOB of either sex, and only females showed significant increases in neuronal Fos-IR in the lateral aspect of the ventromedial nucleus and mPOA. These results point to an essential role among higher mammals of the main olfactory epithelium-MOB projection to the hypothalamus in detecting and processing pheromones. Gonadectomized ferrets showed significant increases in sniffing behavior when placed on either female or male bedding. This occurred regardless of whether they had received TP or oil vehicle, suggesting that testosterone's facilitation of neuronal Fos responses to estrous females' odors in the MOB of both sexes cannot be attributed to increased scent gathering. Androgen receptor-IR was present in the MOB granule cell layer of male and female ferrets, raising the possibility that testosterone acts directly on these cells to augment their responsiveness to pheromones.  相似文献   

Atypical and typical olfactory glomeruli differ in their primary afferents, centrifugal control and in some chemically identified subpopulations of interneurones. The distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunopositive neurones in the periglomerular region of both typical and atypical glomeruli has been studied using a double histochemical-immunohistochemical method. A segregated distribution of TH-immunopositive cells was found among both types of glomeruli. TH-immunolabelled cells were more abundant (p < 0.05) in the atypical glomeruli. These data suggest that some neuronal subpopulations are related to specific properties of the glomerular physiology and they have a segregated distribution in different subsets of glomeruli. Thus, catecholamines might be involved in the processing of specific olfactory cues in atypical glomeruli. This study presents new differences in the cellular composition of typical and atypical glomeruli.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to determine if splenic perfusion measurements obtained using dynamic CT are useful in the evaluation of portal hypertension. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-four patients with chronic liver disease (29 men and 15 women, 49-81 years old) and 38 control subjects (17 men and 21 women, 21-79 years old) underwent dynamic CT of the spleen. Regions of interest were drawn on images of the spleen and aorta, and splenic perfusion was calculated by dividing the peak gradient of the splenic time-attenuation curve by the peak aortic CT measurement increase. In 11 patients with chronic liver disease and three patients with normal livers, we measured the wedged hepatic vein pressure (WHVP) of the right or right accessory hepatic vein to estimate portal vein pressure. RESULTS: Splenic perfusion was less in patients with chronic liver disease (0.894 +/- 0.324 ml/min) than in the control group (1.299 +/- 0.429 ml/min; p < .0001). We found a significant negative correlation between splenic perfusion and WHVP (r = .741; p = .0024). CONCLUSION: A significant decrease in splenic perfusion in patients with chronic liver disease negatively correlated with WHVP. Measurement of splenic perfusion may be useful in the evaluation of portal hypertension.  相似文献   

We are able to recognize very many different faces of individuals we know, apparently using a complex and ill-understood set of identifying features; it seems natural to assume that faces are perceived as spanning the equivalent of a high-dimensional vector space. I explore ways to probe the structure of perceptual face space without making a priori hypotheses about either the space itself or the mechanisms of perception and recognition, and using solely neuronal responses recorded in the monkey, and metrics derived from their mutual similarities. Within this approach, the dimensionality of face space remains an elusive concept, but the metric content and ultrametric content of the face sets used can be quantified and compared with those of other perceptual sets.  相似文献   

The presence and distribution of intracellular Ca2+ release pathways in olfactory bulb neurons were studied in dissociated cell cultures. Histochemical techniques and imaging of Ca2+ fluxes were used to identify two major intracellular Ca2+ release mechanisms: inositol 1, 4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R)-mediated release, and ryanodine receptor-mediated release. Cultured neurons were identified by immunocytochemistry for the neuron-specificmarker beta-tubulin III. Morphometric analyses and immunocytochemistry for glutamic acid-decarboxylase revealed a heterogeneous population of cultured neurons with phenotypes corresponding to both projection (mitral/tufted) and intrinsic (periglomerular/granule) neurons of the in vivo olfactory bulb. Immunocytochemistry for the IP3R, and labeling with fluorescent-tagged ryanodine, revealed that, irrespective of cell type, almost all cultured neurons express IP3R and ryanodine binding sites in both somata and dendrites. Functional imaging revealed that intracellular Ca2+ fluxes can be generated in the absence of external Ca2+, using agonists specific to each of the intracellular release pathways. Local pressure application of glutamate or quisqualate evoked Ca2+ fluxes in both somata and dendrites in nominally Ca2+ free extracellular solutions, suggesting the presence of IP3-dependent Ca2+ release. These fluxes were blocked by preincubation with thapsigargin and persisted in the presence of the glutamate receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione. Local application of caffeine, a ryanodine receptor agonist, also evoked intracellular Ca2+ fluxes in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. These Ca2+ fluxes were suppressed by preincubation with ryanodine. In all neurons, both IP3- and ryanodine-dependent release pathways coexisted, suggesting that they interact to modulate intracellular Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

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