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采用双头光纤探针对内径为50 mm竖直圆管内空气-水两相泡状流界面参数径向分布特性进行了实验研究。气液两相表观速度变化范围分别为0.004~0.05 m/s和0.071~0.283 m/s。结果表明,竖直管内向上泡状流局部界面面积浓度(IAC)、空泡份额及气泡频率径向分布相类似,即气相流速较低时管道中间很大范围内以上3个局部界面参数几乎恒定,近壁区迅速下降到较低值;随气相流速的增加,局部界面参数在管道中心出现峰值。本实验中气泡聚合与破碎现象较少发生,索特平均直径沿径向近似均匀分布,且随气液两相流速变化很小。通过气泡横向受力解释了局部界面参数分布的影响机理。 相似文献
研究了不同螺旋直径螺旋管中泡状流的相界面参数(空泡份额、相界面浓度、气泡尺寸等)的截面分布特性。通过图像法标定了电导探针的测试精度,并通过合理地处理双头电导探针,得到了螺旋管中泡状流的空泡份额、相界面浓度和气泡数量频率的定量分布云图。为进一步量化地描述相界面参数的分布特征,采用统计方法定义了截面平均参数、相界面离散系数和气泡平均聚集坐标来表征其特性。实验结果表明,随着管道旋转直径的增大,气泡截面平均空泡份额有所下降,分布范围缩小,平均聚集坐标向上方和外侧移动,气泡尺寸整体上有所下降。 相似文献
采用双头光纤探针对倾斜圆管内空气-水两相泡状流界面参数分布特性进行了实验研究,包括局部空泡份额、气泡通过频率、界面面积浓度及气泡当量直径径向分布特性。实验段内径为50 mm,液相表观速度为0.144 m/s,气相表观速度为0~0.054 m/s。结果表明倾斜管内向上泡状流气泡明显向上壁面聚集。局部界面浓度、空泡份额及气泡通过频率径向分布相似。倾斜条件下局部界面参数分布下壁面附近峰值相对于竖直状态被削弱甚至消失,上壁面附近峰值被加强,中间区域从下壁面往上逐渐增大,且随倾斜角度的增加变化更加剧烈。气泡等价直径随径向位置、气相速度及倾斜角度的不同无明显变化,气泡聚合和破碎现象较少发生。通过气泡受力分析解释了倾斜对泡状流局部界面参数分布的影响机理。 相似文献
借助高速摄像机,对倾斜和摇摆条件下矩形通道(43 mm×3.25 mm×2000 mm)内泡状流局部界面参数的横向分布特性进行实验研究,包括局部气泡比例、空泡份额及界面面积浓度(IAC)。实验结果表明,竖直、倾斜及摇摆条件下,局部气泡比例、空泡份额及IAC三者的横向分布形状相类似。竖直静止及摇摆至竖直位置时,通道内中间较大范围内各局部参数变化缓慢,在xi/(w/2)=±0.5(xi为以通道宽边中心轴线为原点到窄边内壁面的距离,w为宽边尺寸)附近出现峰值;随着倾斜和摇摆角度的增大,下壁面附近峰值被削弱,上壁面附近峰值被加强。实验摇摆参数范围内,摇摆时局部参数的横向分布与实验段倾斜至相同角度时的分布十分相近;主要原因为在横向上摇摆引起附加惯性浮力远小于气泡受到的浮力。 相似文献
常温常压下,采用光学探针测量方法,对圆管(内径50 mm)内空气 水两相竖直向上泡状流空泡份额的径向分布特性进行了实验研究。结果表明,竖直圆管内泡状流空泡份额的径向分布随气液两相表观流速不同而变化。液相流速较高时空泡份额分布呈“壁峰型”,即中心区域变化平缓,近壁区出现峰值后迅速降低;液相静止时,随气相流速增加,空泡份额增加速度沿径向向外逐渐减小,气相流速较大时分布呈“核峰型”,即空泡份额随径向位置向外呈减小趋势;液相流速较低时分布呈现出过渡型。探针测量面积加权平均空泡份额与通过重位压降得到的空泡份额的相对偏差小于10%。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(5):321-327
Flow patterns for cocurrent and countercurrent air-water flows in vertical tubes (40 and 80mm I.D.) at volumetric flux densities of air and water in the ranges ?115–158 and ?100–102 cm/s were observed. A flow pattern map presenting the entire data of the observed flow patterns, i.e. bubbly, slug and annular flow for each mode of flow operation (upflow, countercurrent flow and downflow) were presented on the jl vs. jg plane. The flow pattern maps showed significant difference of flow pattern transition boundaries with upflow, countercurrent flow and downflow. Flow pattern transition curves were smoothly continuous with the change of the direction of water flow, on the other hand the change of flow direction of air showed complicated effect on flow pattern transition near zero jg . Comparison of the present flow pattern data with the reported general flow pattern maps for upflow showed that the correlation of Taitel et al. for bubble-slug flow transition is applicable to both cocurrent and countercurrent air-water flows. 相似文献
借助双探头光纤探针测量方法,对管内竖直向下空气-水两相流动的界面参数局部分布特性进行了实验研究。实验段采用内径50 mm、长度2 000 mm的圆管,气液两相表观速度范围分别为0.004~0.077 m/s和0.43~0.71 m/s。实验结果表明,不同于竖直向上两相流动中局部界面参数径向分布呈现的“壁峰”或“核峰”型分布,向下流动中局部界面参数径向分布呈“壁峰”或“宽峰”型分布;向下流动时空泡份额截面平均值均比向上流动时大119.6%~145.0%,界面面积浓度截面平均值比向上流动时大18.8%~82.5%;向下流动时界面参数分布表现出明显的均匀化趋势。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(12):753-755
A correlation function for reactor noise is determined through a conditional polarity-correlation technique in which the polarity of neutron-counting fluctuations is analyzed with the start condition that the counting rate reaches a preset level. This technique, evidently, is an example of flash-start technique, developed for the purpose of improving the efficacy of reactor noise analysis. In the present case, the conditional polarity-correlation function is described mathematically assuming that the counting fluctuations of the detector conform with a Gaussian distribution. The expression thus derived reveals that this function is approximately proportional to a cross-correlation function and is a differential type of polarity-correlation function. In order to examine the validity of the obtained expression, an experiment was performed in a graphite-moderated reactor at slightly subcriticai state to measure the conditional polarity-correlation function. A novel contrivance was adopted in the experiment to eliminate the dead-time effect created during the busy time of the multi-channel time analyzer. The dependence on the preset level—i.e. flash-start condition—exhibited by the conditional polarity—correlation function showed good agreement with that expected from the mathematical expression. The prompt mode neutron decay constants were determined from the experimental data within statistical error of 3~4 %. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(2):156-158
Actinides, mainly responsible for the long term risk of spent fuel, are the principal candidates to transmutation due to their large absorption cross sections. Systems driven by particle accelerators have been investigated in the past to produce fissile material. Recently these systems have been reconsidered to destroy minor actinides (MA) and long-lived fission products (LLFP), reducing the need for the traditional final confinement of radioactive waste. Two Monte Carlo calculation models have been developped to determine the criticality safety conditions and the burning capability of MAS and of Pu. A Pu burner, whose core is poisoned with Th to compensate by producing 233U the burnup reactivity due to the even Pu isotopes, can operate at a low proton current using perhaps a cyclotron, incinerating 70% of the charged Pu; its burning capability would be the production of about 1.5 PWRs. Liquid fuel accelerator driven systems can be used in the future (due to the accelerator dimensions) for MA burning using D20 as carrier in a homogeneous core; such a system can burn the production of more than 15PWRs. In the future, also the problem of LLFP burning could be solved definitively using a system with D20 as carrier. 相似文献
Yichuan Huang Xingtuan Yang Jiyuan Tu Hongye Zhu 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2020,57(6):689-703
ABSTRACTThe two-phase flow in helically coiled tubes (HCTs) is rather important in many industries, such as the heat exchange facility in nuclear power plant. In this work, a double-sensor conductivity probe was used to study the air/water bubbly flow in HCTs. The cross-sectional distribution profile of the interfacial parameters (void fraction, interfacial area concentration, bubble size, etc.) of air–water bubbly flow were systematically studied. Through carefully processing the raw data collected by the double-sensor conductivity probe, the distribution of the void fraction, interfacial area concentration, the bubbles number frequency over the cross-section are demonstrated, as well as the bubble velocities and sizes vertically in the dense region. Some statistical parameters of cross-sectional-averaged quantities, coefficients of variation, and bubble aggregation core coordinates are defined to quantitatively describe the distribution characteristics of interfacial parameters. The measured data are helpful for improving the understanding of two-phase flow characteristics in HCTs. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(3):219-232
In order to determine the Counter-Current Flow Limitation (CCFL) in hot legs of PWRS, CCFL characteristics of air-water and saturated steam-water flow were experimentally investigated in a modeled flow path of a horizontal tube connected to an inclined riser. The ranges of dimensions of experimental tubes were as follows: diameter D 0.026–0.076 m, length of horizontal tube H 0.01–0.4 m, length of inclined riser I 0.038–0.6 m and inclination angle of inclined riser θ 40° or 45°. Wallis-type correlation (J g *1/2+mJ i *1/2=C) was applicable to the data during a steady separated flow. An analysis based on envelope theory showed that the constant C should be a function of H/D and I. A function of C with those parameters was empirically determined by using data obtained in this study. The developed function correlated well with the results of Richter et al. (D = 0.203 m, H = 1.26 m, I = 0.5 m and θ = 45°). The constant m in the Wallis-type correlation was almost constant 0.75. The problems were discussed, which should be made clear to apply the correlation obtained in this study to an actual PWR hot leg. 相似文献