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Despite the great effort that has gone into investigating urolithiasis, this condition still persists as one of the major ailments of the urinary tract. Calcium oxalate urolithiasis is the most common form, accounting for some 60 to 80% of total stones. This review examines the elements (i.e., urine volume and pH and urinary excretion of calcium, oxalate, citrate, urate, magnesium, pyrophosphate, and glycosaminoglycans) that give rise to idiopathic calcium oxalate urolithiasis. Treatment strategies for idiopathic calcium oxalate urolithiasis, including lithotripsy, also are discussed. Urinary oxalate excretion is a major risk factor for calcium oxalate urolithiasis, with 85 to 95% of the urinary load derived endogenously. The factors controlling endogenous oxalate production are reviewed, including pathways for the diversion of glyoxylate from oxalate production. The use of beta-aminothiols and other substances to reduce endogenous oxalate production in subjects with idiopathic calcium oxalate urolithiasis is also discussed. A review of current methodologies for the determination of urinary oxalate is also included.  相似文献   

Urinary citrate appears to be an important factor in the crystallization process of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. The urinary excretion of citrate was found to be significantly lower in patients with calcium oxalate stone disease as compared with normal subjects, and about 30 per cent of the calcium stone formers can be considered as hypocitraturic. The lowest excretion of citrate was recorded in urine collected during the night. Citrate has significant effects on supersaturation with respect to both calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate, it also inhibits the growth of these crystals. In addition, citrate appears to be capable of inhibiting the aggregation of crystals composed of calcium oxalate, brushite, and hydroxyapatite. The heterogenous growth of calcium oxalate on calcium phosphate is also counteracted by citrate. As a consequence of the crucial role of citrate in these processes, stone prevention with alkaline citrate has become an attractive form of treatment in patients with recurrent stone formation. Single evening dose administration of sodium potassium citrate resulted in an of sodium potassium citrate resulted in an increased excretion of citrate, reduced levels of the calcium/citrate ratio as well as supersaturation with respect to calcium oxalate and a decreased rate of stone formation. However, conflicting results of stone preventive treatment with alkaline citrate have been reported by different groups, and long-term follow-up of patients treated in a randomized way is necessary to definitely assess the efficacy of alkaline citrate.  相似文献   

1 We examined the case notes of 82 psychiatric out-patients (aged 21-84 years) receiving lithium prophylaxis and with steady-state plasma lithium levels. 2 The mean weight-related daily dose of lithium prescribed decreased by about 50% between the third and eight decades. 3 The corresponding steady-state plasma lithium levels showed a less marked tendency to decrease, this only being seen in the seventh and eighth decades. 4 In patients aged 50 years or over the daily lithium dose required to give a plasma level of 1 mmol l-1 (0.50 mmol kg-1) was significantly lower than that (0.65 mmol kg-1) in patients aged under 50 years (P less than 0?5, Student's t-test). In patients aged 70-79 years this dose was 31% lower than in patients under 50 years. However, interindividual variation was great and it was estimated that age only contributed about 14% to the total interpatient variation. 5 Of the 36 patients under 50 years of age, 42% had minor lithium side-effects and 17% were not optimally controlled with lithium. The corresponding figures for the 46 'older' patients were 46% and 28%. 6 Generally the 50% dosage reduction seemed necessary to compensate for an age-related decrease in lithium excretion and to reduce lithium side effects to a level comparable to that acceptable in younger patients.  相似文献   

The nature of the soluble stone matrix and its possible role in urinary stone formation was studied. For this purpose we performed two-dimensional cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis of the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) which were contained in the soluble stone matrix, substances adsorbed onto calcium oxalate crystals in vitro (crystal surface binding substances, CSBS) and urinary macromolecules (UMMs). The main GAG in the soluble stone matrix and CSBS was found to be heparan sulfate, whereas the UMMs contained various GAGs usually seen in urine. An inhibition assay showed the soluble stone matrix to have the strongest inhibitory activity among these macromolecular substances when inhibitory activity was expressed in terms of uronic acid concentration. It is suggested that the main GAG in the soluble stone matrix consists of heparan sulfate, which has a strong inhibitory activity on calcium oxalate crystal growth and aggregation and constitutes part of the CSBS.  相似文献   

To better understand urinary inhibitors of calcium oxalate crystallization, both zeta potential measurement and particle size analysis were chosen to illustrate: (1) the potential therapeutic efficacy of G872, a semi-synthetic sulfated polysaccharide, in stone prevention; and (2) the relative contribution of various urinary fractions ?e.g., ultrafiltered urine (UFU), Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP), urinary polyanions precipitated with cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), urinary macromolecular substances with different concentration ratios (UMS10,50,90 and UMS'10,50,90) and THP-free urine (THPFU)? to total urinary inhibitory activity. The results showed: (1) addition of G872 significantly enhances urinary inhibitory activity and negative zeta potential values; (2) re-addition of the CPC to UFU completely restores urinary inhibitory activity; and (3) artificial urines prepared by mixing UMS'10,50,90 from THPFU with UFU differed in inhibitory activity from that prepared by mixing UMS10,50,90 from a pooled normal urine with UFU. Based on these experimental results, the following speculations can be made: (1) normal human urines are considered to be a protective colloidal system; (2) urinary inhibitory activity originates mainly from CPC and/or UMS; (3) normal THP is a protective material to maintain urinary inhibitory activity; and (4) mutual interaction between urinary inhibitors may change the total urinary inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Most stones contain more than one type of crystals, and some combinations, such as calcium phosphate/calcium oxalate, are more common than others. Epitaxy between the crystals has been suggested to play a role in growth of such stones. The specific aim of this study is to investigate the involvement of calcium phosphate in crystallization of calcium oxalate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty calcium oxalate stones or stone fragments were examined using various microscopic techniques, including scanning, transmission and back-scattered electron microscopy. Similarly, calcium oxalate stones induced on a plastic foreign body implanted inside urinary bladders of laboratory rats were also investigated. Examination of the interface between calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate crystals was emphasized. RESULTS: Close association between crystals of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate were found in both the human and rat stones. All crystals examined were associated with an organic matrix on the surface and contained copious amounts of organic material within the crystalline entities. Interface between the crystals also appeared to be occupied by organic matrix. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this and other studies from our laboratory indicate that epitaxy between various crystals, even though theoretically possible, appears unlikely in vivo. The appearance of specific crystalline combinations in stones is probably a result of the urinary environment being conducive for crystallization of those components. Heterogeneous nucleation of calcium oxalate is most probably induced by biological elements, including membranous cellular degradation products.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of human kidney stones reveals the presence of cellular membranes and other cell fragments. Experimentally, calcium oxalate crystallization is facilitated when an exogenous nephrotoxin is given with ethylene glycol, thus providing cellular degradation products to act as heterogeneous nuclei. In this report, we tested whether oxalate alone could act as a cell toxin capable of producing damaged cells without the presence of an exogenous agent. Cultured LLC-PK1 and MDCK cells, when exposed to 1.0 mmol KOx, a concentration at the limit of metastability for calcium oxalate nucleation, were severely damaged as measured by specific lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release in the spent media and by trypan blue exclusion. This effect was magnified by the addition of pre-formed calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals; the injury was significantly amplified when compared to exposure to oxalate alone. Scanning electron microscopy studies illustrated attachment of crystals to cells with loss of cell-to-cell and cell-to-substrate contact, as cells were released from the monolayer. In both oxalate and combined crystal-oxalate studies, more cells were released from the monolayer and exhibited considerably more damage when compared to controls. Oxalate, at the limit of metastability for calcium oxalate, is a cell toxin and can produce cellular degradation products. This effect is increased significantly by the addition of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human calcium oxalate (CaOx) nephrolithiasis may occur if urine is supersaturated with respect to the solid-phase CaOx. In these patients, dietary oxalate is often restricted to reduce its absorption and subsequent excretion in an effort to lower supersaturation and to decrease stone formation. However, dietary oxalate also binds intestinal calcium which lowers calcium absorption and excretion. The effect of increasing dietary oxalate on urinary CaOx supersaturation is difficult to predict. METHODS: To determine the effect of dietary oxalate intake on urinary supersaturation with respect to CaOx and brushite (CaHPO4), we fed 36th and 37th generation genetic hypercalciuric rats a normal Ca diet (1.2% Ca) alone or with sodium oxalate added at 0.5%, 1.0%, or 2.0% for a total of 18 weeks. We measured urinary ion excretion and calculated supersaturation with respect to the CaOx and CaHPO4 solid phases and determined the type of stones formed. RESULTS: Increasing dietary oxalate from 0% to 2.0% significantly increased urinary oxalate and decreased urinary calcium excretion, the latter presumably due to increased dietary oxalate-binding intestinal calcium. Increasing dietary oxalate from 0% to 2.0% decreased CaOx supersaturation due to the decrease in urinary calcium offsetting the increase in urinary oxalate and the decreased CaHPO4 supersaturation. Each rat in each group formed stones. Scanning electron microscopy revealed discrete stones and not nephrocalcinosis. X-ray and electron diffraction and x-ray microanalysis revealed that the stones were composed of calcium and phosphate; there were no CaOx stones. CONCLUSION: Thus, increasing dietary oxalate led to a decrease in CaOx and CaHPO4 supersaturation and did not alter the universal stone formation found in these rats, nor the type of stones formed. These results suggest the necessity for human studies aimed at determining the role, if any, of limiting oxalate intake to prevent recurrence of CaOx nephrolithiasis.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that an oral glucose load increased both calciuria and oxaluria while the ingestion of fructose induced a rise in calciuria and a decrease in oxaluria. This latter effect remains unclear and might be linked to the reduced intestinal oxalate absorption subsequent to digestive intolerance in some subjects. Such a hypothesis could be enlightened by the study of a parenteral fructose load. Therefore in 7 healthy subjects, we compared the effects of fructose infusion (F) (15 min iv infusion at 0.185 mmol/kg BW/min) to a control glucose infusion (G) on urinary calcium and oxalate. In this study, glycemia and insulinemia increased less after (F) than after (G) (respectively + 21% vs + 216%, p < 0.001 and + 230% vs + 402%, p < 0.05) and phosphatemia decreased less after (F) than after (G) (-7% vs -14%, p < 0.05). Urinary calcium and oxalate increased only after (F) (respectively + 64%, p < 0.01 and + 60%, p < 0.05). Urinary uric acid, another urolithiasis factor, increased after both (F) and (G) (respectively + 45%; p < 0.01 and + 42%; p < 0.01) but uricemia increased only after (F) (+ 25%; p < 0.01). Our results suggest an additional reason to avoid the use of fructose in parenteral nutrition, particularly in individuals with a known history of either calcium oxalate or urate urolithiasis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A number of factors influence the development of renal calculi, the most essential of which is the supersaturation of urine with lithogenic substances. Calcium oxalate stones occur most frequently in adult and pediatric patients with urolithiasis. Therefore, we established normal age and sex related data for urinary calcium oxalate saturation in infancy and childhood to allow a more specific prediction of the risk of (recurrent) stone disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We collected 24-hour urine samples from 473 healthy infants and children without a history of renal stones. Urinary lithogenic and stone inhibitory substances were measured, and the urinary calcium oxalate saturation was calculated using a computer program. RESULTS: Mean urinary calcium oxalate saturation was always higher in boys than in girls, which was significant in infancy (5.22 versus 2.03, p < 0.05) and at ages 7 to 9 years (8.84 versus 5.47, p < 0.05). The saturation first increased (p < 0.05) until age 7 to 9 years in boys and girls, and remained at high levels at ages 10 to 12 years (7.03 versus 5.49, p < 0.05 compared to infancy). Calcium oxalate saturation then decreased until adolescence when values were comparable to those of infancy (5.29 versus 3.35). CONCLUSIONS: We recommend calculating urinary calcium oxalate saturation for diagnostic purposes as well as for therapy control. Normal age and sex related values must be considered.  相似文献   

The findings of serum diagnosis (urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid, calcium, phosphorus) in 247 patients with oxalate stone were divided according to sex, and the excretion of uric acid, calcium and phosphorus was estimated. Compared with the control group, the levels of serum uric acid and serum calcium were statistically significantly raised, the mean level not exceeding the normal range. The serum uric acid level was 25% above the normal range in men and 20% above in women, and in the upper range of normal in one third of each, men and women. The excretion of uric acid in women exceeds the normal level in 32% of cases and in 40% of the men, sometimes considerably. The connection between pathological uric acid levels in the serum and urine and the development of oxalate stone, as well as the therapeutic consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We define energy requirements for stone micro indentation as a quantifiable event equivalent to in vivo energy delivery and investigate the change in indentation characteristics with time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The 7 stones extracted from 7 patients were cut, embedded in resin and polished. Multiple micro indentations were performed on each stone section using a diamond Vickers micro indentor with a 500x light microscope and video system. The resulting indentations were observed by optical and scanning electron microscopy as a function of time. Organic matrix content was determined by dissolving stones in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution. RESULTS: The energy requirement for stone indentation varies among stones (median range 43.6 to 109.9 kg/mm2) and at different locations in the same stone. Indentations relaxed by 10 to 70% during the first 2 weeks after indentation. Stones with a high organic matrix content were ductile and the phenomenon of indentation relaxation was pronounced. Brittle, low matrix stones relaxed to a lesser extent. CONCLUSIONS: The relaxation phenomena may have a practical implementation when considering repeat shock wave lithotripsy. A significant fraction of the energy invested in a stone which did not cause fracture or critical cracks is lost within 1 to 2 weeks after the procedure, particularly in elastic stones with a high organic matrix content. We suggest that the preferred interval for repeat shock wave lithotripsy be less than 2 weeks.  相似文献   

NP Buchholz  DS Kim  PK Grover  RL Ryall 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,10(2):435-42; discussion 442-4
This study aimed to compare calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystallization in undiluted urine from healthy men and women with the object of clarifying the difference in stone incidence between the two sexes. Twenty-four hour urine specimens were collected from 37 men and 28 women. Urinary pH, and concentrations of Ca, oxalate and urate were measured, and indices of crystallization determined by Coulter Counter particle analysis following induction of CaOx crystallization by addition of oxalate. The amount of oxalate required to induce crystallization was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in females than in males, as was the overall particle volume deposited after 90 minutes incubation (p < 0.006). Scanning electron microscopy revealed larger individual crystals in female urine, and a greater degree of crystal aggregation in male urine, although the average overall size of the precipitated crystal particles did not differ between the two sexes. There were no significant differences between men and women with regard to median pH, or Ca and oxalate concentrations, but the median urate concentrations were slightly, but significantly, higher (p < 0.05) in the women's urines than in the men's. It was concluded that the greater risk of CaOx stones in men is related to an increased propensity to nucleate CaOx crystals per se, rather than to a tendency to form larger crystalline particles.  相似文献   

Y Kohjimoto  S Ebisuno  M Tamura  T Ohkawa 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,10(2):459-68; discussion 468-70
The present investigation was designed to study interactions between Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells and calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) crystals and to clarify the significance of these crystal-cell interactions in stone pathogenesis. MDCK cells cultured in the presence of COM crystals showed a time-dependent uptake of crystals; this was specific for COM crystals. In the dynamic model system designed to study these phenomena under more physiological conditions, COM crystals adhered to the cell surface and were subsequently internalized. In this endocytotic process, the microvilli of the cell appeared to play an important role. The observation by scanning electron microscopy of complexes consisting of aggregated COM crystals and cell debris led us to speculate that adhesion and endocytosis of crystals might provide the calculus nidus for aggregation and retention of crystals in the renal tubule. Furthermore, glycosaminoglycans and the macromolecular fraction of human urine were shown to have the ability to inhibit the cellular uptake of crystals. Evidence that similar processes may also occur in vivo was obtained using an experimental stone model in rats. Our experiments revealed that most of the COM crystals adhered to the tubular cells and some crystals were endocytosed by the cell. Thus, these crystal-cell interactions might be one of the earliest processes in the formation of kidney stones. Further elucidation of the mechanism and the regulatory factors involved in this process may provide new insight into stone pathogenesis.  相似文献   

A prospective study was conducted on 374 patients with urinary lithiasis, aiming to analyze the participation of oxalate in the lithogenesis and composition of the calcium oxalate calculi, alone or associated to other factors. METHODOLOGY: Metabolic urinary study of the patient and analysis of calculi with infrared spectrography and optical microscopy. RESULTS: 26.3% patients had hyperoxaluria and 77.5% of the calculi contain calcium oxalate; these are 167 cases of calcium oxalate, 110 of oxalate and calcium phosphate and 13 cases of mixed calcium oxalate and uric acid lithiasis. 43.4% patients with pure monohydrate calcium oxalate calculi have hypercalciuria, 22.6% hyperoxaluria and 19% hyperuricosuria. Dihydrated calcium oxalate calculi are related to high hypercalciuria in 65% cases and to significant hyperoxaluria in 35% cases. 45% patients present a single lithogenic factor, either hypercalciuria (49.6%), hyperoxaluria (20.6%), hyperuricosuria (13.74%), hypocitraturia (9%), urinary infection (1.5%), A.T.R. (2.25%) or acid oliguria (3%).  相似文献   

1. Intrathecal (i.t.) administration of nociceptin and high doses of morphine induced allodynia in response to innocuous tactile stimuli, and i.t. nociceptin evoked hyperalgesia in response to noxious thermal stimuli in conscious mice. Here we have characterized the nociceptin-induced allodynia and compared it with the morphine-induced allodynia and the nociceptin-evoked hyperalgesia. 2. Nociceptin-induced allodynia was evoked by the first stimulus 5 min after i.t. injection, reached a maximum at 10 min, and continued for a 50 min experimental period. Dose-dependency of the allodynia showed a bell-shaped pattern from 50 pg to 5 ng kg-1, and the maximum effect was observed at 2.5 ng kg-1. 3. Morphine-induced allodynia reached the maximum effect at 15 min and declined progressively until cessation by 40-50 min. The dose-response curve showed a bell-shaped pattern, similar to that induced by nociceptin, with a maximum effect at 0.5 mg kg-1, five orders of magnitude higher than that of nociceptin. 4. The allodynia evoked by nociceptin and morphine were dose-dependently blocked by glycine, D(-)-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (D-AP5, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist), gamma-D-glutamylaminomethyl sulphonic acid (GAMS, a non-NMDA receptor antagonist) and methylene blue (a soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor), but were not affected by muscimol (a gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor agonist) and baclofen (a GABAB receptor agonist). 5. Morphine did not inhibit forskolin-stimulated cyclicAMP formation in cultured cells expressing the nociceptin receptor. 6. Nociceptin-induced hyperalgesia was evoked 10-15 min after i.t. injection. Nociceptin produced a monophasic hyperalgesic action over a wide range of doses from 5 fg to 50 ng kg-1. The nociceptin-induced hyperalgesia was blocked by glycine only among the agents examined. 7. None of the pain responses evoked by nociceptin and morphine were blocked by naloxone. 8. These results demonstrate that, whereas the mechanisms of the nociceptin-induced allodynia and hyperalgesia are evidently distinct, they involve a common neurochemical event beginning with the disinhibition of the inhibitory glycinergic response. Morphine may induce allodynia through a pathway common to nociceptin, but the nociceptin receptor does not mediate the action of high doses of morphine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the circadian fluctuations in the risk of urinary calcium oxalate stone formation with regard to critical periods of crystallization. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over a given time period, the Tiselius index depends on urine volume and urinary excretion of oxalate, calcium, citrate and magnesium. This crystallization potential was evaluated during three successive periods spread over 24 h for 25 recurrent stone-formers aged 16-76 years (mean 50) and 25 control subjects aged 27-71 years (mean 44). RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the value of the Tiselius index for all equivalent time periods in both groups of patients. The minimum value was recorded in the afternoon and the circadian pattern of the index illustrated the predominant importance of urinary output in its determination. Morning urinary concentrations and excretions of citrate, and nocturnal levels of magnesium were significantly higher in the stone-formers when compared with the control subjects. CONCLUSION: The lithogenic risk for calcium oxalate stones was maximal at the end of the night or during the early morning, when urinary output was minimal. This circadian study revealed abnormalities that are not apparent from non-fractionated 24 h urine samples, and which were potentially relevant to therapy.  相似文献   

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