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对与高炉炉料中添加钛的传统技术有关的渣面和生铁层耐火材料内衬的保护机理进行调查研究。从CSN2号和3号高炉的事后剖析及使用两种不同的碳质耐火材料进行的模拟试验中得到了结论。依据对这些机理的了解,提高高炉炉料中添加钛的传统技术的效率是可行的。  相似文献   

高炉炉缸用热模压小炭砖的性能与使用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文论述了我国高炉炭砖的现状,分析了炭砖破损的主要原因,介绍了热模压小炭砖的性能、特点及使用情况,并指出了改进我国炭砖质量的主要途径。  相似文献   

对高炉炉缸和炉底的侵蚀机制、合理的炉缸结构、炉缸和炉底内衬结构及其耐火材料进行了较为全面的介绍,同时建议在高炉生产过程中采取一系列措施来提高炉缸、炉底的寿命:拥有合理的死铁层深度、炉缸高度和铁口深度的炉缸结构,可为高炉高效长寿和生产的稳定顺行奠定良好基础;根据高炉顺行情况和炉缸、炉底侵蚀状态控制好生铁成分,并采取有效措施减少碱金属等有害元素在炉内的富集及对炉缸、炉底的侵蚀;在线进行压浆能有效消除炉缸砖衬间的缝隙,提高炉缸冷却系统的冷却效果,减缓炉缸砖衬的侵蚀;加含钛物料护炉可以使侵蚀严重的炉底、炉缸转危为安,显著提高高炉寿命。  相似文献   

借助于热力学分析和氧化性能实验,研究了高炉炉缸用炭砖在空气气氛下的氧化行为和氧化动力学。结果表明,炭砖的质量损失主要来自于石墨C氧化,质量损失量随温度升高、保温时间延长而增大。炭砖的氧化过程属于连续型氧化,而非保护型氧化。在800~1 200℃时,氧化过程的控速环节为碳氧界面反应控速,氧化反应的活化能为5 586.76 J/mol。石墨C氧化将导致炭砖内部形成多气孔的氧化层,随温度升高和时间增加,氧化层面积增大,材料耐压强度和密度降低。  相似文献   

王盟  董成国  张连航 《耐火材料》2012,46(5):397-398
山东石横特钢集团有限公司1 080 m31#高炉于2010年12月17日点火开炉,开炉10 d后达产。自2011年7月份开始,炉缸侧壁局部温度异常升高,进入8月份,炉缸侧壁炭砖埋设测温点(西铁口-八层环炭处)达到985℃。2011年8月31日休风进行炉体灌浆处理,灌浆后温降不明显。2011年11月1日1#  相似文献   

高炉炉缸用新型灌浆料   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高炉经过一定时间的生产后,其炉缸区域炭砖的损毁一方面会因物理化学性能差或者是炉缸结构造成的热应力而出现环形裂缝,炭砖的环形裂缝以及内衬与炉壳或冷却设备之间产生了煤气通道,热煤气在贯通的通道内流动会使得炉缸区域局部温度升高;另一方面,"象脚"的形成会导致炉缸炭砖变薄,从而影响炉缸区域1 150℃等温线的外移而加速"死铁层"内铁水对炭砖的侵蚀.维修的主要手段就是对炉缸温度过高的区域进行压力灌浆堵缝.灌浆料的压入会填充并堵塞煤气泄漏的通道,以此减缓并解决炉缸温度高的现象.  相似文献   

高炉生产过程中,因风口、冷却器操作失误或设备故障等问题漏水现象频发,研究炉缸用耐火材料在水蒸气条件下的抗氧化性能具有很重要的现实意义,通过热重实验结合热力学分析,研究了高炉炉缸用碳复合砖在不同气氛、气体流量、水蒸气含量条件下的氧化行为.结果表明:碳复合砖在水蒸气条件下表现出良好的抗氧化性能;经比较,碳复合砖的抗水蒸气氧化性能远优于炭砖的抗水蒸气氧化性能,在水蒸气条件下能保证高炉的安全生产.  相似文献   

管理信息系统的模糊综合评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理信息系统的评价是对一个MIS系统的性能进行全面估计与测试,良好的评价可以促进系统设计目标的实现,提高投资效益。本文根据MIS的特点,确定出评价指标体系,采用模糊综合评价方法对MIS进行综合评价,提出了一种评价MIS的合理方法。  相似文献   

使用NARX动态神经网络建立高炉冶炼过程中Si元素的单步预测与双步预测模型,分析使用NARX神经网络建模在过程工业中进行动态控制的可行性。通过实验结果发现,单步预测的命中率(误差±0:1)达到了近100%,而方向预测的正确率达到了80%。同时,双步预测的命中率也达到了近100%,而对变化方向的预测的准确率达到了90%,可以看出运用NARX神经网络对高炉冶炼过程Si元素进行预测控制的可行性并具有较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

目前烟道气辅助蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)技术已在机理研究和数值模拟方面取得了进展,但由于实际投入油田试验的操作成本较高以及存在额外的能量消耗,所以无法直接判断和验证实际应用效果。为了更全面地评估注采方案,本文运用模糊综合评价法建立了多元评价体系,以环境、能量、工艺、经济为4个评价指标,对不同注采方案进行综合评价以选出综合性能最优的生产设计方案,为实际生产方案的选取提供参考,首次对烟道气辅助SAGD实际工程进行评价研究。基于“有无对比法”,将烟道气辅助SAGD与常规SAGD进行对比,结果表明烟道气辅助SAGD的综合效益更好,佐证了烟道气辅助SAGD驱油的优越性。为方便工程应用,开发了“烟气辅助SAGD驱油评价软件”,通过软件进行实例分析并进行方法对比,验证了本文方法的有效性、适用性和准确性。  相似文献   

An advanced model has been developed to track iron and slag levels in the blast furnace hearth. The model is based on measurements of tapped quantities of iron and slag and standard blast furnace measurement variables. The hearth geometry is provided by a previously presented wear model of the hearth refractory, while the floating state of the hearth coke column—the dead man—is estimated from a simplified force balance. The liquid level estimation problem is tackled by an extended Kalman filter, by which the variance of the measurements and parameters can be optimally considered. The results of the model clearly show the dramatic effect of the floating state of the dead man on the tap-cycle evolution of the liquid levels in the hearth, and therefore point out the importance of applying a proper estimate of the hearth geometry in the model. The findings of the model have been analyzed with respect to the asymptotic limit of the descent below the taphole of the iron-slag interface and the required corrections of the material balances. The model has also been verified by a comparison of its results with the tap-cycle trend of the gas pressure drop over the furnace.  相似文献   

二维传热数模在高炉炉缸炉底结构设计中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用二维传热数学模型对高炉炉缸炉底进行温度场分布计算,探讨了炉缸炉底的传热规律和抗侵蚀能力。计算结果表明,利用导热性能不同的耐火材料进行合理组合,可以获得理想等温线分布的炉缸炉底结构。  相似文献   

通过对炼铁高炉渣、转炉渣和水泥熟料的组分进行对比分析,发现其组分比较接近。经初步探讨认为,优化高炉渣和转炉渣的成分,使两者在热熔状态下混合均匀,或同时配加部分矿物,可以生成和水泥熟料基本一致的组分。这样既充分利用了高炉渣和转炉渣及其余热,又减少了水泥熟料的资源消耗,达到了废渣综合利用、节能减排和低碳的目的。  相似文献   

在焦炭上喷洒一定浓度的钝化剂溶液,可防止高温下焦炭气孔壁变薄而粉化,减少高温下焦炭破碎,有利于降低高炉中焦炭的热反应性,提高反应后强度,相应增加喷煤量,进一步提高冶炼强度,增加高炉产量。  相似文献   

The ironmaking blast furnace is regarded as one of the biggest and most complex industrial reactors, because it includes various materials like gas, lump granular materials, liquids and powders and more than 30 major reactions and phase changes in a single reaction vessel. The mathematical simulator of this process developed in this study used the multi-fluid treatment as its framework, since the motions of these materials were governed by different flow mechanisms. The rates of the interactions among the phases and the chemical reactions were evaluated based on kinetic theories. The model successfully reproduced the fields of velocity, temperature and reaction in the furnace and its validity was confirmed. The simulator was also applied to a novel operation, namely the top gas recycling combined with the carbon-composite iron-ore charging and the waste plastics injection, and the advantages in furnace efficiency and environmental load were quantitatively indicated.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to numerically simulate iron flow and heat transfer in the hearth of a blast furnace by solving the three-dimensional turbulent Navier-Stokes equation coupled with the transport equation of energy at steady state. Under the effects of conjugate heat transfer and natural convection, a computational fluid dynamic calculation was performed to generate flow field in the hearth and the temperature distribution in the refractories during the tapping process. The accuracy and computation of the model is validated using operation data from BHP Steel's No. 5 blast furnace. The shear stress and heat flux on the wall were then predicted for the different vertical movements, shapes of the coke zone (dead-man), and the lengths of the tap-hole. As shown in the results, it is worth noticing that an increase in the tap-hole length causes the peak values of shear stress to shift in the increasing azimuthal direction at a particular plane, and the location of the peak value of shear stress coincides with the location of higher temperature actually measured on the hearth wall, signifying enhanced heat transfer to the wall at location of peak stress.  相似文献   

姚海威  毛瑞  王飞  朱祚峤 《无机盐工业》2022,54(12):119-125
针对转底炉氧化锌粉附加值低的问题,以转底炉氧化锌粉为研究对象,以氯化胆碱-二水合草酸(CC-OA)低共熔溶剂为研究体系,运用低共熔溶剂的选择溶解性对氧化锌粉进行提纯并制备纳米氧化锌,对纳米氧化锌晶粒生长的动力学进行了研究。氧化锌粉水洗处理的最优方案:水洗温度为50℃、水洗时间为3 min、液固体积质量比为3 mL/g。低共熔溶剂处理氧化锌粉得到的前驱体为二水合草酸锌(ZnC2O4·2H2O),根据唯象方程计算得出焙烧温度、焙烧时间与粒径的关系,实现了特定粒径纳米氧化锌的制备。在焙烧温度为400℃、焙烧时间为2 h条件下,制备的氧化锌纯度可达99.768%,其形貌呈现较为均匀的球状并聚集在一起,平均粒径为28.5 nm,且粒径主要分布在10~100 nm。  相似文献   

模糊数学综合评价法在涂料行业清洁生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了全面、客观的反映涂料生产企业的清洁生产水平,作者采用模糊数学综合评价法对东莞某涂料生产企业进行清洁生产评价。结果表明,该评价方法可操作性强,准确性高,能够对涂料行业清洁生产评价方法提供参考,对增加企业的市场竞争力和推动企业清洁生产具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Y.S. Shen  A.B. Yu  P. Zulli 《Fuel》2009,88(2):255-323
The practice of blending coals for pulverized coal combustion is widely used in ironmaking blast furnace. It is desirable to characterize the combustion behaviour of coal blends and their component coals. A three-dimensional numerical model is described to simulate the flow and combustion of binary coal blends under simplified blast furnace conditions. The model is validated against the experimental results from a pilot-scale combustion test rig for a range of conditions, which features an inclined co-axial lance. The overall performance of coal blend and the individual behaviours of their component coals are analysed, with special reference to the influences of particle size and coal type. The synergistic effect of coal blending on overall burnout is examined. The results show that the interactions between component coals, in terms of particle temperature and volatile content, are responsible for the synergistic effect. Such synergistic effect can be optimized by adjusting the blending fraction. The model provides an effective tool for the design of coal blends.  相似文献   

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