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<正>乳品优质安全生产对于消费者特别是婴幼儿的健康具有及其重要的影响,三鹿奶粉引起的奶制品安全问题,至今还被人们时常提及,乳品的安全对人民群众的生命是一种极大的威胁,而且会给乳品生产行业乃至整个食品行业都带来非常严重的声誉的损坏,安全问题成了乳品生产需要解决的当务之急,因此需要不断的加强乳品生产监督。一、乳品优质安全生产的重要环节奶牛饲养环节的安全奶牛的饲养是乳品生产的基础环节,  相似文献   

<正>一、我国绿色乳品产业现状及供应链特征(一)我国绿色乳品产业发展现状绿色乳品就是绿色食品中的乳与乳制品的简称。区别于普通乳品,绿色乳品的检验项目多出20项重金属、农药和兽药残留等指标。从奶牛饲料的生产、奶牛养殖、鲜奶加工等环节,绿色乳品要完全符合农业部标准NY/T657-2021 《绿色食品乳与乳制品》的要求。如“十三五”何期间,绿色食品获证企业和产品年均增长速度分别达到让15.1%和12.8%。2020年,全国绿色食品生产企业总数达到19321家,产品总数达到42739个,  相似文献   

DSM乳品添加剂在乳品加工方面的专业和经验涵盖了整个乳品工业的所有范围,从农场到消费者的各环节,DSM都致力于向其提供提高牛奶质量和改进加工过程的产品和服务。通过世界范围内的分销网络,DSM的使命是将传统与创新相结合,并使其能运用于乳品工业中。DSM乳品添加剂的产品系列覆盖:从抗生素检测系列,菌种系列/益生菌,酶制剂系列,保鲜剂系列,到体重控制等功能性添加剂……  相似文献   

提出了基于物联网技术,构建涵盖奶牛养殖、生鲜乳收购、生鲜乳运输、乳品生产和乳制品销售等五个环节的乳品质量链追溯及服务信息平台的三层技术架构解决方案。其中感知层采用二维码技术和ZigBee无线传感网技术,重点解决奶牛精细化养殖、生鲜乳交易和乳品销售环节的信息采集与服务;网络传输层主要通过移动通信网络和互联网络,为质量链追溯服务平台各个环节的数据信息传输提供网络通道,并且结合物联网中间件技术实现对数据信息的校验、过滤和事物的管理等功能;应用层主要完成五大环节功能模块应用软件设计,实现乳品质量链信息在安卓平台和PC机浏览器平台的管理与追溯。  相似文献   

灌装是乳品生产过程的重点环节之一,也是质量控制的难点之一。做好乳品的灌装工作,需要考虑多方面的问题,如PET瓶超巴氏热灌装技术中,需要重点考虑包装材料(瓶和盖)的消毒、灌装空间的净化、灌装设备外部的清洁和消毒、物料灌装通道的清洗和消毒以及操作过程中相关人员污染控制等诸多技术环节。本文围绕灌装设备重点介绍乳品灌装的质量控制经验。  相似文献   

进入市场的乳制品安全关系到消费者的健康.近年来我国乳品安全事件频发,极大地影响了国内消费者的信心,也使乳品行业受到重创.乳品安全事件频发有其社会基础,也有乳品生产产业链长、存在安全风险的环节多、我国奶牛养殖分散致使原奶质量难以控制等客观原因,还有政府监管不到位、打击违法行为力度不够等主观原因.要保证乳品安全,首先,必须...  相似文献   

<正>目前多家乳品企业正在开发一种鉴定牛奶是否掺假的方法,该方法名为"非目标"红外线法。该方法获得了国际乳品联合会(IDF)的支持,可筛检牛奶中的一系列掺假物,同时也可检测其中的不明污染物。  相似文献   

用于PCR检测的乳品中金黄色葡萄球菌DNA提取方法比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较了乳品中金黄色葡萄球菌DNA的6种提取方法的效果,确定了一种可有效从乳品中提取金黄色葡萄球菌DNA的方法。该方法无需对样品进行增菌,可直接从乳品中提取金黄色葡萄球菌DNA,作为模板进行PCR检测,检测效果良好,对UHT全脂乳、脱脂乳和奶酪的最低检出限分别为10、10CFU/mL和55CFU/g。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国居民人均收入水平也在不断提高,其对食品安全与食品种类的要求也逐渐提高。由于乳品中含有丰富的营养物质与优质蛋白,属于健康食品,质检部门对乳品的安全质量检测力度也应逐渐加强。乳品行业较为特殊,其安全质量不仅牵动着乳品企业的经济效益,与人们身体健康也有着紧密的关系。本文,将结合乳品安全与质量检测工作,对各项环节进行简单分析,并针对乳品质量安全隐患提出相应对策,从而促进乳品行业的发展。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外乳品质量安全事件频发,乳品质量安全问题引起社会各界的高度关注。本文通过对乳品供应链中产、加、销各环节的研究,分析影响我国乳品质量安全的因素,并提出相应的对策建议,对提高乳品质量安全以及保证人们的身体健康和生命安全具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文回顾了二十年来中国乳业的风雨历程和奶源质量对乳业发展的重大影响。指出速冷奶罐是适合收奶站的理想设备,冰缸是乳品专业的最佳冷藏设备,它能给乳品厂和奶牛专业户带来可观的经济效益。推广冰缸是适合我国国情,提高乳品质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to investigate seasonal variations in bulk somatic cell totals and milk composition, evaluate the influence of somatic cell count (SCC) on milk fat and protein content and determine the effects of SCC on dairy farm profitability. A total of 1440 samples were analysed. Data were obtained by randomly collecting five samples of bulk tank milk from each of 24 dairy farms every month from April 2008 to March 2009. Milk was analysed for titratable protein, fat content and SCC (direct microscopic cell count). The highest total bulk SCCs were observed during autumn and winter. Conversely, higher levels of milk fat and protein were generated during spring and summer. A significant negative correlation was noted between SCC and milk composition, daily milk yield and milk returns. By logarithmic function, a significant negative relationship was observed between SCC and milk composition or milk returns. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the SCC is a useful tool for judging dairy farm profit and milk quality.  相似文献   

<正> 国家在2001年实施西部大开发的战略措施下,内蒙古自治区的食品工业继续以“提高城乡人民的生活水平和财政收入水平”为目标,深化改革,扩大开放,全面进行结构调整,充分利用和开发当地特色资源,变资源优势为产业优势带动农牧业的大发展。  相似文献   

Dairy is highly regulated in many countries for several reasons. Perishability, seasonal imbalances, and inelastic supply and demand for milk can cause inherent market instability. Milk buyers typically have had more market power than dairy farmers. Comparative production advantages in some countries have led to regulations and policies to protect local dairy farmers by maintaining domestic prices higher than world prices. A worldwide consensus on reduction of border measures for protecting dairy products is unlikely, and dairy will probably be an exception in ongoing World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations. Under the Doha Round framework agreements, countries may name some products such as dairy as "sensitive," thereby excluding them from further reforms. However, new Doha Round framework agreements depart from the current WTO rule and call for product-specific spending caps. Such caps will greatly affect the dairy sector because dairy accounts for much of the aggregate measure of support (AMS) in several countries, including the United States and Canada. Also, the amounts of dairy AMS in several countries may be recalculated relative to an international reference price. In addition, all export subsidies are targeted for elimination in the Doha Round, including export credit programs and state trading enterprises, which will limit options for disposing of surplus dairy products in foreign markets. Currently, with higher domestic prices, measures for cutting or disposing of surpluses have been used in many countries. Supply control, which is not regulated by WTO rules, remains as an option. Although explicit export subsidies are restricted by WTO rules, many countries use esoteric measures to promote dairy exports. If countries agree to eliminate "consumer financed" export subsidies using a theoretical definition and measurements proposed herein as Export Subsidy Equivalents (ESE), dairy exports in many countries may be affected. Although domestic supports and export subsidies will be reduced in the Doha Round, possible exclusion of "sensitive" products from tariff reduction will help some countries' dairy sectors survive after those final agreements. A key concern for those countries will be the simultaneous restriction of surplus-disposing measures. With fewer marketing options for surpluses, countries that continue border protection and high internal prices will likely be forced to use domestic supply control programs in the future.  相似文献   

The dairy industry’s silos is a critical point in the safety and quality control system. However, limited scientific evidence is available on measurement agreement between the milk analyses done by official control bodies and the self-monitoring analyses done by milk processing industries. Milk production data from a milk processing plant were collected for four months and analyzed by an official control body and the dairy company for freezing point, total bacterial count, somatic cell count, and for fat, lactose and protein percentages. Correlation and Bland-Altman analysis showed a good agreement between the two determinations for most of the variables (Spearman’s rho > 0.82 for Somatic cell count, Fat% and Protein %), while low agreement was found for total bacterial counts (Spearman’s rho =0.78). It was found that the difference between total bacterial counts was influenced by collecting route, time between sampling and analysis, and milk temperature inside the truck tank.  相似文献   

本研究分别用GB/T5009.5《食品中蛋白质的测定》和NY/T1678《乳与乳制品中蛋白质的测定——双缩脲比色法》,测定了添加非蛋白氮物质的乳及乳制品中的蛋白质含量。结果表明GB/T5009.5方法不能区分样品中的蛋白氮与非蛋白氮;采用NY/T1678-2008方法可以较好的实现蛋白氮和非蛋白氮物质的分离,有效地排除三聚氰胺、尿素、甘氨酸和水解蛋白等多种非蛋白氮对乳及乳制品中蛋白质含量检测的影响,该方法前处理方法快速、简单,检测结果准确。 更多还原  相似文献   

Detecting the use of genetically modified feeds in milk has become important, because the voluntary labeling of milk and dairy products as "GMO free" or as "organically grown" prohibits the employment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The aim of this work was to investigate whether a DNA transfer from foodstuffs like soya and maize was analytically detectable in cow's milk after digestion and transportation via the bloodstream of dairy cows and, thus, whether milk could report for the employment of transgene feeds. Blood, milk, urine, and feces of dairy cows were examined, and foreign DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction by specifically amplifying a 226-bp fragment of the maize invertase gene and a 118-bp fragment of the soya lectin gene. An intravenous application of purified plant DNA showed a fast elimination of marker DNA in blood or its reduction below the detection limit. With feeding experiments, it could be demonstrated that a specific DNA transfer from feeds into milk was not detectable. Therefore, foreign DNA in milk cannot serve as an indicator for the employment of transgene feeds unless milk is directly contaminated with feed components or airborne feed particles.  相似文献   

组建联合舰队 巡弋乳业之洋   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近美国篮球NBA继去年的王治郅之后,又来了一位叫姚明的中国“小巨人”。其篮球功夫果然很“要(对手的)命”,立马让所效力的休斯顿“火箭队”重振雄风,还让曾预言其将无大作为的NBA元老巴克利吻了驴屁股。美国人没想到其印象中普遍矮小的中国人,竟还能推出如此“龙种”。言归正传,记得早在一年多前,国内乳业资深人士就已经提醒乳业同行:“请注意了,新希望要来了!”。一年过去了,中国乳业确确实实开始感受到了这一年来新希望的发展辐射作用,感受到了来自天府之国一股不可逆转的强劲浪潮。这一年里新希望在乳业领域的快步伐令人眼花缭乱,我们有理由相信今天新希望的刘永好董事长所展示的新希望乳业蓝图,正是中国乳品事业明天另一个“新希望”的延续!  相似文献   

<正> 你知道吗,完达山乳业集团准备今年夏季将产品大量投放北京市场——有朋友这样对笔者说。 如果是这样的话,北京奶业市场又会有一场“大战”了,消息可靠吗?笔者先后向其北京办事处负责人以及集团副总裁吴和平先生询问,都得到证实。 为了更好了解内情,笔者到达哈尔滨完达山奶业的总部,采访了有关负责人。  相似文献   

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