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Metal sandwich plates optimized for pressure impulses   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Survival of a plate against an intense, short duration impulsive loading requires the circumvention of failure modes, including those associated with excessive overall deflection and shear-off at supports and webs. All-metal sandwich plates have distinct advantages over comparable weight monolithic plates, especially for intense water loadings. A recently developed mechanics of dynamically loaded sandwich plates by N. A. Fleck and V. S. Deshpande is extended and modified to address the problem of the minimum weight design of plates of given span that must sustain a uniformly distributed impulsive wave in air or water environments. Requirements for core crushing strength and energy absorption are discussed, as are conditions governing shear-off of the face sheet. Dimensionless parameters governing optimal designs are identified. Specific results are presented for plates with square honeycomb cores outlining trends for the best performance that can be achieved and the optimal distribution of mass between faces and core. Optimally designed sandwich plates can sustain water shocks that are two to three times as large monolithic plates of the same mass and material. The model is used to discuss a number of issues relevant to the design of effective metal sandwich plates, including differing requirements for air and water environments, face sheet shear-off resistance, the role of core strength, and the relation between small-scale tests and full-scale behavior.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the competing collapse mechanisms for simply supported sandwich beams with composite faces and a PVC foam core subjected to three point bending. The faces comprise Hexcel Fibredux 7781-914G woven glass fibre-epoxy prepreg, while the core comprises closed cell Divinycell PVC foam of relative density 6.6% and 13.3%. The mechanical properties of the face sheets and core are measured independently. Depending upon the geometry of the beam and the relative properties of the constituents, collapse is by core shear, face sheet microbuckling or by indentation beneath the middle loading roller. A systematic series of experiments and finite element simulations have been performed in order to assess the accuracy of simple analytic expressions for the strength. In general, the analytic expressions for peak load are adequate; however, simple beam theory becomes inappropriate and the analytic models are inaccurate for stubby beams with thick faces relative to the core thickness. A failure mechanism map is constructed to reveal the dependence of the dominant collapse mechanism upon the geometry of the beam.  相似文献   

Analytical predictions are made for the three-point bending collapse strength of sandwich beams with composite faces and polymer foam cores. Failure is by the competing modes of face sheet microbuckling, plastic shear of the core, and face sheet indentation beneath the loading rollers. Particular attention is paid to the development of an indentation model for elastic faces and an elastic–plastic core. Failure mechanism maps have been constructed to reveal the operative collapse mode as a function of geometry of sandwich beam, and minimum weight designs have been obtained as a function of an appropriate structural load index. It is shown that the optimal designs for composite–polymer foam sandwich beams are of comparable weight to sandwich beams with metallic faces and a metallic foam core.  相似文献   

The effect of random variations in material properties of laminated sandwich plates on the transverse deflections is investigated. An improved higher-order plate model is proposed earlier by the authors, which satisfies the transverse shear stress continuity conditions at the layer interfaces including the zero transverse shear stress conditions at the plate top and bottom surfaces. The theory assumes the variation of in-plane displacements to be cubic with discontinuities in the transverse shear strains at the layer interfaces, while the transverse displacements varies quadratically across the core thickness, thereby including transverse normal deformation of the soft core. The core is considered to behave as a 3-D elastic medium. To obtain the second-order statistics of deflections of sandwich plate, a stochastic C0 finite element (FE) based on the first-order perturbation technique is developed, where the lamina properties are considered as basic random variables while the other system properties are assumed to be deterministic. The performance of the improved stochastic laminated sandwich model is demonstrated through comparison of mean and standard deviations (SDs) of deflections obtained through independent Monte Carlo simulations and by comparison with results available in literature.  相似文献   

A finite element formulation based on an enhanced first order shear deformation theory is developed to accurately and efficiently predict the behavior of laminated composite and sandwich structures. An enhanced first order shear deformation theory is systematically derived by minimizing the least-squared energy error between the first order shear deformable plate theory and a higher order shear deformable plate theory. In this way, the strain energy of a higher order theory is transformed to that of the Reissner-Mindlin plate theory. This minimization procedure yields a relationship between them that is also used to improve the accuracy of predicted stresses and displacements. The key feature of the proposed theory is in that it can be implemented to commercial FEM packages by simply changing the input, and the results obtained can be also enhanced by post-processing them via a differential quadrature method. Thus, a proposed finite element formulation can be widely used in various application problems. Through numerical examples, the accuracy and robustness of the present formulation are demonstrated.  相似文献   

BP神经网络算法本质上是基于梯度下降的一种迭代学习算法,存在学习收敛速度慢、收敛精度低、易陷入局部极小、学习率难以选取、隐层数及隐层神经元个数难以确定等缺陷。为了选择出更适宜变压器DGA故障诊断的神经网络结构及算法。本文采用了常用的几种智能算法对变压器故障样本进行了诊断性能对比实验。结果得出Levenberg-Marquardt神经网络算法是收敛速度较快的算法,有动量和自适应的梯度下降法是收敛稳定性较佳的算法;网络最优结构设计过程。为用于变压器DGA故障诊断的神经网络的结构和算法提供了系统化的试验方法。  相似文献   

为研究构架焊接部位的疲劳可靠度,根据国内Q345焊接头的疲劳数据,结合包含超长寿命概率S-N曲线,建立了动车组转向架焊接构架横向对接、横向T形和纵向T形焊接头的概率疲劳S-N曲线。以我国高速动车组典型的CRH2动车组转向架构架为研究对象,确定了其焊接构架吊挂点附近31个焊接头局部的疲劳应力。结合概率疲劳S-N曲线进行了较大应力部位的疲劳寿命预测和可靠度评估。结果说明:齿轮箱吊座与横梁附近的焊接部位是较危险的部位;在置信度97.5%、可靠度0.975下的寿命为3.88×108循环;在置信度97.5%、寿命为109循环的可靠度为0.948 2。  相似文献   

在中国国家自然科学基金项目《金属间化合物/陶瓷复合材料界面设计及关键制备工艺》资助下,以大幅降低制冷器铜管使用为目的,提出铜(管头) 铝(管路) 铜(管头)组合制冷管路结构,核心科学问题是Cu Al异质金属的密封焊接,提出总结性科学研究报告。 以表征异种金属材料焊接扩散规律为目的,探索基于菲克扩散定理的插入式Cu Al热连接模型。认为原子向空穴迁移或在节点间的迁移是固态金属和合金中的基本扩散运动,在溶剂晶格中溶质原子异扩散(AD)具有方向性,导致溶质原子浓度有局部变化。金属在加热或冷却过程中的相变和组织变化总是与扩散过程(DP)密切相关。固态压焊(SSPW)时,DP是确定再结晶(Recrystallization)和激活面(Surface Activation)之间结合后使焊接接头性能改善的主要过程。建立起扩散过程中溶质原子分布的一维扩散模型,由菲克第一定律建立扩散通量与扩散物质浓度和单向扩散距离的关系模型,由菲克第二定律获得扩散物单向扩散浓度模型,通过玻耳兹曼变换(Boltzmann Transform)求解任何时刻的一维浓度分布c(y,t),建立基于高斯误差函数(GEF)erf(β)的扩散偶浓度分布模型(CDM)和扩散偶浓度分布曲线(CDC)。基于CDM,建立CDC、扩散系数、原始接触面(OCS) 浓度、理论均匀化判别等工程应用层面的Cu Al焊接扩散模型。  相似文献   

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